Saint Bede The Venerable 8200 South Kostner Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60652 Parish Staff Pastor Assoc. Pastor Resident Assoc. Parish Deacon Parish Deacon Fr. Esequiel Sanchez Fr. Robert Krueger Fr. Robert Behnke Deacon Pablo Perez Deacon Ramiro Serna Yo te amo, Señor, Tu eres mi fortaleza Señor, mi roca, mi alcázar, mi libertador. Salmo 18:2-3 School Staff Principal Assistant Principal Admin. Assistant Mrs. Kelly Johnson Mrs. Michelle Edwards Mrs. Nancy Goc Religious Education Staff Religious Education Coordinator Mrs. Marisol Ferrer Religious Ed. Asst. Mrs. Marilu Gonzales Director of Development Pastoral Staff Youth Ministry Music Ministry Mr. Guillermo Tejeda Ms. Teresa Scalise Mr. Benny Rios St. Vincent de Paul Bereavement Ministry Mr. Tom Donegan Mrs. Winnie Donegan Rectory Office Staff Business Manager Bulletin Editor/Secretary Parish Secretary Bilingual Secretary Mrs. Sheila Bauschelt Mrs. Marianne Cook Mrs. Kathy Hood Mrs. Faviola Anaya Parish Directory Rectory Office Rectory Fax 773-884-2000 773-582-0026 Religious Ed. Office 773-884-2037/38 (Located in school building) (Localizado en el edifício del escuela) School Office School Fax 773-884-2020 773-582-3366 Visit us on our Parish Website: °30 Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario 26 de Octubre, 2014 Dear Parish Family, Querida Familia Parroquial, It’s been a busy year for Pope Francis with regard to his predecessor popes. Last Sunday, he presided over the beatification of Pope Paul VI, the “Great Helmsman” of the Second Vatican Council, as the Pope called him during his homily. With the canonizations of St. John Paul II (whose feast we celebrated for the first time on Wednesday of this last week) and St. John XXIII last April, the Church has now affirmed that every pope since the late 1950s has been a striking example of personal holiness and a model for living the Christian life. Not since the earliest days of the Church have we had such a “golden age” of the papacy. And it wouldn’t take a Church expert to notice that both in Pope emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis himself, we have two more amazing examples. We are truly blessed. One of the things I find particularly inspiring is the way Pope Francis has borrowed from each of these amazing popes in order to shape his own pastoral style. Bl. Paul VI, often maligned and misunderstood by the media even in his own day, upon closer examination demonstrates himself to be a strikingly simple man with a missionary heart (a focus that has won hearts back to the Church in Pope Francis’ style as well). Few remember the Papal Tiara that was used to crown popes after their formal election from the time of the 8th century on. The reason: Paul VI elected to sell the tiara, renouncing the idea that popes were worldly monarchs, and gave all the proceeds to Bl. Teresa of Calcutta and her work with the poor. Pope Francis is not the first pope to have a heart for the poor, nor will he be the last! Bl. Paul VI was also the first pope to embark upon missionary journeys, setting the stage for the great pilgrim Pope St. John Paul II. He recognized that the successor of Peter was charged by the Lord with the task to “Strengthen your brethren,” and took the call seriously, making journeys as far as Colombia, Iran, and Hong Kong (mere miles away from Mao’s communist China). He demonstrated remarkable courage and closeness to the people of God. Bl. Paul VI, like Francis in the recent synod, especially demonstrated his uncompromising concern for the good of the family. His insistence that human love is always linked to the gift of human life reaffirmed the unique dignity of the marriage bond and the special gift that conjugal love offers in strengthening that bond. The Church maintains to this day that the introduction of artificial contraception into the conjugal relationship does violence to this robust vision of human life and love. Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae outlining his teaching was rarely read and often rejected in its day and continues to be caricatured even today. But before the Pope who predicted so much of the sexual confusion and even brokenness that typifies our own age can be outright dismissed, it is valuable to give his teachings a fresh look. The encyclical itself is very short and readily available online. Another helpful resource is Dr. Janet Smith’s CD Contraception: Cracking the Myths, available in our book store. Our families will only be stronger by getting the story straight. Bl. Paul VI, pray for us. Ha sido un año ocupado para el Papa Francisco con respecto a sus papas predecesores. El domingo pasado, celebró la beatificación del Papa Pablo VI, el “Gran Timonel” del Concilio Vaticano II, como el Papa lo llamó durante su homilía. Con las canonizaciones de San Juan Pablo II y San Juan XXIII el pasado Abril, la iglesia ya ha afirmado que cada papa desde los 1950s ha sido un ejemplo deslumbrante de santidad personal y un modelo para vivir la vida Cristiana. No hemos tenido una “edad de oro” del papado así desde los primeros días de la iglesia. Y no requiere un experto en la iglesia para notar que ambos en Benedicto XVI y en Francisco mismo, tenemos dos ejemplos más. Somos verdaderamente bendecidos. Una cosa que a mí me inspira es la manera en que el Papa Francisco ha tomado algo de cada uno de estos papas extraordinarios para formar su propio estilo pastoral. Pablo VI, frecuentemente difamado y malentendido por los medios de comunicación aún en su propio día, con una investigación más cercano, demuestra que era un hombre sorprendentemente sencillo con un corazón misionero (una prioridad que ha ganado corazones para la iglesia en el estilo del Papa Francisco también). Pocos se acuerdan de la Corona Papal que se utilizaba para coronar a los papas después de su elección desde el siglo ocho. La razón: Pablo VI decidió venderla, renunciando la idea que los papas eran monarcas mundiales, y entregó todas las ganancias a la Madre Teresa para su trabajo con los pobres. El Papa Francisco no es el primero ni el último papa que tiene un corazón para los pobres! Pablo VI también fue el primer papa que se embarcaba en jornadas misioneras, preparando el terreno para el gran peregrino San Juan Pablo II. Se daba cuente que el sucesor de San Pedro recibió el encargo por boca de Jesús de “Fortalecer a tus hermanos,” y tomó en serio este llamado, haciendo viajes hasta Colombia, Irán, y Hong Kong. Demostraba valor notable y una cercanía al pueblo de Dios. Beato Pablo VI, como Francisco en el recién sínodo, especialmente demostraba su preocupación inquebrantable por el bien de la familia. Su insistencia que el amor humano siempre tiene un vínculo al don de vida humana reafirmó la dignidad única del lazo matrimonial y el don especial que el amor conyugal ofrece en fortalecer ese lazo. La iglesia mantiene hasta hoy que la introducción de los anticonceptivos a la relación conyugal hace violencia a esta visión robusta de la vida y el amor humano. La encíclica Humanae Vitae, que expone esta enseñanza se leyó poco y fue rechazado en su día. Hasta hoy, la critican. Pero antes de descartar al Papa que predijo tanto de la confusión sexual y aún el quebrantamiento que es típico de nuestra edad, nos hace bien volver a visitar sus enseñanzas con una mirada fresca. La encíclica misma se puede conseguir fácilmente en línea. Otro recurso bueno es un CD Contraception: Cracking the Myths, por Dr. Janet Smith que se consigue en nuestra tiendita. Nuestras familias sólo serán más fuertes si entendemos bien los hechos de sus enseñanzas. Beato Pablo VI, ruega por nosotros. Father Bobby Krueger Padre Bobby Krueger Mass Intentions / Intenciónes de Las Misas MASS TIME DATE INTENTIONS MONDAY, October 27 8:30 AM +Catherine Hertel, Anita Sanchez-Galvan TUESDAY, October 28 8:30 AM +William Cronin and Family WEDNESDAY, October 29 8:30 AM +Edmund Sajewski Sr., +Emmett & Michael Fearon, +Noreen Maher THURSDAY, October 30 8:30 AM +Thomas Williamson FRIDAY, October 31 8:30 AM +Roberto Vega SATURDAY, November 01 8:30 AM 5:00 PM (B) +Rose Zych, +Carol Mitchell +Katarzyna, Franciszek & Janusz, Jachymiak, +Ann, Santino & Jimmy Doria, +Anna & Jozef Plewa +Family Marquez Hernandez Sts. Simon & Jude All Saints (Not Holy Day of Obligation this year) 6:30 PM (S) SUNDAY, November 02 8:00 AM (E) 10:00 AM (E) 12:00 PM (S) 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Deceased Family and