St. Mary’s Cathedral 604 Broadway - Fargo, ND 58102 ♦ October 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 7am & 12:10pm 8am & 5pm (Vigil) 8am (incense free), 10am, 12pm, 2pm Tridentine RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE Monday-Friday: Saturday: 6:30am-6:50am, 11am-12pm 3pm-4:45pm DEVOTIONS Tuesday - 7pm Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena BISHOP OF FARGO DIOCESE Most Reverend John T. Folda CATHEDRAL CLERGY Rev. Msgr. Joseph Goering, Rector Rev. Timothy Johnson, Parochial Vicar Rev. Charles Fischer, In Residence Deacon Rev. Mr. George Loegering STAFF Jayme Feakes, Assistant to the Rector Sandra Loberg, Receptionist Ted Gietzen, Maintenance/Grounds Diane Dahlin, Religious Ed./Youth Ministry Brad Gray & Mary Hanbury, RCIA/RCIC Jennifer Splonskowski, Organist PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9am-Noon, 1pm-5pm Phone: 701-235-4289 Fax: 701-235-2986 619 7th St N, Fargo, ND 58102 [email protected] Bulletin announcements must be turned in by 1pm on Monday. E-mail: [email protected] Please join us for coffee and rolls after the 8am and 10am Masses, and for light refreshments after the 2pm Latin Mass! Free will offering. Page 2| October 26, 2014 PARISH NEWS Cursillo –The Cursillo group will meet every 1st and 4th Monday at 7pm in the Wanzek building (2nd floor classrooms). Please contact Randy & Cindy Ternes-Harms for more information: 701-212-8796. Nov 3rd Cathedral Requiem Mass - The Cathedral of St Mary will host a Latin Tridentine Requiem Mass on Monday, November 3rd at 6pm. The Mass will be offered on behalf of all faithful departed souls of the Diocese of Fargo. Come and experience a beautiful and extraordinary liturgy dear to the heart of the Church and intercede for those still awaiting deliverance from purgatory! The Requiem Mass will immediately be followed by a free-will offering gourmet dinner feast in the social hall prepared by our very own local chef, Joe Geinert. Help needed with Requiem dinner - If you are interested and able to assist our “head chef” with dinner preparation either Sunday at 4pm or Monday during the day, please contact Mary Evinger at 701-799-0663. Legion of Mary—Join us today! As one of the ten benefits of membership, during November, some 600,000 Legion groups throughout the world are obligated to have Mass said for all deceased members. At St. Mary’s Cathedral, the Mass will be on November 23rd, at 2:00pm. Call Peter Pasion (701-212-5866) or Deacon George (701-261-5259) for more information. This year, All Saints’ Day is Saturday, November 1st, but is not a Holy Day of Obligation. Our Mass schedule for November 1st: 8am—Adoration Chapel 9am—Tridentine Mass (Cathedral) 5pm-–Mass (Cathedral) ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Stewardship moment . . . We fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor when we exercise good stewardship – joyfully sharing our gifts of life, abilities, and resources to meet our neighbor’s need. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ OFFERTORY GIFTS: October 19, 2014 Adult Envelopes: Children: Plate: Automatic Withdrawals: $ $ $ $ 5,026.00 4.00 1,013.59 2,787.50 Total $ 8,831.09 September payment on loans: Main Loan—$2,319.33 Parking Lot Purchase Loan—$150.00 Loan Balances - as of 10/6/2014 Main Loan - $1,244,288.87 Parking Lot Purchase Loan - $297,325.60 Thank you for your generosity! ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Altar Society upcoming meetings: Nov 4th, 7:30 in the social hall - this will be a business meeting. All members are encouraged to attend, and please bring a friend. Dec 2nd, 7:30 in the social hall - Msgr. Goering will be leading a spiritual growth session, please invite a friend or two to come check out the Altar Society! Questions? Contact Bonnie Spies, 701-241-9574, or [email protected]. October is the month of the Rosary. On May 13, 1917 at Fatima, Portugal, Mary appeared to three shepherd children. She told them to pray the Rosary daily for peace in the world. Please take time to pray the Rosary daily. Pray the Rosary for peace in the world and conversion of sinners, and help us fulfill Mary's request as she said, ''In the end my Immaculate heart will triumph and there will be a time of peace." ALL USHERS, EMHCS, LECTORS AND SACRISTANS: Our next Lay Ministry training will be held on Monday evening, October 27th at 7pm in the Cathedral. RITES BAPTISM~ We welcome those newly baptized. Please pray for them as they continue to grow in Christ. MARRIAGES & BANNS ~ Please join us in praying for all newly married couples & those preparing for