FL-023 Deland H.S. Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) Parent Survival Guide Current as of 5 Sep 2014 Table of Contents 1. AFJROTC Program Mission and Goals 2. AFJROTC Basics 3. Admission 4. Transfer 5. Disenrollment 6. Aerospace Science Curriculum, Instructor and Grading 7. Leadership Curriculum, Instructor and Grading 8. Cadet Evaluation Board (CEB) 9. Uniform Wear, Care and Standards 10. Uniform Grading Standards 11. Inspections 12. Parades 13. Ranks 14. Officer & Enlisted Ranks 15. Awards and Decorations 16. AFJROTC Varsity Letters 17. Community Service 18. Family, Cadet & Social Events 19. Volunteering/Parent Boosters/JROTC Family Orientation Night 20. Communication 21. School & Parent Boosters Volunteer Forms End-of-Guide: UNIFORM RANK, NAME TAG, RIBBON & BADGE PLACEMENT 1. AFJROTC Program Mission and Goals The mission of the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program is to “build better citizens for America”. The goals of the Deland H.S. AFJROTC Program are to instill in our high school cadets the values of: ● Citizenship ● Service to the United States ● Personal Responsibility ● A sense of accomplishment 2. AFJROTC Basics Leadership Discipline High Standards Hard work Organization Military training Rewards 3. Admission To be eligible for membership and continuance in the AFJROTC Program, each cadet must be: ● In a grade above the eighth grade. ● A citizen of the United States or an alien admitted for permanent residence. ● Enrolled and attending a regular course of instruction at Deland High School. ● Physical Fitness, students must be capable to participate in the school’s standard physical education program. Note: Handicapped students, with the concurrence of the principal, may participate. Each cadet must comply with the rules and regulations of the JROTC Program, and must accept responsibility for care and maintenance of both the Air Force Service Dress (Class A and B) and the Air Force Physical Training Uniforms (AFPTU). 4. Transfer Transfer of students from Army, Navy or other AFJROTC units may be admitted with full credit for training already received and documented. A cadet’s rank, ribbons and other badges may transfer pending verification and approval of SASI/ASI. 5. Disenrollment Cadets will not be disenrolled from the AFJROTC program without approval of the SASI. A cadet can be disenrolled for any of the following reasons: Failure to maintain acceptable standards such as proper attitude, academic, dress and appearance standards (haircut, shave, etc.), proper wear of uniform, lying, cheating, stealing, social media etiquette, failure to adhere to the responsibilities of a cadet, NCO or officer, etc. 6. Aerospace Science Curriculum, Instructor and Grading The Aerospace Science curriculum is instructed by the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) Colonel (Retired) James R. Pugh and consists of four courses with each course normally covering a single school year: Aerospace Science (AS) I, II, III & IV. The Aerospace Science curriculum covers a range of topics such as air power history, general study of aeronautics and principals of flight, cultural studies and exploration of space. Each school year the curriculum taught will vary. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, your cadet will be instructed on the Aerospace Science curriculum, conduct in class worksheets and participate in activities focused on the lessons being taught. Cadets will be tested throughout the semester on their comprehension of the curriculum. The Aerospace Science Curriculum counts for 40 percent of overall grade. 7. Leadership Curriculum, Instructor and Grading The Leadership curriculum is instructed by the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) Master Sergeant (Retired) Treena M. Merk and builds on the fundamentals learned in the Aerospace Science curriculum. The Leadership curriculum covers a range of topics such as military customs and courtesies, proper uniform dress and appearance, drill and ceremonies, organizational and management instructions, communication skills, problem solving and team building. Each cadet must be willing to make adjustments to their attitude, self-discipline, self-control, and maturity level according to program standards. Cadet leaders are responsible for conducting most leadership activities. The SASI and ASI will train and mentor the cadet leaders, then the cadet leaders will train the rest of the cadet corps. The following will be used in determining leadership grades: uniform inspections, drill evaluations, dressing out for PT/PT participation, parade practice and parade participation. Per the JROTC syllabus, cadets are required to march in four parades: Homecoming, Veteran’s Day, Christmas and Mardis Gras and will received 100 points (summative) grade for each parade. Additionally, at the beginning and end of the school year, cadets are tested on cadet jobs: support staff, chain of command, enlisted and officer ranks and the names of all current cadet leadership. The Leadership Curriculum counts for 40 percent of the cadet’s overall grade. 8. Cadet Evaluation Board (CEB) The Cadet Evaluation Board’s purpose is to determine if cadets fail to comply with JROTC standards of conduct and behavior, to recommend cadets for promotion/demotion in position/rank or to investigate alleged violations of the Cadet Handbook or Honor Code. If a cadet has not been an example for other cadets to follow (for example: bad grades, disrespect of the uniform, not participating in class, etc.) then they are subject for a Cadet Evaluation Board. During a CEB, cadet leadership reviews all the facts of a situation then forwards all findings and recommendations to the SASI, who must approve any action positive or disciplinary before such action is taken. 