Friends of Saint Bede Deceased Family and Friends of Saint Bede Deceased Family and Friends of Saint Bede 7:00 PM (BL) All Souls Mass of Remembrance EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SERVERS MUSICIANS P. Brayley S. O’Dwyer L.M. Centeno M.A. Davis B. Villa A.G. Gonzalez A. Edwards V. Lowczyk Fr. Esequiel Sanchez A. Martinez E. Moguel M. Alfaro M. Andrade L.M. Benitez L. Cervantes A. Cervantes I. Cervantes J. Cervantes Coro de Carismàtico Nov. 02, 2014 Fr. Robert Behnke L. Delaney M. Kirby T. Lopez T. Lopez S. Calderon R. Aguilar G. Aguilar T. Scalise SUNDAY Nov. 02, 2014 10:00 AM Fr. Bobby Krueger D. Hahn C. Perez R. Cahill S. Corrales M. Gutierrez M. Herbert S. Herbert E. Mata M. Contreras X. Contreras Choir SUNDAY Nov. 02, 2014 12:00 PM Fr. Esequiel Sanchez S. Campos A. Corzo J. Santillan J.L. Torres G. Garcia-Zapata J. Camarena K. Prado V. Morales A. Gonzalez Coro de Alabanzas SUNDAY Nov. 02, 2014 7:00 PM Fr. Esequiel Sanchez S. Nava M. Aguilar J. Alvarez S. Corzo A. Campa M. Campa Coro de Alabanzas DATE CELEBRANT LECTOR SATURDAY Nov. 01, 2014 5:00 PM Fr. Bobby Krueger SATURDAY Nov. 01, 2014 6:30 PM SUNDAY 8:00 AM This Week at a Glance....October 27 thru November 02, 2014 Monday Tuesday October 27 October 28 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday October 29 October 30 October 31 November 01 November 02 All Saints Day All Souls Day 6:30 PM: Confessions - C 9:00 AM: Rel. Ed. Classes - S 2:00 PM: Baptisms 6:30 PM: Youth Ministry- PH 11 AM: Baptisms (Spanish) - C 5:00 PM CONFIRMATION CLASS - PH 9:15 AM: Senior Exercise - PH 9:00 AM: Quilters - PC 9:15 AM: Senior Exercise - PH 9:00 AM: Confessions - C 6:00 PM: Haunted House - PC 6:30 PM: Christian Formation - AER 4:00 PM: Brownies Mtg. - PC 7:00 PM: Spanish Choir - C 6:30 PM - Multicultural Mtg.–S/Rm113 7:00 PM: Misa de Sanaciόn - C 7:00 PM: Bible Study - PC 7:00 PM-Grupo Carismático - C 7:00 PM: Grupo Carismático - AER 7:00 PM: Charismatic Choir - AER C - Church PH - Parish Hall AER - Adult Ed. Room S - School SL - School Library G - Gym R - Rectory PC - Parish Center PL - Parking Lot AC– Adoration Chapel (English) - C 8:00 AM (E) 10:00 AM (E) 12:00 PM (S) 7:00 PM (B) Day of the Dead Celebration Following 7 PM Mass HEALING INTENTIONS For all those suffering from illness, especially: Alzira Ganz Fran Feltz Tim Goc Jesus Delgado Roberto Rodriguez Margaret Mohlfeld Grace Cahill Bob Marshall Maricela Almanza TODAY’S second collection is for: Saint Bede Catholic Education Thank you in advance for your continued support, which helps to support our many religious Programs for children and adults in our parish. Sunday Collection Information Sunday, October 19, 2014……...……....$ 10,668.19 Sharing Parish in Columbia……………..$ 1,444.60 Thank you for your continued support. Gracias por su continuo apoyo. There is a wonderful opportunity for people with developmental and intellectual challenges. We would like to help these families became aware of the Spred program for their child, adolescent, young adult or adult with developmental and intellectual challenges, autism spectrum disorders, learning problems, cerebral palsy with a developmental delay. Spred is a program that provides a place for these people to grow in faith in a way specially designed for them. For each person with special needs there is a one on one friendship with an adult volunteer. We are looking for five more adult volunteers. No experience with special needs is necessary. If you are a person who enjoys meeting people, growing in friendship, sharing faith, then look into Spred. Parents are interested people can hear more of the details on Monday, November 10th, 7:00PM in the parish center. Come and discover Spred and how you can be a part of this journey! Hay una gran oportunidad para las personas con problemas de desarrollo e intelectuales. Nos gustaría ayudar a estas familias a que se den cuenta del programa de Spred para su niño, adolescente, jovenes o adulto con problemas de desarrollo e intelectuales, trastornos del espectro del autismo, problemas de aprendizaje, parálisis cerebral con un retraso en el desarrollo. Spred es un programa que ofrece un lugar para que estas personas puedan crecer en la fe de una forma especialmente