Salem United Methodist Church 3962 Salem Road Covington, GA 30016 Non Profit Organization Permit #328 U.S. Postage Paid at Conyers, GA 30013 Salem Signal Return Service Requested 3962 Salem Road, Covington, GA 30016 Phone 770-786-6027 Fax 770-786-6050 October 22, 2014 Deadline for next newsletter articles: November 16, 2014 Pastor’s Reflections The Next Step Special points Among the great joys of my childhood were the trips from the Peabody coage at Indian Springs Holiness Camp Ground to the Indian Springs State Park for an a ernoon on the slippery rocks. You may have been there some$me yourself! Of interest • Upcoming Events • Financial News As a boy I can remember one par$cular spot where we used to play. There was a natural waterslide and a deep pool where we would play for what seemed like hours on end. When I take the boys there now, it is clear to me how $ny it is. But as a lile boy it was a marvelous distrac$on and the source of wonderful adventures. • Those Who Serve Us • Announcements Joe Peabody, Jr., Pastor Joe Peabody, Sr., Asso. Pastor Carol Standard, Asst. Pastor Charles Ingram, Music Director Annette Harmon, Admin.Asst./Financial Sec. Carol & Mike Rodock, Youth Directors Jessica Wayne, Children’s Director • Birthdays • Church Calendar e-mail: [email protected] As I got older (and my parents got a lile braver) we ventured out farther and farther onto the “slippery” rocks. One wrong step and – Bam! – down you might go. The dry tops of the rocks were safe, ini$ally; un$l they, too, became saturated from our splashing footsteps. But the sides and edges of the rocks just below the surface were always slick. Always fraught with danger! And ALWAYS so much fun!! Phone: 770-786-6027 Fax: 770-786-6050 Inside this issue; Community Food Pantries Your dona$ons of canned goods and other food supplies can make a huge difference in the lives of hungry and hur$ng people. The barrels are located in the hall behind the Sanctuary, in the office hallway and in the Family Life Center for the Food Banks in Newton & Rockdale Counties BackPack Buddies We will begin the BackPack Buddy program on Oct. 26. We are sponsoring 18 children this year. The cost per child is approximately $7.00 per week. You can help us by bringing food items on the BackPack Buddy list or by sponsoring a child or by dona$ng to the BackPack Buddy Program. This is a great ministry to those in need and to their family. Trunk or Treat Pumpkins Patch Time Change Special Dates Santa Breakfast Children’s Happenings 2 2 2 2 2 2 Youth News Announcements UMW Stewardship News Mission & Outreach 3 3 3 3 4 Anniversaries Those Who Serve Us Prayer Requests Chick-fil-A Calendars are on sale for $7.00. Proceeds will used for mission projects. Please see Mary Walters, Carol Standard, or church office. I remember walking out on those rocks for the first $me with Allison and the boys. Parker was nine years old, and Ashton was not yet seven; and, all of a sudden, I turned into my father. I urged cau$on. I offered counsel, step by step. And I did my best to catch them when they would begin to fall. My hand had just caught Ashton under the upper arm when I remembered the words of the Psalmist: Birthdays Chick –fil –A Calendars As a teenager, my friends and I would – stupidly – race from the pool just below the bridge at the very top of the rocks all the way down to the pool at the boom, or from the boom to the top; or both. Occasionally we would make it all the way, unscathed. Typically, though, we would bust it somewhere along the way! We would slip. We would stumble. We would contort ourselves wildly to maintain our foo$ng or regain our balance. And, more $mes than any of us want to admit, we fell. Church Calendar I N S E R T “He will not let your foot slip.” (Psalm 121:3) As we pray about and plan for THE NEXT STEP: “Forward in Faith” as a church family, I believe we do not have to be anxious. Can we purposefully choose other than God’s best for us? Sure we can. We can be disobedient. Might we accidentally veer from the path or stray away? Absolutely. But even in our disobedience we are not beyond his grasp. Even in error we can trust him. And if we will embrace the wisdom of scripture, we do not need to be anxious: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) PAGE 2 S A LE M S I G N A L Trunk or Treat Saturday, October 25 5:00—7:00 