9. Uniform Wear, Care and Standards Cadets will wear the designated dress uniform once each week on Tuesdays. There are many dress and appearance rules that accompany wearing the uniform. The standards are established in Air Force Instruction 36-2903, and its applicable supplements, AFJROTC Cadet Uniform and Award Guide as well as the Deland AFJROTC Cadet Handbook. This survival guide highlights the basic requirements for your cadet’s uniform wear. Each cadet will be issued the following uniform items: Blue Service Coat, Light Blue Short Sleeve Shirt, Pants, Skirt (Females ONLY), Flight Cap, Tie and/or Tie Tab, Black Socks and Shoes. Additionally, they will be issued the following Air Force Physical Training Uniform (AFPTU): AF Tshirt and shorts. However, cadets have the option to wear their own fitness shorts or pants instead of the issued shorts. As the weather cools down (October-November) cadets will be issued the following: Windbreaker with liner and the AFPTU Sweat Shirt/Pants. All uniform items need to be cleaned and well-kept. The following should be dry-cleaned ONLY on a regular basis: Blue Service Coat, Pants, Skirt (Females ONLY) and the Windbreaker with liner. However, the light blue uniform shirt may be washed, dried, and ironed at home. Additionally, the Flight Cap, Tie and/or Tie Tab may be washed and dried as well, DO NOT IRON. Last, all physical training uniform items Air Force T-shirt, shorts, sweat shirt and pants can be washed and dried as normal. NOTE: BEFORE TAKING UNIFORMS TO THE DRY-CLEANERS. REMOVE ALL NAME TAGS, RANKS, RIBBONS, METALS & BADGES. CADETS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PURCHASE LOST OR DAMAGED ITEMS DUE TO NEGLIGENCE. Cadets will wear their Physical Training uniforms once each week on Thursdays. This uniform may be treated like any other piece of clothing you wear, but it cannot have any holes, rips, tears, and it may not have any other markings on it besides cadet’s last name written with black sharpie on back of t-shirt/sweatshirt located under the collar. The uniform nor any parts of the uniform will be worn unless on uniform days, received prior approval from SASI/ASI of if cadet is participating in official AFJROTC activities. Cadets are also precluded from wearing mock, pseudo, other services', or other countries' uniforms or parts thereof to school or school activities. The four standards for wear of the Air Force uniform are: neatness, cleanliness, safety and military image. The following are some basic uniform wear standards: The shirt shall be tucked neatly into the pants with the shirt facing aligned with the fly of the pants and the edge of the belt buckle (gig line). The pants are designed to be worn at the wearer’s navel. Button all buttons, except for top button of the short sleeve shirt when not wearing a tie. Push the belt through the left front loop (males) or the right front loop (females) first, then all loops around the waist. Place no bulky objects in pockets. Shoes must be shined including heels, welt and the outer edge of the sole. Socks must be BLACK crew length without design (ankle socks are not authorized). The male fight cap is worn squarely on the head, tilted slightly to the wearer’s right. No hair will protrude from the front of headgear when properly worn. Whenever possible, check appearance in a mirror or ask someone to check for you. The skirt will hang naturally over the hips from the waist with a slight flare. Skirt length will be no shorter than the top of the kneecap or longer than the bottom of the kneecap. When wearing the skirt it is mandatory to wear pantyhose at all times. Hosiery will be plain commercial, sheer, nylon in neutral or dark brown that complement the uniform and the cadet’s skin tone. Patterned hosiery is not authorized to be worn with any uniform. Hosiery is optional with slacks. Jewelry: Three rings per two hands are authorized. Excessive size, shape, or wearing them above the knuckle are not authorized. A wristwatch may be worn. A conservative bracelet may be worn, but not on the same wrist as the watch. Bracelets must not be plastic, rubber or string. Earrings/Nose Rings/Other Body Piercings: Males will not wear any type of earring while in uniform. When in uniform, females may wear one earring in each ear at the bottom of ear lobe. Earrings must be small gold, silver, or pearl and diamond. Earrings will be small and spherical or round in appearance. When in uniform, males and females will not wear any type of nose or tongue rings or other visible body piercing, including those that can be seen through the uniform or prohibit the proper wear of the uniform. Nail Polish: Nail polish, if worn, will be a single color that does not distinctly contrast with the female’s complexion, detract from the uniform, or be extreme colors. Examples of extreme colors included, but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black, bright (fire engine) red and florescent colors. Do not apply designs to nails or apply two-tone or multi-tone colors; however, white-tip French manicures are authorized. Males will not wear nail polish. Hair Standards: MALE: Hair must be neatly and cleanly trimmed, tapered, must not exceed 1 ¼ inches in bulk, and will present a nicely groomed appearance. A neatly trimmed and tapered box-cut is authorized for the back of the head. However, hair will not touch the ears nor the shirt collar except the closely cut hair on the back of the neck. The hair in front will be groomed so that it is not lower than the top of the eyebrows and will not protrude below the band of properly worn headgear. In no case will the bulk or length of hair interfere with the proper wear of the issued headgear. No visible grooming aids will be used. MALE: Sideburns will be neatly trimmed in the same manner as the hair. They will not extend below the lowest part of the outside ear opening; will not be more than 1/2 inch wide, and will end with a clean shaven horizontal line. Sideburns will not be "pork-chop" in shape but will be square or oblong. Cadets will be clean-shaven when in uniform. This includes the cheeks, jaw line and neck. Goatees are not authorized. A mustache may be worn. However, it will be neatly trimmed between the upper lip and the nose and will not extend beyond the edges of the mouth or to the upper lip. FEMALE: Hair will be styled so that it is no longer than the bottom edge of the blouse or jacket/coat collar at the back of the neck and will not exceed 3 inches in bulk. FEMALE: Only small conservative hair bands, combs and pins that match the natural hair color may be worn (i.e., blonde, brunette, natural red, black). Hair must comply with bulk and appearance standards. Ornaments are not authorized (i.e., beads, ribbons, jeweled pins). Scrunches are not authorized. FEMALE: While wearing the Air Force Physical Training Uniform, long hair will be secured but may have loose ends and may extend below the collar; i.e. ponytails. FEMALE: It will be styled to permit the proper wear of the issued headgear (beret or flight cap). The hairstyle will not be excessively full or high on the head, but will be in good military taste. If a wig, wiglet or extensions are worn, it will conform to the rules that apply for natural hair. Females are not allowed to shave their head bald. Good personal hygiene habits are expected of each cadet. Hair and fingernails are to be clean. Fingernails shall be no longer than functional when typing. Underclothing and socks MUST BE worn with all uniforms, black socks for the service and white socks for the fitness uniform. Bathing, brushing teeth and wearing deodorant daily are highly recommended so that offensive odors are eliminated insofar as possible. 