ST. ANNE’S PARISH PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Sr. Dianne Sehn, OSU [email protected] (931-4700 ext 24) Micah McQuaid [email protected] (931-4700 ext 34) Patti Pasloski [email protected] (931-4700 ext 29) Ken Neitz [email protected] (955-0341) Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 12:00 noon, 1:00 - 4:30 pm Parish Secretary: Darlene Fix Office Ph: 931-4700 Email: [email protected] ST. ANNE’S PARISH OFFICE HOURS 217 Lenore Drive, Saskatoon, S7K 6Y2 Pastor: Fr. Lawrence DeMong, OSB BAPTISM Expectant parents please contact the parish office to arrange for baptism preparation and for the celebration. Baptism Prep classes: Nov. 5/12, Dec. 11/18 Baptism Dates: November 22/23, J anuary 10/11, 2015 MARRIAGE Arrangements for marriage can be made by contacting the parish office six months prior to the date of the marriage. COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND Would you or do you know of someone who would like to have communion brought to them in their home. NEW IN THE PARISH? MOVING? Please help us keep parish records up-to-date. It assists us to serve you. Please complete the following and return to the parish office by mail or in the weekend collection basket. Thank you for your assistance. NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION/CHANGE OF ADDRESS FAMILY NAME MALE HEAD FEMALE HEAD CHILDREN’S NAME & BIRTHDATES: ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS POSTAL CODE ______________ TELEPHONE ___________________ WOULD YOU LIKE A VISIT? (_____) PARISH OFFERING ENVELOPES? (___) OR PRE-AUTHORIZED DEPOSIT (PAD)? ( _) Email: [email protected] Web-site: E-mail: [email protected] Office: 306-931-4700 / Rectory: 306-242-9601 Fax: 306-931-4784 Thirtieth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 26th, 2014 Loving Others As God Has Loved Us If he cries out to me, I will hear him; for I am compassionate. (Exodus 22:26) Do you have children? If so, you’ve probably thought about what you would do if one of them fell on hard times. Maybe you’ve found yourself in this position already! You’d do everything you could to help, wouldn’t you? Even if the hardship is your child’s own doing, you would still want to bend over backwards to help out. That’s the message behind today’s first reading and Gospel reading. They both tell us that every human being is a member of God’s family. We are all beloved of our Father, and we are all brothers and sisters to each other. It doesn’t matter whether we are well behaved or “black sheep” of his family. He loves us deeply and longs to care for us, simply because we are his. This is why he has a special love for the poor. It breaks his heart to see these children of his go without the basic necessities of food, clothing, and shelter. Jesus tells us that the two greatest commandments are to love God with all our hearts and to love one another as ourselves. These are very challenging commands, precisely because they are so encompassing. He didn’t say, “Love God when it’s convenient” or “Love only the people who agree with you.” No, we are all one family: rich or poor, old or young, educated or illiterate, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or atheist. Whoever we are, whatever we did or didn’t do, even whether or not we believe in God, everyone deserves to be treated with equal dignity. Everyone deserves to be cared for and lifted up out of any poverty that holds them bound. Jesus didn’t discriminate in his offer of healing and restoration. Like the farmer who sowed his seeds on all types of soil, he wants us to do the same. “Jesus, I praise you for your generosity. Give me the same concern for the poor and needy around me. Lord, help me to open my heart and my hands to them!” MONDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 2014 8:30 am - Morning Prayer 4:45 pm - Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet 7:00 pm - RCIA 7:00 pm - Familia 7:15 pm - Christ Centered Yoga TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28TH, 2014 8:00 am - Rosary / 8:30 am - Mass 7:00 pm - Edge 7:30 pm - CWL Executive Meeting WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, 2014 8:00 am - Rosary / 8:30 am - Mass 9:30 am - Purple Shield Seminar 6:15 pm - (9:00) choir practice 8:00 pm - Adoration THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, 