NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) FOR INSTALLATION OF RO PLANT AT GUJARAT REFINERY OF M/S IOCL BIDDING DOC. NO.: AS/A315-000-PP-TN-8001/1001) (DOMESTIC COMPETITIVE BIDDING) E-Tendering 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Indian oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) proposes to Install RO Plant at their Gujarat RefineryVadodara and has appointed Engineers India Limited (EIL) as their Project Management Consultant for this project. 1.2 EIL on behalf of IOCL invites e-bids on Domestic Competitive Bidding basis for “INSTALLATION OF RO PLANT” on LSTK basis for IOCL – Gujarat refinery from competent agencies with sound technical and financial capabilities fulfilling the Qualification Criteria stated under sl. no. 5.0 below. Bidders are requested to read the“Instruction to Bidders” for detailed instructions regarding submission of bids. 2.0 BRIEF SCOPE OF WORK: Scope of Work & Supply for the Tertiary Treatment Plant (TTP) package includes basic engineering, detailed engineering, project management, procurement, construction, testing, commissioning, performance guarantee test run and guaranteeing of TTP to treat treated effluent from ETP using 3 Reverse Osmosis (RO) skids of capacity (5 x 250 m3/hr, 3 x 210 m3/hr, 2 x 150 m3/hr) for generation of DM feed water and cooling tower makeup water. However the TTP is designed for handling 1500 m3/hr (feed to RO skids) to meet future provision. The reject meeting GPCB norms from the plant shall be disposed through a pipe line through the existing waste disposal network. a. b. c. d. 3.0 4.0 The scope of work covers: TTP of design capacity 1200 m3/hr (feed to RO skids). Chemical House and Control Room Sub Station All Civil & Structural, Architectural, Electrical, Instrumentation, Environmental works within battery limit Mechanical and TIME SCHEDULE: 12 (Twelve) Months for Mechanical Completion + 02 Months for Commissioning and PGTR from the date of issue of Fax of Acceptance (FOA). SALIENT FEATURES OF BIDDING DOCUMENT: Bidding Document on Website : From 27.10.2014 to 09.12.2014 a) b) Cost of Bidding Document / Tender Fee Bid Security / EMD c) : Not Applicable : Rs. 45,75,000.00 (Rupees Forty Five Lakh Seventy Five Thousand only) d) Date of Pre-bid meeting : 10.11.2014 at 11:00 AM e) Last date of Receipt of Bidder’s Queries for Pre-Bid Conference : 07.11.2014 f) : g) Last Date and time of Online submission of Bids (Bid Due Date) : Engineers India Limited EIL, Office Complex, Sector-16, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122001 Upto 1200 Hrs. IST on 09.12.2014 h) Online Opening of Techno-commercial Unpriced Bid : 1400 Hrs. IST on 09.12.2014 i) : Engineers India Limited Tower 1 ,1st Floor Conference Room, EIL Office Complex, Sector-16, Gurgaon, Haryana-122001 Venue of Pre-Bid Meeting Venue of unpriced bid opening A315_NIT Page 1 of 5 j) Date & Time of Price opening : To be informed later by EIL/IOCL If dates indicated at (d) and (h) above happen to be a declared holiday in EIL, Gurgaon, the next working day shall be considered. The complete Bidding Document is available on EIL website:; IOCL website: and Govt. Website: Bidders can view / download the document from any one of the websites mentioned above. All amendments, time extension, clarifications, etc. will be uploaded in the websites only and will not be published in Newspapers. Bidders should regularly visit the above website(s) to keep themselves updated. Request for extension or any queries received from any bidder with less than four working days prior to bid due date shall generally be ignored, since there will not be adequate time for proper communication with Client and other Bidders. Bidders shall submit the bid directly and in their own name without involving any intermediaries. BIDDER’S QUALIFICATION CRITERIA (BQC): 5.0 Bidder shall fulfill the following qualification criteria: 5.1. EXPERIENCE CRITERIA (TECHNICAL) : a. Basic engineering, detail engineering including design, procurement, supply, construction, erection, testing and commissioning, performance guarantee test run of the plants of following categories during last 10 years: Have executed an RO based Effluent recycle plant of minimum 100 m 3/h as feed or more installed capacity per chain / skid on his own in a Petroleum Refinery i. or Have experience in executing waste water plants of 100 m 3/h capacity in Petroleum refinery/Petrochemicals plants involving oil removal and biological processes, and have executed at least One RO based Plant of 100 m 3/h as feed or more installed capacity per chain / skid on his own in any industry. ii. b. The reference Treatment Plants shall have completed one year of operation. c. The bidder shall meet the above experience criteria as on ending last day of the month previous to the one in which the applications are invited. 5.2 EXPERIENCE CRITERIA (COMMERCIAL) 5.2.1. The Bidder should have executed and completed the following work, as main contractor or sub contractor, during last 10 years to be reckoned from the last day of the month previous to the one in which the Bidding Document has been floated (the scheduled start date of availability of Bidding Document on website). i) One similar work of contract value not less than INR 74 Crore (Rupees Seventy Four Crore only) OR ii) Two similar works each of contract value not less than INR 59.20 Crore (Rupees Fifty Nine Crore Twenty Lakh only) OR iii) Three similar works each of contract value not less than INR 44.40 Crore (Rupees Forty Four Crore Forty Lakh only). Similar work shall be either “RO based Effluent recycle plant in Petroleum Refinery” or “RO based Plant in any industry”. Note : For the purpose of meeting Technical and Commercial Experience Criteria, the date of completion of work shall be considered as the reference date to fall under the 10 year A315_NIT Page 2 of 5 period. Also the date of “on which applications are invited” shall be the “Schedule start date of availability of Bidding Document on website”. 