Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank) Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm. Ph: 3345 3766 Fax: 3344 3343, Mass Times: 3345 1831 Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109. Web: www.olol.com.au Email: [email protected] Deanery website: http://www.parishes.bne.catholic.net.au/south/ Tuesday 28th October Sts Simon and Jude 8.15 am Morning Prayer - S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 9-11 am Bible Study - Media Rm Sunnybank 6:30 pm Rosary - Acacia Ridge 7.00 pm Silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - S/bank Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank; Administrator: Acacia Ridge) Fr Noyichan Mamoottil MCBS (Associate Pastor) Fr Peter Kavumpuram MST (part time Associate Pastor, part time chaplain to Syro-Malabar Community). 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A 26th October 2014 This week’s diary Monday 27th October 8:15 am Morning Prayer - S/bank 8:30 am Mass - Sunnybank 6:30 pm Rosary - Acacia Ridge Priests (After Hours Emergency Only: 3345 3498) Dear Parishioners Next weekend we begin November. During November we remember our loved ones and friends who have died. We have our Memorial Book on the tables at the back of the Church where we can enter the names of those we remember who have died. There are also November envelopes available on the table to have the Mass said for those who have died. On Saturday, November 8th at 11 am we will celebrate our Memorial Mass particularly for those who have died over the last 12 months. Please contact the Wednesday 29th October Parish office (3345 3766) with the name and detail of anyone you like to be 8.15 am Morning Prayer - Sunnybank remembered during this Mass. Our welcoming committee has organised a 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank morning tea after Mass. 9:00 am Rosary - Sunnybank (3rd week of month offered for world priests) 6:30 pm Rosary - Acacia Ridge Next Saturday, November 1st is All Saints Day. In the past All Saints was a holy Thursday 8.30 am 8.45 am 9.00 am 6:30 pm 7.30 pm Friday 8:15 am 8.30 am 9.30 am 9.45 am 6:30 pm 30th October Mass - Acacia Ridge Morning Prayer - Sunnybank Mass - Sunnybank Rosary - Acacia Ridge Meditation Media Rm Sunnybank day of obligation but it is still remembered as a special day in our tradition. We will celebrate morning Mass at 9 am in both our churches next Saturday morning. At all the Sunday Masses next weekend we will celebrate Mass for All the Faithful (All Souls Day). Some of our Parish Pastoral Councillors have completed their term on the Pastoral Council. We are looking for interested Parishioners who could be good 31st October Morning Prayer - Sunnybank Councillors. The process is that you need to nominate someone you know who you Mass - Sunnybank think would be a good Pastoral Council (no self nomination). There are forms on Benediction - Sunnybank the tables at the back of the Church on which you can nominate someone to be a Legion of Mary - Media Rm Rosary followed by Mass member of the Pastoral Council. Please give some serious thought. Acacia Ridge Saturday 1st November All Saints Day 9.00 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Mass - Acacia Ridge 10.30 am Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help & Benediction - S/bank 11.00 am Reconciliation - Sunnybank 2.30-5 pm Catholic Charismatic Prayer (Our Lady of Guadalupe) in Spanish Media room - Sunnybank 5.00 pm Reconciliation 6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank Sunday 2nd November All Souls Day 6.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 8.00 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Mass - Acacia Ridge 9.15 am Mass - Sunnybank 10.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 11.30 am Mass - (Spanish) - A/Ridge 6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank: Youth There is no Men’s Breakfast in November, December or January. This is normally held on the first Saturday of the month but in November there is an end of the year function being held. Just a reminder that everyone in our Parishes who has any interaction with children or vulnerable adults is expected to attend the Child Safety Course. The next course is being held on Saturday November 29th at 9:15 am to 12:15 pm. Please contact the Parish office if you are attending. My congratulations to the new committee for our Friendship Group. Maureen Combey is our continuing president, Dawn Angus is the Vice President and Bus Coordinator, Theresa Skubis is the Treasurer and Frances McKenzie is the Secretary and Kay Dunn is the Welcoming Coordinator. Elizabeth Boase is the Kitchen Coordinator and she is assisted by Danuta Kleczaj, Pauline McMah and Kerry