2014 8:00 am - Rosary / 8:30 am - Mass 6:30 pm - (5:00) choir practise 8:00 pm - (11:00) choir practise FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31ST, 2014 8:30 am - Morning Prayer 2:00 pm - Mass @ Primrose Chateau 4:00 pm - Wedding Rehearsal SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST, 2014 1:00 pm - Ulrich/Krienke Wedding 4:00 pm - Reconciliation 5:00 pm - Mass 6:00 pm - All Saints Family Feast SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND, 2014 9:00 am - Mass 11:00 am - Mass 12:15 pm - 1st Reconciliation Class 1:00 pm - Kids 4 Christ St. Anne’s Catholic Women’s League would like to say a big thank you to the participants and everyone that bought tickets for the Back on the Rack Fashion Show. The proceeds, $1572.00 were donated to Interval House. Also a special thank you goes to Gerry Rudulier and St. Anne’s Knights of Columbus for their help in making this a successful event. ALL SAINT’S FAMILY FEAST St. Anne's is proud to host the All Saint's family potluck feast and dance Saturday, November 1st following the 5 pm mass. Families whose last name start with A to K are asked to bring a main course dish and those starting with L to Z are to bring either a vegetable dish or salad. Buns and dessert will be provided. FOUNDATIONS @ ST. ANNE’S PARISH 7:00 pm Thursday November 6, 2014 TOPIC: "Pope Francis Said What"? Presented by Sister Teresita Kambitz, osu Sister Teresita’s presentation will call us to reflect on Pope Francis' letter "The Joy of the Gospel" and show us how Pope Francis challenges Catholics to become a church "bruised and dirty" from being out in the streets. She will help us discover what he really means and what he is telling us in his letter. Visuals included Sister Teresita has been a Foundations guest presenter of ours in the past and we have never been disappointed. She is a tremendously talented speaker and teacher who is widely acclaimed and sought after as a presenter. We are blest to have her come to our parish.“Come and See”. This foundation session will be held Thursday, November 6th in St. Anne’s Fr . Donlevy Hall @ 7:00 pm. Cost is $5.00. Call Sr. Dianne @931-4700 to register. Also sign up sheets will be available in the welcome area. FUNERAL PRE-PLANNING You are invited to a complimentary information seminar on the benefits of funeral pre-planning presented by Canada Purple Shield, Wednesday, October 29th from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. in F r. Donlevy Hall at St. Anne’s Church. You will receive valuable information on the benefits of preplanning and how doing so will reduce stress for your family, save you money and give you peace of mind. There will be prizes, coffee and dainties. **Children’s Story Time: Special guest reader at 10 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 30 is Colm Leyne in the Msgr Michael J. Koch Resource Library at the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 2nd floor of the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. (The diocesan library is supported by the BAA). **Making Sense of the Old Testament with presenter Fr. Matthew Ramsay will be held 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 30 at St. Philip Neri parish, 1902 Munroe Ave, Saskatoon. Register by Oct. 28 by contacting pastoral associate Shirley Hyshka at: [email protected] or (306)343-0325. **Pure Witness Ministries invites teens and adults to an evening with Father Denis Phaneuf entitled “Spiritual Deception in the Church and Culture” Thursday, Nov. 6, with Mass at 7 p.m.; talk 7:45 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Saskatoon. **Faith formation - St. John Bosco Parish, 1202 Avenue O South, Saskatoon will host a series of talks on faith formation and couples’ prayer. Talks begin each evening at 7 p.m. and include “Introduction to Catholic Prayer” Thursday, Nov. 6; “Forming Intentional Disciples” Wednesday, Nov. 12; ”What Happens at Mass” Wednesday, Nov. 19; and “Praying with Sacred Scripture” Wednesday, Nov. 26. The first session is presented by Kate O’Gorman, and subsequent presentations are by Matthew Courchene. All are welcome. **St. Joseph’s Parish Craft Fair will be held 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 15 at St. Joseph Parish Hall, 1006 Broadway Ave., Saskatoon. There will be 30 