F.No. 19011/1/2013-GA (Pt.) Government of India Ministry of Commerce & Industry Department of Commerce Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi st Dated 21 October, 2014 TENDER NOTICE Subject: Supply and Installation of 94 number of MS Office 2013(professional) Software. The Department of Commerce invites quotations from registered/authorized firms/vendors of M/s Microsoft for supply of 94 MS Office 2013(professional) Software for installation in the computers/Laptop in the Department of Commerce, periphery of NCT of Delhi. 2. All the documents in support of eligibility criteria regarding authorization, the firm/vendor should send for consideration by Department. The renderers are advised in their own interest to submit the desired papers/documents with their bids failing which their bids may be declared no-responsive . The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 1,00.000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) 3. must be sent with the Tender and original in a sealed envelope superscribed with the works "Supply of MS Office 2013 (professional) in the Department of Commerce" and has to be dropped in the Tender Box installed in Room 27C, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi latest by 3.00PM on 14.11.2014. 4. The tender shall be opened at 16.00 PM on 14.11.2014 in the room No. 556A. Date and time for opening of Financial Bids of the eligible firms would be intimated later on. 5. The Department of Commerce reserves the right to cancel the tender at any time/stage or relax/amend/withdraw any of the terms and conditions contained in the Tender Documents without assigning any reason, thereof. Any enquiry, after submission of the bid shall not be entertained. In case of withdrawal of bid, the EMD will stand forfeited. 6. The Technical bid and Financial Bid details are placed at Annexure A & B respectively. 7. Complete tender documents may be downloaded from the website of Central Public Procurement Portal (http://eprocure.gov.in!eprocure!app) and from the Website of the Department {http://commerce.nic.in).lnformation on any issue of corrigendum related to this tender will also be available on website of Central Public Procurement Portal as also in the website of the D,epartment, -2 Other term and conditions: 1. Each tenderer is entitled to submit only one tender wherein he can, if necessary indicate alternative quotation. In case where more than one tender in a specified group is submitted by him, he will be liable to rejection. 2. In the event of the space on the prescribed form being insufficient for the required purposed, additional page must be numbered consecutively and must bear the tender number and signed by the tenderer. In such cases, reference to the additional pages must be made in the tender form. 3. The tender must reach this office strictly not later that 3.00PM on 14.11.2014 and the bid must be received by the address specified and no later than the time and date speCified in the inVitation for bids. 4. It is the responsibility of the bidders to ensure that the complete bidding documents, whether sent by post or by the courier or by person are received by the time and date stipulated for receipt, failing which the bid would be considered and rejected. 5. The bidder having annual turnover of more than Rs. 10 (Ten Lakhs only) per annum during the last three Financial Years 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 will be considered. In this regard, Charted Accountant Certificate certifying the bidder's turnover to be enclosed in technical bid. 6. The bidder who has been in existence for over three years and supplied computer hardware/peripherals to the office of Central/State Government will be considered. In this regard a copy of Shop & Establishment certificate along with purchase orders/work orders to be enclosed with technical bid. The bidder should not have been disqualified by any Government/Semi Government Organisation for similar work and must give a self declaration (Annexure C). 7. The service provider should also be registered with Service Tax Department and should submit a copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate. 8. The Delivery of MS Office 2013(professlonal) Software should be Within 10 days from the date of receipt of Purchase Order. 9. The rates quoted should remain valid for at least six months from the date of opening of tender. -3 10. The Tenderer shall submit the copy of PAN,TIN,VAT registration along with the Technical Bid of the tender document. 11. Any cutting/over writing in the tender must be signed by the Authorised signatory of Tenderer with company seal. 12. The tender is not transferable. 13. The material should be properly delivered in conformity with the specifications and properly installed to the satisfaction of the concerned authority. MS Office 2013(professional) Software should be installed in all Desktop/Laptop computers. 14. The bill amount will be paid only after supply of all MS Office 2013(professional) Software and successful installation in the Desktop/laptop computers. 15. Price quoted should be inclusive of all taxes and levies by any Government, Local authorities etc. as applicable to a Central Government Department. No Payment over and above the prices quoted shall be done by the department in respect of any such levies brought to the notice at a later date. 16. A performance security @ 10% of the total billed amount will have to deposited for a period of one year by the successful bidder to the Department of Commerce. 