from Anny

No. 32
23rd October 2014
from Anny
The Council of International Schools’ Visit to Brighton Primary School
The visit began on Sunday October 12, when the team met the leaders and members of the self-study groups
and our school councillors. Thank you to both the parents and staff who came.
From Monday to Thursday the team arrived at Brighton at 8:00am and left
each day at 4:30pm. During this time team members visited every classroom
and specialist, met with teachers and education support staff and spoke with
our students. On Friday afternoon the Chair, Hettie Tinsley and the Co-Chair,
Perry Tunesi brought the rough draft of the report for Amanda, Vivien and I to
read. After school they reported to staff about their findings.
What was their feedback?
There were a number of major commendations.
Our Guiding Statements were commended for their close alignment with
both the IB and the Council of International Schools and the school Essential
In Curriculum, the school was commended for the work done on
developing the units of inquiry of the Primary Years Program, the development
of the Arts and Science and the progress we are making with ICT.
The Visiting Team commended the School Council for its commitment to
and work in engaging the school community.
The school was commended for its focus on relationships that build up
trust between staff and students.
The school was commended for producing an attractive secure and
encouraging learning environment.
We were told there were thirty other commendations.
The Visiting Team had a number of recommendations which will strengthen our school and provide strategic
direction for our new School Strategic Plan. They include:
developing clear and concise definitions of internationalism and interculturalism
continuing to work on differentiation, assessment and the scope and sequence of student learning in the
developing a communication policy.
Both Hettie and Perry remarked that every section of our school has real strengths and it is evident everyone
contributes to them. They found Brighton Primary School to be warm and welcoming, with a great group of
supportive parents. They described our students as confident and well-spoken and congratulated us for
enabling them to flourish. On behalf of the team, Hettie and Perry thanked the staff for being open, reflective
and honest in all interactions and for accepting the team members into their classrooms.
Are we reaccredited?
The Visiting Team members are fact finders. They do not make the final judgment. They send their final report to
the Council of International Schools in The Hague. We will receive the Report, along with the Council of
International Schools determination about our reaccreditation, in late December or the New Year.
27th October
Pupil Free Day
Monday November 24,
Parents are welcome to attend
our Monday morning assemblies
on the Junior Oval at 9.00am.
Congratulations to next
Monday’s PYP Attitudes award
Sam Lorback
Ben Poole
Kate Montgomery
Jasmine George
Heidi Cracknell
Alex Pippis
Fergus Stewart
Luke Vollmer
Henry Lomas
Bianca Adler
Nikhil Dinesh
Chloe Bocci
Ruby Secatore
Ava Schiavetta
Charlie Pelgrim
Henry Collins
Flynn Kennedy
Students may wear the bandannas at
school on Friday 31st October only.
Fox Bishop
Anish Fernando
Bill Kolivas,
Manager, Social Service Program
Mathias Miljko
Neala Glover
Jayme Deitch
Kobe Sakeson
Jay Goodall
Jules Seater
Matthew Bates
Martin Gal
Claire Jaksetic
Alex Hodgson
Jack Clarkson
National Bandanna Day
Friday 31st October.
Mr. Kolivas has a limited number of
bandannas for sale to help the CanTeen
organization raise funds to support young
people living with cancer.
The bandannas cost $4 each.
He also has pens available at $3 each.
These can be bought from him in Room 33,
before school, during recess, at lunch time
or after school.
The Uniform Shop trading hours are
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
from 3.00-4.00pm.
The price list is on the website.
Bronwen Peterson
[email protected]
This is a reminder to all parents, if
your child has a medical condition
please make sure you let me know.
It is important for the staff at
Brighton Primary to be aware of
any medical concerns so we can
ensure we can properly treat your
child in case of an emergency.
Please contact me if you have any
concerns or updates.