Distel. Elizabeth Perkins assists the Bus Coordinator and Treasurer. The Raffle Coordinator is Haji Kelly assisted by Mary Woodford. Have a good week everyone. Fr Dan. Next Sunday: All Souls’ Day: Isaiah 25: 6-9; Romans 5: 5-11; Mark 15:33-39.16:1-6. Reflections on the Readings for 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Introduction Today, we recall that to love God with all our being and energy means to put on the mind and heart of God. This means it is with this mind and heart that we treat others, particularly those who may be hostile to us. First Reading: Exodus 22:22-26 Moses receives from the Lord God the depth of God‟s special preference for the disadvantaged (such as orphans and widows) and that this should be the attitude of his people. Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5a-10 Paul describes how this community has turned away from idols and set their hearts on the living God revealed in Jesus. Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 Loving God with all our heart and one‟s neighbour as oneself is the essence of walking the way of God with Jesus. Changes to Mass Schedule at the Cathedral of St Stephen on the G20 Weekend Friday 14th, Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th November There will be major disruptions in the CBD during the weekend of the G20, which have necessitated changes to the Mass and Reconciliation schedule at the Cathedral. Friday 14 and Saturday 15 - there will be NO Masses or Reconciliation Sunday 16 - 8 am and 10 am Mass as scheduled. There will be NO 12 noon or 7.30 pm Mass St Patrick’s - Sunday Mass as scheduled: 9 am and 12noon. Parishioners who do not live in the CBD are encouraged to attend Mass at their local Parish that weekend. The next Sharing Recovery Information Forum held for families, friends and carers supporting a person with a lived experience of mental illness will provide easy to understand information and a roadmap for supporting mental health recovery. It includes guest speakers, take home information, strategies, ideas and a chance to ask questions. The session will be held at Kyabra Community Association, Runcorn, from 10.00 – 1.30 on Wednesday 12th November 2014. A light lunch will be provided. For further information or to book a place at the free forum, please contact one of the Kyabra Recovery Connections team on 3373 9499 or at [email protected]. See the flyer on the notice board. Lourdes Hill College Past Pupils Association Memorial Mass. All family and friends of past students are invited to attend Venue: Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel ~ Lourdes Hill College Date: Saturday 1st November „14 Time: 10am (Morning tea to follow meeting) Loreto Lotz 0412769708 Marilyn Loth 0422854737 All Hallows Past Pupils Association extends an invitation to the Annual Mass for deceased past pupils and staff, held in Chapel at 10.30 am, Saturday 1st November 2014, followed by morning tea in Loreto Hall. $15 per head. Registration and payment can be made by visiting the AHS website www.ahs.qld.edu.au<http//www.ahs.qld.edu.au under EVENTS. Information: Lenore Thompson 3831 5632 SUNNYBANK SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMUNITY: STRIVING FOR THE BEST IN OUR SPORTING NATION The Australian Catholic Bishops‟ Social Justice Statement for 2014-15 challenges us to look at the place of sport in our lives. Where are its strengths and how can we ensure that sport can thrive and, in return, can nourish our society? How can we work to realise sport‟s potential to unite communities, overcome differences and to be a force for social justice and reconciliation? Pope Francis has stressed the importance of sport in our lives. „Engaging in sports rouses us to go beyond ourselves and our own interests in a healthy way; it trains the spirit in sacrifice and, if it is organised well, it fosters loyalty in interpersonal relations and respect for rules.‟ Copies of the Bishops‟ statement are available at the church or at: www.socialjustice.catholic.org.au The next meeting of the social justice group will be discussing the statement. Please see the notice boards for an advertisement for housekeeping positions at Wynberg. The notice outlines the duties and responsibilities and gives the contact information. St Vincent de Paul Society, Sunnybank, urgently requires new members to assist with our visitations to help the less fortunate in our community. Visits are made every weekday after 3 pm approximately. If you can assist any day, please come to our next meeting at 6.45 pm, Monday 3rd November at the Parish Office. OUR PARISH AND LOCAL NEWS Your Prayers Are Asked For: the recently deceased: Emelita Borromeo, Ricardo De La Cruz, Sarina De Rous, Susan Young. those with