LITTLE DAY OUT—CHRISTMAS Organised by PCI Youth & Children for 0-4 year olds on Tuesday 25 November 10am—12noon in Ballyclare Presbyterian Church. Come and explore the Christmas story through story, music and craft. Tickets £3 per child, £1 for adults which includes light lunch for the children and refreshments for the adults. Tickets can be ordered from or 9032 2284. FAME—men save the date - 29 November, 8:30am, more details to follow….. PRAYERLINE KENYA Stephen Cowan writes, “We give thanks for a sustained period without cattle raiding, although the danger still lurks. The area is very dry and therefore pressure for grazing among many pastoralist groups is high. People need to remain alert and committed to the reality of over grazing, and to the limited amount of water. Form four school exams are taking place throughout Kenya at present and we are assisting with transport for the exams in the Tuum area for the duration of the 18-day exam period.” · Give thanks that no cattle raids have taken place recently around Tuum and pray for better relations between the different communities. · Pray for the monthly teaching time which will be held next week in Tuum. · Give thanks for good progress on the construction of a girls’ dormitory at Seren. Pray too for those village meetings around Seren, that people will maintain interest in the Word of God which is new to them. · Pray that those who attended a special youth meeting yesterday will be challenged. · Continue to pray for plans for the December youth camp, especially that a team to lead the camps would come together. Gary and Mary Reid write, “A little boy of two years was brought to PCEA Acacia Grove Mission by his parents, as they were seeking help for their son to undergo operation(s) to remove fluid from his brain and spine. He has already had some fluid removed in a previous operation. The Mission will be assisting the family with the costs of the operation(s) and the parents were told that it is Jesus who is helping them, and that we are only the vessels He is using.” · Pray that our Lord will be glorified and honoured in the hearts of this family. Pray for the boy as he undergoes the operation(s) and for safety for the family as they travel. · Three members of Narok PCEA church visited Isintin PCEA church on Sunday. Give thanks that there is a desire to have a greater input into the mission outreach that is happening within Olkinyei. · Give thanks too for the rain that has started to fall within Olkinyei recently. Pray for the safety of all those who are travelling on the difficult, and sometimes treacherous, roads within Olkinyei, which are made much worse by the rain. MALAWI Volker Glissmann arrived safely in Belfast last weekend for a short Home Assignment during which he will undertake speaking engagements in a number of churches. JinHyeog and their children are remaining in Malawi. · Give thanks for his safe arrival and remember him as he undertakes deputation. · Remember JinHyeog and the children while Volker is away. In his October Bulletin, Matt Williams sends the following prayer requests:· Thank God that Ekwendeni Campus opened on time this semester and that the teaching has got well underway, with the first year students showing great enthusiasm. · Pray for special grace in improving things, so that students are built up in practical ability and academic understanding, as well as being provided for financially. WELCOME TO OUR PRE-COMMUNION SERVICE 26 OCTOBER CHURCH OFFICE Tel: 028 9446 6415 Welcome & Call to worship Praise: Email: firstantrimpc@ To God Be the Glory Prayer of Adoration & Confession All announcements and more online at: MISSION STATEMENT: “To Bring people to Jesus and Membership in His family, develop them to Christ-like Maturity and equip them for their Ministry in the church and life Mission in the world in order to Magnify God’s Name.” The Service today is led by Mr Norman Allison The Praise is led by: Miss Alison Chestnutt, Musical Director, the Praise Band and the Choir Praise: All I Once Held Dear Tithes & Offerings Prayer of Dedication: Mark Finlay Children’s Address & Chorus: G.R.A.C.E Prayer of Intercession Praise: Come Holy Ghost Our Hearts