Times: 9.30am - 11.30am (1) &
11.30am - 1.30pm (2)
Nurse Cecile
Lara Reynolds
Angela Prato
Lucy Calder
B Brown/A Jamison
Inna Cheeman
Wei Wei Lim
Deb Collett
Sally Jaksetic 9.00
Sarah Lazzaro
Jason / Jane Webb
Many thanks,
Late donations of
Christmas Shoeboxes
will be accepted up
to Monday
27th October
Thank you.
June Pennacchia 9.00
Danni Schofield 10.00
Jo Poole
Melissa Brown
Lou, Marie and Jenny
9539 7131
Gardening Working Bee
Saturday 15th November
… for parents of Grade 3 and Grade 4 students.
The Working Bee starts at 9.00am and ends at
12 noon with a sausage sizzle for parents and
Please let Mr Kolivas know by
Tuesday 11th November.
Kingston Division Athletics
Well done to the following students who competed in the Kingston Division Athletics on Tuesday
7th October: Zara Price, Sara Milenkovic, Megan Carr, Siena Kennedy, Andie Hood, Kai Seeto-Grossi,
Jett Ellaway, Lulu Simpson, Tiana Scheirs, Jack Clarkson, Romy Price, Hannah Cote, Archie May,
Lily Tait and Tyler McFadyen.
Each of you represented yourselves and Brighton Primary School extremely well.
Massive congratulations to Tiana Scheirs who won the 12-13 Year Girls Triple Jump, Andie Hood who
won the 11 Year Girls High Jump, Archie May who ran second in the 9-10 Year Boys 100m and
Hannah Cote who ran second in the 9-10 Year Girls 100m & 200m. By finishing first or second in their
events, these 5 students now advance to Southern Metropolitan Region (SMR) Athletics on Thursday
16th October.
Good luck!
Southern Metropolitan Region (SMR) Athletics
We have some fantastic news to report from SMR Athletics which was held on Thursday
16th October. Archie May won his 100m sprint, an outstanding achievement! Hannah Cote
ran 4th in both her 100m and 200m sprints, also a huge achievement. Andie Hood’s high
jump was cancelled due to the windy conditions, so Andie returned to the venue to
compete on Monday 20th October. I am very happy to say that Andie placed 2nd, well
done! Unfortunately Tiana Scheirs injured her foot prior to Thursday’s competition and was
unable to compete in the triple jump.
Archie & Andie’s outstanding results now see them advance to State Athletics on Monday
27th October. BPS wishes you all the best for your respective events Archie and Andie!
Glenn Garland - Sports Teacher
Occupational Health
and Safety
If you notice a potential OH&S issue around the school please report it to the office ASAP
so that it can be addressed.
Bill Kolivas
Facilities Manager
Hi everyone
Thank you to the members of the FoB team who were able to join us at the FoB meeting last week. One of
the important and exciting things we discussed is the new way that FoB will be communicating important news
and events.
Drum roll please!!!! Commencing next week, we will be launching a new “Friends of Brighton” global email. Using
mailchimp with all the email addresses supplied via your classlists, you will all receive one global email from
Friends of Brighton each week with all the latest news and events.
This one weekly email will be sent out each Monday and will replace the cascading and numerous emails that
come from me, your class reps or YLL’s. It will include event news, year level news, and FoB news. Similar to
the current BPS newsletter, there will be a deadline for any info to be loaded into the email – being each
Thursday prior.
Moving forward, this will be the mechanism that we use to promote events, advertise for volunteers, send
reminders, and generally keep everyone receiving the same information. Class reps will continue to
communicate social events and news directly with each of their classes.
In other news, we have commenced putting together the 2015 FoB event calendar which was presented at
School Council last night. In 2015, FoB is hoping to have just one major fundraising event per term, and to
spread out our social and community events so we don’t all feel swamped at certain times of the year. We are
proposing the following major fundraising events for 2015: Term 1 – Annual Lunch, Term 2 – Annual All Parent
Event (cocktail party), Term 3 – Dads’ Footy Day and Term 4 – Christmas market.