10. Uniform Grading Standards Each Tuesday is our designated service uniform day, if it is a parade week cadets are not required to wear their uniform until the parade day, more details on this subject matter will be provided prior to each parade. All cadets are expected to properly wear the AFJROTC uniform within military and JROTC standards the ENTIRE school day. If a cadet changes out of their uniform without prior approval from the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) or Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI), the student’s grade will reflect. Dress and appearance standards are taught and enforced using Air Force Instruction 36-2903 and local JROTC directives. Cadets receive a summative grade (100 points) for each service uniform wear. If cadets do not wear the uniform on the designated day they will receive a 0 grade; there are NO make-ups for failing to wear the appropriate uniform on the designated wear day. EXCEPTION: if a cadet is absent on Tuesday they MUST wear their uniform the first day back to school for a grade. If there are extenuating circumstances for a cadet unable to wear their uniform a parent note, email, phone call or prior approval is REQUIRED. Failure to communicate issues will result in a zero grade. Repeat uniform discrepancies will result in the following points deducted: 1st time discrepancy is 10 points for enlisted cadets, 15 points for officer cadets, 2nd week in-a-row for same discrepancy is 20 points for enlisted cadets, 30 points for officer cadets, 3rd week in-a-row for same discrepancy is 30 points for enlisted cadets and 45 points for officer cadets. For example, C/2 Lt Bulldog and C/SSgt Airpower forget to wear their ranks on their short-sleeved blue shirt C/2 Lt Bulldog will lose 15 points while C/SSgt Airpower will lose 10 points from their uniform grade. The following week C/2 Lt Bulldog and C/SSgt Airpower forget to wear their ranks on their short-sleeved blue shirt again C/2 Lt Bulldog will lose 30 points while C/SSgt Airpower will lose 20 points from their uniform grade since it’s the same discrepancy twice in-a-row. The next week C/2 Lt Bulldog and C/SSgt Airpower forget to wear their ranks on their short-sleeved blue shirt yet again C/2 Lt Bulldog will lose 45 points while C/SSgt Airpower will lose 30 points from their uniform grade since it’s the same discrepancy now three times in-a-row. This point reduction should deter cadets from having repeat discrepancies week after week. All uniform rules can be found in AFI 36-2903, The Cadet Handbook given to cadets at the beginning of each school year. Additionally, all uniform regulations, The Cadet Handbook, Parent Survival Guide and other resources are located on our Deland H.S. JROTC Website at: http://DelandAFJROTC.com/ 11. Inspections Cadets will be inspected on Tuesdays during class on compliance with uniform and grooming standards. Wearing the military uniform is a privilege and all cadets should work diligently to ensure their uniforms are neat, clean, present a professional image and that grooming standards are followed. Uniform discrepancies will result in the following grade point deductions: If a cadet changes out of the uniform during the school day without prior approval they will receive a 0 grade. Boys must have an appropriate haircut and be shaved; hair must not touch ears, no thicker than 1 ¼ inches. Girls need to wear hair up with same hair color hair ties/pins. Girls’ hair should not exceed 3 inches in bulk. Females hair cannot go exceed below bottom of collar. Also, no faddish hairstyles or coloring is allowed while in uniform (pink, blue, purple, green, etc.). Girls may wear either the pants or skirt; however, if wearing the skirt pantyhose MUST be worn; discrepancies will result in 15 points deducted. Cadets should plan ahead for rips and/or torn pantyhose. Cadets may not wear the skirt without pantyhose. Additionally, if cadet fails to wear pantyhose two or more times the skirt will be turned-in (within 5 school days/dry-cleaned) and cadet will lose privilege to wear the skirt. A 3- paragraph essay will be required explaining why the cadet’s skirt should be returned after cadet's repeated disregard for proper wear standards. The SASI, ASI and Top 5 Cadets will review the essay and make the decision for the cadet’s skirt return or not and when. Officer Cadets: if officer fails to wear rank (uniform/flight cap) or name tag 15 points will be deducted; after two failures cadet will lose rank temporarily and be required to meet a Cadet Evaluation Board (CEB) to determine if they should have it reinstated or lose it permanently. Each uniform discrepancy/borrowed items are 15 points each. If Cadet Bulldog is a 2Lt (officer cadet) and forgot to shave (15 points), forgot his shortsleeve shirt ranks (15 points) and forgot his fight cap w/ 2Lt rank (30 points) the total points deducted for failing to wear the uniform properly would be 100-60= 40 points (summative) uniform grade. Enlisted Cadets: Each uniform discrepancy/borrowed items will result in 10 points each deduction. The exception is pantyhose discrepancy will result in 15 points. For example, if Cadet Airpower is an SSgt (enlisted cadet) and forgot to shave (10 points), forgot his ranks (10 points) and forgot his fight cap (10 points) the total points deducted for failing to wear the uniform properly would be 100-30= 70 points (summative). Each Thursday is Physical Training (PT) Day. All cadets must have a fitness and parental consent form signed and on file before participating in the JROTC Fitness