Desert Chapel News A monthly publication of Desert Chapel United Methodist Church - October 2014 Desert Chapel United Methodist Sunday, October 26th at 5:00 - 7:00 pm The youth group is sponsoring Trunk or Treat again this year and we need your help! We need as many people as possible to come and pass out candy from their vehicles – decorations and costumes are fun, but optional! Don’t have a car? We also need adults to staff the games, cook and serve the food, and generally fellowship and welcome all from the neighborhood who come to play. This event is an outreach into our neighborhood, and so donations of food (hot dogs, buns, chips, condiments, water and soda), and cash donations to help with the costs of prizes, bounce houses, etc., are greatly appreciated. Donations may be made on Sunday morning – if it is cash, please mark it “trunk or treat.” Please see the sign up sheet in the Lobby! Desert Chapel NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION POSTAGE PAID, PERMIT #24 United MethodistUS Women APACHE JUNCTION, AZ 85120 October 2014 Announcements Our local UMW group continues the goal of connecting members to each other and providing opportunities for spiritual growth. We will not have a Circle meeting in October. The first Circle meeting of the season will be held in November. The time and place will be listed in the November Newsletter. A Unit meeting will be held in Woeller Hall at 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, 23 October 2014. A program “Seeing the Power of Sisterhood” will be presented by Lyle Siebrecht. All women are invited to visit our gatherings and join the group if you like what we do. The United Methodist Women appreciate the support of the worshipping church family at our events; everything we make goes for our mission projects - locally and around the world. We promise suitable refreshments mixed with an educational program and discussions of Missions. All will be presented with a great deal of fellowship. Upper Room Are available in the Narthex. $1.00/each Worship Schedule OCTOBER 8:45 am Hymn Sing 9:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Fellowship Time 10:30 am Sunday School-All Ages PEW PROWLER ALERT!! The church is looking for a volunteer who would be willing to pew prowl the pews any day MondayThursday, between the hours of 8:00-3:00. It will take about a hour of your time. If your are willing to help, please contact the church at 480-982-2259 Please submit November Newsletter information via email, or bring into the church office by Thursday, October 23rd. E-devotionals & Announcements eDevotionals – did you know that you can receive a daily devotional from Desert Chapel? With a scripture, a prayer and more – plus timely announcements, it’s a great way to stay in touch with what’s happening at church! Simply put your email address on the sign in sheet on Sunday and write “eDevotional” and you will be signed up. Are you currently out of town? Email the church at [email protected] and we’ll sign you up! Desert Chapel News Together Tuesdays from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Each Tuesday we gather in the choir room at 6:30 pm for a time of fellowship and Bible study. We study the scriptures for the coming Sunday, and enjoy time with one another. EVERYONE IS WELCOME – this is an excellent time to bring a friend to introduce them to the faith! For more info, please contact Pastor Sharon at 982-2259. is an official publication of Desert Chapel United Methodist Church 462 N. Palo Verde Drive Apache Junction, AZ 85120-5611 Rev. Sharon Pajak, Pastor Cynthia Norris, Administrative Asst. Jim Rogers, Custodian Alice Wagaman, Hand Bell Director Lila Deidiker, Accompanist Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday Telephone: 480-982-2259 FAX: 480-288-4242 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Greeters: Marilyn Smith Steve Smith Marie Spencer Ushers: Don Carlson Keith Cox Dwight Detlefsen Jim E. Edwards Marilyn Schulz Steve Smith Communion Servers: Mariann Gray Mike Gray Bev Hren Angela Kimler Dakota Pruett Donna Sawyer If you would like to be a greeter, or communion server, or usher, please call Jim Edwards at 480-288-5903. If you are interested and would like to be liturgist or give the children sermon please sign up in the lobby. Your help is greatly needed and appreciated. Thank You! Birthday & Anniversary List OCTOBER October 2 Penny Austin October 4 Krysten Brewer October 5 Charlene Hays October 5 Katelynn Miller October 8 Madyson Dynne October 11 Steve Pagel October 13 Clarence Ruckdashel October 13 Leon Hockett October 16 Norm Ross October 20 Lila Deidiker October 20 Connie Wegeng October 22 Elizabeth Pajak October 25 Bob Lynn October 26 Jacqueline Phillips October 27 Orlene Remaly October 28 Zeke Damrell October 29 Andrew Detlefsen October 29 Angel Detlefsen October 29 Madison Biggs October 30 Mildred Groom October 31 Caleb Crist October 2 John & Linda Molnar October 10 Charles & Beverly Ruckdashel October 18 William & Sandy Heath October 23 Rod & Marjorie York October 28 Howard & Ruth Wells If your name was not listed on the Birthday/Anniversary list (or you know someone who should be), please call the church office