YOGA Sisterhood Yoga began October 22, 2014 at 2:30. Please join us for stretching, breathing and relaxation. call Ellen 514-849-6776. FLU SHOT CLINIC will be held on Wed. November 19 from 5-7PM. Sisterhood Book Discussion Group will resume in the Fall. The first session will take place on Monday November 24. It will continue on Monday afternoons from 1:30 – 3:30 PM every second month. Each member of the group is requested to give a brief review of the chosen book followed by discussion. Register early by calling the synagogue office. WOMEN’S ROSH CHODESH Kislev Service will take place on Sunday November 23 at 9AM in the Florence and Hy Herman Daily Chapel. All women and children are welcome to attend Sponsor a Kiddush Visit us at our website: Shabbat/Rosh Chodesh Schacharit Mincha, Maariv Sunday Schacharit Mincha, Maariv Monday thru Friday Schacharit Mincha, Maariv Since medieval times, Jews have acknowledged lifecycle events with special prayers, learning, schnapps and a celebratory seudah –meal. There is no better way to recognise a milestone whether it is a yarzheit, birthday, anniversary, or simply to give thanks for the good in your life than by sponsoring a Kiddush. Please contact Nelly, our Executive Director, at 514-484-1122 ext 105, to sponsor a Kiddush fully or partially. TORAH CLASS with Elizabeth on Wednesday October 29 at 10 AM. (no classes on Nov. 5 & 12) SING WITH YOSI on Tuesdays at 8:45 AM. THE BOUTIQUE Visit the boutique on the main floor and view new and interesting items for sale. FACEBOOK Our facebook page is new and improved!! It will have all of the latest goings on right there at your finger tips. Don’t miss out!!! Be “a friend’ of Shaare Zedek. Visit us at: MISHA BERACH We ask our congregants to kindly notify the office of the names of any members who are not well or in the hospital, in order that we may say a Misha Berach for them. Thank you. TREE OF LIFE Our Tree of Life is growing...there are rocks and leaves waiting to be inscribed. Please call Gertie Zlatkin 514-933-7555 or the synagogue office for further details. SYNAGOGUE OFFICE: 514-484-1122 #101 OR #104 DISCLAIMER: We sincerely regret and apologize for any errors and/or omissions in this publication. Kindly advise the synagogue of important life cycle events. 9:15 AM 5:35 PM 8:45 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 AM 6:00 PM PLEASE BE ADVISED The use of ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES is ON SHABBAT & HIGH HOLY DAYS in and around the synagogue. This includes cell phones, tablets, cameras and pagers but excludes those needed by medical personnel. Rosh Chodesh Shabbat Annual Selection: Noah: Genesis 6.9-11.32 page 41. Holiday Selection: Rosh Hodesh Numbers 28.9-15 page 930 Isaiah 66.1-24 page 1219. Haftarah will be chanted by Raphael Even-Hen. SHABBAT CANDLES Friday, October 24 @ 5:36PM Friday, October 31 @ 5:25PM Congregational Kiddush on Shabbat is being held in the Naomi and Richard Davine Hall on the Upper Level. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. UPCOMING SIMCHAS AT SZC Mazal Tov to each of the Celebrants and their Families SIMCHA DATE Bat Mitzvah Sat. Oct. 25 CELEBRANT Auf Ruf Thurs. Oct. 30 Baby Naming Sat. Nov. 1 Auf Ruf Mon. Nov. 3 Brandon Knecht who will marry Jamie Cassof. Callup Bar Mitzvah Auf Ruf Thurs. Nov. 6 Sat. Nov. 8 Thurs. Nov. 13 Jacob Berman son of Francine Berman. Samantha Warhaft daughter of Liz Warhaft & Michael Graziano. Jonathan Perlis who will marry Michelle Shapiro. Daughter of Lee Zentner & Marjorie Skolnik. Ricky Cohen who will marry Amanda Schacter. WE EXTEND BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Gwen Blidner, Rosalyn Brandman, Jerry Coviensky, Zachary Dichter, Mitchell Fergenbaum, Ingrid Gurman, Paula Joseph, Dr. Edward Katz, Samuel Korne, Jonathan Libman, Harry Lubin, Sabrina Ostrov, Jacqueline Silver, Jessi Spector, Alexander Waugh, Cheryl Weigensberg. WE EXTEND ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS TO: All women are cordially invited to take part in this wonderful, music filled Service. If you are interested in participating (Hebrew and English parts available), please contact Ellen Pesner by October 30th: 514-849-6776 Sharon and Philip Aspler, Janice and Gershon Dubinsky, Joanne and Harley Eisman, Franceen and Dr. Allan Finesilver, Sheila and Dr. Harvey Gradinger, Paula and Milton Joseph, Sonia and Alan Kenley, Eleanor and Allan Levin, Heidi and Gary Rothstein, Bonnie and Irving Rothstein. WE WISH A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO THE FOLLOWING: Fraida bat Chana Kraizel, Ha' Rav Ronnie David Zishe HaCohen ben Hinda Alizah, Myrna Kagan, Miriam bat Shoshana, Bernard Bratz, Burt Spector, Chaim David ben Rivka, Estelle Ramelson, David Rubinstein. We look forward to welcoming them back among us completely recovered. Shaare Zedek, in conjunction with Hema Quebec, will be holding its 4th annual Blood Drive. We are very proud of the contribution we have made in past years and hope to maintain the participation this year. If you have never donated blood before, it’s never too late to start and if you did, please give again. Giving blood is giving life…What a great mitzvah! DAILY MINYAN Dear Congregants, Our daily Minyan service, both mornings and evenings, is in need of your participation. Please make every effort to attend as much as you can. Not only is it a great mitzvah to support those members who have Yahrzeit but it’s also a reminder to keep our traditions alive and to start your day or finish your day on a wonderful high. Our morning services, Monday to Friday at 7:00 AM are followed by a healthy breakfast and great camaraderie, which is the essence of community spirit. Evening services are at 6 PM. Looking forward to seeing you at services soon. Ron Silverstone President WE EXTEND A HEARTY MAZAL TOV TO: Morris (Moishe) Meltzer, Ralph and Annie Meltzer on the engagement of their granddaughter, daughter Amanda Pearl to Clifford Marc, son of Ellen and Murray Shapiro. Amanda Pearl is the granddaughter of the late Dina Meltzer z”l. WE EXTEND OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY TO: Thelma and Eddie Lesser on the loss of their brother-in-law, Gordon Kotler z”l. Sarah Polsky, Allan, Isaac and Joseph Rakofsky on the loss of their aunt and great-aunt, May Polsky z”l. YAHRZEITS יארצײטן Edward Isidore Abrahams, Abraham Brownstein, Miriam Horlick, Zadok Rabinovitch, Morris Rottenberg, Polly Schneidman, James Stavitsky, Rhoda Wiener, Saul Hittner, Edith Newman, Samuel Shapiro, Clara Abramovitch, David Peletz, Pesha Schwartz, Benjamin Arthur Usheroff, Hyman Berall, Rita Druker, Louie Goffman, Isadore Lipkus, Lily Lyman, Doris Zilbert Wiseman, William Glaser, Barney Alexander Portigal, Louis Rubenstein, Lily Weigensberg, Jack Bright, Paula Bright, Edith Melamed, Gerry Schwartz, Pearl Usheroff.
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