Inspire Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 9 (page 312) Sermon: “Dining at the King’s Table” Mr Norman Allison Closing Praise: I Hear Thy Welcome Voice Benediction J OI N US FO R TE A/ C O FFEE I N THE H AL LS AF TE R TH E M ORNI NG SE RVI CE ANNOUNCEMENTS THE WEEK AHEAD Thought…. “There is more mercy in Christ than sin in us.” Richard Sibbes TODAY Crèche Rota: Ellen Matchett, Liz Latimer & Charlotte Security Rota: Harry Latimer 6:30pm— Mr Philip McClelland MONDAY 27th TUESDAY 28 th WEDNESDAY 29 THURSDAY 30th THE WORD ONE TO ONE Spend a morning finding out more about the Word one to one resource to help us share Jesus with our friends on Tuesday 28 October, 10:3012pm in Hillhall Presbyterian Church. This morning will be taken by Jonathan Carswell and there will be an opportunity to ask questions, coffee will be provided from 10am. This is a free event being run by “”. If you wish to go, please speak to Rosemary. It is hoped to share transport leaving the church avenue at 9:30am. No Elevation AM or PM today CAP PRAYER SHEET is available in the vestibules so please take one so you can pray in an informed way for this outreach activity of the church. No Mums in Touch Through Prayer 6:30pm BB in halls 7pm Elders Prayer Meeting in Primary Room EQUIPPING PASTORAL CARERS TO CARE conference on Saturday 8 November @ Orangefield Presbyterian Church from 9:30am—3:30pm cost £20 which includes lunch and refreshments. To register please speak to Rosemary TODAY. No Craft Class No Ladies Community Bible Study, back 11 November 10:30am—12pm Latin Link Prayer Meeting in Primary Room 6:30-7:30pm Junior CE in Dixon Room th THANKS The Lyttle family would like to express their sincere thanks to the Ministry Team for their care and support for their mum Mrs Connie Lyttle and also all the ladies involved in the catering for the reception following the funeral service. It was much appreciated. No Tiny Tots 6:30pm GB in halls 10am-12pm Chat ‘N Chew in Bruce Hall 10:30-11:45am Bible Study “Finding Wisdom” 8-10pm Badminton Club in Majury Hall FRIDAY 31st 8-11pm Youth Club in halls SUNDAY 2nd Nov 10am Congregational Prayer Meeting in Dixon Room 11am— Communion—Rev Dr WJM Parker FOG Club Prayer Meeting after morning service in Toddlers Rm 5:45pm Short Communion Service in Primary Room 6:30pm— Mr Philip McClelland Crèche Rota: Joan Williams, Tracey Houston & Erin Security Rota: Paula Hennessy APARTMENT NEEDED If you know of anyone who has either a two or single bedroom apartment available for rent, could you please contact Angus Cuthbert. Thanks CHURCH OFFICE will be closed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Please have announcements in by Thursday at the latest. Thanks. THIS WEEK why not write a card, phone or visit the person you sit beside at church, or someone that God has put on your mind. CARE MINISTRY ELEVATION will be attending a Youth Service at Muckamore Presbyterian Church on Sunday 2 November. Leaving the Church avenue at 6:40pm. Please see Jonny Alexander for a consent form. PW The next PW meeting will take place on Tuesday 4 November @ 8pm. The speaker will be Amy Magee, the deaconess in Muckamore PC. Rachel Cubitt, who is a trainee deaconess, will also be with us. All ladies and their friends will be made most welcome. JOHN BLANCHARD will be at Antrim Baptist on Wednesday 5 November @ 7:30pm to speak on “Where is God when things go wrong?”. This will be a 40 minute talk followed by a time for questions and answers followed by light refreshments. All are very welcome. 2ND RANDALSTOWN PRESBYTERIAN invite you to come and hear Declan Keenan and Billy Swann speak about what is happening in Dublin on Thursday 6 November @ 8pm. All very welcome. PW CHRISTMAS MEAL there will be a Christmas meal for all ladies in the congregation and their friends on Tuesday 2 December. The meal will be in the Majury Hall, outside catering will be used costing £12/13 depending on choice of menu. The after dinner speaker will be Sarah McKibbin. There will be books and cards on sale for Christmas. Please see Esther or Ruth if you would like to join us for some Christmas fellowship. Decisions need to be made and monies paid by 16 November.
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