Program. All medical conditions identified on medical consent forms are communicated to and copies are provided to Clinic personnel in case of an emergency. Cadets who have medical conditions will be monitored at all times. Both the SASI and ASI are certified in CPR. Cadets should have his/her inhalers, EPI-PENS, etc. readily available in case of emergency. Cadets must dress out in the Air Force Physical Training Uniform (AFPTU): AF T-shirt, AF issued shorts or personal fitness shorts, socks and tennis shoes, OR the AF sweat shirt and pants, socks and tennis shoes. Failure to wear the appropriate fitness uniform items will result in points deducted. On Physical Training days cadets are graded on the following two items: dress out in appropriate AFPTU and participation in PT activities. Cadets must participate in PT unless they have a written excuse from a parent/legal guardian or doctor. Not dressing out in AFPTU, will result in 50 points deducted out of a 100 formative grade. Additionally, not participating in PT activities will result in 50 points deducted out of a 100 formative grade. If cadets do not dress out in AFPTU they are still required to participate; however, if the cadet chooses not to participate in PT they are required to write a 5-paragraph essay about a fitness related topic. The Physical Training Program counts for 20 percent of the cadet’s overall grade. Cadets can miss one (1) PT session with a note from his/her parent/guardian then cadets must bring in a note from a doctor. NO NOTE – NO EXCUSE! 12. Parades All cadets are required to march in four parades a year: Deland Homecoming, Veteran’s Day, Christmas and the Mardi Gras (Puppy) Parade. With prior SASI or ASI approval, cadets who are in multiple groups/clubs must march in two parades with JROTC and the other two parades may be marched with other group/clubs. We always meet 1-hour prior to schedule start of parades @ COOKS CAFÉ BAKERY & EATERY parking lot, formerly the Holiday House across the street from University Hotel (now a Stetson dorm) @ the corner of W. Pennsylvania & Woodland Blvd. Plan ahead and leave early to avoid being late due to road closures. The Deland Police Dept. will block off Woodland Blvd. from Plymouth Ave on the North side to Beresford Ave on the South side usually 2 hours prior to start of parades until 1-2 hours after scheduled end-of-parades. Please plan on using alternate routes such as: Alabama & Amelia to the East or Florida & Clara to the West. If an extenuating circumstance arises cadets MUST contact the Cadet Group/Commander or their designated Cadet Squadron or Flight/Commander via telephone (contact & information provided during class). For each parade, Color Guard or Drill Team members must wear the Class-A uniform (Service Coat, pants, short-sleeve shirt w/ ascots and beret) all others will be in Class-B (pants, pants or skirts (Females ONLY), short sleeve shirt and flight cap (no coat/no tie). No sunglasses or chewing gum are permitted. Last, all cell phones MUST be turned-off during parade route. Ladies have a choice of skirt or pants (not Color Guard or Drill Team). If wearing skirts panty hose MUST be worn with flats or issued shoes, NO PUMPS permitted due to safety reasons; reference AFI 36-2903 or Cadet Handbook for details. Uniforms must be in outstanding condition with all badges, ribbons on the uniform as well as nametag and ranks. Any cadet not in military uniform standards such as: needing a haircut/shave, out-ofregulations nail or hair color (ladies hair must be up above collar), wearing a wrinkled or dirty uniform, wrong shoes or missing items (name tag, flight caps, etc.) WILL be sent home and receive a grade of 0 for the parade and a grade of 0 for a non-compliant uniform. NOTE: This is part of the mandatory grading requirements for JROTC and will count as two summative grades (100 pts each). Cadets should eat a good meal & drink plenty of water beforehand due to limited water access during parade. At the end of each parade when dismissed cadets may go find his/her ride or stay and watch the rest of the parade then meet their ride @ a predetermined meeting point. NOTE: if cadets elect to stay and watch rest of parade they have two options for uniform wear: # 1: cadets may change completely out of their uniform OR # 2: cadets can keep their ENTIRE uniform on. Regardless of option, cadets will “either be ALL the way in or ALL the way out of the uniform”. No ROTC issued shirt is to be worn with jeans/shorts or no t-shirt is to be worn with Air Force pants/skirts/shoes. If elected to stay in uniform cadets are REQUIRED to wear their flight cap/berets at all times while outside. 13. Ranks Your cadet can progress through the ranks during their time in AFJROTC. However, this is only possible if they demonstrate leadership qualities, citizenship and are examples for other cadets. Cadets must first learn to be good followers, before they can become great leaders. 14. Officer & Enlisted Ranks 15. Awards and Decorations The cadet awards and decorations program is designed to foster morale, incentives, esprit-de-corps, and recognize outstanding cadet performance in academics and leadership or for specific display of valor. Guidance can be found in Air Force ROTC Instruction 36-2001 for specific eligibility for AFJROTC Awards. The ribbon chart can be found in the Cadet Handbook or on our Deland JROTC website. Awards, Medals, ribbons, and certificates may be awarded in the following categories: (1) Gold and Silver Valor Award. Awards consist of a medal, ribbon, and citation. The Gold Valor Award recognizes the most outstanding voluntary acts of self-sacrifice and personal bravery by a cadet involving conspicuous risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. The Silver Valor Award is awarded to a cadet for a voluntary act of heroism which does not meet the risk-of-life requirements of the Gold Valor Award. (2) Cadet Humanitarian Award. Award consists of a ribbon and certificate and recognizes humanitarian effort or performance by cadets involving actions above & beyond the call of duty. (3) Community Service with Excellence Award. It consists of a ribbon and certificate. It is intended to recognize those individual cadets who provide significant leadership in the planning, organization, directing, and executing of a major unit community service project that