diseñada para ellos. Para cada persona con necesidades especiales hay un voluntario adulto para una amistad uno a uno. Estamos buscando a cinco más voluntarios adultos. Experiencia no es necesaria con personas con necesidades especiales. Si usted es una persona que disfruta de conocer gente, hacer amistad, compartir tu fe, entonces mirar al programa de Spred. Padres y todas las personas interesadas pueden conocer más de los detalles el lunes, 10 de noviembre de las 7:00 pm en el centro parroquial. Venga y descubra a Spred y cómo puede ser parte de esta jornada! Feast of All Souls Every year, on November 2nd (The Feast of All Souls), something unique takes place: the Celebration of the Feast of all Souls (Also commonly known as the Day of the Dead). Come join the community of St. Bede the Venerable as we celebrate this wonderful feast day in a unique and wonderful way. We are inviting all families to participate in this event by: Reserving a cross that will be placed in our makeReserving a cross which that will shift cemetery will be be placed located in on the St. Bede our make-shift cemetery which and willin front of our Courtyard adjacent to the Church be located on Reservations the St. Bede Courtyard Parish School. can be made by coming adjacent to the Church to the Rectory Office. Theand costinis front only $10 per cross. of family our Parish School. Reservations The is asked to build an altar that contains articanwhich be made calling the ofParish cles speakbyabout the life the deceased loved Office 773-884-2000. The cost each is other’s one(s). This way we can learn about only $10 per cross. families and heritage. The After family asked to build an altar theiscelebration of Mass whichthat begins at 7:00 contains articles that speak about the p.m., the priest will go over to our make-shift cemelifeand of bless the deceased lovedwhich one(s). tery all of the altars have been erectThis way we can learn about each ed. other’s families heritage. The evening will and continue with music, food, warm After the celebration of Mass begins at 6:30 p.m., punch and other amenities which that will help make this the priest will go over to our make-shift cemetery day special and fun for the entire family. and bless all of the altar that have been erected. All are welcomed to bring blankets, chairs, etc. as we The come evening will continue withtomusic, food,our warm punch together as a family remember dearly and other amenities that will help make this day departed. Dress warmly and bear a warm smile forspecial neighbor. and fun for the entire family. your All are welcomed to bring blankets seats as we come together as a family to remember our dearly departed. Dress warmly and bear a warm smile for your neighbor! Dia de los Fieles Difuntos El El día día 22 de de noviembre noviembre aa la la 7:00 6:30 p.m. p.m. celebraremos celebraremos el el Día Día de de los los Fie1es Fie1es Difuntos, Difuntos, mejor mejor conocido conocido como como e1Dia e1Dia de de los los Muertos. Muertos. Este Este año año deseamos deseamos celebrar celebrar esta esta gran gran festivifestividad dad de de manera manera tradicional. tradicional. Vengan Vengan yy acompáñenos acompáñenos con con toda toda la la familia familia para para gozar gozar de de esta esta gran gran yy hermosa hermosa traditradición ción que que es es la la nuestra. nuestra. un en cementerio terreno del Haremos unHaremos cementerio el terrenoen deleljardín parro- jardín parroquial adjuntodel delcolegio templodonde y dequial adjunto del templo y delante del colegio donde losInvitamos altares de los altares lante de muertos serán bendecido. a muertosque serán bendecido. Invitamos a totodas las familias reserven su lugar por medio las familias que reserven su lugar por Pasen a la das Oficina de la Rectoria, para reservar su medio de llamarnos la oficina parrocruz. El costo por cada cruz es deen $10.00. 