The Pastoral Area of Southport On a Journey of Faith 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time 26th October 2014 FOOD AND DRINK FOR THE JOURNEY Jesus tells us today “You must love the Lord your God, with all your heart…with all your soul and with all your mind and you must love your neighbour as yourself”. Sometimes it’s good for us to be reminded of the underlying simplicity of living in the Kingdom! We can often lose sight of the truth, or find ourselves worrying about minor details of belief, and we forget that before anything else we are called to love God and our neighbour. The Law of Love that the Lord speaks of, is about forgiveness, kindness, generosity, gratitude, respect, justice, peace. The opposite of love is hatred, selfishness, envy, greed, taking one another for granted etc. If we try to love Him with all our hearts with all our souls and with all our minds then the rest will follow naturally. Love has so many facets and meanings to it – but one that is most important is that love is an action. May our hearts be open even more to God’s love, so that we grow in our capacity to love others as He does. Then we can look round in today’s very troubled world, and say…….. “Look what love is doing.” Praise Him! MISSION STATEMENT OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL: “Taking to heart the last words of the Lord Jesus, we will go into the world to proclaim the Good News to the whole of Creation”. St Marie’s 25 Seabank Road Southport PR9 0EJ Parish Priest: Father John Heneghan Telephone: (01704) 531229 Fax: (01704) 512590 Email: [email protected] Website: Archdiocesan Website: Liturgical Week Today – 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time Tuesday – Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles Next Sunday – All Saints (Lamp Sunday) **************** The Pastoral Area of Southport St Marie’s St Patrick’s Holy Family Fr John Heneghan Fr Mark Madden Fr Philip Gregory (Dean) Mgr Peter Fleetwood St Teresa’s Canon John Gaine St Joseph & Our Lady of Lourdes Fr Atli Jonsson Sacred Heart & St John Stone Fr Killian O’Mahoney Fr Sean Quinlan Fr Bernard Rolls Tel: 531229 Tel: 228943 Tel: 532613 Tel: 566865 Tel: 568313 Tel: 577722 Mass in Polish – is celebrated here at St Marie’s on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month at 3pm. Mass in Indian (Malayalam) – is celebrated here at St Marie’s on the last Thursday of each month at 6p.m Marian Centre for Evangelisation – this wonderful resource of our parish is behind the Church.. For more info. Tel: 07544768483 email: [email protected], website: PRAYING FOR THOSE WHO’VE DIED Praying for those who’ve died and gone before us into the Kingdom of Heaven, is part of our daily lives, but in November we remember and pray for them in a special way. In recent decades a custom has developed called ‘the November Pious List’ to aid this prayer for those who’ve died. Envelopes are put at the back of Church for people to write down the names of those they want us all to pray for and to give a donation towards the Mass they wish to be celebrated. People are asked to return the completed envelopes to the Parish House and then all the names of those who’ve died are placed in a little container by the Tabernacle in Church to help focus our prayer. 3 Mass’ will be celebrated here each week specifically for the names on the ‘Pious List’ but we’ll lift them up to the Lord, of course, in every Mass. BEREAVEMENT MASS ON SATURDAY The annual Bereavement Mass for November will be celebrated at 12 noon on Saturday 8th November. This Mass will commemorate especially parishioners who have died since November last year.The Mass will also commemorate all the loved ones, parents, family and friends of parishioners who have died over the last year. Every one at Mass will be offered a flower to take to the Altar at the Offertory in memory of any loved one. “All I ask is – that you remember me at the Altar of the Lord”. (St Monica) Tea and coffee will be available after Mass in the Marian Centre, and members of the Bereavement Team will be on hand to talk with. WITH YOU ALWAYS We hold in prayer our children as they prepare for the Sacraments. The next meeting is on Thursday 30th October at 5pm in the Marian Centre ****************************************** PRAY FOR EBOLA VICTIMS We hold in our prayer all Ebola victims and their families. Please support those who suffer in this way with your prayer. ****************************************** CaFE Thursday 30th October 12.45pm in the Marian Centre “A Passion for Jesus” David Payne is introduced by Fr John Farrell All Welcome! ****************************************** R.C.I.A The next meeting will be on October 28th at 7pm in the Parish House. We will explore - God the Son -Jesus. We hold those walking the Journey of Faith in our love and prayer. GARDEN OF HOPE Behind the Church is this beautiful place. The cemetery is now full but there are two special areas where the ashes of loved ones can be buried: - The Garden of Our Lady (all the plots are already taken) and The Garden of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ( few plots available….for info., contact Linda at the Parish Office ****************************************** SCRIPTURE MORNINGS ‘Exploring the Infancy Narratives led by Fr Chris Thomas at ‘Irenaeus’ 32 Great Georges Road Waterloo Liverpool L22 1RD Thursday’s 6th; 13th; 20th November and 4th December 10.30 am - 12 noon COME AND SEE DAY ‘Becoming fully alive’ Sat 6th Dec 10am-5pm Faith Primary School Prince Edwin St. Liverpool To book & for further information contact Irenaeus Tel: 0151 949 1199 or email [email protected] ****************************************** If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine. Walking with Pope Francis All evangelisation is based on the Word of God, listened to, meditated upon, lived, celebrated and witnessed to. The Sacred Scriptures are the very source of evangelisation. Consequently, we need to be constantly trained in hearing the Word.’ (from his letter to us ‘the Joy of the Gospel’) ****************************************** HOLY HOUR To celebrate The Year of Consecrated Life Promulgated by Pope Francis A Holy Hour will be held at St Joseph’s Prayer Centre st 1 Wednesday of the Month 7.00pm-8.00pm Please come and pray with us. ****************************************** Faith is to believe what you do not yet see, The reward for this faith is to see what you believe. Saint Augustine COLLECTIONS Offertory………….£TBC Last Week’s Retiring Collection…..£TBC APF (World Missions) This week’s Retiring Collection…. SVP Next Week’s Retiring Collection… LAMP Thank you so much for your kind generosity! ACKNOWLEDGED WITH THANKS Marian-Care – £100 (in memory of HJ) £1 Flowers - £10 Church Restoration -£100 We hold in prayer all who are sick in body, mind or spirit and those who care for them; also those who have died and gone before us marked with the sign of faith… …… May those who grieve their passing come to experience the peace of the Risen Christ. The Parish House is open from 10.00am to 12.00 noon and from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Mon- Fri for general enquiries, e.g. Mass Cards, and to feed the homeless and those in need. Week Commencing 26th October First Mass of Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Sunday 6pm 9am 11am 12 Noon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday 12 Noon 12 Noon 12 Noon 12 Noon 12 Noon 6pm 9am 11am Rita O’Brien Patrick Dowdall People of the Parish Service of The Word & Holy Communion Margaret Timpson David Moss May & Walter Horrighan Geoff Ellis Bill Mc Quigan People of the Parish Norma Lea Alex Abercrombie The Rosary will be prayed Monday to Saturday after 12 00 Noon Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Tuesday to Saturday 11.30 to 12.00 noon (or by appointment with Father John) EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday to Saturday 11.30 to 12.00 noon Liverpool RC Archdiocese Trustees Inc. Registered Charity No. 232709
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