the sacrament of Matrimony. Tonia Splonskowski and Brandon Clark - October 25 Lisa Elijah and Greg Evenson - November 1 DEATHS ~ Please remember those who are grieving the loss of a loved one in your prayers - John Oevering, Adrian Cihak, Adolf Fitterer PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS ~ Please join us in praying for all our ill parishioners. If you are ill and would like to be prayed for by our parish family, please call the parish office at 701-235-4289. Lowell Siebels , Ruth Flaherty , Eli Koppenhaver READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18; Thes 1:5C-10; Mt 22:34-40 Monday: Eph 4:32-5:8; Ps 1; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19; Lk 6:12-16 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12A Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23; Rom 5:5-11; Jn 6:37-40 WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA-FARGO All are welcome to join in the First Saturday Devotion which was introduced at Fatima and is for the reparation of sin and peace in the world. Join us for the rosary at 8:30am in the Adoration Chapel, and a 9am or 10:10am prayer cell devotion on the 2nd floor 3rd grade classroom in the Wanzek Center. For more information please visit this website: | Page 3 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 27, 2014 7:00am Fr. William Gamber 12:10pm Mr. & Mrs. Henry Samson Tuesday, October 28, 2014 7:00am † Lorraine Kiefer 12:10pm † Helen Norberg Wednesday, October 29, 2014 7:00am Angela Weingarten Bear 12:10pm Luke Hutchison Thursday, October 30, 2014 7:00am † James W. & Edna M. Chaska 12:10pm Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Lindgren Friday, October 31, 2014 7:00am † Lorraine Kiefer 12:10pm † John Reger Saturday, November 1 8:00am Holy Souls in Purgatory 9:00am Harry Wadnizak family 5:00pm Dianne Johannesen Sunday, November 2, 2014 8:00 am † Harland Swatfager 10:00 am St. Mary’s Parishioners 12:00 pm Ryan Boyd 2:00 pm † Mary Moskal KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Please contact Grand Knight Glen Krogman at [email protected] or 605-553-3321for information on the Knights. LEGION OF MARY - Join the Legion of Mary on Tuesdays at 5:15pm in the Wanzek Center 2nd floor classroom. Contact Peter Pasion (701-212-5866) or Deacon George (701-261-5259) for more information. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL - Meetings take place every 2nd & 4th Thursday at 6:30pm in the 5th grade classroom (3rd floor Wanzek building). CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN MOTHERS Meetings every 1st Friday at 10am (2nd floor, Wanzek) and 2nd Monday at 7pm (Conference room, Wanzek). PRECIOUS BLOOD PRAYER GROUP - The precious blood prayer group meets every Sunday at 7pm in the Cathedral. Please use the St. Joseph entrance. PARISH PRAYER CHAIN - If you, or someone you know, is in need of prayers, please call 701-237-6892. Page 4| October 26, 2014 COMMUNITY EVENTS AND NEWS Raise Your Voice! A Benefit Concert for those Persecuted by ISIS in the Middle East—A Choral Benefit Concert will be hosted by Nativity Catholic Church on Sunday, November 2nd, at 7:00 pm. This concert will feature the voices of parish choirs from Nativity in Fargo, and St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Moorhead. A Free Will offering will be taken at the concert. All donations will go to Catholic Relief Services for their work with those who have experienced persecution under ISIS. You may also send a donation in advance of the concert or if you are unable to attend but wish to donate, please send checks to: Nativity Catholic Church at 1825 11th Street South, Fargo, ND 58103. Please make checks payable to Nativity Catholic Church. For more information, please contact Melissa at Nativity at 701-232-2414. The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry is offering a pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland where World Youth Day, 2016 will be held. Our pilgrimage will be from Monday, July 18 to Wednesday, August 3, 2016. Come walk and pray in the footsteps of St. John Paul II, participate in the ‘Days in the Diocese’ program where you are either housed with a family or in a church and learn the customs of the culture of Krakow, and partake in the festivities that happen at World Youth Day. This trip is for youth ages 16 and older. If a parent is interested in having a younger child (14 or 15 come along), the parent must accompany this child on the pilgrimage. Cost is $4200/person, double occupancy. This price covers all major transportation, accommodations, meals, touring, World Youth Day fees, taxes and tips. There is a payment plan that must be adhered to. No credit cards accepted for payment of this pilgrimage. For a brochure and registration form for this pilgrimage or if you have questions, please contact Kathy Loney in the Youth and Young Adult Ministry office at 701-356-7902. Sign up soon; the deposit of $500 is due no later than November 25, 2014. Nativity Elementary School Open House—St. John Paul II Catholic Schools—on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 from 11am-1pm. Nativity grades are PreK-5th grade. 