8.00 Holy Communion BCP Trinity 22 Music and readings at the Eucharist 9.45 Entry Song of Praise Epistle Before the Gospel Gospel Offertory Post Communion NHWS 180 Taize Gloria NHWS 74 in canon 1 Thess. 5.1-11 NHWS 12 Matt. 25.14-30 NHWS 70 NHWS 122 Music and Readings at Matins Opening Hymn 577 Psalm 98 First Lesson Daniel 10.19-end Second Lesson Matt. 25.14-30 Anthem How shall I sing that majesty Vaughan Williams and Tallis Hymns 484 om *, 455 Music and Readings at Evensong Opening Hymn 574 Psalm 89.19-29 First Lesson 1 Kings 1.15-40 Second Lesson Rev. 1.4-18 Hymns 563, 255 NOTICES Mothers’ Union Christmas Market & Coffee Morning - next Saturday at St Mary’s - 10.30-12 noon. Home produce, gifts, cake stall, raffle. All welcome. Today at All Saints at 6.30pm - Recital by Svyati Duo. An internationally renowned item, Julian Collings (organ), Rebecca Hepplewhite (cello), to include works by Bach, Bruch, Buxtehude and Rheinberger. £5 at the door to include a glass of wine. Lasting 45 minutes. For more information see also organrecitals.com All Saints Jazz Supper – next Saturday 22nd November, at All Saints, at 7.30pm. Featuring the Blue Harlem band with hot supper, and dancing. Tickets £20 available in advance from All Saints on Sundays, or email: [email protected] Christmas Angels: We are now collecting gifts of £10 and/or presents for our three charities: Refuge helps those suffering from domestic violence. Richmond Resettlement supports young people who are no longer able to live with their families and Crossroads Club for young carers. Please give your contributions to (Karen Brown - Christ Church- email: [email protected] – tel: 8876 0663).Last year’s gifts were really appreciated and so we very much hope you can support this local appeal this year. Thank you! Parish Christmas Lunch & Tea: Help needed before and on the day with cooking, serving, raffle gifts, driving, organising, entertaining, socialising, lending equipment. If you can help or would like to be involved in any way, please contact Olwen 8876 7183 or [email protected] Notices: Please send parish notices (i.e. those to go on notice sheets in all 3 churches) to Anne Reeves by Wednesday lunchtime: [email protected] For your prayers Mission and Community Concern: Prison Reform Trust (Prisons Week16- 22November).Working to ensure prisons are just, humane WELCOME TO and effective. CHRIST CHURCH Parish/Church Concern: For the General Synod of the Church of http://europe.anglican.org/ EAST SHEEN England Meeting this week in London. World/UK Concern: For all caught up in the conflict in Syria and for the work of the UN mediators there. Community: For all who manage and work on our local trains and buses and for those who commute in and out of the parish each day. The sick and those in need: Ivan Lyashko, Veronica Jolly, Ted Garnett, Penny Smith, Clive Oxley and Val Brooker. Those who have died: Christine Nicholson, Ada Clarke and Tom Next Week - 23rd November The Feast of Christ the King is the Sunday when we give thanks for Christ Church. That day there is only one service in Church, a Festival Eucharist at 10.30. After the Service the church is turned into a restaurant as w have our community meal: all ages welcome. Lunch- tickets now on sale, adults £7.00 and children free. To buy a ticket and / or cook for this event (reimbursement available) please contact Judith [email protected] Corcoran. Today Next Sunday– Christ the King 10.30 Festival Eucharist The Revd Stephen Griffith 17 Sheen Gate Gardens, London SW14 7PD tel. 020 8487 1165 mobile 07729278294 [email protected] www.christchurcheastsheen.org.uk 8.00 Holy Communion - Olwen Williamson 9.45 All-in Eucharist 11.30 Mattins 6 .30 Evensong - Paul Russenberger Wednesday Thursday This Week 10.30 Holy Communion 11.15 Discussion Group 10.00am Songs and Stories @ChristChurch13 www.facebook.com/ChristChurchEastSheen Registered Charity 1132303 16 November 2014 2nd Sunday before Advent
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