TODAY’S MESSAGE Discovering the Heart of God Hosea 11:1-11 WELCOME TO WORSHIP Welcome to our guests...if you are new to Jefferson County or just new to our services, we are pleased you have joined us today. There is a tear-off welcome slip on the side of this bulletin. If you would like more information about the church or its ministries, wish to speak with a minister, or have a prayer request just fill it out and drop it in the offering plate and you will be contacted. We’re glad you’re here. October 26, 2014 Morning Worship 10:30 Prelude Call to Worship “Jesus, What A Mighty Name” Prayer & Welcome Fellowship & Praise “When We All Get to Heaven” “See What a Morning” Prayer of Dedication Offertory Praise & Worship “How Great Thou Art!” “Wonderful, Merciful Savior” Choral Worship “Hallelujah to the Lamb” Message Dr. David Crutchley Discovering the Heart of God O God You Are My God Psalm 63 Hosea 11:1-11 Hymn of Invitation “Grace Greater Than Our Sin” Ministry Emphasis & Benediction Evening Worship 6:30 Prelude Welcome & Prayer Fellowship & Praise “Great Is the Lord” “Jesus Is Coming to Earth Again” Offertory Hymn “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” Prayer of Dedication Offertory Message Dr. David Crutchley O God You Are My God Psalm 63 Hymn of Invitation “All to Thee” ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Life University—Grapple Last Sunday was the beginning of Grapple bible study for 4th-6th graders. The evening was a great success as the students studied the Word together and discovered God's answer to the questions preteens have. Grapple will NOT be meeting this Sunday, Oct. 26th. Be sure to join us the following Sunday, November 2, as it continues at 5:30pm in the office of Wynter Manis. Thank you! Thank you to everyone who helped or ate at the Pastor Appreciation/World Hunger Chili Luncheon last Sunday. A total of $429 was collected to send to Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund in honor of our Pastors. Trunk or Treat We need volunteers for this outreach to our community on Friday, Oct. 31 at 6pm. We need volunteers to be here at 5pm to pass out candy at their cars, to help with parking, and to help at the hospitality tent giving coffee and information. Sign up today at the Welcome Center. Collection bins are in the Welcome Center and the Office for donating candy. Community Choir Practice In preparation for the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra concert, there will be two community choir practices in the choir room after the evening services at 7:30pm on November 2nd and 16th. World Day of Prayer The Jefferson County Baptist Association’s World Day of Prayer will be held on Monday, Nov. 3rd, at Buffalo Grove Baptist Church in Jefferson City. A light meal will be served at 6:00pm, and the prayer service will begin at 7:00pm. The theme is “Tell me the story of Jesus.” If you are interested in attending, please contact Becky McCray at 397-3491 or Kendra Davis at 397-7116. Missions Night—Wednesday, November 5th On Nov. 5, Wednesday night Missions organizations will meet jointly to hear Mr. Kojo Abakah, who is a former Samaritan’s purse recipient originally from Ghana, Africa, present an inspiring message. Kojo was only a boy when he received a Samaritan’s Purse shoebox as a gift. Now a student at Tusculum College, Kojo has agreed to come and share his testimony. Please join us at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary! Upward Basketball Evaluations For any 1st-8th grade boys and girls who missed the basketball and cheerleading evaluation, there will be one more evaluation on November 8th between 1:00 and 5:00pm. Registration is available at the Welcome Center or at Operation Christmas Child Our Children’s Missions Groups will be collecting money at the doors following the morning service to be used for shoe box supplies and shipping expenses. If you would like to complete your own box, there are OCC boxes available in the Welcome Center. Also, deadline for completed boxes is November 16th and can be placed at the display in the Welcome Center. Covering Our Kids in Prayer Weekly Verse Pray for our kids to desire God this week: “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Psalm 42:1-2. Please pick up your prayer cards today. fellowship DINNER Wednesday, October 29 Lasagna, green beans, salad bar & dessert Children’s Menu: Mini corn dogs & cookies To make a reservation or to change your reservation, use this form or call the office by noon on Tuesday. Name (s): ______________________ ______________________________ Number: ____ 2yrs.