First Baptist Church Welcome _____________________ (Date) (Name) Rev. Charlie Lucas Pastor P.O. Box 355, 11823 Heritage Hwy. Rev. Brad Hudson Alton McCollum Bamberg, SC 29003 Minister of Children &Youth Minister of Music 803-245-2453 Jann Biernacki Stephanie Hutto Email: [email protected] Church Secretary Ministry Assistant Web: www.bambergfirst.org_____________________________________ ___________________________ (Street) October 26, 2014 (City) 9 a.m. Early Service (State) (Zip) ______________________ (Home Phone) ___________________ (Cell Phone) ___________________ (Business Phone) ___________________ (Email Address) ____ Visitor ____Would like to Unite With Church ____Would Like Minister to Call ____Prayer Request: ______________________ ______________________ A B C D FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH VISION STATEMENT FBC exists to reach people for Christ and to help people grow in Christ by proclaiming Christ and producing disciples in every area of our church and in every way the Lord gives us opportunity. Welcome/Prayer .............................................................................................Rev. Charlie Lucas Prelude ...............................................................................................................Jana Chassereau Doxology *Praise and Worship: Hymn No. 433 .................................................“Rejoice in the Lord Always” Morning Prayer...............................................................................................Rev. Charlie Lucas Special Music ................................................................................................... Sharon Cornforth *Offertory Hymn No. 547 .......................................................... “I Stand Amazed in the Presence” *Offertory Prayer.................................................................................................Gene Schwarting Worship through Tithes and Offerings .................................................................Jana Chassereau Message..........................................................................................................Rev. Charlie Lucas *Hymn of Invitation No. 295.................................................................“Near to the Heart of God” *Benediction.....................................................................................................Rev. Charlie Lucas *Hymn No. 663 ..................................................................................................... “Grace to You” 11 a.m. Morning Worship Service Welcome/Prayer .............................................................................................Rev. Charlie Lucas Prelude ......................................................................................................... Stevie Van Faussien *Praise and Worship Morning Prayer...............................................................................................Rev. Charlie Lucas Special Music ................................................................................................... Sharon Cornforth *Offertory Hymn No. 547 .......................................................... “I Stand Amazed in the Presence” Children Leave for Children’s Church *Offertory Prayer....................................................................................................... Mark Kinard Worship through Tithes and Offerings ........................................................... Stevie Van Faussien Special Music-“Jesus Is Everything I Need”…..Solo-Bruce Watson.........................Chancel Choir Message..........................................................................................................Rev. Charlie Lucas *Hymn of Invitation No. 295.................................................................“Near to the Heart of God” *Benediction.....................................................................................................Rev. Charlie Lucas *Hymn No. 663 .................................................................................................... “Grace to You” 5:30 – 7:00 P.M. Trunk or Treat Grass Parking Lot at Rear of Church ESTABLISHED NOVEMBER 3, 1872 “ In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” 1 Peter 1:6-7 Uth Calendar of Events Uth Wednesday Nights at 6:30 P.M. “I Am Second” Sunday, October 26 9:00 Early Morning Service 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship Service 5:30 Trunk or Treat Monday, October 27 7:00 Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart Tuesday, October 28 6:30 Mission Crafting Group Wednesday, October 29 Prayer Meeting Wednesday Night LIVE Kids; Uth 7:30 Chancel Choir Practice 6:30 SERMONS BROADCASTED ON 105.3 FM SUNDAYS AT 8:00 A.M. Sunday, October 26 11 am Nursery Kitty & Bubba Bamberg Children’s Church Dana & Ansley Wilson Winterblast November 2nd Service Projects November 9th No Sunday Night th November 16 Bamberg Villa Sign up now for Winterblast December 12-14th for 3rd – 7th Graders Total Cost $90 per camper; $50 Deposit Due Nov. 9th Camper Forms Due Nov. 16th KIDS PRAISE Sunday’s from 6:00-7:00 P.M.! WILL NOT MEET 10/26!!! Kids 1st – 6th grade Meet in the Fellowship Hall. WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE AT 6:30 P.M. Starting the Month of October Mission Project: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes October 29: Candy Corn Night (Wear yellow, orange & white) PRAYER CHAIN Oct. 26 – Nov. 1 Lois Ann Gough 245-5322 DEACONS OF THE WEEK Gene Schwarting 245-4857 Mark Kinard 267-2291 ONLY HERE FOR A LITTLE WHILE Let me love like I'll never see tomorrow Treat each day as though it's borrowed Like it's precious as a child Oh, take my hand Let us reach out to each other 'Cause we're only here for a little while Gonna hold who needs holdin' Mend what needs mendin' Walk what needs walkin' Though it means an extra mile Pray what needs prayin' Say what needs sayin' 'Cause we're only here For a little while Our website is up and running with all our up to date news! You can sign up for events and pay or give tithe and offerings through egiving there! OUR RECORD Snowshoe Mountain Ski Resort December 29th- January 2nd (Ski on 30th, 31st, 1st) All meals during the stay at Snowshoe are included. $100—October 26th, $77—November 30th KIDS EXPLORE THE BIBLE SUNDAY’S 5:00 -6:00 P.M. WILL NOT MEET SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19th or 26th! Sunday School ................ 148 9 AM ................................ 46 11 AM ............................. 133 General Fund.........$9,819.00 Mission Fund ............. 280.00 Building Fund .............. 60.00 Youth .......................... 120.00 Women’s Event ......... 360.00 BBQ Chicken..........1,954.00 Scarowinds..............1,440.00 Bible Study................... 24.00 TALENTS FOR MISSIONS Enjoy knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc… come join in creating love items to share with others. Working on dish cloths to go with food baskets for Thanksgiving also caps for newborn babies or chemo patients, shawls or lap blankets for post-surgery patients or nursing home residents. Meet together on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in first room on the left in the Education Building. “HAVING AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE" FALL WOMEN'S EVENT RECENT MEMORIALS Mrs. Elouise Huggins GENERAL FUND Shirley Sandifer Cook Bailey Walling YOUTH Raymond & LaVerne DeRienzo Lisa Patrick Pamela Connor The Women's Ministry would like to invite women of all ages from our community to hear our guest speaker, Lisa Patrick from Sumter, SC as we prepare for the Thanksgiving Season. We will also enjoy a mini-concert from the talented Pamela Connor who grew up in Bamberg, SC. We will be served a delicious dinner by some of the handsome men of our church and enjoy fellowship around beautifully decorated tables. Please invite a friend and join us on Monday, November 17, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 PM. Tickets are available for $10 and are almost sold out. Business Meeting 10/19 Correction: The October Quarterly Report was approved by the church as written. It’s Time to Get Our Shoeboxes Done! We will be collecting shoeboxes during the month of October. You can go online to: or pick up directions of how to pack a box at church then bring them back to get shipped off. A small thing that has a POWERFUL Impact that anyone – yes you – can do!!! KEENAGERS TRIP The Keenagers are going to visit the Village at Sandhills in Columbia on Tuesday, Oct. 28th. We will have lunch at Harbor Inn Restaurant. The bus will leave at 10:00 a.m. Please sign up by Friday, Oct. 24th. Thanks, Elneta (245-4105) Bamberg-Barnwell Baptist Association Brotherhood Meeting November 18, 2014 at 6:00p.m. At Bamberg First Baptist Church Men of All Ages – Hope to See You Here!!! *Church busses will be used to give rides to our homecomingmeet at the church parking lot at 9:30 am to go.
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