greatly benefits the local community. This is an award given to key leader(s) of the project. (4) Air Force Association (AFA) Award. This award consists of a medal and ribbon and is presented to a third-year cadet. The award recipient must possess/meet the following personal characteristics and eligibility criteria: Positive attitude toward AFJROTC and school, Outstanding personal appearance (Uniform and grooming), Display personal attributes such as initiative, judgment, and self-confidence, Courteous demeanor (promptness, obedience, and respect for customs), Growth potential (capacity for responsibility, high productivity, adaptability to change) and Possession of the highest personal and ethical standards and strong positive convictions. (5) Daedalian Award. The Order of Daedalians is a fraternity of commissioned pilots from all military services. It is named after the legendary figure, Daedalus, and was organized by WW I military pilots who sought to perpetuate the spirit of patriotism, love of country, and the high ideals of self-sacrifice which place service to the nation above personal safety and position. This award is offered to encourage the development of these traits in cadets and to interest them in a military career. The medal is fashioned after an ancient Grecian plaque discovered by a Daedalian in the village of Lavadia, Greece and depicts Daedalus and his son Icarus fabricating their legendary wings of wax and feathers. The award also includes a ribbon. This annual award recognizes one outstanding third-year cadet that demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation, indicates the potential and desire to pursue a military career, rank in the top 10% of their AFJROTC class and rank in the top 20% of their school class. (6) American Legion Scholastic Award. This award consists of a bronze medal accompanied by a ribbon with a distinctive miniature attachment depicting a scholastic scroll. This award is presented to a third- or fourth-year cadet based on the cadet's overall scholastic achievements. The cadet must: rank in the top 10% of the high school class, rank in the top 25% of their AFJROTC class, demonstrate leadership qualities and actively participate in student activities. (7) American Legion General Military Excellence Award. This award consists of a bronze medal accompanied by a ribbon with a distinctive miniature attachment depicting a torch. This award is presented to a third- or fourth-year cadet based on the cadet's general military excellence. The cadet must: rank in the top 25% of their AFJROTC class, demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. (8) Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Award. This award consists of a bronze medal and ribbon and is presented to a fourth-year cadet that meets the following criteria: rank in the top 25% of their AFJROTC class, rank in the top 25% of their high school class, demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character, demonstrate adherence to military discipline, possess leadership ability and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training. (9) American Veterans (AMVETS) Award. This award consists of a medal pendant and ribbon and is presented to a cadet that possesses individual characteristics contributing to leadership such as: a positive attitude toward Air Force ROTC programs and service in the Air Force, personal appearance (wearing of the uniform, posture, and grooming, but not physical characteristics per se), personal attributes (initiative, dependability, judgment, and self-confidence), officer potential (capacity for responsibility, adaptability, and maintenance of high personal standards), obtained a grade of "A" in their AS class, be in good scholastic standing in all classes at time of selection and presentation. (10) Reserve Officers Association (ROA) Award. This award consists of a bronze medal, ribbon, and certificate. The recipient(s) must possess individual characteristics contributing to leadership such as: positive attitude toward AS curriculum, outstanding personal appearance, attributes of initiative, judgment, and self-confidence, courtesy, growth potential, responsibility, high productivity, adaptability to change, demonstrate the highest personal and ethical standards and strong positive convictions and rank in the top 10% of their AFJROTC class. (11) Military Order of World Wars Award. This award consists of a bronze medal pendant, certificate, and ribbon and is presented annually to an outstanding cadet who has committed to continue the aerospace science program the following school year. Selection is based on outstanding accomplishments or service to the JROTC unit. (12) Military Officers Association of America (MOOA) Award. This award consists of a medal pendant with ribbon and is presented annually to an outstanding third-year cadet who shows exceptional potential for military leadership, be a member of the junior class, be in good academic standing, be of high moral character, show a high order of loyalty to the unit, school, and country and show exceptional potential for military leadership. (13) Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Award. This award consists of a medal pendant with ribbon and is presented to a third- or fourth-year cadet who is actively engaged in the AFJROTC program and who possesses individual characteristics contributing to leadership, has a positive attitude toward AFJROTC, has outstanding military bearing and conduct, possess strong positive personal attributes (such as courtesy, dependability, punctuality, respect, and cooperation), demonstrate patriotism (being a member of the color guard or drill team) and actively promote Americanism, demonstrate leadership potential, attain a grade of "B" in AFJROTC with an overall average grade of "C" in all subjects for the previous semester, be active in student activities and not have been a previous recipient of this award. (14) National Sojourners Award. This award consists of a ribbon, medal pendant, and certificate, recognizing an outstanding second- or third-year cadet who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism within the corps of cadets and on campus. This cadet must: be in the top 25% of their academic class, encourage and demonstrate ideals of Americanism, demonstrate potential for outstanding leadership