Purtop System Tank SPRAY-APPLIED WATERPROOFING SYSTEM MADE FROM PURE POLYUREA FOR STORAGE TANKS, BASINS AND HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES IN GENERAL PRODUCTS USED FOR THE SYSTEM: Purtop 1000 - Triblock P - Primer EP Rustop - Primer M DESCRIPTION AND AREAS OF USE PURTOP SYSTEM TANK is a waterproofing system based on PURTOP 1000 two-component, solvent-free, pure polyurea membrane. Due to the high tear strength, exceptional elasticity and chemical resistance of the membrane, the system is suitable for use on numerous types of hydraulic structures (storage tanks, depuration basins, canals, dams, piping systems, …). PERFORMANCE AND ADVANTAGES • Due to the capacity of PURTOP 1000 to bond to various types of substrate, it may be used to repair the waterproofing layer on various types and forms of storage tanks and hydraulic structures. • Rapid installation due to the immediate waterproofing capacity and set to foot traffic of PURTOP 1000. • System suitable for application on any type of structure, due to the high mechanical strength and dynamic crack-bridging capacity of PURTOP 1000. • The excellent chemical resistance of PURTOP 1000 memebrane makes it suitable for contact with highly aggressive chemicals agents. SUBSTRATE 1. CONCRETE Check the substrate to ensure it is suitable for applying the waterproofing system. Prepare the surface by high pressure hydro-cleaning or sandblasting. Remove all dust and any loose Examples of hydraulic structures waterproofed with Purtop System Tank Purtop System Tank parts from the substrate to leave a dry, porous, slightly rough surface with no contaminants. Repair any hollows, cavities or detached areas in the substrate using a suitable product from the MAPEGROUT range. After preparing the surface, apply one or two coats of TRIBLOCK P three-component, epoxy-cementitious primer with a trowel or roller, depending on the condition of the substrate. Depending on the surrounding climatic conditions, this primer must be cured for up to 7 days. The curing time may be reduced by covering the primer 48 hours after application with a coat of MAPECOAT I 600 W, two-component epoxy primer in water dispersion. When there are metal elements in the concrete substrate, carry out the following treatment. Check the state of the substrate and dry sand-blast the surface to grade SA 2½ according to Swedish Standards. If it is not possible to dry sand-blast the substrate, prepare the surface using an alternative method, such as a scrubbing-action or percussionaction cleaning machine. After treating the metallic surfaces, apply a coat of PRIMER EP RUSTOP two-component, epoxy primer with a brush, roller or airless spray. If there are through elements, discontinuous areas or areas which are critical for the watertightness of the tank or hydraulic structure, contact the MAPEI Technical Services Department to define the most appropriate procedure to prepare the substrate. MEMBRANE APPLICATION PURTOP 1000 Apply PURTOP 1000 at a temperature of between +5°C and +40°C. Before applying the PURTOP 1000, remove all traces of dust from the surface with an industrial vacuum cleaner. The temperature of the substrate must be at least 3°C higher than the dew-point temperature and the level of relative humidity must be no higher than 4%. To apply the PURTOP 1000 membrane, use a high-pressure, bi-mixer industrial spray gun with flow and temperature control, fitted with a self-cleaning spray gun. Apply PURTOP 1000 in a continuous layer over all the walls of the storage tank or hydraulic structure being treated. If application of PURTOP 1000 is interrupted and then taken up again after the maximum covering time (2 hours), an overlap at least 30 cm wide must be made after applying a coat of PRIMER M. NOTES For further information on the products which make up the system, please refer to the relative Technical Data Sheet for each product. Recommendations regarding safe use and handling of the products are contained in the Safety Data Sheet for each single material in the cycle. If the system is applied on different surfaces to those mentioned above, or in climatic conditions and/or for final uses not mentioned in the Technical Data Sheet for the system, please contact the MAPEI Technical Services Department. PURTOP 1000 APPLICATION DATA (A+B) A/B ratio (in weight): 100/103 A/B ratio (in volume): 100/100 Gel time at +70°C (seconds): <4 Application temperature range (°C): 65-85 Application pressure (bar): 160-200 Surrounding temperature for application (°C): from +5°C to +40°C MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS (after 7 days at +23°C) Tensile strength (DIN 53504) (N/mm²): 25 Elongation at failure (DIN 53504) (%): 350 Tear strength (ISO 34-1) (N/mm): 96 Shore A hardness (DIN 53505): 90 Glass transition temperature (°C): -46 CONSUMPTION [kg/m²] Min/Max COVERING TIMES [hours] (for a temperature between +15°C and +25°C) Triblock P 0.25-0.50 2-7 days Primer EP Rustop approx. 0.20 6-24 2.0 (for 2 mm thick layer) 30 min-2 PRODUCT Primer Membrane Purtop 1000 YIELD The consumption figures indicated above are for a cycle applied at a temperature between +15°C and +25°C on a surface treated as indicated in this Technical Data Sheet. Rougher surfaces and lower temperatures lead to higher consumption rates. membrane Purtop 1000 primer Triblock P concrete structure 6112-10-2012 (GB) www.mapei.com C.P. MK 200830
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