with the information. We truly do not mean to leave anyone out. Thank You! Prayer Chain Are you in need of prayer? Do you have something hanging on your heart and want to know that your brothers and sisters in Christ are lifting you up? Are you concerned about a loved one and want some company in caring for them? James 5:13-15 says, “Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven.” Prayer requests may be emailed to: [email protected], or to [email protected] or you may call the office at 480-982-2259 to be forwarded to the prayer chain. We have two regular monthly gatherings: On the first Saturday of every month we gather at 9:30 am at Mickey D's Restaurant on the trail where Bob Olson is our leader. Woman's Gathering will resume in November 15th at the home of Kathy Bausch. Women who have not taken their walk to Emmaus, but are interested are welcome. Questions? Call Kathy Bausch’s cell phone at 928892-2144. Every Saturday in Woeller Hall 3 to 5 PM Everyone Welcome! Church Goers, Visitors and Community. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord Timothy Dwight Timothy Dwight was the grandson of Jonathan Edwards, the well-known Calvinist preacher. He was considered a precocious child as he learned the alphabet in one lesson, began reading the Bible at age four, learned Latin in grammar school and entered Yale College at age 13, graduating at age 17. He was to become a farmer, preacher, student and representative in the state legislature. In order to supplement his low-paying salary as a pastor, he opened a private academy. The academy became successful and this led to his being elected as the President of Yale College in 1795. The last two decades of the 1700's were a "low-water mark" for morality, especially on college campuses. Many students were considered atheists. According to Robert Morgan, the Rationalist movement seemed to turn most professors and their students into infidels. College churches were almost extinct and any Christian students went underground; they had to meet in secret and keep their minutes in code. It was during this period, that Timothy Dwight became the President of Yale College. He began debating upper classmen and gave challenging sermons in the college chapel. Gradually, some students began considering Christianity and after seven years of "preaching, teaching and praying", Dwight became aware of a religious revival which led to at least one third of the student body becoming believers. This spiritual awakening spread to other colleges and led to a new generation of spiritual leadership. His hymn, "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord" reflects this spirit of revival. Carlton feels that "The author extends a portion of Psalm 137, the poignant song of the exiled Jews, beginning 'How could we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?' (Psalm 137:4) into a Christian hymn that extols the virtues of the church." I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord, the house of Thy abode, The Church our blest Redeemer saved, With His own precious blood. The information for this review came from the Companion to the United Methodist Hymnal by Carlton R. Young, Then Sings My Soul, Book 2 by Robert J. Morgan,, and the History of Hymns, "I love Thy Kingdom, Lord" by C. Michael Hawn, professor of sacred music at Perkins School of Theology. Submitted by Eleanor Edwards Apache Junction Health Center WE NEED YOU!!! Every second Sunday of each month and on the fifth Sunday (4 times per year) a group of volunteers go to Apache Junction Health Center and lead worship for the residents. Lead by Bob Olson, most volunteers simply sing, help find pages and visit with the residents. If your interested in helping on you may sign up in the Lobby or contact Bob Olson at 480-986-9822. Bible and Bread Mid-Week Bible Study Come join us at Mickey D’s Café (2 blocks east of Ironwood on the north side of the street – NOT McDonald’s!), we gather at 11:00 on Thursdays for lively conversation on the book of Revelations. Facilitated by Pastor Sharon – every one is on their own nickel! Pastor’s bible study will resume on Wednesday’s beginning October 1st at 10:00 am in room 1 with Pastor Sharon. We are studying the book of Acts from the New Testament. All are welcome to join us for this informal sharing of insight inspiration and understanding. Hope to see you there! Come and Join Us! d W e Nee per! Toilet Pa We Badly For years we have saved the front labels of Campbell products. It has been changed and we re now collecting the bar codes. Also, new products have been added. V8 juices we save the caps. A list will be posted in the lobby. The latest products added are BIC and Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn. Thank you for your support! Thank you for your continuing support to the Clothing Closet and we have been truly blessed with your donation. Arizona climates are especially a hard time for our people in need. Washcloths, towels, soap, deodorants (roll on), shampoo, conditioner, lotion, lip balm, razors, toilet paper, depends (size large and x-large), sanitary napkins, laundry soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste and wipes. (Your generosity