and not have previously received the award. (15) Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Award. This award consists of a bronze medal with ribbon and recognizes an outstanding third-year cadet who must exhibit a high degree of leadership, military bearing, and all-around excellence in AS studies and not have previously received the award. The cadet must be in the top 10% of their AFJROTC class and be in the top 25% of their overall class. (16) Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction Award. This award consists of a medal, ribbon, and certificate and recognizes an outstanding third-year cadet who must: contribute the most to encourage Americanism by participation in extracurricular activities or community projects, demonstrate academic excellence by being in the top 25% of class, demonstrate the qualities of dependability, good character, self-discipline, good citizenship and patriotism and not have been a previous recipient of this award. (17) Military Order of the Purple Heart Award. This award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon and recognizes an outstanding third- or fourth-year cadet who demonstrates leadership ability. The cadet must: have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC and country, hold a leadership position in the cadet corps, be active in school and community affairs, attain a grade of "B" or better in all subjects for the previous semester and not have been a previous recipient of this award. (18) Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) Award. This annual award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon and recognizes an outstanding third- or fourth-year cadet who demonstrates outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. They must be in the top 25% of the AFJROTC class, demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship and not have been a previous recipient of this award. (19) Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. This award recognizes one deserving cadet who displays a high degree of patriotism and demonstrates a high degree of academic excellence and leadership quality. (20) Sons of Confederate Veteran’s H.L. Hunley Award. This award consists of a medal, ribbon, certificate and recognizes a rising second year cadet who has demonstrated the qualities of honor, courage and a particular commitment to his/her unit throughout the school year. (21) Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated (TAI) Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet Award. This award consists of a ribbon and certificate and is presented to cadets (may be first, second, or third-year cadets) who attain a grade of “B” or better in their AS class, be in good academic standing, actively participate in cadet corps activities and participate in at least 50% of all unit service programs. (22) The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA) Award. This award consists of a medal set, ribbon and a certificate. At the SASI’s discretion for exceptional leadership is awarded to the most outstanding AFJROTC cadet while serving in an enlisted rank. The cadet must have shown outstanding leadership throughout the course of the school year. (23) The Celebrate Freedom Foundation/ERAU Award. This award consists of a ribbon and certificate and is awarded at the SASI’s discretion, for outstanding performance in academics and cadet corps activities as a first or second year cadet. (24) National Society United States Daughters of 1812 Award. This award consists of a medal and ribbon and is presented to a cadet that meets the following criteria: rank in the top 25% of their AS class, rank in the top 25% of their high school class, demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character, demonstrate adherence to military discipline and possess leadership ability and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training. (25) The Air Commando Association Award. This award consists of a ribbon and a certificate and is awarded at the SASI’s discretion for completing a one page essay on a historical AF Special Operations mission possessing the 13 critical attributes of success; integrity, self-motivation, intelligence, self-discipline, perseverance, adaptability, maturity, judgment, selflessness, leadership, skilled, physical fitness, and family strength. (26) The Daughters of the American Colonists Award. This award consists of a medal, ribbon and is presented to a cadet that meets the following criteria: rank in the top 25% of their AS class, rank in the top 25% of their high school class, demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character, demonstrate adherence to military discipline and possess leadership ability and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training. (27) Distinguished Unit Award (DUA). Units may be awarded the Distinguished Unit Award or the Distinguished Unit Award W/Merit. Awarded to cadets enrolled during the academic year when a unit is selected by Headquarters AFJROTC to receive the DUA. DUA W/Merit can only be earned during an inspection year. Inspections are conducted every 3 years from HQ AFJROTC. (28) Outstanding Organization Award (OOA). Units may be awarded the OOA based on criteria from HQ AFJROTC. (29) Outstanding Flight Ribbon. determined by the SASI. Awarded to members of the outstanding flight under criteria (30) Top Performer Award. The Cadet Top Performer award is a Headquarters AFJROTC award presented to a maximum of 2% of the current unit cadet corps population and presented during an inspection year. All currently enrolled cadets may be considered and specific consideration is given to cadets previously recognized for superior performance. (31) Outstanding Cadet Ribbon. Awarded to an outstanding cadet of high moral character, demonstrates positive personal attributes, displays outstanding military potential, and attains academic and military excellence. (32) Leadership Ribbon. Awarded at SASI’s discretion for outstanding performance in a position of leadership as an AFJROTC cadet, in corps training activities. Ensures recognition of cadets who have consistently displayed outstanding leadership ability, above and beyond expected performance. (33) Achievement Ribbon. Awarded for significant achievement as part of the JROTC corps. (34) Superior Performance Ribbon. Awarded for