17. If the supply is not completed within the stipulated period, the supplier will be liable to pay compensation equal to one percent of such amount of the total value of contract per day. However, in exceptional cases the Joint Secretary (Admn.) may accord extension of time when the delay in delivery is due to reasons beyond the control of the supplier. 18. The tender is subject to the provision of Rule 160(ii) of General Financial Rules, 2005 which enables a bidder to question the bidding conditions, bidding process and/or rejection of its bid. Accordingly, enquiries in this regard by a bidder will be responded jf the request is received in writing timely in General Administration Section of this Department 19. Preference shall be given to the Micro and Small Enterprises registered with District Industries Centres or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or National Small Industries Corporation or Director of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The Micro and Small Enterprises quoting price within price band of Ll+ 15% shall also be allowed to supply a portion of requirement by -4 bringing down their price to L1 price in a situation where L1 price is from someone other than a Micro and Small Enterprises. 20. Joint Secretary (Admn.), Department of Commerce reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations without assigning any reason. General Administration Tel:230622261 End: Annexure A, B, C as above. Annexure-A Technical Bid L Tender Ref. No. :......... ...................................................•.............. 2. Name of Terderer: ...... ................................................................. 3. Complete officer address of Tenderer: .......................................................................................................................................... 4. Contact details of authorized person of Tenderer who have Signed the tender. (a)Name: (b)Designation: (c) Phone (Officer) (d) Phone (Mobile No.) (e) E-mail address: 5. EMD payment details (DD number & bank detail) (DD to be attached in original) 6. Submission of technical confirmation to be the requirement. S.No. Item Description Tentative Required No. 1 MS Office 2013(professionalj Software 94 Confirmation by bidder for requirement (YIN) 7. Document to be enclosed with the Technical bid are as under: (a) Copy of authorization letter from Microsoft. (b) Duly Signed & stamped all pages of Tender documents as a mark of your acceptance. (c) Copies of PAN/VAT/TIN (d) Undertaking on letter head as per annexure "C". (e) Document authenticating eligibility towards EMD exemption, if awarded . Signature of the Tenderer with rubber Stamp Date:... ............... . Place: ............ ...... Annexure-B Financial Bid 1. Tender Ref. No.: ........................................... . 2. Name of the Tender: ................ ........................ 3. The offer with rates for the schedule of requirements of items, as elaborated under, to be submitted. Adhering to the format given below is a pre-requisite for considering your quotations: S.No. Item Quantity 1. MS Office 2013 (professional) Software 94 Unit rate including all taxes and charges (in Rs.) Total rate for 94 Nos. including all tax and charges (in Rs.) 4.The above quoted price should be inclusive of basic price with all taxes & duties (as applicable). The price competiveness shall be give due consideration while analyzing the Financial bid. The Department of Commerce will not issue any form toward rebate/exclusion of Sales Tax/Vat. It is hereby confirmed that we shall abide all the terms & Conditions as specified in the tender and further agreed for the penalty to be imposed, in case of delayed supplies from our end as specified in Point (17) of "other terms and conditions" of this tender. Date: ................... Place: ................ .. Annexure-C Undertaking (On Company letter head) 1. The undersigned certify that I have gone through the terms and conditions mentioned above and undertake to comply with them . The rates, quoted by me are valid. 2. That the articles shall be of the best quality and confirms as per the requirements of the institution specified in the technical specification of the bid documents. The decision of JS(Admn.), Department of Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi as regard the quality and kind of articles shall be final and binding on me. 3. I agree to supply any articles in the appendix up to 25% above the quantity specified, if requ ired . 4. the conditions herein contained shall form part of and shall be taken as it they are included in the agreement to be entered into or treated as agreement itself at the discretion of the JS(Admn.), Department of Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi. 5. The said officer shall be, deemed if necessary, to change any article on its being found to be of inferior quality, it shall be replaced by me in time to prevent in conven ience . 6. I undertake, that the prices quoted by me are lowest and I have not quoted any price lower that this anywhere in India. 7. I also undertake that we are not a defaulter to any Govt. Organisation/PSU since last 2 years for any reason due to non supply of material even after agreed to supply in stipulated time . Signature of the T Date :............ .... .. . PI ace :............ ......
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