is much appreciated) Volunteers are always needed on Saturday’s from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Join us for Community Feast and let’s show our community how Desert Chapel serves Apache Junction. We will accept donations during that time, or at the office Monday-Thursday between the hours of 8:00am—3:00pm. Please do not leave clothing, furniture or any other items on the Church premises. We would like to keep our Church grounds clean and free of clutter. Thank You! The Gift of Giving A couple of weeks ago, some of the youth in our congregation came to me and said, “we want to make friendship bracelets and take them to the children who are in the hospital.” I said okay (of course!) and you can read about the results in another article in this newsletter! (It’s called “Jared Boxes”) But I was impressed that these young members of our congregation (and most of them are full members) wanted to do something for someone who is hurting. They have come to the conclusion that it’s not all about them, and that to love God means to love others as well, and loving others means giving. I wonder how many of us have lost our way through the months and years of economic chaos, recession, and uncertainty? How many of us have worried so much about taking care of ourselves and our loved ones that we have forgotten how to give to others in need? When I was first out of seminary, the church I was appointed to was in a financial crisis – the 1987 stock market crash had cost some major donors everything, and the church’s building loan went into foreclosure. As the leadership struggled to find a way to pay the debt and get back on even footing, the senior pastor made a comment that has stuck with me for 24 years: he said, “people will stop getting their hair cut before they stop giving to the church.” Is that true? Do we place our commitment to the Lord and to the body of Christ above things like haircuts, manicures, the newest phones (iPhone 6, anyone?), new flat screen TVs and the satellite service to bring 800 channels, new cars, new homes, etc.? Is our commitment to the Lord and to the body of Christ more important than the things our culture tells us are important? As I reread the scriptures around giving for the upcoming season of Stewardship, I am reminded that the reason we give is not to pay the bills, not to keep the doors open, and not even to feel good. The reason we give is, simply, God gave us everything, and we show our faith in God by giving back 10% of our income, trusting that God will make sure we have what we need. When I was in college, I went to Sunday School with a classmate. The leader for the day told the story of her young adult son who had a job and was living on his own for the very first time. This son was having a heck of a time making ends meet, and kept calling his parents for help. His mother asked how much he was giving to church, and he said, “I can’t afford to give to church.” She challenged him to give 10% of his income right off the top (and she promised to help with the rest if he came up short). A month later, her son said, “You were right! I gave 10%, and I learned that I had enough to make it on my own.” In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul wrote, “ 6Remember that the person who plants few seeds will have a small crop; the one who plants many seeds will have a large crop. 7You should each give, then, as you have decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly. 8And God is able to give you more than you need, so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause. 9As the scripture says, "He gives generously to the needy; his kindness lasts forever." 10And God, who supplies seed for the sower and bread to eat, will also supply you with all the seed you need and will make it grow and produce a rich harvest from your generosity. 11He will always make you rich enough to be generous at all times, so that many will thank God for your gifts which they receive from us. 12For this service you perform not only meets the needs of God's people, but also produces an outpouring of gratitude to God.” (Good News Translation) As our youth have performed a service of generosity and compassion to the children in the hospital, and by doing so have produced an outpouring of gratitude to God – both in the children and their families and in the youth themselves – let us follow their example and give generously as we work together to meet the needs of God’s people and produce an outpouring of gratitude to God. See you in church! In Loving Memory Swindler, Alvina C. Alvina C. Swindler passed away on Aug. 26, 2014. She was born in Arlington, SD on December 18, 1914. She was raised and went to high school in Mott, ND and married Wilmer Swindler of Mott, ND December 11, 1935. She was a homemaker, active in her church and choir, loved to play card games, do crossword puzzles every day and argue politics. They lived in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington before moving to Newcastle, WY and Gillette, WY. In Gillette they opened the first 25 cent car wash and also the How-De-Do drive-in and the How-De -Do trailer park in the late 50′s. After they left Gillette, they made