The FoB team also discussed other events and have on all of your behalf also agreed to continue with the “Tea
and Tissues” for Prep parents and Easter Lucky Tickets in Term 1. For Term 2 the Lapathon (while the
weather remains warm!) and Mothers’ Day stall. For Term 3 Grandparents’ Day and Fathers’ Day events, and
for Term 4 the Kids Disco and the Transition morning teas.
If there’s an event or fundraiser that appeals to you that you’d like to consider running in 2015, please let us
know. Any feedback or thoughts would be most appreciated.
The countdown is on with just over 4 weeks until the BPS Community Fair on election day Saturday 29th
November. By now you will all have received information from your YLL or class rep about each year level’s
involvement for the Fair. Continue to promote the day within your networks beyond BPS as we hope to attract
a large participation on the day from the broader community, so please tell grandparents, neighbours and
friends to come and vote at BPS and spend some time at The Fair! Our event lead for this is Roxanne O’Brien
who needs help from right now in order to organise the day. Please contact her directly on
[email protected] to add your support.
And as always, please contact me on the fob email should you have any suggestions or queries at
[email protected]
Samm Brown
President - Friends of Brighton
Tennis coaching for beginners to advanced
Mini tennis – “Lots of fun for everyone!”
28 years coaching experience – Including junior Federation
and Davis Cup.
This academy has produced some of Australia’s top
junior players including Marc and Greg Polmans, Justyn
Levin, Thomas Smith, Michelle Pitts and Annabelle
Andrinopoulos – 3 of these players played in the 2014
Australian Open juniors.
45min Mini Tennis Group Max 3 players $200 per term
45min Group Lesson Max 4 players $180 per term (pro rata)
60min Cardio Tennis - $15 a session - Free Try Out
Lessons will take place in Hampton East and Caulfield
Family Discounts will apply
0438 291 161
5 weeks until the Brighton Primary
School Election Day Community
Our fantastic Year Level stallholders
are getting planning and work well underway.
Feel free to contact a Year Level Coordinator directly if you’d like to get involved. We will need everyone’s participation to make the event a success.
To quote the article in “The Age” last
Saturday “Fate of the fete prospers
on power of volunteers”
This week baskets will go into each
class for you to place donations of
items such as chocolate bars, Lucky
Jars and 2nd Hand Books.
If you are interested or know anyone who may be interested in having a stall please contact [email protected] for more details.
As well as a number of market stalls, the following stalls are being
organized by our fabulous Year Level Liaison/Class Reps
BBQ/Cold Drinks
Tash Scott [email protected]
Cake Stall
Kylie Stewart [email protected]
Second Hand Books GRADE 2
Maureen Secatore [email protected]
Scones and Tea
Petra Okhuizen [email protected]
Lucky Jars
Trudi Shepard [email protected]
Kids Zone
Maureen Rodbard-Bean [email protected]
Lolly Bags/Quick Fire Raffle GRADE 6
Caly Price [email protected]
If you are able to help any of the teams outside of your Year Level
please feel free to make contact!
Car Boot Sale, Trash & Treasure
Anyone interested in having a trash & treasure / second hand car
boot sale, save this date.
Limited spaces available so be quick & get in early!
Running from 8am-midday
Cost $15
For more information please contact
Emily Higgins 0424428875 / [email protected]
Jane Haddow 0448366194 / [email protected]
Calling for Marquees
If anyone owns or has access to a marquee that could be used on
fete day, please let us know!
Every family will need to help in at least one
roster time slot. Your stall co-ordinators will
be in touch shortly with the details of the
online roster so please pick a time that suits
your family
Chocolate Throw
Always a favourite with kids – big and little. Donations of any size
chocolate bars are welcome! Please place in your class basket.
Calling for a TRAILER and a HANDY DAD
If you are able to lend us a trailer for the day that would be awesome. Also, if you could help make a frame for the choc throw
(photo supplied) please contact Maureen [email protected]
Lucky Jars
We are looking for donations of JARS – either filled or unfilled – with
Also, any items suitable to group together into jars such as spare
LEGO, hair ties, ribbons, buttons, beads etc
Please place in your class basket.