tables of hand crafted soaps, jewellery, art, sewing etc. Concession on site. No entry fee. **Sion Academy Alumni, Family and Friends: fundraising steak dinner at the Saskatoon Golf and Country Club Friday, Nov. 21. A draw will be held for various prizes. Tickets: $25, available from Elaine Zakreski at [email protected] **Eucharistic adoration times in locations around the diocese are listed at: November 1st, the church celebrates the Feast of ALL Saints. The church honours and praises the heroes of our faith and encourages us to imitate their example. The Saints are not unreal, sentimental, pious figures. They are strong, happy and unique; vibrant examples of what we are called to be. Saints are given no special equipment or extraordinary graces not given to the rest of us. There is a process to declare people Saints of the Church. The saints are all of us. We are the people of God, the Body of Christ in the world. God made us in his image and breathed his spirit into us so we are holy. Therefore the Feast of All Saints is our feast, too. Saints allow God to work in their lives, to mould them (like clay) into the people God wants them to be—that is, our best selves, with the unique combination of quirks, talents, faults and abilities God gave us. We often ask others to pray for us. We can ask the saints, that is, anyone in heaven, to pray for us, and with us. Our loved ones are especially close to us and want to help us. Saint Anne, pray for us ….. Let Us Pray …… Prayer remains a constant that unites and draws us closer together. Please advise us of your prayer needs and let the power of our parish’s collective prayer support you. A parish united in prayer creates a mighty power! Let us pray as a diocesan family for the chaplains, pastors, lay ministers, and volunteers whose ministry is made possible by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Let us pray for an end to terrorism of every kind. Let us pray that Development and Peace supporters throughout Canada be moved to do our part to eliminate global hunger by making good consumer choices and by supporting the Fall Campaign petition to the House of Commons demanding respect for the right of small-scale family farmers to preserve, use and exchange seeds. Let us pray that God, who hears the cry of all who are injured and vulnerable, may open our ears to that same cry and enable us to build a culture of life. Let us pray that the sick be healed, the dying be comforted, and their caregivers be renewed in spirit. We pray for Carmella Amico, Kira Chestolowski, Lorinda Abanes, Maurice Tremblay, Ramona Dahl, Garry Woytas, Jim Ashcroft, Adam German, Patricia Jennison, Jackie Price, Alyssa Noonan, Jackie Perreault, Ken Meyer, Sophie Zeljeznak, Amase Lafontaine. May they seek healing and wholeness. Let us pray for those who have died and for those who are mourning. We remember Rose Bonin, grandmother of Blair & Lindsay Bonin, Alyssa & Dave Perrin. We remember George Woznica, on the anniversary of his death, husband of Nellie, father of Gordon. We remember Lourdes Domingo Marucut, on the anniversary of his death. May they rest in eternal peace. Loving Father, we ask that you hear our prayers and help us to continue to grow in faith. We pray through your Son Jesus Christ. Amen. ST. ANNE’S FOOD PANTRY Our food pantry is quite empty. We are requesting for your donations of non perishable food items: canned meats, fish, soup, vegetables, fruit, cereal, juice, peanut butter, pasta, pasta sauce, rice, coffee. Bins are available for your donations at the entrances of the church. Employment Opportunity - Trinity Manor at Stonebridge is seeking a part-time Spiritual Life Director/Coordinator. Deadline to apply is Oct. 28. For mor e infor mation see the listing at: The Development and Peace petition to the House of Commons is still available for signing if you have not yet had the opportunity to do so. In order to validate your signature, please complete every space on your line and do not use dittos or check marks in any of the spaces. Thank you. Campaign for Palliative and Home Care and Against Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide launched by the Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) with support from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the theme of this campaign of