their home in Apache Junction, AZ. She had a very full and healthy life until her death. She loved her family visits, and especially the annual family reunions in Apache Junction. She is preceded in death by husband Wilmer, son Jerry, two brothers, Sigurd and Walter Overgaard and 6 sisters: Jennie Swanston, Elizabeth Eckelberg, Esther Overgaard, Edna Schrimpf, Eleanor Reineke, and Elsie Jacobson. She was the last of her siblings and was looking forward to her 100th birthday celebration in December. The family will hold a “Celebration of Life” on December 21st which was the day planned for her “100th birthday celebration” at the Desert Chapel United Methodist Church. She is survived by her son, Dean Swindler of Show Low, daughter JoAnn Austin of Spokane, WA; 5 adoring grandchildren: Douglas Misner, Kristin Galecki, Michael Swindler, Tonya Carty and Tina Edenfield; 11 great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. Her family and friends will forever miss her presence in their lives. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Desert Chapel United Methodist Church, 462 Paolo Verde Dr., Apache Junction, AZ 85120. DESERT CHAPEL’S UMC CHARGERS PANCAKE BREAKFAST Well, here is the season for Chargers meetings and pancake breakfasts. Our first Chargers meeting will be on Sunday, November 9th, at 4 pm in Fellowship Hall. We will enjoy a dish of chili and discuss our plans for the 2014-2015 season. We would love to have you join us as we are a fun-loving, work-loving group of people trying to raise money to help with the budget of the church. Members are asked to bring their own chili to add to the pot. Won't you join us on that afternoon? Our first pancake breakfast is on Saturday, the 15th of November, from 7 to 9 am. All the pancakes you can eat, plus two eggs, two sausages, applesauce and juice or coffee - all for $3.50. We need to have more of a representation from our church congregation - we do have quite a few from other churches and parks but need your support. See you there!! Saturday November 15, 2014 7 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Desert Chapel UMC 462 N. Palo Verde Dr Apache Junction, AZ All you can eat pancakes” served with eggs, sausage, applesauce, coffee or juice. Cost: $3.50 per person COME JOIN US AND BRING A FRIEND! Church Conference has been scheduled for Saturday, November 22 at 10:30 a.m. at Red Mountain United Methodist Church, 2936 N. Power Rd., Mesa, AZ All reports are due in the office by Thursday, October 30, 2014. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY AN ARK? (NOT BUILD ONE!) The Mission Committee has decided to make this a yearlong special project for 2015. For $5000.00 we can purchase a Gift Ark through Heifer International and become an "Ark Angel". We realize this is a large amount of money, but it would benefit families worldwide who are poor and hungry. Every gift will multiply for years to come. Very soon we will have a large poster displayed in the lobby showing our progress as small and large donations appear. Our committee has faith that because of the generosity of our congregation, we can make this happen. This project is, of course, in addition to the others we already support. Please give this some thought and prayer and decide if you want to have a part in helping families to help themselves. We have recently received many requests for assistance, many more than we can meet with our current cash flow, always at it's lowest in September. As we discussed these needs in Church Council, we realized that many folks may not know about our "Pastor's Discretionary Fund." This is the fund we use to help people with things like electric bills, gasoline, rent, and more. It is only funded when someone makes a donation (as donations were made in memory of Pat Edwards last winter). It is not a part of the general fund, and help can only be given when there is money in the account. If you would like to make a one time donation, or even a small monthly donation over and above your regular giving, we can bless even more people in need. Simply place your donation in the offering plate, and mark it "Discretionary Fund." Taking Jared Boxes to the Hospital By Sammi Ewing The youth group have made Jared Boxes to take to the Cardon Children’s Medical Center. Jared boxes are boxes of activities used to lift up the spirits of chronically ill children. The Jared Box project started in 2001 by the children at Our Lady of Victory School in state College, PA to honor their classmate, Jared. He was a brave little boy who lost his battle to cancer with courage faith that continues to inspire us all. We came up with the idea to create these boxes while talking about going to the children’s hospital. The Jared box contains activities for the kids to have and play with and draw on. We came up with the idea to do this when we were talking to Marie and Pastor about going to the children’s hospital and visit the kids and play games with them, so Pastor gave us the idea on creating these boxes. Inside the boxes are coloring books, markers, crayons, puzzles, a bottle of bubbles, bouncy balls, and notepads to pass note to each other.
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