1825 11th Street South – Fargo. Contact Lori Hager Admissions Director at 701-893-3271 with questions. Holy Spirit Elementary School Open House—St. John Paul II Catholic Schools –on Thursday, November 6, 2014 11am-1pm for Little Deacons 3 yr. olds–5th grade at 1441 8th Street North – Fargo. Contact Lori Hager, Admissions Director at 701-893-3271 with questions. 40 Days for Life ND Closing Prayer Service – Nov. 2—We’ve had a wonderful 40 Days for Life fall campaign with volunteers faithfully standing in prayer and peaceful presence in front of the state’s only abortion facility! Your help is needed to fill prayer hours this last week of vigilance. Please go online and sign up today to pray in these final days of our campaign: Then, we invite you to join us on Sun., Nov. 2 as we reflect upon the blessings received during our 40 Days for Life campaign. We will gather for prayer and praise to Our Lord Jesus Christ on Sun., Nov. 2, 5-6:00 p.m. in front of the abortion facility, 512 1st Ave. N. Fargo. For more information contact: 701-284-6601 in Fargo or email: [email protected]. Sts. Anne & Joachim Catholic Church is having their parish mission Sunday, October 26 through Tuesday, October 28 featuring Fr. Leo Patalinghug at 7 p.m. each night. Fr. Leo is a Catholic priest from Baltimore, and the host and founder of Grace Before Meals, an apostolate to strengthen families and communities around the dinner table. He is also an internationally renowned conference speaker, author, TV host of “Savoring Our Faith” on EWTN, radio co-host of “Entertaining Truth” on Sirius XM, and he contributes restaurant reviews to Baltimore’s The Catholic Review. His unique background as martial artist and break dancer helps him to connect with people of all ages and backgrounds, appearing on PBS, ABC, CBS and The Food Network, where he defeated a world famous chef in the "Throw Down! with Bobby Flay". With food, faith and fun, Fr. Leo hopes to bring people closer together - one meal at a time! Children and adults are welcome to all presentations and free childcare will be available on site. The topics for each night are: October 26 – Finding God Through the Communion of Saints; October 27 – Finding God Through His Blessed Mother; October 28 – Finding God at the Lord’s Table (Eucharistic theme). A special cooking demonstration will take place on Tuesday evening in social hall. For more information, visit the website ( or call the parish office at 235-5757. | Page 5 Holy Spirit Catholic Church at 1420 7th Street N, Fargo, will host its annual Fall Festival on Sunday, October 26, 2014 from 10:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. They will be featuring a home-cooked turkey dinner with all the trimmings, a silent auction, baked goods & candy sale, bingo, kids’ games, cake walk and more. The dinner will be served from 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Charge: Adults $10.00, Kids ages 4-12 $4.00. Take out is $10.00. Please join us for a day of FUN, FABULOUS FOOD and FELLOWSHIP! The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is the largest organization of Catholic women in the world. CDA is an organization through which friends can be made and one's spiritual life is enhanced. Our local Court St Ann includes many parishes. We meet the 2nd of every Tuesday from September through June at St Anthony's in Fargo. Membership is open to all Catholic women 18 and over and visitors are welcome. The next meeting will be Tues, November 11th, and all are encouraged to attend the 5:15 Mass with a social following and the meeting starting at 6:30pm. For more information please call Casinda Langseth, 701.388.2835. Cub Scouts—Please join Mike O’Keefe in the Holy Spirit Social Hall on Monday evenings at 6:30pm to learn about Cub Scouts at Holy Spirit. Mike O’Keefe will be the Cub Master of the Pack. Expect a year of fun, excitement and learning for the boys. Mike O’Keefe is a trained and experienced Scouter who knows the Scouting program from A-Z and will help the boys and their parents have a highly