KELVINDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 Website: Twitter: Parent Council At the recent Parent Council meeting Alisdair Matheson (parent of Hamish P2b) was elected Chair, taking over from George Buchanan (Parent of Taylor P7/6 & Connor P4/3). Next Parent Council meeting Wed 26th Nov 2014, 7pm. Please email points for agenda to: [email protected] PTA Meeting New members welcome Wednesday 12th November 7.15pm. PTA P1-3 Magic Show Saturday 1st November 2014 10.30am -11.30am Main Hall Bluto Balthazar , the sorcerer, will entertain P1-P3 pupils. It is open to younger siblings only, No adult ticket required. Letter issued this week via school bags. Tickets available from main office. PTA Pamper Night Friday 24th October 2014 7pm-10pm Come along and enjoy an evening of pampering – massage, reflexology, gel nails, hairdressing, make-up and much more! Letter issued this week via school bags. £6 per adult (includes fizz & chocolate). Tickets available from main office. PTA Christmas Fayre Your PTA Needs You! Sat 6th December 10am – 12.30pm The PTA work very hard to raise funds for all the pupils of our school and this festive season they need your help. Can you spare a few hours to help? Fri 5th Dec: Set up 3.15pm Sat 6th Dec: Help at the Christmas Fayre Please contact school office or email HT to offer your support. Thank you. Annual School Fundraiser On Monday 20th October every class will take part in our Obstacle Course fundraiser for school funds. Each child will bring home a sponsor form. Please help your child raise money for our school by encouraging family and friends to sponsor your child. Please do not allow your children to go door to door to ask strangers for sponsorship. Children should wear sportswear on the day (no football tops please) @KelvindalePS Diary Dates OCTOBER 2014 Wed 8th 1.45pm P3/2 Open Afternoon Wed 8th 2.30pm P3a Open Afternoon Wed 8th 7pm Active Maths Adult Workshop P1-P3 Wed 8th P4/3 & P4a Trip to Burrell – The Egyptians Wed 8th P6a Trip to Pollock House – Victorians Thurs 9th P4b Trip to Burrell – The Egyptians Fri 10th LEPRA Workout Fundraiser Fri 10th SCHOOL CLOSES 3.15pm for Holiday Wk Mon 13th– Fri 17th SCHOOL CLOSED Oct Holiday Mon 20th School open for pupils & staff Mon 20th OBSTACLE COURSE for School Funds Thur 23rd 10 x P7 Athletics at Emirates Fri 24th 7pm-10pm PTA PAMPER NIGHT Thur 30th P7 to Cleveden Sports Challenge Fri 31st Fancy Dress Parties letter to follow NOVEMBER 2014 Wed 12th 6.30pm P7 Ski Trip Meeting Thur 13th P1 Enrolment for Aug 2015 Afternoon W/C 17th BOOK FAYRE in school Wed 19th 5.30pm-8pm Parents’ Evening Thur 20th 3.30pm-6pm Parents’ Evening Fri 21st 24 x P7 to Scotstoun Sports Challenge Wed 26th 7pm Parent Council Meeting Thur 27th 6.30pm-8pm P6-7 Street Dance Club performing at Cleveden Dance Show th Fri 28 Non Uniform Day – Wear Tartan Fri 28th PTA Quiz Night 8pm – details to follow School Improvement Plan & Standards & Quality Report Our priorities this session are: 1. Mathematics 2. ICT- GLOW 365 & Internet Safety 3. GCC Pupil Planning School Improvement Plan & Standards and Quality Report available on website. If you do not have access to a computer copies are available from school office. Adult Volunteers Thank you to our adult volunteers, supporting in and around school and on class trips. Your support is greatly appreciated. Special thanks to parents helping on staff photograph day. School Reading Book Amnesty Do you have a school reading book at home and time has passed and you’re not sure what to do? Please send books into school, we will be happy to receive any school books returned, with no questions asked. Thank you. G.E.P.A. Award Glasgow Effective Partnership Award In May 2014 we welcomed 2 assessors from Glasgow City Council to our school as part of the assessment process for this award. Management, pupils, parents, staff and partnership agencies met in groups to showcase and discuss the fantastic work that takes place in our school with our partner agencies. Assessors confirmed that we more than met the required standard and on Tuesday 30th Sept Mrs Darroch(HT), accompanied by Mrs Matheson (DHT), Zoe Cameron (Chair PTA), David McKay (Clyde CollegeAnniesland) and Ian Turnbull (Erskine House), accepted the award on behalf of the school at the awards ceremony in the City Chambers. Well done to everyone in our school community whose on-going positive partnership working ensured our success. Supermarket Vouchers Once again we are collecting Morrison’s ‘Let’s Grow’ Vouchers issued for purchases £10. Fancy Dress Afternoon Friday 31st October 2014 Letter will be issued w/c 6.10.14 Parents’ Evenings Parents’ Evening appointment request slips will be issued w/c 20.10.14. Please return to class by Friday 24.10.14. Class teachers will issue your appointment on Wednesday 12th November. Wed 19th Parents’ Eve 5.30-8.00pm Thur 20st Parents’ Eve 3.30-6.00pm Book Fayre will be in school w/c 17th and open at both parents’ evenings. All profits provide literacy resources for our pupils. We look forward to welcoming you. Book Fayre During School Day Mon 17th to Fri 21st November 9am-10.30, 11am-12noon 1.20pm-2.15pm, 2.15pm-3pm At Parents’ Evenings Wed 20th Parents’ Eve 