Welcome to Family Worship 2 November 2014 “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Welcome to Worship at HORDLE PARISH CHURCH 2 November 2014 Trinity 20 Psalm 145:8 “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” - Psalm 145:8 “The King is coming” Welcome Rev Paul Taylor Hymn (Screen) King of kings Hymn (Screen) Glory and honour Confession, and The Lord’s Prayer Bible Reading Psalm 43:1-5 p.568 Hymn 791 You are the mighty King Prayers Netty Shea Hymn (Screen) The Lord’s my shepherd Bible Reading Luke 1:1-17 p.1025 Talk Rev Elizabeth Bennett Affirmation of faith Hymn 366 Jesus is King (offertory) Blessing Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. In the name of Christ. Amen. Marcus Edwards John Shea Sides Duty: Projector: Dai Howell & Marie Holt James Hook 5.00pm 6.30pm Bring and Share Tea, followed by Songs of Praise at St Andrew’s, Tiptoe 11.30am HOLY COMMUNION (buff ) – Rev Paul Taylor “The King is coming” Hymn 24 Ye holy angels bright Greeting, Prayer of preparation, penitence, Gloria and Collect (p. 26) Reading: Psalm 43:1-5 p.568 Hazel Hainsworth Hymn (sheet) Jesus calls us here to meet Him Reading Luke 1:1-17.p.1025 Les Goodall Sermon: Rev Elizabeth Bennett Anthem (choir) Thou hast a work for me to do Creed , Intercessions and Peace (p.27 ) Hymn 464 How bright these glorious spirits shine (offertory hymn) Thanksgiving and Communion (Bread of the world) Hymn 460 For all the saints Blessing Prayer - If you would like someone to pray with you, please speak with one of the clergy. Sides Duty: Peregrine Bruce 5.00pm 6.30pm Bring and Share Tea, followed by Songs of Praise at St Andrew’s, Tiptoe Prayer - If you would like someone to pray with you, please speak with one of the clergy Prayer: If you would like someone to pray with you, for any reason, please make your way to the front pews where a member of the prayer team will pray with you. Worship ⇑ Fellowship Χ Reaching Out ⇔ Worship ⇑ Fellowship Χ Reaching Out ⇔ Information for week beginning 2 November 2014 Office: phone: 01425 626565, E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.hordle-church.hampshire.org.uk This church is fitted with a loop system for hearing aids - switch to T In the unlikely event of a fire, please calmly follow instructions from the front. There is a toilet in the church foyer, to the right, and an easy access toilet in the adjacent church hall. Children’s groups take place in the church hall and there is a room at the back of the church to take younger children if required. Songs of Praise and Tiptoe Anniversary: Sunday 2nd November 2014. A warm welcome to join us at St Andrew’s this evening for the service to celebrate the 110th Anniversary of the church being built and to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the First World War. Tea will be at 5.00pm followed by the service at 6.30pm with wartime memories. The tea is a “bring and share” so cake, sandwiches, scones, sausage rolls etc. would be much appreciated. Remembrance Day Services 9 November 2014: 10.00am Service at the War Memorial– Rev Paul Taylor 10.45am Remembrance Day Service, Hordle - Rev Paul Taylor 6.30pm Annual Memorial Service, and Communion, Hordle - Rev Paul Taylor 10.30am Stroke Club in the Memorial Hall 10.00am Little Angels in the Memorial Hall 1.30pm Little Angels in the memorial Hall 7.00pm Bell Ringers in the Tower Thursday 12.30pm Luncheon Club in the Memorial Hall Friday 8.30am Coffee Pot for school parents/carers Upper Room 9.15am Prayers for the Parish in the Church Room 5.00pm Friday Night fun Club in the Memorial Hall Sunday 9th November - Remembrance Sunday 10.00am Service at the War Memorial - Rev Paul Taylor 10.45am Remembrance Day Service - Rev Paul Taylor “Hearing it Right?!” – Rev Paul Taylor Psalm 71:1-8 - Christine Warren Luke 1:18-25 - Mal Winstone 6.30pm Memorial Service - Rev Elizabeth Bennett “Hearing it Right” - Rev Paul Taylor Psalm 91:1-12 Ron Metcalf Luke 1:18-25 Maureen Metcalf Gift Sunday 2014 1st November “All Saints’ Day” to 30th November St Andrew’s Day Traditionally between the Saint’s days for Hordle and Tiptoe, we have a parish-wide envelope collection specially to help towards Christian organizations outside the parish. These have included Tear Fund, Leprosy Mission, Mildmay Hospital and the Bible Society. Special envelopes will be available in both churches for the month of November. Please Gift Aid if you are an income tax payer. A form will be attached. For your prayers: We pray for all those with long term illnesses, those who are house-bound, and those mourning the loss of loved ones. Jam Jars: Could you please save empty jam jars with lids. We are going to try to keep up Daphne’s tradition of making and selling marmalade in aid of the Leprosy Mission, but need more jars. Please leave any clean jars in the box near the entrance to the church. Thanks, Debbie Gaskin. Monday Tuesday The Leprosy Mission: If you would like to order your Christmas cards and gifts from the catalogue please speak to Brenda Hipkin, who can order for you and save you delivery charges. There are catalogues available. Or you can order online www.tlmtrading.com. SHOEBOXES Please make sure that all shoeboxes are returned to the church by 9th November. Thank you to all those who have contributed to this wonderful charity. Gill Morris. Worship ⇑ Fellowship Χ Reaching Out ⇔ Worship ⇑ Fellowship Χ Reaching Out ⇔
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