education and action is “Life-Giving Love.” Visit the website for more information and a selection of resources and handouts: News from Kids for Christ "Kids for Christ" will finally begin for this year on November 2nd at 12:45 pm with registration. Old and new members from the ages of 4 to Gr. 3 are welcome. Our children who have been coming love gathering with others of the parish to learn about Our Lord; and again this year specifically, we will look at more Scripture stories at their level. We learn the bible stories, through story telling or visuals, action songs, games, drama, activities, prayers, snacks, etc. The dates of our gatherings are usually the last Sunday of the month, in November we will meet on Nov. 2nd and Nov. 30th. Our "uniform" is a red t-shirt with our KforC logo, and a wooden cross necklace, given to us by our Knights of Columbus, thanks. The children receive a bead for their necklace every time they attend. This program and all aspects of it is free. We ask only for parents time and help. In December we will meet on December 14/14 for our annual birthday party for Jesus, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. All registration times are 12:45, with starting time at 1:00 pm, unless otherwise stated. We meet in the Paul Donlevy Hall here at Church. Parents are encouraged to stay with their children to help with the activities, etc. Come and See!!!! Call Sister Dianne at 306 931 4700 for more information. In just a few short weeks, our parish has raised $69,160.00 of our goal of $115,000.00 for the 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. The need of our communities grows and the assistance provided by the Appeal is needed more than ever. If you have not yet made a pledge to the Appeal, please consider doing so in the next few weeks. Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal will help continue the vital ministries and programs offered throughout the Diocese. BOOK LAUNCH The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism would like to invite you to attend a book launch to celebrate the accomplishments of Bernard de Margerie on his book "In God's Reconciling Grace". The launch will be held on Thursday, October 30th at Resur r ection Luther an Chur ch at 310 Lenore Drive in Saskatoon, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Coffee and desserts will be provided. “Is Our Community Safe? What Can I Do About It?” He's been assaulted and she's been in jail. Hear their stories of hope and listen to Police Chief Clive Weighill's challenge: "Let's get to the root cause of crime!" Wednesday, December 10, 7:00 - 9:00 pm St. Anne Fr. Donlevy Hall, 217 Lenore Drive Saskatoon. Everyone is encouraged to come. Free will offering. GSCS BY-ELECTION Show that you support Catholic education! Vote in the Wednesday, October 29 by-election to elect a new Saskatoon trustee to the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Board of Education. Your voice does count – every vote shows a commitment to our Catholic schools. Voting happens in 28 polls in Catholic schools across Saskatoon from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. To locate where you should vote and to find candidate information, check out the Voters’ Guide posted at REMEMBERING OUR SAINTS & DEPARTED LOVED ONES This coming November 1st—All Saints Day falls on Saturday followed by All Souls on Sunday, November 2nd. The challenge given by this situation is to make sure that we commemorate both death and resurrection, both separation, grief, departure, “goodbye” as well as “hello,” for our loved ones who have entered into the resurrection of Jesus, and as with Jesus, they are with us. Look at the prayers for the departed in any of the Eucharistic prayers: always our faithful departed are connected with the saints. For the month of November, therefore, we will have a display on the right side of the sanctuary where we invite you to place framed pictures and/or memorial cards in this display which will connect our loved ones with the saints who have completed the paschal mystery of dying and rising with Christ. A display table will be set up during the week of October 27th. You are invited to bring your framed picture or memorial cards (which will be returned) anytime from October 27th throughout the month of November. GREAT