outstanding service rendered specifically on behalf of AFJROTC. Presented for a single or sustained performance of a superior nature or presented in recognition of achievements and services which are clearly outstanding and exceptional when compared to other cadets. Also awarded for outstanding leadership as a Flight Commander, Flight Sergeant or PT Sergeant (35) Academic Ribbon. Awarded for academic excellence as signified by attaining an overall grade point average of 3.0 for one academic term, in addition to an "A" average in AFJROTC. (36) Leadership School Ribbon. Awarded for completion of an approved leadership school program of at least 5 days duration. Add a silver star for outstanding performance or leadership ability at a Leadership School. Award of silver star is limited to up to 10% of the class. This ribbon may only be earned once. (37) Special Teams Competition Ribbon. Awarded to team members for placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd in an Air Force or Joint Service Competition to include Color Guard Teams, Drill Teams, Academic Bowl Teams, etc. (39) Co-curricular Activities Leadership Ribbon. Awarded at SASI’s discretion for leadership in AFJROTC co-curricular activities (such as dining-in or military ball chairperson, etc.). Recipient must have demonstrated exceptional leadership in achieving objectives through the coordinated efforts of others. (40) Drill Team Ribbon. Awarded to cadets who have actively participated in Drill Team events (attend practices, marched in at least 2 of 4 parades and other criteria established at discretion of ASI & Drill Team Commander). (41) Color Guard Ribbon. Awarded to cadets who have actively participated in Color Guard events (attend practices, performances (football games/Veteran’s & Memorial Day events/marched in parades and other criteria established at discretion of SASI & Color Guard Commander). (42) Good conduct Ribbon. Awarded to cadets with no suspensions or referrals of any kind, no adverse reports from other staff or faculty for the entire school year. (43) Service Ribbon. Awarded for distinctive performance in school, community, or AFJROTC service projects. Each cadet must have served a minimum of 12 community service hours. (44) Health and Wellness (PT) Ribbon. Awarded for participation in the Health and Wellness physical fitness program. All cadets who participate in the wellness program will receive the Health and Wellness ribbon. All cadets who participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness program will receive a second Health and Wellness ribbon. All percentiles will be automatically computed in WINGS and the following stars will be earned according to the individual scores: (a) Bronze Star- 7584 percentile, (b) Silver Star- 85-95 percentile and the (c) Gold Star – 96-100 percentile. (45) Recruiting Ribbon. Awarded for outstanding effort in support of unit recruiting activities. Must attend 3 recruiting trips or recruit 1 new cadet for current SY. New cadets recruited must stay in at least one semester and be in good standing. (46) Activities Ribbon. Awarded for participation in 2 of 3 activities: (4-parades, all JROTC picnics and/or Military Ball). (47) Attendance Ribbon. Awarded to cadets with no more than 3 excused absences and no unexcused absences per academic year. (48) Dress and Appearance Ribbon. Awarded for wearing uniform on all designated uniform days, missing no more than 3 total uniform days (Tuesdays/Thursdays) and conforming with all AFJROTC dress and appearance standards. (49) Longevity Ribbon. Awarded for completion of each AS year. 16. AFJROTC Varsity Letters All cadets have the opportunity to earn a JROTC varsity letter; however, it takes hard work and dedication to earn it. Cadets must be committed to the program and the corps. In order to earn a letter cadets must put in extra time after school to earn points. Cadets must earn 1000 points during the course of an entire school year; points do not carry over from year-to-year. Points are awarded for after-school activities such as: PT, Color Guard, Drill Team, marching and Kitty Hawk tutoring. Also, for every JROTC event such as picnics, parades, the haunted house, awards and promotions. See Cadet Handbook for break-out of event and activity points. 17. Cadet Community Service AFJROTC cadets participate in many community service events throughout the year. Community service events are OPTIONAL but highly encouraged to promote better citizenship. Our cadets participate in the following events: American Legion Auxiliary Car Washes, 100 Deputies 100 Kids wrapping of gifts and party set-up, Orange City Sorosis Club Haunted House, Memorial Day Flagson-Graves, local Neighborhood Center Food and Toy Drives, Adopt-A-Highway, campus clean-up, Red Ribbon Week and many others. 18. Family, Cadet & Social Events Each school year our cadets and Parent Boosters work hard to host a variety of fun-filled events that focus on military tradition and cadet camaraderie. The emphasis is to bring together the entire AFJROTC family which includes current and alumni cadets and their families. Over the school year our unit hosts the following: Community Service Events (American Legion Auxiliary Car Washes, 100 Deputies 100 Kids wrapping of gifts and party set-up, Orange City Sorosis Club Haunted House, Memorial Day Flags-on-Graves, local Neighborhood Center Food and Toy Drives), family picnics (Fall, Winter & Spring), Military Ball (December), Annual Awards Ceremony (April) & Military Dining Out (May). Family members are highly encouraged and welcomed to attend and help out with cadet functions. 