773-884-2000. costo por Invitamos quial a todas las familias aEl construir ununa altarcruz de es de $10.00. muertos que incluya fotos, arreglos y condimentos que recuerdan al difunto. De esta manera aprendereInvitamos a todas las familias a construir mos de su familia. altar elde muertosbendecirá que incluya fotos, Después deun la misa Sacerdote a todos los arreglos y condimentos que recuerdan al altares. difunto. De esta manera aprenderemos de La noche continuara con algunos refrigerios, música familia. ysucuentos. Invitamos a todos que traigan sus cobijas, sillitas y Después de lapara misaque el compartan Sacerdote bendecirá a todos los bocadillos como familia y se realtares. cuerden de sus seres queridos. ¡Abríguese bien y seLa rie noche con algunos refrigerios, música y paracontinuara dar calor humano! cuentos. Invitamos a todos que traigan sus cobijas, sillitas y bocadillos para que compartan como familia y se recuerden de sus seres queridos. ¡Abríguese bien y serie para dar calor humano! All Souls Mass of Remembrance We would like to extend an invitation to all the family members and friends of those whose funeral mass has been celebrated here in St. Bede Church and all those who have suffered the loss of a loved one this past year to join us for a Mass in remembrance of all your loved ones who have gone before us in faith. The Mass will take place on Sunday, November 2 at 7:00 PM Mass (bilingual). All parishioners, family and friends are welcome to attend. Also, All Souls Day Remembrance Intention envelopes are available in the rectory office. The donation of $10 per intention is requested. All intentions must be in by Oct. 24th. Misa de Recordación De los Difuntos Nos gustaría extender una invitación a todos los miembros de la familia y amigos de aquellos cuya misa funeral se ha celebrado aquí en la Iglesia de San Beda y todos aquellos que han sufrido la pérdida de un ser querido este año pasado para unirse a nosotros para una misa en memoria de todos sus seres queridos que nos han precedido en la fe. La misa tendrá lugar el domingo 2 de noviembre a las 7:00 PM (bilingüe). Todos los amigos feligreses, familiares y están invitados a asistir. Además, todos los sobres de intención del día de los Fieles Difuntos están disponibles en la oficina de la rectoría. Se pide una donación de $ 10 por intención. Todas las intenciones deben entregarse para el 24 de octubre. We Believe. Creemos. We Achieve. Obtenemos. We Succeed. Logramos. St. Bede the Venerable School Newsletter Noticias de la Escuela de San Beda “Blessed Are the Peacemakers.” Matthew 5:9 Student Council Pumpkin Decorating Contest Preschool Fall Fun! 3-Year-Olds Playing in Freshly Fallen Leaves Looking Ahead…… Mirando Hacia Delante…. Oct. 27-31: Red Ribbon Week Oct. 29: 7th Grade Retreat Oct. 30: Jimmy Griffin T-shirt Day Oct. 31: Haunted House 5:30-9:00 Nov. 1: 3-on-3 Tournament Oct. 27- Oct. 31: Semana del Listόn Rojo Oct. 29: Retiro de 7mo Grado Oct. 30: Día de Camiseta Jimmy Griffin Oct. 31: Halloween Nov. 1: 3-contra 3 Torneo Esta es Su Escuela! This is Your School! SAINT BEDE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION PROGRAMS PROGRAMA PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Y CONFIRMACION Thank you to all the parents that registered their children in our programs. These parents have commi ed to work with the catechists in preparing their children to receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and/or Confirma on. Gracias a todos los padres que inscribieron a sus hijos en nuestros programa. Estos padres se han comprome do a trabajar junto con los catequistas a preparar a sus hijos para recibir a Jesus en la Sagrada Eucaris a y/o el Sacramento de Confirmación. Our Catechism Program is now full. As always, if you have any ques ons regarding our program, please call our office at 773-884-2037. FR. SANCHEZ WELCOMES THE CHILDREN TO THEIR NEW CLASSROOM! BIENVENIDOS A TODOS LOS ESTUDIANTES Y A LOS PADRES A ESTE MARAVILLOSO NUEVO AÑO ESCOLAR DE CATECISMO! REMEMBER TO PLEASE CONTINUE BRINGING YOUR CHILDREN TO SUNDAY MASS AND HELP THEM STUDY THE CATECHISM BOOK. For more informa on about our program, please visit our Website: CONFIRMATION – CLASS OF 2015 Our classes are held every Sunday at 5 p.m. in the church hall. Reminder for these parents that our Confirma on Enrollment Mass will be on Sunday, October 26 at 7 p.m. Families are invited to come and welcome our Confirmandi as they start their studies of the Bible. ACORDARSE DE POR FAVOR SEGUIR TRAYENDO A SUS HIJOS A MISA TODOS LOS FINES DE SEMANA