-5th Grade ____ 6th Grade-Adult Check One: ADD me permanently to the weekly meal reservations. ADD me to the reservation list for this week only. REMOVE me indefinitely from the weekly reservation list. REMOVE me from the weekly reservation list for this week only. PRAYER REQUESTS Please write your request in the space provided and place it in the offering plate. These requests will be added to the Wednesday prayer sheet. Your name: __________________________________ Prayer Request: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ welcome We would like to get to know you. If you are a first time guest, we ask that you take a few moments to fill in the information on this panel so we can know you better. When completed, tear it off and place it in the offering plate. Thank you for joining us in worship today. Date: _______________________________ Name(s): _____________________________ How Do I Become A Christian? Admit: Admit your need for God and that you need God to forgive you for your sins. (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:9) Believe: Believe that Jesus is Lord; that He died for your sins, and rose from the dead. (Romans 10:9-10) Confess: Ask Jesus to forgive you and take control of your life and then confess before others that you are a follower of Christ. (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:9) _____________________________________ How do I unite with First Baptist Dandridge? _____________________________________ 1. By Baptism after you have received Jesus Christ as Savior through faith. Baptism shall be by immersion in water and shall be administered as an act of worship during a future worship service. If you have any questions about becoming a member of FBC, please feel free to contact the pastor. 2. By promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist Church of like faith and practice. 3. By statement of prior conversion experience and baptism by immersion where no letter is obtainable. 4. By watch care: A college student of temporary residency wishing to maintain a permanent membership in a church of Baptist faith may join the church with all rights and privileges of church membership except voting. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________ City: ________________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: ___________ Phone: _______________________________ E-mail: ______________________________ Birthdate(s): __________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Age Groups (please circle all that apply) 10/19/2014 Sunday School: Onsite— 325 Offsite— 34 Total— 359 Worship Attendance: 466 Weekly Budget Needs ............................................... $20,009.06 Preschool by age Birth Weekly Records 1 2 3 4 Total Budget Offerings ............................................... $12,679.96 Beyond Expectation Offerings ....................................$ 2,025.00 Total Designated Gifts ................................................$ 1,855.97 5 School-age children by grade Kindergarten 1 2 3 10 11 4 5 6 Total Offerings ........................................................... $16,560.93 World Hunger Donations Received $3,249.00 Youth by grade 7 8 9 12 Adult by age 18-22 23-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Please check any of the following that apply: I’m active in another church Church Name: _________________________ I would like more information about FBC. I would like to know more about becoming a Christian. Church Staff ____________________________ Rev. Cory Hammett, Minister of Spiritual Growth & Missions Rev. Chris Headley, Minister of Music Rev. Andy Henard, Minister of Students Wynter Manis, Director of Children’s Ministries Jessica Elder, Ministry Assistant Alicia Linsley, Ministry Assistant Diane Marshall, Church Accountant Cathy Woods, Pianist Jerry Price, Organist Church Office (865) 397-3940 Fax (865) 397-2330 Dandridge Christian Learning Center Office (865) 397-1111 951 S. Hwy 92 / P.O. Box 246, Dandridge, TN 37725 October 26—November 1, 2014 Sunday, October 26 9:15 Sunday School 9:30 Jefferson Co. Nursing Home 10:30 Morning Worship Service 11:30 Picnic at Pavilion before Ballinger Farm 4:15 Orchestra Rehearsal 4:30 Children’s Bible Drill —Room 207 5:30 Youth Choir Rehearsal 5:15 Christian Life University 6:30 Evening Worship Service Monday, October 27 9:00 Soul Purpose Fitness—Youth Area Tuesday, October 28 9:00 Staff Meeting—Conference Room 9:45 Ladies Bible Study—Youth Area 3:00 Good News Club—Dandridge Elementary Wednesday, October 29 9:30 Jefferson Co. Nursing Home 4:30 Preschool & Children’s Handbells 4:45 Wed. Night Supper—FH 5:30 Adult Handbells—Room 216 5:30 Preschool & Children’s Choirs 5:30 Wed. Night Outreach—Welcome Center 6:00 Youth Wed. Night Live 6:15 Preschool & Children’s Missions 6:30 Prayer Meeting & Bible Study; Choir Rehearsal 7:15 Pastor Search Committee Meeting—Conf. Room Thursday, October 30 9:00 Soul Purpose Fitness—Youth Area 6:00 College/Singles Bible Study at the Henard’s 6:30 Jail Ministry 7:00 Coley Vet. Services Client Meeting—FH Friday, October 31 6:00 Trunk or Treat—FBCD Parking Lot Saturday, November 1 8:30 Finance Meeting—Conf. Room Deacons of the Week David Sellers 475-2203 Mark Pettit 475-1578 October 26, 2014 Deadline November 2
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