19. Volunteering/Parent Boosters/JROTC Family Orientation Night The Deland H.S. JROTC Parent Booster Club's mission is to support the overall program, cadets and instructors throughout the school year. It is a great opportunity for you as parents to get involved with the program your cadet is in. It assists in raising funds for the purposes of the JROTC corps by helping supply office/classroom materials, equipment, Summer Leadership School activities, morale building functions such as family picnics, Military Ball, Dining Out, etc. necessary for the care & improvement of the JROTC program. Each year Deland High School AFJROTC FL-023 parents give their time and talents to assist staff and students to help with Booster Club activities and fundraising. Volunteers are critical to the success of many AFJROTC programs and activities. Opportunities to help vary in the time required. Options for day, evening and weekend hours are available. All efforts and time are on a "volunteer basis" and any parent, grandparent or other family members are greatly appreciated by offering their talents and helping hands to make this program a success. Parent Booster meetings are held on a monthly or as needed basis and EVERYONE is welcome, encouraged to attend and get involved. Communication about volunteer opportunities or help needed will be sent via our Parent Booster Secretary. If you would like to be put on the Parent Boosters contact list please send an email to the following: [email protected] Please consider becoming a parent volunteer today by filling out the form in section 19 and emailing or turning it in to the DHS AFJROTC Parent Boosters. Lastly, to help provide a better understanding on what the JROTC program is and cadet expectations, there will be a JROTC Family Orientation Night. This will happen early in the school year and a second session during the second semester to help answer questions and clarify program expectations. Please join us for an evening of food, fellowship and program details. Information on the Family Orientation Night will be emailed, posted on our Parent Boosters Facebook page, JROTC website or sent home via a letter with your cadet. Please plan on attending, you’ll be glad you did. 20. Communication Weekly emails about upcoming school or JROTC events will be communicated via the following means: parent school email list, Parent Boosters Facebook page DeLand Afjrotc Parent Boosters, JROTC website http://DelandAFJROTC.com or a letter sent home with your cadet. We make every effort to communicate what is going on; however, we do realize our cadets tend to forget to pass the information on to you. If you would like to be put on the school parent email list please send an email to the following email: [email protected] . To be put on the Parent Boosters email list please see Parent Boosters information above or contact: [email protected] We also use the Remind 101 system which is a phone messaging system that will send out a mass text with JROTC reminders. To subscribe, text the code @delandj to (386) 262-1383. Any other questions or concerns can be answered by your Cadet’s Handbook, or by contacting the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) Colonel Pugh via [email protected] or 386-822-6909 EXT: 2-3402 Or the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) MSgt Treena Merk via [email protected] or (386) 822-6909 EXT: 2-3360 21. School & Parent Boosters Volunteer Forms Throughout the year, we are always need support and help from parent volunteers. If you would like to volunteer your time and talents during the school day or with JROTC after-school activities you will need a volunteer form on file and approved. This is a mandated form from the school district for anyone working with students. You can download the form at http://delandhs.org/Info/Volunteer/application.pdf and have your cadet turn-in the paperwork to MSgt Merk or mail the application to: Deland High School c/o Ms. Shirley Little 800 N. Hill Ave Deland, FL 32724u ant to volunteer at our school? Volunteers can help in several ways including club Deland High School AFJROTC Parent Boosters Volunteer Form Full Name(s): Address: City/State/Zip: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Alternative Phone: Email: Secondary Email: Cadet’s Name Cadet’s Cell Phone Cadet’s Flight & Graduate Year How would you like to be contacted? Text Facebook Email Phone call Other (Please Specify) Please check the volunteer position(s) you are interested in. We welcome your help in one or many areas. _____AS NEEDED – You will be contacted to help on an “As Needed” basis. You choose the volunteer jobs that fit your schedule and interests. Examples include helping set up at Picnics, or pinning ribbons at parades, etc. It’s up to you what you accept to do. _____Picnics (3 each school year) – Help with set‐up, Organize Food, clean up, etc. _____1st _____2nd _____3rd _____Sorosis Club Haunted House We will need parents to take shifts supervising the cadets during the set up and tear down of the haunted house (weekend work) and parents to assist with make‐up and costumes during the haunted house dates (nights and weekends). ____ Talent Show – Help with costumes, decorating, collecting tickets _____Military Ball Organizing Committee – Help w/ planning & decorating for Military Ball in December _____Awards Ceremony – Help get awards organized for the ceremony _____Dining Out – Help with planning, organizing & decorating for dinner @ end‐of‐the year. _____Not Listed – If you have a talent that you have and would like to donate it to Parent Boosters, please let us know. Anything, no matter what…..is greatly appreciated. This can be anything from giving rides to cadets to helping with homework. Nothing is too small. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Community Service Events: (Please choose all that apply) _____Red Ribbon Week _____100 Deputies _____Campus Clean‐up _____Adopt‐A‐Highway _____American Legion Auxiliary Car Washes _____Neighborhood Center Food & Toy Drives UNIFORM RANK, NAME TAG, RIBBON & BADGE PLACEMENT AFJROTC BADGES CADET MALE HEADGEAR CADET FEMALE HEADGEAR 1. (Officers only) when placing rank on epaulet instead of collar, use standard size metal rank, center on epaulet 5/8 in from shoulder seam. 2. Shoulder tabs are centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1” below shoulder seam. 3. Unit patch on right sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 4. Grade insignia (officer and enlisted) is worn on both left and right collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia. 5. Optional item: center vertically between the shoulder seam and where the underarm side seam joins the armhole sleeve and center horizontally between the center zipper and the sleeve armhole seam. 6. AFJROTC patch on left sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 7. Jacket will be closed to at least the halfway point. 8. Center insignia horizontally on collar. Place 1 inch from bottom of collar and parallel to the outer edge of the collar.
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