Warwickshire Cricket League LEAGUE STRUCTURE MORE PEOPLE PLAYING MORE FREQUENTLY IN TEAMS What are we proposing to do To Take note of the 2014 player survey ◦ 400 WCL players took part in that survey - 10% of our players Consider the change in mix of teams in the WCL Consider the different types of players and team make up between top and bottom Focus on the needs and wishes of the players Provide good competitive cricket, played in the correct spirit Overview Background Who is playing in the league What players are saying – National player survey Proposals for change Background Nationally - From 2013 to 2014 – 7% less people are playing cricket In WCL in 2014 there were 4171 players in the WCL in 2013 that was 4543 – 8% less This drop off of players is a major concern to the ECB and leads to clubs / teams folding ◦ It should concern all clubs Background – WCL make up In 2009 the WCL had 84 Clubs and 181 teams, in 2014 85 Clubs and 199 teams ◦ Note 21 teams came from the west midlands 3rd XI league In 2009 – 2 Division Structure had 71 clubs with 1sts and 2nds, in 2014 this was 64 In 2014 – 16 of 30 in Divisions 4 thru 6 where not traditional 1st team 2nd team setups Who is playing in the WCL Of 4171 people playing, many played once 1976 scheduled matches – 1842 played 31000 appearances recorded on Play Cricket The National player survey is using terms ◦ Core – Means plays most weeks ◦ Occasional – plays 5 or more times a season ◦ Cameo – plays rarely often once a season Differences by division Appearances By OcassionalCameo Division Core Premier Division 1st XI 69.16% 17.88% 12.96% Division 1 1st XI 66.78% 20.51% 12.71% Division 3 1st XI 59.33% 21.01% 19.65% Division 2 1st XI 58.64% 16.41% 24.95% Division 4 1st XI 54.05% 19.73% 26.22% Premier Division 2nd XI 47.16% 25.99% 26.85% Division 1 2nd XI 41.29% 24.90% 33.81% Division 3 2nd XI 40.12% 25.93% 33.95% Division 5 1st XI 34.95% 21.99% 43.06% Division 2 2nd XI 34.63% 23.10% 42.27% Division 6 1st XI 34.04% 21.16% 44.80% Division 5 2nd XI 29.46% 24.09% 46.45% Division 4 2nd XI 27.25% 27.12% 45.63% 3rd XI and Single Team - Division 2 West 16.76% 30.80% 52.43% 3rd XI and Single Team - Premier 14.98% 29.19% 55.83% 3rd XI and Single Team - Division 1 East 14.68% 31.54% 53.78% 3rd XI and Single Team - Division 1 West 13.86% 31.01% 55.13% 3rd XI and Single Team - Division 2 East 11.63% 35.63% 52.74% The higher divisions have more core players Lower down teams are dependent on Occasional and Cameo Players to get sides out Given the number of 3rd XI in Div 5 and below it is not surprising Premier 2nd XI are more “stable” than Div 5 and 6 What are players saying The National Player survey has been done the last 2 years ◦ 50000 players responded in 2014 ◦ 400 players in the WCL responded Here are some views on ◦ WCL to national on game day factors ◦ WCL “the perfect day” Game day factors The Game Day factor that cricketers are most happy with is All 100% Format Percentage of People Happy With Each Game Day Factor 80% Game Day Factors: Whether cricketers are happy with five game day factors 60% Core 40% The Game Day factor that cricketers are most happy with is 100% Format 20% Percentage of People Happy With Each Game Day Factor 92% 86% 77% 74% 67% Format No of Overs Length of Day Start Time End Time 0% 80% National* 60% 40% The Game Day factor that cricketers are most happy with is 20% 0% 100% 91% 85% 75% 72% 64% Format No of Overs Length of Day Start Time End Time National* Format Percentage of People Happy With Each Game Day Factor Occasional 80% 60% 40% 20% 90% 81% 66% 63% 49% Format No of Overs Length of Day Start Time End Time 0% National* What is a Perfect Day – All ? Maximum Travel Time Most people said 40% Start Time 30 minutes Most people said 1pm 1pm most popular but many want to start earlier, only a few want to start later 50% 30% 40% 20% 30% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 15 30 45 60 90 More than Doesn't minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes 90 matter minutes Match Duration Most people said 9-10am 11am 1pm 2pm 3-5pm 6-7pm Number of Overs National* 6-7 hours 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 12pm Most people said 50 overs 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Up to 2 2-3 3-4 hours hours hours 4-5 5-6 hours hours 6-7 7-8 More hours hours than 8 hours 50 overs 40 overs 45 overs Unlimited *Top 5 answers 20 overs 50 over matches are 6.5 hours What is a Perfect Day – Core ? Maximum Travel Time Most people said 40% Start Time 30 minutes Most people said Similar to overall picture 1pm 40% 30% 30% 20% 50 over matches are 6.5 hours 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 15 30 45 60 90 More than Doesn't minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes 90 matter minutes