successful Scouting program. Cub Scouts is a program for boys in the 1st through 5th grades. Holy Hour for Life: Praying for the Passage of Measure 1—Catholic Churches across the Fargo metro area will be offering a Holy Hour for Life on Mon., Nov. 3 through Tues. Nov. 4 to pray for the passage of Measure 1. You are invited to participate in a Holy Hour at one of the following locations: Mon. Nov 3: 9-10 a.m: St. Paul Newman Center, 1141 No. University Dr., Fargo Noon-1 pm: Blessed Sacrament Church, 210 5 Ave. West, West Fargo 1-2 pm: Nativity Church, 1825 11 St. So., Fargo 2-3 pm: St. Anthony of Padua Church, 710 10 St. So., Fargo 5-6 pm: Sts. Anne and Joachim Church, 5202 25 St. So., Fargo 6-7 pm: Holy Spirit Church, 1420 7 St. No., Fargo 7-8 pm: Cathedral of St. Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel, 619 7 St. No., Fargo Tues., Nov. 4: 4-5 pm: Riverview Place, Blessed Sacrament Chapel, 5300 12 St. So., Fargo The Most Rev. John T. Folda, Bishop of Fargo, will preside at a special celebration of Mass to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Fargo on Saturday November 15, 2014, at the Cathedral of St. Mary. Following Mass, there will be a luncheon with exhibits of historical pictures, documents and artifacts. All the faithful, religious and clergy of the Diocese are welcome to attend. Mass for God’s Children set for Nov. 6 in Minto—Bishop John Folda will offer a Mass for God’s Children on Thurs., Nov. 6, 7 p.m., at Sacred Heart Church, 621 3rd St., Minto. Oftentimes, families who have lost a child to abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth do not have the opportunity to grieve their loss with their faith community. Yet the Church desires to provide a means for mourning and support through the Liturgy of the Mass. Parents and siblings, together with family members and friends are encouraged to attend the Mass for God’s Children in remembrance of their child(ren). A reception will follow. For more information contact Rachelle, 701-356-7910 or e-mail: [email protected] For resources on early infant loss go to:, click on “Year of Faith Life Issues” series no. 1: Early Infant Loss. Page 6| October 26, 2014 PERETUAL ADORATION OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE ADORATION CHAPEL The following time slots need adorers: Sunday (1am, 2am, 8pm) OPEN- need adorer Sunday (1am, 2am, 3am, 8am, 10 am, 2pm, 4pm, 8pm) - need 2nd adorers Monday (7am, 8am)OPEN—need adorer Monday (12am, 1am, 2am, 3am, 8am, 11am, 1pm, 5pm, 6pm) - need 2nd adorers Tuesday (12am, 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 10am, 5pm) - need 2nd adorers Wednesday 9am OPEN—need adorer Wednesday (4am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 12noon) - need 2nd adorers Thursday 9-10am OPEN—need adorer Thursday (2am, 3am, 4am, 10am) - need 2nd adorers Friday (2am, 3am, 4am, 8am, 9am, 1pm, 2pm, 11pm) - need 2nd adorers Saturday (3am, 7am, 5pm, 11pm) - OPEN - need adorer Saturday (5am, 3pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm) - need 2nd adorers If you can take one of these hours, please call Cindy Petrich (232-5985) or Marilyn Loegering (347-4031). Thank you! LAY MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY November 1-2 Masses 5pm Lector Richard Sherman Altar Servers Ushers Sacristan Mary Russell, Richard Johann Kiefer, Henry Sherman, Deb Howland Kiefer Terry Petrich, Cindy Deb Howland Petrich, Howard Russell, Mary Russell Wanda Hirchert, Jackie Howland, Kevin Kowalski, Nancy Johnes 8:00 am Brad Starry Brad Starry, Pam Miller, Donna Wadnizak Ben Dahlin, Nathan Reineke, Aidan Harms 10:00 am John Herlick Gary Artz, Greg Sauvageau, Ted & Peggy Gietzen, Randy Naslund, John Herlick, 3 subs needed Michael Sayler, Isaiah Judy Joeb, Tom John Herlick Wiegrefe, Finnian Brown, Anna Brown O’Donnell, Azariah Wiegrefe, Aaron LaPlante, James LaPlante 12:00 pm Jill Hartl Jill Hartl, Terry Hauck, Nancy Jones Eli Koppenhaver, N/A Peter Lindgren, Azariah Wiegrefe 2:00 pm N/A Latin Mass EMHCs Bus Driver on November 2: Brian Ouellette Nathan Koppenhaver Joseph Szmerekovsky Bob Sherman, Peter Jill Hartl Pasion, Jim Grimestad Tim Lindgren, John Herlick Brad Simek | Page 7 W ELCOME TO A LL V ISITORS Bishop John Folda and the faithful of Fargo welcome you to the Cathedral of St. Mary. The word ‘cathedral’ originates from a Latin word, cathedra, meaning seat. The Cathedral Church serves as the seat of the Bishop in a particular Diocese. All visitors who are not of the Roman Catholic faith are welcome to join us in prayer but to refrain from receiving Holy Communion. Reception of Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith and full membership in the Catholic Church. Together let us pray for the eventual unity of all believers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even if you can’t join us in person, you can experience the Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral! Wednesdays at 9am on Fargo Cable Access Channel 99 Tell your friends & spread the word! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JPII Catholic Schools Little Deacons Program for 3 years old - Now Accepting Applications! We inspire children to help them learn about themselves, others, and the world around them in an atmosphere where children are valued and respected. This program is in a child-care setting, runs year round, and is competitively priced. Children must be 3 years old by August 1. Space is limited. Please contact Lori Hager, Admissions Director, at 701-893-3271 or [email protected]. Open 7 am-10 pm Every Day Plumbing • Heating • Air Conditioning Electrical - Duct Cleaning Independent & Assisted Living for Seniors May we give you a tour? Serving traditional cafe foods and Cajun specialties • Omelettes & Pancakes Homemade • Burgers & Specialties Soups • Salads • Steaks & Seafood and daily specials 237-0543 (701) 237-4700 1324 25th Ave. S. • Fargo, ND 701-461-7373 NEVER an Overtime Charge! Residential & Commercial Service Remodeling - New Construction! Holy Family Bookstore Professional Pest Control Service ALAN STOKKE Serving the FM & Surrounding Areas Locally Owned Insects ✦ Rodents Pest Birds Fumigation State Certified 701-298-9122 1-800-818-2272 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Commercial ✦ Residential ✦ Lake Homes ✦ Farms 1336 25th Ave. S HOURS Fargo, ND 58103-5200 M-F 10-6 (south of K-Mart) Sat 10-4 (701) 241-7842 “To know God, to love God, to serve God” LARRY GEFFRE, CRL Beutler Home Inspection LLC Bill Beutler OWNER THE LOCKSHOP Licensed Home Inspector CARS OPENED • CARD ACCESS 215 7th St. S, Fargo, ND 58103 MASTER KEYING 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 701-232-3222 • 800-598-3223 Prompt Service Bison Center “May the quiet peace of the holiday (701) 235-6645 1404 33rd St. SW season fill your heart & home” Fax (701) 235-0692 Bonded Join us for Sunday Brunch! Fargo, ND 58103 218-236-5028 [email protected] Mark Sheils DDS 232-6683 13th Ave & Gateway Dr. Fargo The Dentist you know and trust Deluxe breakfast including Omlette Station, Prime Rib, Chicken Cordon Bleu, and Fan Tailed Shrimp We sell service... & send the equipment along with it. Breakfast Buffet: 8am-11am Brunch Buffet 11am-1:30pm $13.99 Kids under 8 FREE 701.478.6696 3333 13th Ave. S. / Fargo / 235-3333 Life • Annuities • Long Term Care Hurley’s Religious Goods Pat Dolan, FICF 1417 South University Drive Fargo, North Dakota 58103 Knights of Columbus Insurance [email protected] (701) 298-9922 • cell (701) 730-5203 2315 N. University Dr., Fargo Am Best: A++ Standard & Poor’s: AAA MN Lic #20087086 232-4718 Gifts for Religious Occasions Baptisms, Reconciliation First Communion, Confirmations Weddings & Ordinations Council 782 MONTHLY MEETINGS SECOND MONDAY OF THE MONTH 7:00 P.M. Cathedral Offices 619 7th Street North 701-282-4400 2401 S. 11th St. Moorhead Fargo • 4302 13th Ave S • 356-9800 West Fargo • 755 13th Ave. E • 277-5003 Easy. Quick. Solutions. Residential • Commercial • Industrial (218) 287-6900 Derek Christopherson Agency Inc. Providing Insurance & Financial Services Pioneer Plaza 101 N. 10th St., Suite 120, Fargo 3535 Main Avenue, Fargo ND 58103 239-9771 (Christopherson Plaza: NE Corner of I29 & Main Avenue) Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 701.232.2222 Jed D. Hillmer, OD Parishioner Heritage House PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Independent Retirement Apartments PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP 401 6th Ave. No. • Fargo, ND 58102 Phone (701) 234-9326 • Sheet Metal Work • Heating & A.C. • Maintenance • Gas Fireplaces • Boilers ........... ES FREE TIM AT ES EE S FR ATE TIM ES $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH • Ventilation • Air Cleaners • Humidifiers • Water Heaters Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Hauck & Buchholz Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Drywall, Inc. 701-232-1888 Residential & Commercial Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, 701-232-0628 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA [email protected] 555450 St Mary Cathedral ........... ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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