th Cunningham Place, Halswell, Christchurch 8025 03 322 8735 – 021 126 3058 [email protected] Website: Monday 15 December: Kakano Teddy Bears Picnic Kauri Quarry Funday th Tuesday 16 December: Prize Giving Assembly years 4-8 th Thursday 18 December: Final Assembly Friday 24th to Sunday 26th October (Labour Weekend) VISION We are lifelong learners who aspire to excellence VALUES Community Whanaungatanga Active Thinking Whakaaroaro Respect Whakaute Excellence Hiranga NEWSLETTER No. 32 nd 22 October 2014 (Term 4, Week 2) IMPORTANT DATES: th Friday 24 October: Jubilee Weekend th Saturday 25 October 10am Offical Opening - Jarrow Place 11.30am Jubilee Production - entry by ticket only th Monday 27 October: Labour Day – School Closed th Tuesday 28 October: Jubilee Production – Kauri – 6.30pm th Wednesday 29 October: Jubilee Production – Kakano – 6.30pm st Friday 31 October: Mufti Day – Chocolate & Lollie Donations th Tuesday 4 November: South West Zone Athletics th Wednesday 5 November: Room 16 Trip th Thursday 6 November: Postponement date for SW Zone Sports Year 4 Camp th th Tuesday 11 November – Tuesday 18 November: St Johns First Aid in Schools th Wednesday 12 November: BOT Meeting th Thursday 12 November: Year 2 trip to the A&P Show th Friday 14 November: Show Day – School Closed th st Tuesday 18 November – Friday 21 November: Year 8 trip to Wellington st Friday 21 November: Mufti Day – Grocery Item Donations th Tuesday 25 November: Sausage Sizzle/Juicies th Friday 5 December: SCHOOL GALA! th Wednesday 10 December: BOT meeting th Friday 12 December: Year 7-8 Formal Oaklands School 50th Jubilee Visit the school website for registration information TO THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY What an exciting week as we prepare for our Jubilee Weekend. We look forward to seeing as many of you who are able to attend the activities that have been planned over the past year. All our students are brimming with confidence as they practice for their production for Saturday. I would like to thank all the members of the Jubilee Committee who have worked tirelessly over the past year to make this a successful weekend in celebrating 50 years of Oakands School. Jubilee Committee Justine Birdling, Clive Keylard, Nigel Hanson, Alys O’Malley, Lauren Moore, Allan Shears, Brendon Barrow, Margaret Trotter, Hemi Peek,Callum McDougall and Marie Hanson. Margaret Trotter Principal SUN HATS FOR TERM 4: Please remember that all children must wear uniform regulation sunhats in term 4 and term 1. Children who do not have sunhats will not be able to be outside in the sun during breaks. We are proud to be a SunSmart school. WELCOME TO NEW STUDENTS: Room 2: Jessica Fletcher C.A.R.E.: Community, Active Thinking, Respect, Excellence Certificates will be presented at the assembly on th Tuesday 28 October 2014 at 2pm. Bronze: Room 5: Kynan Durie Room 11: Shannyn Oakes Room 13: Jamie McAlister, Ngakau Te Wheoro Room 17: Rylee Archer, Noah Blake, Robert Davidson, Abigail King, Ben McMillan, Conlan Murray, Taylor Scott Room 21: Ashley Young Room 22: Andre Simpson Room 23: Sophie Brown, Zoe Calderwood Silver: Room 1: Oliver Blake Room 2: Baxter Coughlan, Caleb Mears, Finnias McGurk, Jack Simpson Room 11: Hannah Hanson, Ryan Pringle Room 19: Leah Barlow, Isabel McKay-Hatcher, Dannielle Ratahi, Sabrina Tonkin, Emma Weller, Logan Wilson Room 22: Zoe Alston JUBILEE PROGRAMME th Friday 24 October 9.00-12.30pm: Open Day to visit classrooms 9.30-12.30pm: Archives exhibition in the Music Room 11.00am: whole school photo on the field ‘With A Little Help From My Friends’ Rms 1,2,3,4,12,13 12.00pm 7.00pm ‘Think,’ Rms 7,8,9,18,19,22 12.30pm 7.30pm ‘Respect’ Rms 10,11,17,21,23 1.00pm 8.00pm ‘Happy’ Rms 5,6,14,15,16,20,25 1.30pm 8.30pm Tickets are on sale now at the school office for $5.00 per person. Get in quickly as we are unable to guarantee any ticket sales on the door. IMPORTANT: Your child needs to go to the classroom first on Saturday morning, and be picked up from the classroom by a parent at the end of the production. They will be supervised by a teacher. Students will need to be in clean uniform for all performances, and also bring a bottle of water and piece of fruit. Children are unable to view the show unless they have a paid ticket, due to limited seating. th Saturday 25 October 9.00-9.45am: Decade photos in the Music Room 9.00-11.30am: Archives exhibition in the Music Room. 9.00-11.00am: School tours. 10.00am: Official opening ceremony at Jarrow Place entrance: all welcome. 