p.m. S A LE M S I G N A L Special Dates Mark your Calendar The Pumpkins are Here!!! Sunday, Nov. 9—Second Sunday Worship Sunday, Nov 16—Commitment Sunday Charge Conference 2:00 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23—Celebration Sunday Sunday, Nov. 30—1st Sunday in Advent Hanging of the Greens & Love Light Service Be sure to sign up to help sell pumpkins. SANTA BREAKFAST & SANTA SECRET SHOP December 6 at You are invited to decorate the trunk of your car and fill it with candy! We will be serving hot dogs, popcorn and coon candy. Door prizes will be given to registering guests. We will need volunteers to help. Time Change Sunday, November 2 Remember to turn your clock back one hour on Saturday night, November 1. We are in need of any NEW items that could sell from .25 cents to $5.00 to be donated to the shop. You may also donate cash to help cover the cost for the breakfast items or gi s for the shop. Please note on your check that it is for the Santa Breakfast & Secret Shop and you can either put in the offering plate or turn into the Church Office. If you have any ques$on, please call Debbie Andrews at 770-922-6398. Thank you for all your help to make this the best one ever. Children’s Happenings The holidays are fast approaching and what a truly wonderful $me of year this is to be with family and friends. Trunk or Treat is going to be a blast for the church and the community alike. It is such a fun $me for all involved and gives our church a wonderful opportunity to meet all the of the community children and their parents. A special Thank you to all of those involved for making this a special night for all the children. Santa’s Breakfast is coming December 6th in the Family Life Center. Dona$ons are welcome for the food and Santa’s Shop. Don’t miss out on this special chance to begin the Christmas celebra$ons with wonderful fellowship and a great $me for all. A special Secret Santa’s shop will be available for the children to purchase gi s for their loved ones. Don’t miss this great $me and wonderful food. If you are interested in signing your children or grandchildren up for any programs at Salem UMC, please contact the church office or Jessica Wayne. I will be happy to talk over all of the opportuni$es’ open to the children of this church and the community. Our goal at Salem UMC is to share Christ with all and to provide each person who comes through our doors with a feeling of love and family in Christ. We offer a 2.5 hour children’s program each Sunday morning. Regardless which service you choose to aend, we have engaging ac$vi$es planned for your child for the whole morning! Salem UMC loves kids! 9:30-9:45 9:30-10:00 The Bridge service at Tradi$onal worship 9:30 11:00 Snack Worship $me with (green room) parents (FLC) Praise & Worship with Ms. Yvonne (green room) 10:00-10:45 FaithWeaver Now Sunday School Classrooms 10:45-11:00 Missions outreach with Ms. Annee (green room) 11:00-11:15 (green room) 11:15-11:30 (green room) 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:15 (green room) Worship with parents or (green room) stay for 2nd hour Praise & Worship with Ms. Stephanie or Ms. Allison Kids’ Own Worship Sunday School Classrooms Recrea$on (free play and structured ac$vi$es) PAGE 3 News United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) welcomes all youth from 6th – 12th grades. We meet on Sunday evenings from 5-7 in the Choir Suite. Please see below the schedule for November and contact Carol Rodock at 678-712-5280 for more informa$on. Bring your friends! We are excited about all the changes and happenings at Salem and if you haven’t been here in awhile, please check out our new “Bridge” service each Sunday morning at 9:30 in the Family Life Center and new classes for youth, both at the regular Sunday School hour and a er the new service. Please help with the annual Trunk or Treat this Saturday, Oct. 25. Please arrive between 4:30 and 5:00 so you can be placed at a sta$on. Also, help is s$ll needed in the Pumpkin Patch if you are available. Youth Retreat: Instead of Remove the Mask this year there will be a smaller youth retreat with a few other youth groups at the FFA camp during the weekend before Thanksgiving, Nov. 21-22. Details TBA. Mark Your Calendars: Oct. 25 – Trunk or Treat Oct. 26 – UMYF 5-7 Nov. 2 – UMYF 5-7 Nov. 9 – UMYF 5-6; 2nd Sunday worship 6-7:15 Nov. 16 – Charge Conference and Stop Hunger Now event; No UMYF Nov. 21-22 – Youth Retreat at FFA Camp Nov. 23 – Celebra$on Sunday; No UMYF United Methodist Women Stop Hunger Now Another exci$ng Stop Hunger Now event will be held at Salem UMC on Sunday, November 16 at 4:15 p.m. in the FLC following charge conference (2p.m. – 4p.m.). We will be collabora$ng with six other churches. We are asking you to consider inves$ng in this worthwhile project and come and help us fill bags to feed orphans and school children who are hungry. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! To all the ladies that made goodies for the BBQ and made cra s to sell. Also, thank you to everyone who purchased all the goodies and the BBQ. The day was a great success! Stewardship News Annual Operating & Building Budget $319,209.52 Annual Operating & Building Budget $26,601—Required Monthly Average Weekly Attendance Total received in: $27,106—August 137—August 156—September 167—October $24,264—September $21,615—October $743,194—Family Life Center Loan Snack (3 out of 4 weeks.) (3 out of 4 weeks.) November Birthdays November 1 Frank Burgin November 3 Ben Young November 4 Jessica Williamson November 6 Jimmy Smith November 9 Faye Vaughan November 11 Martha Allums Brad Boettner Larry Patrick Pat Miller Joe Paschal Barry Schell November 15 Ouida Moore November 16 Ruth Isom November Anniversaries November 17 Christine Hadaway November 18 John Solomon, Jr. November 19 Shirley Pierce Jonathan Dement November 20 Dawn Brown November 24 Dalton Smith Jason Wayne November 25 David Kincaid Jackie Stedham November 30 Beth Story November 1 Ken & Wanda Adams November 3 Bill & Joan Tidwell November 5 Tom & Terry Hooks November 6 Bennie & Yvonne English November 9 Bryan & Stephanie Bloodworth Have we missed your Birthday or Anniversary? Be sure to call the Church Office 2014 Sun 2 3 Children’s Church Nursery Volunteer Jonathan & Amy Dement Patti Chriswell Phillip & Amy Standard Mae Lewis November 16 Jessica Wayne & helper Louise McGraw November 23 November 30 Nancy Penn & helper Shirley Pierce & helper Dawn Brown 10 UMM Meeting 8am Jessica McGinnis Bridge Service 9:30 am Second Sunday Service 6pm 16 Jimmy Breedlove Jimmy Breedlove Flowers for Sanctuary 5 Jimmy Breedlove Jimmy Breedlove 11 6 12 Nurture Meeting Greg Hadaway Gary Bloodworth Greg Hadaway Gary Bloodworth Greg Hadaway Gary Bloodworth Greg Hadaway Gary Bloodworth Bill Tidwell Sybil Knox Luanne Mowrey Ethel Willmon Pier Barrow Prayerful Requests: Brenda Alleyne, Martha Allums, Pier Barrow, Sathell Bealieu, Mattie Bowden, Jean Busby, Betty Butler, Nikki Crowell, Frank Enyart, Carol Gardiner, Joelda Gardner, Mary Garner, Lucille Godfrey, Mack Hill, Lilene Hollingsworth, Gary & Melissa Hyde, Kathy Johnson, Joyce Kitchens, LeGrand Family, Lisa Long, Tony McGiboney, Luanne Mowrey, Ruth Parker, Joe Paschal, Joe Peabody & family, Michael Reese, Salem UMC & Staff, Katie Sanders, John & Marge Shearer, Tommy Smith, John & Pat Solomon, Carol Standard, Joan Stanley, Jackie Stedham, Bev & Don Stewart, Catherine Stewart, Kelly Stewart, Stacey Stewart, Patrick Stewart, Bob & Sara Stokes, Ann Sutton, Nancy Taylor, Parker Thomas, Shirley Thomas, Dot Thompson, Ola Vaughn, Elizabeth Walter, Earl Washburn 7 Prayer Shawl 6:30 pm 8 14 13 Girl Scouts In FLC 8—1 Girl Scouts 18 19 20 21 22 SPR 5:30 pm PCLA 8—5 Stephens Ministry Class Girl Scouts Wed. Night Supper 5:30pm & Class 25 26 28 29 Salem Srs. 11am Finance 6:15pm Church Council 7pm 27 Doris Compton Birthday in Choir Suite 4-7pm Celebration Sunday Hanging of the Greens & LoveLight Service 7pm 15 PCLA 8-12 Bridge Service 9:30 am Bridge Service 9:30 am 1 PCLA 8-12 24 30 Sat UMW 7pm Wed. Night Supper 5:30pm & Class 6:30 Jimmy Breedlove Greg Hadaway Gary Bloodworth Fri PCLA 8-12 PCLA 8—5 Stephens Ministry Class 6—8:30 pm Bridge Service 9:30 am 23 Cash Counters Thu PCLA 8—5 SPR 5:30 pm 17 Charge Conference 2:00—4:00 p.m. Acolyte Secures Building On Sunday 4 Wed Wed. Night Supper 5:30pm Stephens Prayer Centering & Class 6:30 Ministry Class in Prayer Chapel 6:30 pm Those Who Serve Us—November November 9 Tue Trustees 6:30 pm 9 November 2 Mon Ongoing OpportuniƟes Monday—Stephens Ministry Class—6—8:30 Wednesday—Supper at 5:30 pm Chris$an Believer Class & Sinning Like a Chris$an at 6:30
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