Match Duration Most people said 9-10am 11am 1pm 2pm 3-5pm 6-7pm Number of Overs National* 6-7 hours 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 12pm Most people said 50 overs 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Up to 2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 More hours hours hours hours hours hours hours than 8 hours 50 overs 40 overs 45 overs Unlimited *Top 5 answers 20 overs 50% said 50 overs What is a Perfect Day – Occasional ? Maximum Travel Time Most people said 40% Start Time 30 minutes Most people said 1pm Want to start later than Core but still not after 1pm 50% 30% 40% 20% 30% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 15 30 45 60 90 More than Doesn't minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes 90 matter minutes Match Duration Most people said 9-10am 11am 1pm 2pm 3-5pm 6-7pm Number of Overs National* 5-6 hours 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 12pm Most people said 50 overs 50% However, more than 50% said less than 50 overs 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Up to 2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 More hours hours hours hours hours hours hours than 8 hours Like 50 overs but don’t want to play as long, more in 5 to 6 hour band 50 overs 40 overs 45 overs 20 overs *Top 5 answers 30 overs WCL change proposals Linear structure ◦ One league “ladder”, not separate 1st XI and 2nd XI leagues ◦ Less 12 team divisions, pressure on players and grounds in April and September and teams at 2nd XI level ◦ Why – the league structure has changed ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ we have many 3rd XI playing against 1st XI Cricket will remain more competitive if 2nds XI play the weaker 1st XI and strong 3rd XI can play 2nd XI Some clubs 2nd XI strength is close to 1st XI, others are vastly different Some 1st XI and 2nd XIs are blocked by ground standards from going higher Caveats ◦ No 2nd team can play in same or higher division than their 1st XI ◦ Must have 3 teams for 1st team to be in top 2 divisions ◦ Must have 2 teams to play in top 4 divisions Who else does this ◦ Growing national trend, Derbys, Staffs, Leicester, Hampshire all recently moved this way ◦ Feedback from these generally positive at the “40 leagues meeting” WCL change proposals Regionalisation extended at lower end ◦ Tackles length of travel time = earlier end / home times / or time to socialise ◦ Why – Occasional players are more likely to be in lower divisions ◦ Occasional players favours short match durations Earlier Start times ◦ All matches start at 1pm Fewer Overs in lower divisions ◦ To match shorter game wishes from occasional and cameo players go from 50 to 45 overs Club Standards ◦ Still require cover and screens etc at various levels but 2nd XI and Single teams can now reach much higher levels ◦ Lowers the barriers to improving a club ◦ Softens the blow if a club gets into trouble and loses their 2nds Concept Divisions Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5 Division 6 Division 7 Dvision 8 east Dvision 9 east Dvision 10 east Dvision 11 east Dvision 12 east Dvision 13 east Teams Dvision 8 west Dvision 9 west Dvision 10 west Dvision 11 west Dvision 12 west Dvision 13 west Overs 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 Restrictions 50 Band A Facilities - 3 teams 50 Band A Facilities - 3 teams 50 Band B Facilities - 2 teams 50 Band B Facilities - 2 teams 50 Band B Facilities - but 1 team OK 50 Band B Facilities - but 1 team OK 45 Covers and screens recommended not mandated 10 each 10 each 10 each 10 each 10 each 10 each 45 Covers and screens recommended not mandated 45 Covers and screens recommended not mandated 45 Covers and screens recommended not mandated 45 Artificial surface allowed 45 Artificial surface allowed 45 Artificial surface allowed How The top and bottom of the structure sort themselves out ◦ Premier thru 3 firsts ae the top 4 divisions ◦ The 3rd XI and single team divisions plus Division 4 to 6 seconds form the lower divisions The middle needs the 2nd XI divisions of the higher leagues merging with the 1st XI in Div 4 to 6 ◦ Premier 2nds for instance with division 4 1st ** Do the following ◦ Apply any promotions and relegations ◦ Form a sub committee to agree the details of the merger by division in the “middle” ◦ As a guide the top halves of Premier 2nds and the top of Division 4 = Division 5 etc Agree the proposal (or not at the 2014 AGM) Approve the details at divisional meetings Implement for 2015 Collycroft Proposal change from 50 over cricket to 40 over cricket 10 overs maximum per bowler 1pm start on every game straight win or lose (no winning or losing draws) bonus points to be gained by losing team.
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