anniversaries & others who have died: Eva May Birchley, Gabriel Coorey, Domenico Davoli, Elizabeth Goddard, Roy De Souza, Margaret Mary Hayes, Patrick Kenny, Le Lam, Josip Matesa, Janice McCaba, Dang Xuan Mai, Maria Trinh Phi Nga, Ruben Salonga, Le Thang. those who are unwell: Kath Adams, Myriam Adolphie, Nita Anthony, Eva Baker, Maria Baptiste, Diego Barake, Elizabeth Boase, Barry Bobart, Janie Booth, Noel Brady, Andrew Callan, Margaret Campell, Jeremy Carroll, Betty Catchlove, Anthea Chase-Currier, Clarisa Chase-Currier, Jaclyn Cho, Robyn Clark, Anthony Co, Hilary Collins, Noel Combey, Mag Complex, Eva Cruz, Lowell Cruz, Angeles Denoyo, Mary Dixon, Ljerka Doslovic, Maureen Eastgate, Ena, Catherine‟s family, Nerio Felixberto, Tony Fiore, Bernard Fellowes, Flavia, Yvonne Fletcher, Jan Fooks, Lorraine Garrigan, Ivan Golik, Mary and George Goode, Margaret Goves, Caitlin Hackett, Hall family, Les Haydon, Paul Hennessy, Pam Henry, Geoff Ives, Anne Jensen, Karen Jensen, Marilyn Jones, Blanche Keil, Baby Luka Kello, Lola Kelly, Graham Kelly, Pat Knight, Istvan Kovacs, Piroska Kovacs, Daphane Maccampley, Milagros Mallari, Margaret, Pat Marot, Anton Martil, Bridget Martysen, Mika Matesa, Danica Maydanski, Vince McCahon, Melissa, Milo‟s family, Catherine Miller, Zeljko Miocevic, Ivan and Manda Miocevic, Julie-Ann Mortinovic, Natalie, Jim Neehouse, Laurence O‟Donnell, Pat O‟Leary, Desmond O‟Reilly, Wendy Palmer, Ivan Perkovic, Stephanie Perkovic, Peter, Teddy Phillips, Mijo Prevolsek, Jan Powell, Vivian Pin, Pero Prgomet, Jenny Reed, Suzi Reis, Tricia Ryan, Lisa Russell, Sarina, Rose Say, Sharni, Vera Silva, Julanne Slater, Sullivan family, Maria Surdo, Terube Maen Tebitara, Shirley and Martin Tyquin, Bill Van der Zant, Jessica Vasen, Marie Vlieg, Emma Weatherley. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE The annual Mass of Remembrance for those who have family who have passed away in the past year will be held in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, on Saturday 8th November at 11:00am. A morning tea will follow the Mass on the side verandah of the church. A family member will be invited to carry a rose to the altar during the Mass. This rose will be provided by the Parish. The name of your loved one will also be included in a special Litany. Please contact the Caring Coordinator at the Parish Office on or before 31 October if you wish to participate because roses need to be ordered for the Mass. Weekend Altar Servers Training Any parents who would like their children (grade 4 and up) to be altar servers at the weekend Masses are invited to bring their children to a training session to be held in Our Lady of Lourdes Church after the 10.30 am Mass on Sunday 2nd November. The session will last approximately one hour. You are invited to a talk by Regina O‟Shaughnessy who will share the blessings of her Healing Experiences and her ministry of Rosary bead-making on Saturday 8th November at 11.15 am (after the Novena) in the Media Room. Contact Patrick and Celine on 3272 4254. Anyone who attended the training course, Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults, last Wednesday, October 15th, is invited to call at the Parish Office and pick up the Certificate of Participation. Sacramental Program 2015 Families who have children in Year 3 and upwards next year are invited to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Please access the Parish website on olol.com.au and visit the “Sacramental Program” under the heading “Sacraments”. The program will begin with an interview with Sr Stella. You will need to phone the Parish Office on 3345 3766 to arrange your interview. Interviews start at the beginning of November. Phone soon to ensure that you get the time which suits you best. The Fundraising Committee of Canossa Services issues a warm invitation to anyone who would like to attend their Christmas Fundraiser at the Abruzzo Club, Carina, renowned for its wonderful Italian food. See the menu on the flyer on the notice board. RSVP by 2nd November to Carol Micale 0438 737 883, or email [email protected]. Catholic Kids Club SAINTS PARTY Remaining Aria Angels Dates for Term 4 Wednesdays: October 22, 29; November 5, 12, 19, 26. Time: 9am for 9.30am start - 11am in Media Room. Cost $5.00 For further information contact Anne Scott 0419 642 490 Activities Room - Paloma Centre 3-5pm (4 - 11yrs) Singles & Solos Lunch This is a group for single and solo people of middle age. Our next gathering is Sunday 2nd November, at Runcorn Tavern, 124 Gowan Road, Runcorn. Ask for Mary H.