OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS WESTERN NEW YORK (including Ontario; Niagara Region) – November 2014

WESTERN NEW YORK (including Ontario; Niagara Region)
MEETING SCHEDULE – November 2014
All OA Meetings are Closed except where labeled “Open”
Note: Closed meetings are for those who have a desire to stop eating
compulsively; Open meetings are for anyone interested in learning about the OA
5:30 PM(*)
Cheektowaga, NY - Cleveland Heights Christian Church, 4774 Union
Rd (at Cleveland), 14225. Contact: Judy G (716) 901-0163. Group #:
30927. Open 3 Sunday
7:30 PM(*)
Hamburg, NY – St. Matthew’s Church, 5289 McKinley Parkway, 14075.
Contact: Amy (716) 335-8624. Group #: 04841.
3:30 PM(*)
Dunkirk, NY – Steger Building 15 N. Main St, 14048. Contacts: Debbie 716969-6578 or Vicki (716) 672-2625. Group #: 51089. Open
6:00 PM(*)
Cheektowaga, NY – Cleveland Heights Christian Church, 4774 Union Rd, (at
Cleveland Dr) ,14225. Contact: Jenna (315) 727-4424. Group #: 38171.
St. Catharines, ON – First Grantham United Ch., 415 Linwell Avenue
Contact: Marilyn (905) 563-5775. Group #: 46995.
10:00 AM
10:00 AM(*) Amherst, NY – Trinity Old Lutheran Church, 3445 Sheridan Drive,
14226. Contacts: Annetta (716) 873-3288, Marilyn (585) 798-3325.
Group #: 04957
10:00 AM(*) Amherst, NY – St. Stevens Church., 750 Wehrle Dr, 14225.
Contact: Marilyn (585) 798-3325. Group #: 11330.
1:00 PM
Port Colburn, ON – Call for location.
Contacts: Janet (905) 894-3032,
6:30 PM(*)
Buffalo, NY – Grace Church, 174 Cazenovia St., 14210.
Contact: Darlyne S. (716) 674-8902. Group #: 45850. Open 1
Monday of month
10:00 AM(*) Batavia, NY – First Baptist Church, 306 East Main St. 14020.
Contact: Margaret (585) 948-5743. Group #: 29576. Open
7:00 PM(*)
Williamsville, NY - The Hope Center 781 Maple Rd., Williamsville,
NY 14221 (at N. Forest & Maple Rd.). Contact: Lena V. (716) 8122158, Joanie (716) 694-6386. Group #: 51472. Open
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
Kenmore, NY – Pilgrim Lutheran Church, 44 Chapel Rd. (at
Delaware Rd), 14217 (Step study) Nancy G 844-2025 or 907-3119.
Group # 45430
Fredonia, NY – Harvest Chapel Free Methodist Church, 39 Matteson
St. Fredonia, NY 14063 (Library) Contact Vicki (716) 672-2625.
Group #: 52689. Open
Western New York Intergroup(*) – Every THIRD Saturday at 9:00 AM
St. Stevens Church. 750 Wehrle Dr, 14225, Amherst, NY
Western New York OA website: www.oawny.org
OA Hotline: 716-694-4848
Region 6 Website: www.oaregion6.org
OA World Service Website: www.oa.org
Western NY OA Intergroup
P.O. Box 936
Williamsville, NY 14221
Intergroup number: 09056
For changes to Meeting List or if you would like this list emailed to you please contact:
Shannon S. (716) 698-1062 [email protected]
(*) Meeting is handicap accessible
NOTE: Some meetings do not have contact information. Please ask members of your
meeting to perform this most important service.
Also, almost all meetings need Secretary’s who can receive WSO mailings containing
information about events, policy changes, and staying connected with other groups.
Please contact Shannon S. using the email and/or phone number above to volunteer
for either of these most needed service positions.
Meeting changes noted in this font