CATHOLIC THINKERS Foundations: Exploring Our Faith Together presents a drop-in series at the Cathedral of the Holy Family. Outstanding speakers will share knowledge and insight into some of our great Catholic thinkers. Pre-registration is not required (free will offering). Dorothy Day - “Don’t call me saint” 7 p.m. Oct. 27 with Dr. Chris Hrynkow, PhD Fr. Karl Rahner, SJ, - “The first modern theologian” 7 p.m. Nov. 17 with Bishop Gerald Wiesner, OMI Hans Urs von Balthasar - “It is true because it is beautiful” - 7 p.m. Nov. 24 with Blake Sittler, MDiv. Foundations is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. BIOETHICS SEMINAR " he Ethics of Physician Assisted Suicide and T Euthanasia" with speaker Professor Margaret Somerville Tuesday, Nov. 4: Lecture at 10:30 a.m., moderated session at 1:30 p.m. in the Pylypchuk Hall, Level Zero, St. Paul's Hospital, Saskatoon; everyone is welcome. Come Hear Bishop Don Bolan Topic “Pope Francis, VISION FOR A CHURCH THAT REACHES OUT” Fundraising Supper for St. Mary’s Parish Nurse Program Friday, November 7, 2014 7 pm St. Mary’s Hall Tickets available at the Parish Office phone 306244-2983 to reserve your seat. Only a 100 Tickets will be sold! Price $50 per ticket with a partial donation receipt. Table of 8 - $350.00 The 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism will be marked on Nov. 21. “Today, in many parts of the world, under the inspiring grace of the Holy Spirit, many efforts are being made in prayer, word and action to attain that fullness of unity which Jesus Christ desires. The Sacred Council exhorts all the Catholic faithful to recognize the signs of the times and to take an active and intelligent part in the work of ecumenism.” – Decree on Ecumenism, Paragraph 4. LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR: All Souls - November 1st/2nd Lectors Com. Min. Ushers Greeters Servers LWC Gift Bearers 5:00 pm Kent Gauthier Caroline Delbaere Rosanne Cechanowicz 9:00 am Sandra Richter Julia Podilsky-Draper Diane Jasnoch Milissa Hoffman Agnes Rolheiser Brett Berry Jack Dowling Angela Rioux Henriette LeStrat Ed Cechanowicz Kevin O’Donnell Millie Walliser David Ford Patricia Ford Denise Keehborn Patrisha / Lisa Ibanez Hannah Berry Matt Berry Robert Molyneux Alex Kzyzyk Bailey Kzyzyk Loopkey Family Doug Shaw Don Nakoneshny Sylvia Aebig June Wapple Dennis Wapple Kelsey Heagy Roger Aessie Dan Beck Volunteer Jackson Family Dorothy / Bill Zeljeznak CHILDREN’S LITURGY TEACHERS DESPERATELY NEEDED: Men/women/ older youth to lead children’s liturgy especially at the 5:00 pm Mass. Presently we have NO ONE signed up to lead the children’s liturgy at that mass. Unfortunately we will have to cancel children’s liturgy at the Saturday 5:00 Mass if no one signs up. Please email or phone Patti: 931.4700 or [email protected] Anna Wing Amy Nyssen Brynn Marshall Anja Gilje Natalie Barre Korol Family 11:00 am Shirley Sturgeon Hugh Brennan Marianne Brennan Pat Ballantyne Mary Caleo Cecelia Jurgens Michael Lynch Andrea Schmidt Volunteer Volunteer John Amico Neil Mooney Garry Viden Friesen Family Connie Millette Stella Grzybowski Chris Compain Leslie Wesselingh Michael Lahey-Wiggs Iasmina Dunca Jason Benson R Klein / S Klein Lahey-Wiggs Family 30TH ANNIVERSARY Saint Anne's Knights of Columbus are Celebrating their 30th year as a Council on Saturday November 22nd. The evening will begin at 6:00 pm. All Knights and spouses are invited. Tickets are $25.00 dollars each and can be purchased from Stan Schroeder. Please call 306-2422925. HEY NUNNIE NUNNIE!! 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 6 Prairieland Park, Hall A, Saskatoon (Doors open at 6:30 p.m.) Enjoy the madcap antics of the unconventional Mother Redempta (played by Shannon O’Brien) and ukulele-wielding Sister Philomena Claire (played by Dana McCain) in “ Hey Nunnie Nunnie,” a New York comedy show sponsored by the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus in Saskatoon and Regina, with proceeds going to Saskatchewan cathedrals. The local musical group No Hurry will be the opening act. Advance tickets are $40; at the door $45. Tickets are available from the Prairieland box office: or phone (306) 931-7149; or Toll Free: 1-888-931-9333 or for more info contact Stan at [email protected]
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