11.30-1.30pm: JUBILEE PRODUCTION Your child’s teacher will confirm with you with the time your child needs to be at school for the production. th Sunday 26 October 10.30-11.30am: Morning tea in the hall 11.30-12.00pm: Church Service on the hall PRODUCTION - All students ARE involved: As per the letter that was emailed out and sent home in paper form on 18 September regarding the Oaklands School Jubilee, this is to remind you of your child’s participation in the upcoming school production performances. Saturday 25 October: ALL children will be involved in the Jubilee performance of the school production - each class is involved in singing a song as a part of the show. Tuesday 28 October: all KAURI children will be involved. Wednesday 29 October: all KĀKANO students and the main cast will be performing. th Approximate performance times for each song are: Sat Oct 25 Tues 28 & Wed 29 Oct In classroom by 11.00am 6.00pm Performance begins 11.30am 6.30pm ICAS EXAM RESULTS: At the next whole school assembly the following students will be presented with certificates for the ICAS Maths Exam, sat in Term 3: Alexandra Maxey & Ryan Pringle received a high distinction for finishing in the top 1% of students who sat the exam in NZ & Pacific Region. Jonathan Jun & Alex Wang received a distinction for finishing in the top 8%. Other excellent results were: Logan King received a credit - top 21% Jessica French received a credit - top 28% Tomasz Lin received a credit - top 16% Ella McFarlane received a credit - top 25% Rebecca Keylard received a credit - top 34% Rakai Stone received a credit - top 29% Jack Pitman received a credit - top 20% Annabelle Yee received a credit - top 21% Taylah Peek received a credit - top 16% Lily Pitman received a merit – top 43% Nicholas Tan received a merit - top 37% Victor Song received a merit - top 41% All other students who took part in the exam will receive their participation certificate at the next team assembly. PTA EVENTS THIS TERM: st Friday 31 Oct: Mufti Day, bring lollies/chocolate donation st Friday 21 Nov: Mufti Day, grocery donation th Tuesday 25 Nov: Sausage sizzle th Friday 5 Dec: SCHOOL GALA FROM THE SPORTS DESK: For everything to do with sport at Oaklands take a look at: CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to Ella Wilson (Room 2) who took part in the Highland and National Dancing competition during the holidays. She received a range of awards and was place first in the Sword Dance Under 14 Years Special Event. Ella has been doing highland dancing for 3 years. 2014 SCHOOL YEAR TOUCH RUGBY: Touch begins this Friday. Please remember to pay your $20 to the school office, if you haven’t already. Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4: PARENTS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS You are welcome to come and have a cup of coffee or tea from 9.00–9.45am on Wednesday 29 October in the school library. Mrs Kingston and I look forward to seeing you again and following up on our meeting at the end of last term. If you and your family are new to our school, please come along and meet other families. The number of English Language Learners at Oaklands is increasing so please join our group. Preschool children are welcome to come with you. - Chris Smith, ESOL Teacher THE CHICKENS HAVE ARRIVED! We are very excited to announce the arrival of our 3 chooks – Mrs Brown, Mojang and Hot Wings arrived at Oaklands on Monday and on Tuesday morning Yarek had the wonderful surprise of 3 eggs!! Term 4: th th Monday 13 October to Thursday 18 December Holidays: th Labour Day: Monday 27 October th Show Day: Friday 14 November 2015 SCHOOL YEAR nd nd Monday 2 February to Thursday 2 April th rd Monday 20 April to Friday 3 July th th Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September th th Monday 12 October to Friday 18 Dec Teacher Only Days: 2 dates to be confirmed COMMUNITY NOTICES --DISCLAIMER: Oaklands School does not necessarily endorse or support any of the services advertised in the newsletter. NGA PUNA WAI SPORTS HUB CONSULTATION Residents and sporting groups from around the city are being asked to have a say on the proposal to develop a sports hub at Nga Puna Wai in southwest Christchurch. The special consultative procedure will run from Friday 10 October - Friday 12 December. KORE KIWI SAILING: KORE kiwi sailing are again offering Learn Sailing after school programmes this Term 4. For details or contact us [email protected]. Savings for getting a group to attend together. Spaces are however limited." Worried about your child’s reading and spelling? Accelerate their reading age by up to 12 months within 7 weeks. See massive improvement from daily 15 minute lessons. Proven results with dyslexia. Call for a free trial today. Guaranteed results or your money back. 0800 777 225, [email protected] or
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