‟s table. Please note that lunch service starts at 11.30 am. At meetings children learn about their faith in a fun way through activities, crafts, games and stories. It‟s a great way to develop children‟s love for God and interest in the Catholic Church in a way they can relate to. For more info call Kristen on 3345 3766 (Come dressed as your favorite saint ) Saturday 8th November PARISH STAFF & CONTACTS Pastoral Associate Stella Noskoff rsj [email protected] Parish Office Staff Karrin Halliday Parish Manager [email protected] Gabby Nelson (Assistant) Kristen Roe (Assistant) Tam Nguyen (Accounts) [email protected] Caring Co-ordinator Carol Micale [email protected] Unite Youth/Young Adults Co-ordinators Steven & Eloise Bird 0403 182 617 [email protected] Centacare - Sunnybank Aged Care Community Program ManagerJennifer Vanarey 3216 9554 Paloma Reception Centre 3345 6666 www.palomacentre.com.au OLOL School, Sunnybank Principal - Mark Badke 3345 0700 OLOL OSHC Co-ordinator - Sarubh Malviya 3344 3064 [email protected] OLOF School, Acacia Ridge Principal - Warren Fields 3275 1152 St Stephen’s School, Algester Principal - Steve Taylor 3711 4911 St Stephen's OSHC Co-ordinator - Victoria Hickling 3711 9291 [email protected] St Thomas More College, Sunnybank Principal - Peter Elmore 3323 4600 Soubirous Place Coordinator Sr Brigid Courtney rsm 3344 3481 Sunnybank Parish Groundsman Bob Davis Housekeepers: Therese Prygiel Louise Weston Latino American Chaplaincy Fr Martin Ignacio Gutierriez (Chaplain) 0481 118 521 Marina Castellanos (Secretary) 0481 168 748 office@hispanoamericancommunity. com.au Office: Tuesday & Wednesday 9.15am - 3.00pm 3277 6367 Breaking open the Mass continued... After the Holy, Holy, Holy we kneel down – remember what we do outwardly with our bodies is an indicator of what should be happening inwardly. As we kneel down the Eucharist prayer starts, the priest ‘calls down’ the Holy Spirit with a sweeping-down motion with His hands over the gifts on the altar. Over the next few minutes the bread and wine is transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ! God is made fully present upon the altar for YOU!! This transformation is called transubstantiation – which means that although it still looks like bread and wine and tastes like bread and wine it is not... the substance has been changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus! Listen to the words of the consecration, pray them with the priest! Youth and Young Adult Ministry BBQ tonight A sausage is just a donation, anything from 5c to $100 =) and just $1.00 for a drink! At the end of the Eucharist Prayer we pray End of Year CAMP! “Through Him, and with Him, and in Him, Registration closes on Friday Oh God, Almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, the 31st of October!!! All glory and honour is yours forever and ever.” All those in grade 6-11 are At this moment all our eyes, hearts and souls are called into the liturgical invited to join us on the end movement of the elevation of the Body and Blood of Jesus – THIS IS OUR SAVIOUR!!! This is the God of the universe coming down so that we can of year camp! 28th November-30th November In Toowoomba. Cost: $140 Cost includes all transport, accommodation, food and activities. Please contact Steven and Eloise for more details. consume Him and in turn be consumed by Him. The Amen that we sing after this prayer is an affirmation of our belief in and for Jesus who is now truly present in our midst. It is a powerful moment, allow it to transform you! Stay tuned for more next week! FAITH on TAP Monday 10th November The Pineapple Hotel: 706 Main Street, Kangaroo Point. Talk starts at 7:30pm Speaker: Dr Ryan Messmore Topic: Pop Culture and Social Media: Entertaining ourselves or Numb. This talk is for anyone who uses technology or social media!! This is an over 18‟s event! Prayer Vigil—praying for the Youth and Young Adult Ministry at our Parish Friday 7th November 7pm until Saturday the 8th of November at 7am. Please join us as we seek God’s will for the youth and young adult ministry at our parish. Please Sign up for half an hour or more at the back of the church. EVERYONE is welcome and needed! For all in grade 6-11 NOTE for those on the roster!! The end of the year is fast approaching!!!! If you are on the ministry roster and will be away over December-February please let us know so that we can adjust the roster as needed. THANK YOU =) MUSICIANS & SINGERS FOR THE YMM Sunday 2nd November MUSICIANS: M. Kearney, E. Dulay, M. Primacio, S. Gomez SINGERS: L. Dulay, S. Luate-Wani, D. Luate-Wani, L. Sharrock READERS: R. Madassery, T. Koorbanally, W. Madassery OFFERTORY: M. Guerra, C. Lambert ALTAR SERVERS: G. King, J. Randle SPECIAL MINISTERS: S. Rodriguez, M. Rodriguez, A. Barnett, J. Frassetto, K. Lee, K. Koorbanally, E. Guerra BBQ: A. Guerra, A. Matthews Piety Store: N. Lee, C. Micale
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