5.3 FINANCIAL CRITERIA: 5.3.1 Turnover : The annual turnover of the bidder shall be equal to or more than INR 76,11,43,000 (Indian Rupees Seventy Six Crore Eleven Lakh Forty Three Thousand only) during any one of the three preceding financial years from the due date of submission of bid. 5.4 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED The bidder in his own interest shall furnish complete documentary evidence as listed below to justify that bidder meets the qualification criterion as mentioned in clause no. 5.1 above. a. Copy of Work Orders and documents/datasheet indicating the capacity of the Plant for main chain. b. Completion Certificates. c. One Year Performance Certificates. 5.5 Bidder shall furnish documentary proof of fulfilling the “Bidder Qualification Criteria” as mentioned in Clause 5.2 & 5.3 above and applicable sub-clauses. This documentation shall include but not limited to copies of work order(s) / contract agreement(s) / relevant pages of contract document (s), completion certificate(s), fulfilling the qualification criteria, annual reports containing audited balance sheets and profit & loss accounts statement etc. IOCL/EIL reserves the right to complete the evaluation based on the details furnished without seeking any additional information. 5.6 All documents furnished by the bidder in support of meeting the experience and financial criteria (5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 above) of BQC as per NIT shall be submitted in a separate section/booklet along with their offer. This section/booklet shall be titled as “Documentation against Bidder Qualification Criteria (Experience and Financial)” with proper index and page numbering. Refer Instructions to Bidders (ITB) for details. 5.7 All documents furnished by the bidder in support of meeting the Experience and Financial criteria of BQC shall be: Either Duly certified by Statutory Auditors of the bidder or practicing Chartered Accountant (not being an employee or a Director or not having any interest in the bidder’s company/firm) where audited accounts are not mandatory as per law. Or Duly notarized by any Notary Public in the Bidder’s Country. In case of Notarization, Bidder shall also submit an Affidavit, duly notarized in the Format provided elsewhere in the Bidding Document, signed by the Authorized Signatory of the Bidder. 5.8 Bidder submitting Published and Bound annual report will not be required to submit duly authenticated copy of the same 5.9 Any additional documents if deemed necessary to establish the qualifying requirements may be submitted by the Bidder. 5.10 Submission of authentic documents is the prime responsibility of the Bidder. However, IOCL/EIL reserves the right of getting the document cross verified, at their discretion from the document issuing authority. 5.11 IOCL/EIL reserves the right to complete the evaluation based on the details furnished (without seeking any additional information) and / or in-house data, survey or otherwise. 5.12 Failure to meet the above Qualification Criteria will render the Bid to be summarily rejected. Therefore, the bidder shall in his own interest furnish complete documentary evidence in the first instance itself along with their bids, in support of their fulfilling the Qualification Criteria as given above. 6.0 6.1 SUBMISSION OF BIDS & VALIDITY Bids are required to be submitted only through Govt. of India CPP Portal at on or before the Bid submission date and time. Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public Procurement Portal (URL: No enrolment fee would be charged from the A315_NIT Page 3 of 5 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 bidders. It may also be noted that the price details are required to be filled & submitted only on the Schedule of Price format downloaded from above e-Tendering website. Bidders in their own interest are requested to enroll on Govt. of India CPP portal and upload/submit their bid well in time. In the event of failure in bidder’s connectivity with EIL/CPP Portal during the last few hours, bidder is likely to miss the deadline for bid submission. Due date extension request due to above reason may not be entertained. Physical Bids / Offers or Bids through any other mode shall not be accepted. The Offers submitted through e-tendering system, as above shall only be considered for evaluation and ordering. Bidders to refer Instruction to Bidders for E-Tendering Methodology provided as Annexure-I to Instructions to Bidders (ITB), in the Bidding document. Bidders are requested to get acquainted with the E-Tendering System in advance and obtain/seek clarifications, if any from EIL and/or CPP Portal Helpdesk, whose contact information is provided in the Annexure-I to ITB. Validity of bid shall be 6 (Six) months from the final due date of opening of Technocommercial (Un-priced) Bids. 7 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) 7.1 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as mentioned at clause 4 above shall be submitted within the Bid Due Date. EMD shall be submitted in the form of Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee (as per Proforma provided in the GCC) in favour of “Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.” payable at Vadodara. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall be valid for a period of 8 (Eight) months from the due date of opening of Techno-commercial Bids and shall be submitted from any Scheduled Bank. 7.2 Exemption of EMD will be applicable for Industries covered under MSME Act (or erstwhile NSIC registered parties), Central/State PSUs, JVs of IOCL. The bidder shall submit duly authenticated copy of the valid MSE registration certificate. The certificate issued by MSE shall be valid as on the date of opening of Un-priced Bid. Scanned copy of authenticated MSE certificate should be uploaded in the e-procurement website. 7.3 Bidders are required to submit the EMD (in the prescribed format) in original on or before the Bid Due Date and Time and are required to upload the scanned copy of EMD on CPP Portal along with e-Bid. EMD in original shall be submitted in a sealed envelope titled “Earnest Money Deposit for Bidding Document No. AS/A315-000-PP-TN-8001/1001”. Bidder must upload the scanned copy of EMD (in the prescribed format) on CPP Portal along with the ebid. Swift message/Cheque/Cash shall not be acceptable. In case bidder fails to submit the original EMD in sealed envelope or fails to upload scanned copy of EMD on CPP Portal by the bid due date & time, such bid shall not be considered for evaluation. 8 GENERAL 8.1 IOCL/EIL reserves the right to carry out capacity & capability assessment of the bidder using in-house information and past performance. 8.2 The bidders who are on Holiday/Negative list of IOCL or EIL on due date of submission of bid/ during the process of evaluation of the bids, the offers of such bidders shall not be considered for bid opening/evaluation/Award. If the bidding document were issued inadvertently/ downloaded from website, offers submitted by such bidders shall also be not considered for bid opening/evaluation/Award. 8.3 Experience of only the bidding entity shall be considered. A job executed by a bidder for its own plant/projects cannot be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting requirement of BQC of the tender. However, jobs executed for Subsidiary/Fellow subsidiary/Holding company will be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BQC subject to submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by Statutory auditor of the Bidder towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for Subsidiary/Fellow subsidiary/Holding company. Such bidders shall submit these documents in addition to the documents specified in the bidding documents to meet BQC. 8.4 A job completed by a bidder as a sub-contractor shall be considered for the purpose of meeting the experience criteria of BQC subject to submission of following documents in support of meeting the “Bidder Qualification Criteria”: A315_NIT Page 4 of 5 a) b) Copy of work order and completion certificates along with SOR issued by main contractor. The Completion Certificates shall have details like work order no. /date, brief scope of work, ordered & executed value of the job, completion date etc. Certificates from the end User/ Owner/Consultant of the Owner. 8.5 IOCL/EIL will not be responsible or liable for cost incurred in preparation, submission & delivery of bids, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 8.6 In case any Bidder is found to be involved in cartel formation, his Bid will not be considered for evaluation / placement of order. Such Bidder will also be debarred from bidding in future. 8.7 Canvassing in any form by the Bidder or by any other agency on their behalf may lead to disqualification of their Bid. 8.8 Unsolicited clarifications to the offer and / or change in the prices during the validity period would render the bid liable for rejection. 8.9 Bidder shall not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceeding. 8.10 Techno-commercial part of the Bids shall be opened at 1400 Hrs. (IST) on the due date for submission of Bids. Time and date of opening of Price Bids shall be notified to the qualified and acceptable bidders at a later date. 8.11 Bidders may view the Bid opening through Govt. of India CPP Portal i.e. or may witness the bid opening in EIL Office, New Delhi. Total works shall be awarded to one agency based on total lowest (L1) evaluated price as per the provisions of the Bidding Document. 8.12 IOCL/EIL reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received or annul the bidding process at any time. 8.13 Consultant for the Project or their subsidiary company or companies under the management of consultant, are not eligible to quote for the execution of the same job for which they are working as consultant. 8.14 Bids submitted on Consortium or unincorporated Joint-Venture basis shall not be accepted. 8.15 IOCL reserves its right to allow Public Sector Enterprises (Central/State), purchase preference as admissible/applicable from time to time under the existing Govt. policy. IOCL shall also follow the Public Procurement Policy on Procurement of Goods and services from Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order 2012. 8.16 For detailed specifications, terms and conditions and other details, refer complete Bidding Document. 8.17 Clarification, if any, can be obtained from Mr. C. Kapuria through following number. Telephone No. +91-0124-3802104/3802168/3802165; E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] /[email protected] Asst. General Manager(C&P) Engineers India Limited, New Delhi. A315_NIT Page 5 of 5
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