United Songs of Praise at Pentecost This event will take place on Sunday 24th May at 6pm, at The Emmanuel Centre in Harrier Lane, Battle and will be followed by refreshments and fellowship. All local churches are invited to attend and celebrate with their two of their favourite hymns, led by our own musicians, a prayer and two parishioners to pray for the other churches and give a short dedication. 10th May 2015 SUNDAY OF EASTER Cycle B for Sunday & Solemnities Year 1 for Weekdays 6th Parish Portraits I have just completed my 69th portrait; 35 of these have been of members of the Parish. Each time my sitter chooses to buy their portrait (for £40) I now send £25 to CAFOD, who has so far benefitted by over £1,000. Soon I will start donating these proceeds to St Michael’s Hospice. I thank all who have agreed to sit for me, and I hope to continue with many more portraits of Parishioners. Peter Bates Saint of the Week OUR LADY IMMACULATE & ST MICHAEL BATTLE with ST TERESA OF LISIEUX NORTHIAM St Matthias, Apostle 14th May The Presbytery, 14 Mount Street, Battle, East Sussex TN33 0EG MASSES FOR EASTER WEEK: SATURDAY 9th – SUNDAY 17th MAY 2015 The first reading today tells how Matthias was chosen by lot to replace Judas. SAT: SUN: On Sunday 17th May our First Communion children receive the Lord’s Body and Blood in the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time. 9th 10th 6.00pm PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 9.00am JOHANNA SMITH, R.I.P. – ST TERESA’S 10.45am SIDNEY & ELSIE TOLLER, R.I.P. – BATTLE MON: 11th 10.00am LUCILLE WHITE, R.I.P. TUES: 12th 10.00am CHRISTOPHER JOHN WILKINSON, R.I.P. WED: 13th NO MASS THURS: 14th 10.00am HOLY SOULS 6.00pm FIRST COMMUNION REHEARSAL FRI: 15th 10.00am INTENTION OF MARGARET WILLIAMS SAT: 16th 10.00am HERBERT WHITE, R.I.P. 6.00pm PEOPLE OF THE PARISH SUN: 17th 9.00am JENNY KEELING, R.I.P. – ST TERESA’S 11.00am FOR THE FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES – BATTLE Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 9.50am God Bless Arundel and Brighton Trust is a Registered Charity No. 252878 Introduction to the Scripture Readings First Reading: Acts 10:25-26. 34-35. 44-48 Peter visits the house of a Roman, Cornelius, and learns that God does not have favourites. Second Reading: 1 John 4:7-10 It is through experience of love that we can come to know God. Gospel: John 15:9-17 The Lord commands us to love and so to bless the world. Parish Book Club The next meetings are as follows: 21st May – The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton 11th June – Visit to Hancox, followed by tea at Leeford Place Hotel 2nd July - Period Piece by Gwen Raverat Summer Break 24th September – Daughter of Time by Josephine Try 22nd October – The Love Song of Queenie Hennessy Events and Feast Days This Week Tuesday is the memorial of the Carthusian Martyrs. Wednesday is the memorial of St Erconwald, Bishop. Thursday is the feast of St Matthias, Apostle. Next Sunday is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Parish 100 club The winners of the April draw are: £15 – Chris McCarthy, £25 – Pauline Bedford The winners of the May draw are: £15 – Stephen Bradshaw, £25 - Madeleine Salter Congratulations to you all! We Pray for the Sick and Housebound Members of our Community: From Our Lady Immaculate & St Michael: Elsa Oliver, Margaret Thunder, Jane Bergin, Ingrid Reeves, Jo Cooper, Stephen Bould, Paula Dempsey, Daphne Kilner, Pauline Fraser, Robert Roberts, Martin & Pat Guiver, Jean Jameson, Stuart Hale, Douglas Ashing, Dreda Mahoney, Richard Grun, Jack & Brenda Morgan. From St Teresa’s: Derek Robinson, Joan Englefield, Pat Hoskins, Keith Bourne, Roland Frank, Barney O’Neil, Audrey Evans. Offertory The collection for the weekend of 2nd & 3rd May was £291.74 in Battle and £165.15 in Northiam. Thank you all for your generosity. There will be a Special Collection next week for the Catholic Communications Network. Their work provides facilities and training for those working in the apostolate of the Mass Media. First Communion Next weekend our First Communion children will receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time. Please note the Mass will begin at 11am. The children have invited all their family and friends, so a large number of seats will be reserved for them. Please pray for Erin Scott, Toby Phelps and Gwendoline Le Rol Demoncheaux. Sheila Kaye Smith Society The next meeting of the Sheila Kaye Smith Society is as follows: 13th June - The Founders Day meeting will be held at Filsham Hall at 2.30pm There will be a floral arrangement by Sheila Bristow, followed by tea. Any queries phone Christine Hayward 01424 422139. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity This will take place during the week of 18th – 22nd May (except for Wednesday), the theme will be ‘The Well is Deep’. All meetings will be held at Our Lady Immaculate & St Michael Church and will start at 7.30am. Each meeting will be led by one of our local churches: Monday 18th – led by the Baptist Church Tuesday 19th – led by the Anglicans, St Mary’s Thursday 21st - led by the Methodists Friday 22nd - led by Our Lady Immaculate Please come and join us if you can, you are welcome to stay for breakfast in the Parish Room after each service. Knights of St Columbia There will be a Morning of Reflection with Fr Simon Dray, at 10am on Saturday 23rd May at St Mary Magdalene Church, Sea Road, Bexhill, starting with Mass at 10am and continue until 2pm with a break for lunch at mid-day. The event is organised by the Hollington UCM and Hastings & Rother Knights of St Columbia. Ordination Anniversary Fr Wilson celebrates 60 years of priestly life, and on Sunday, 7th June he will celebrate Mass at 5pm, followed by refreshments in the Wynne Room, at Battle Memorial Hall. If you would like to attend, please get your tickets from Terri Coombs. These of course are free, but we need to know who is going to come along on the evening, particularly for catering purposes. If you would like to make a donation and did not receive an envelope last week, please speak to Fr Tony as we have spare envelopes in the office.
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