Y AYUDARLES A ESTUDIAR SU LIBRO DE CATECISMO. Nuestro Programa de Catecismo ya está lleno. Por favor llamar a nuestra oficina con cualquier pregunta sobre nuestro programa, por favor llamarnos al 773-884-2037. Para más información, por favor visitar nuestra página electrónica, WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS TO ASSIST US WITH THE CONFIRMATION PROGRAM, PLEASE STOP AND TALK TO FR. BOBBY OR FR. SANCHEZ NOW. WE NEED YOU! IMPORTANT NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS NOTICIAS IMPORTANTES Y PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS St. Bede Mass Schedule: Monday thru Saturday: 8:30 AM Saturday (Vigil Masses): 5:00 PM English 6:30 PM Spanish Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM English 12:00 PM Spanish 7:00 PM Bilingual Danza Guadalupana Guadalupe Dance Se les invita a participar en la tradicional Danza Guadalupana que se presentará el día 12 de diciembre.Participantes deberán tener entre 7 y 9 años solamente. Para más información y registración por favor pasar a la rectoría. You are invited to participate in the traditional Guadalupe Dance that will be presented on December 12. Participants must be between 7 and 9 years only. For more information and registration please go to the rectory. Confession Schedule: Thursdays/Jueves: 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM Fridays/Viernes: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Children’s Liturgy of the Word The Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place at the 10 AM Mass the 1st Sunday of each month. We encourage all children, ages 3 thru 9 to attend the Children’s Liturgy of the Word sessions. These sessions include readings and a gospel reflection that are geared to the children. Children also pray for their own intentions during the lessons. The First Liturgy of the Word is planned for November 2nd. Following the 10 AM Mass on the 2nd there will be a MEET & GREET gathering taking place in the Parish Hall for all children and their families. Come join us for cookies and refreshments as we meet your families. A brief introduction will take place following a short explanation of our sessions. If you have any questions, please call the religious education office at 773-884-2038. Hear Us ”Roar”! Kelly Johnson, St. Bede School Principal Father Sanchez and I are very excited to welcome our new school board members: Carolyn CraneBoyich, Shari Sagotz, Yolanda Toefield, Roberto Velazquez, Rev. Mr. Ramiro Serna, and (drum roll, please) former St. Bede Principal Rick Guerin. We are proud to have them on our team as we work toward building enrollment and developing new opportunities that will continue to maintain St. Bede School’s reputation as a shining star in the community. Roar! to Big Shoulders for including our eighth grade students in a Stock Market Game. Rick Klein and Matt Halvorsen will visit monthly, and they will provide instruction on investing in the stock market. Students will start with “accounts”, and there is the potential of making “real” money for St. Bede School. Thank you to Sue Kehoe, our school counselor, for working with our eighth grade peer leaders on the Red Ribbon Week activities that will take place this week. Events include “Sock it to Drugs”, “Spread a Drug-Free Message”, and “Pledge To Be Drug-Free Window Decorating.” Activities each day of Red Ribbon Week raise awareness among our students as we work to increase their knowledge of the danger of drugs. Students have been writing letters and collecting supplies for soldiers in Afghanistan. New school board member, Carolyn Boyich, has offered to package the letters and supplies and ship them overseas to the men and women who are keeping us safe. May God bless them. Are you a Steward of St. Bede? Time Talent Treasure Do you attend Mass regularly and contribute at the Sunday offering? Do you help St. Bede by using your talents to help run an event, or beautify the Church? Did you lend a hand in the patching of the Church Parking lot. Did you contribute soda or water for the Block Party? Or Liquor for Octoberfest? Have you attended an event at St. Bede either for the Church or the School or both? If you answered yes to any of these question