5.30-8.00pm Thur 21st Parents’ Eve 3.30-6.00pm If you can spare an hour or two to work alongside staff at our book fayre during one or more of the above dates/ times please contact main office for further information. Thank you. Pupil Holidays in Term Time In line with Glasgow City Council Policy pupil holidays in term time are not encouraged and time off can only be authorised by the head teacher in exceptional circumstances. All requests for time off must be made in writing to the head teacher. Absence with no prior explanation from parent/ carer has to be recorded as unauthorised. Pupil Data Checks Thank you for the prompt return of annual data checks. If you still have to return your child’s data check please check, amend as required, sign and return to class teacher by Friday 24th October. All data checks must be signed and returned even if no changes required. If you have misplaced your copy, please contact school office for another. Thank you. Primary 1 Enrolment for August 2015 takes place on Thursday 13th NOVEMBER 2014 1.30pm Enrolment afternoon for parents/ carers of children living in the Kelvindale Primary School catchment area who will be starting school August 2015 (born between 1/3/10 and 28/2/11). Please bring child’s Birth Certificate and proof of address e.g. utility bill, child tax credit form. Your child must enrol at their local school. If you live outside Kelvindale catchment you may make a Placing Request to Kelvindale when registering at your local school. More information re school catchment areas and placing requests available GCC website: chool/ Pupil Council MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning Thank you for joining our Pupil Council for their coffee morning on 23rd September. With your help they raised £164.45. Well done to our Pupil Council. Thank you also to our PTA who helped the pupils and to our local Morrisons and Marks & Spencer for providing the cakes. Non Uniform & Fruity Snack Day Our first ‘Fun Hat’ non-uniform day at the end of August raised £142.20 for School Funds. Last Thursday our ‘Pyjama Day’ raised £220.70 for RNIB. Thank you for your generosity. Due to School Annual Fundraiser there will not be a nonuniform day in October. Next Non-Uniform day: Fri 28th November Theme: Kilts for Kids (wear tartan) Collection to: Children First Please donate at least 20p. Don’t forget your fruity snack too! Congratulations! Congratulations to Hollie P6a who was recently selected for the Scotland Squad Tumbling Team in Gymnastics. Well done Hollie! Congratulations to Anvi P4a who recently achieved Silver medal in her category at The Karate Grand Prix Scotland 2014. Well done Anvi! Winter Fun Pack £4 per child Saving Card Cordia New lunch menu from Monday 20th October. Menus available on school website, or request a copy at main office. Thank you. A savings card will be introduced after the October Week to allow parents/ carers to pay in instalments for the Winter Fun Pack. With ever more challenging budgets we need everyone to contribute to ensure we cover the cost of the following Winter Festivities: The pack includes: 1. Christmas Pantomime (2 performances) 2. Christmas Parties (snacks, juice, prizes, crackers, napkins) 3. Discos for Christmas Parties 4. Gifts P1-P3 pupils Please send your money to the class teacher from after the October Holiday. Thank you. When you shop via the website you help raise funds for our school. Why not try it out when online shopping for Christmas? Playground Unlike many schools we still enjoy the arrangement of parents/ carers being allowed into the playground at the start and end of our school day. Please help us maintain pupil safety and security by following our Playground Users’ Guide (available from the school office and our website). Parents/ carers (P1 to P7) please use our Adult Zone when in the playground and from October 20th all adults must leave playground when the first bell rings at 8.57am. Our aim is to ensure the safety and security of your children and at the same time encourage their independence and confidence. Thank you for your support in making this work. Pupil Voice Pupils representing their class this session in various roles within school listed below. Only first names are printed. Please do not hesitate to contact me, I am always happy to help. Kind regards, Caroline Darroch Head Teacher Pupil Voice 2014-2015 Class 1a 1b 2/1 2a 2b 3/2 3a 4/3 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7/6 7a Pupil Council Archie Jiangrong Craig Lana Billy Lia Harris Eco Committee Aaliyah Brodie Kimberley Logan Alex Rose Maleetah Ruby Blair Nina Aimee Andrew Andrew Aidan Tiffany-President Lewis-Secretary Molly-President Isla-Secretary Megan Izzy Ryan Inanur Erin Ben Grant Katie Anja Sports Committee Social Enterprise Hugh Joanna Lauren Jack Katie Media Team Oscar Sophie Safa Sylvia Logan Isabelle Roxanne Charley Ruben Katie Lara Greg Rebecca Taylor Alice Mia Isabella Havana Hanne Ella Iona Saul Daniel Alexander Mikenzy Esther Rebecca Calum Lana Emma Nacho Fair Trade Elena Christopher Ruby Charanjeet Jacqueline Duncan Joe Fraser Summer Eva Maggie Maeve Junior Road Safety Officers Munmeet Isla
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