you ARE a Steward of St. Bede. ¿Eres la Corresponsabilidad de San Beda? Tiempo Talento Tesoro ¿Asiste a Misa regularmente y contribuyes a la ofrenda dominical? ¿Ayuda a San Beda utilizando tus talentos para ayudar a dirigir un evento, o a decorar la iglesia? ¿Quizás ayudaste a parchar el estacionamiento de la iglesia. ¿Quizá contribuiste con refresco o agua para la Kermes de Verano? O licor para Oktoberfest? ¿Has asistido a un evento en San Beda, ya sea para la Iglesia o de la Escuela o las dos cosas? Si usted contestó sí a alguna de estas preguntas usted es la corresponsabilidad de San Beda. R. J. TILL & SONS PLUMBING & SEWERAGE Celebrating Our 3rd Anniversary Thank You For Your Patronage 3rd Generation of Service Sump Pumps - Blocked Drains Free Estimates - 24 Hr. Service - Lic #058-019951 5624 W. 82nd St. 708-636-6966 MAPLE-N-JAMS CAFE Serving Breakfast & Lunch 7 Days, 7am to 3pm $ 00 2. OFF $20 ORDERB with this ad GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS Valid Monday thru Friday 6814 W. 87th St. Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount • Auto • Home • Life • Health • Business Insurance Se Habla Español 773-581-0844 8516 S. Pulaski Rd Chicago, IL 60652 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service ® EDMUND N. SAJEWSKI Attorney and Counselor at Law 10200 S. Cicero an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA MABENKA RESTAURANT FAMILY EYE CARE CENTER Dr. Christina Marchione FUNERAL LUNCHEONS Eric R. Johnson, DDS 10% OFF 3637 W. 83rd Pl. CATERING $10 OFF FREE DELIVERY Chicago IL 60652 CATERING ORDER FOR 20 OR MORE 7844 S. CICERO BURBANK 3900 W. 95th St. Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 773-471-1444 Attorneys • Abogados • Derecho de Familias • Inmigración • Derecho Penal • Consultoría de Negocios 708-423-7550 • AUTO • CASA • VIDA • SALUD PLUMBING & SEWER CO. Parishioner Discount LAURA JEAN NALEPKA Attorney At Law Real Estate • Wills • Trust • Probate 773.585.7111 4422 W. 63RD St., Chicago, IL Monica Torres-Linares Abogada / Attorney At Law 312-498-6319 Strength in family service since 1962. BURBANK 7909 State Rd. (708) 636-2320 ORLAND PARK TINLEY PARK 7732 W. 159th St. (708) 429-3200 17909 94th Ave. (708) 532-3100 W W W. L AW N F H . C O M AFTER E BEFOR —MENTION ST. BEDE’S AD— You’ll earn 5% REBATE for the school 3363 W. COLUMBUS • 773-471-0801 CHICAGO, IL 60652 Sports & Orthopedic Physical Therapy Thomas G. Mulvey, M.S., P.T. 708-424-4047 708-424-4025 4114 Southwest Hwy., Hometown DR. KATHLEEN MATHES 8705 S. Ridgeland Oak Lawn Open 24 Hrs 708.599.7990 708.599.9824 fax 7730 W. 95th St. Hickory Hills Open 6am-3pm 708.233.0333 708.233.0344 fax RESTAURANT AND BAR PODIATRIST - FOOT SPECIALIST 5331 W. 79 ST. BURBANK 708.636.4022 7750 W. 95th Street, 708.599.2333 Open 11am-2am TH WILLS TESTAMENTOS POWERS OF ATTORNEY - PODERES PROBATE CASOS DE PATRIMONIO ■ Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Llamar al 773-585-0123 3949 W. 83rd Pl. Chicago, IL Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Diseases of the Skin Laser Surgery 773.268.6000 Cell: 773.405.6393 647 W. 43rd Street, Chicago LIC#13458 Ofrecemos Servicio Completo Para Toda La Familia Niños Menores de 9 Años Pagan $8.00 708.423.7679 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER DERMATOLOGY OLIVER H. DRABKIN, MD, SC (708) 424-8889 New Patients Welcome 9236 S. 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Full Dentures Repaired WHILE-U-WAIT Celebrating 101 Years in Business Family Owned & Operated By: Bob & Jim Sheehy 708-857-7878 4950 W. 79TH STREET, BURBANK 000806 St. Bede the Venerable Church You Deserve The Best when it comes to your car General Dentistry Bennett Auto Rebuilders SCOTTSDALE DENTAL CLINIC Over 45 years of quality service 2300 W. 79th Street 773-434-0181 Mike Mc Cann - Parishioner GEORGE’S Plumbing & Sewer Flood Control Specialist Lic# SL574 • All Plumbing & Sewer Problems Corrected • Pumps Serviced & Installed • Frozen Pipes Corrected • Bathrooms Remodeled & Installed 30 Years Experience 5319 S. Keating Ave. (773) 585-1893 David A. Nelson, DDS 4651 W. 79th St., Ste. 207 (773) 284-6723 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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