New Martinsville United Methodist Church 10 Howard Jeffers Drive New Martinsville, WV 26155 PHONE: 304-455-1422 Website: Email: [email protected] Rev. Sharletta M. Green October 26, 2014 SUNDAY SCHEDULE STUDENT SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 A.M. 9:15 A.M. Children’s Church Ages 2 - 6th Grade Contemporary Worship Communion at this Service Third Sunday of Each Month 10:30 A.M. 10:30 A. M. Little Peeps Up to Age 4 Traditional Worship Communion at this Service First Sunday of Each Month FBI (Faithful Bible Investigators) ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 Christ’s Disciples 10:30 Searchers 10:30 Comfortable Christians K - 4th Grade CIA (Christians In Action) 5th - 12th Grade All are welcome to share Christ’s Table Welcome Visitors We are pleased to welcome you to the service of worship at New Martinsville United Methodist Church. If you are a first-time visitor this morning, it is our hope that you feel at home and welcome among us. We are glad you are here! Please fill out a Newcomer’s Card (located in the pews), and place it in the offering tray. You will be added to our mailing list. Vision A people who are being transformed by the Spirit of God into the likeness of Jesus Christ and are being sent out to transform their world. Sonbeam - Church Newsletter The Church Newsletter (Sonbeam) is available anytime on the Church website, (click on Newsletter then the link to the pdf file). There are also copies of the Newsletter on the round table located in the Church Narthex. SERMONS - NOVEMBER November 2 November 9 November 16 Service of Honoring Saints Serving God What Has God Entrusted To Your Care & What Has It Yielded for God? Revelation 7:9-17 & Matthew 5:1-12 Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 Matthew 25:14-30 Worship Bulletin October 26, 2014 Order of Worship 9:00 A.M. (Nursery is available for Children up to 5 years) ___________________________________________________________________ Please Stand as You Are Able Announcements Mission Moment Opening Song Gathering Meditation Songs of Praise Debbie Loy “God’s Own Fool” “Love The Lord” “He Reigns” “All To Us” Prayer Children’s Message Scripture Lesson Message “Love of God; Love of Neighbor” Invitation To Christian Discipleship Offering Matthew 22:34-46 Pastor Sharletta Green “How Beautiful” Prayers of The People Closing Song “Forever Reign” Sending Forth Song of Celebration “Love The Lord” ———————————————————————————————————————————— 10:30 A.M. (Nursery is available for Children up to 5 years) Please Stand as You are Able “This Is The Day” Introit Announcements Mission Moment Debbie Loy Welcome Greetings In Christian Fellowship Prelude “Come, Holy Spirit” William Gaither Call To Worship Opening Prayer Lord’s Prayer Hymn #526 Choral Worship “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” “The Potter’s Hand” Children’s Message Hymn #432 “Jesu, Jesu” Scripture Lesson Message “Love of God; Love of Neighbor” Invitation to Christian Discipleship Matthew 22:34-46 Pastor Sharletta Green Offering Invitation Offertory “What A Friend” Doxology Prayers of The People Hymn 432 “Take Thou, O Lord, Our Minds” (To the tune P. 500 “Spirit of God, Descent Upon My Heart”) Sending Forth Postlude “Father Almighty, Bless Us With Thy Blessing” Tom Birchwood NOTES Announcements We’re on the Air! Our 9:00 a.m. service is carried live on Channel 15 on Suddenlink Cable and 99.5 F.M. on your radio dial. Altar Guild November 2, 2014 COMBINED SERVICE NEXT SUNDAY @ 10:00 A.M. Sunday, November 2nd, is All Saints Day. We will be having a combined service at 10 am. A soup and salad luncheon will be held immediately after the service. Janet Jones Jane Shenefiel Liturgist Serving Next Week November 2, 2014 Whitney Clegg Ushers Serving Next Week November 2, 2014 9:00 A.M. Danny Mason* Ralph Stoneking Jamie Stewart John Goddard Larry Zumpetta 10:30 A.M. Fred Hindman* John Posego Roger Hindman Bob Phillips *Usher Captain PIGEON FORGE TRIP We are planning a bus trip to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee from April 21st - 24th. Seating is limited, so if you are interested, please see Dianna Lawrence for details. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD We are currently collecting boxes for Operation Christmas Child, the shoe box Christmas ministry. Last year, we collected 83 shoeboxes and in 2012 we collected 112 shoeboxes. Our goal this year is 100 shoeboxes. Please prayerfully consider putting together a shoebox. The flyers for shoeboxes are located on the table in the Narthex. We will take the shoeboxes to the First Baptist Church November 21st, so we need all shoeboxes at the Church no later than 11 a.m. on the 21st. If you have any questions, see Dianna Lawrence or Jim Wobig. TRUNK OR TREAT THIS AFTERNOON! The annual Trunk or Treat will be held this afternoon from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for children ages up to 6th grade. The child/children must be accompanied by an adult. The event will provide an opportunity for the children of our church and the community to have an evening of fun. Members of our congregation are gathering in our parking lot with decorated trunks, truck beds or tables decorated around the theme of Halloween to give out treats. (For those who have decorated your vehicle, please be in the church parking lot between 4:00 and 4:30 p.m.) There will be food and games. Please plan to join us for this fun filled evening. THANK YOU! Thanks to all of YOU for anything you did to make the United Methodist Women’s Turkey Dinner a huge success! We are still receiving compliments from those who ate with us. We couldn’t have done it without you. The United Methodist Women Turkey Dinner Committee CHALLENGES FROM THE BISHOP The Bishop has given us the following two challenges: 1) That our congregation intentionally “disciple” new members. Help them to discover their gifts and talents and to use them in God’s service through the Church. 2) Every day at noon, (the Bishop’s suggestion) stop to pray and give thanks to God for all that God has done since yesterday’s prayer (like a Glory sighting) and ask for ways that you can come alongside Jesus in the ways that Jesus is at work in the community...basically pray: “Thanks! And how can I help Christ?” PRAYER CORNER In today’s passage from Matthew 22:34-46, Jesus’ answers have routed the Sadducees, but not the Pharisees, who are determined to trip Him up. Hence, the question, “Which is the most important command in the laws of Moses?” So, Jesus answers, “Love the Lord your God…” He then says, “Love your neighbor as yourself is the second most important command. If one follows this, then all the other commands fall into place.” [Paraphrased] The love Jesus is expounding is biblical love, which is not passive, nor is it strictly emotional. It is what is called agape love. Agape love refers to loving-kindness. It can be called an active mercy, generous, patient, and not self-serving. One definition of agape love is: love which is of and from God, whose very nature is love itself. It requires us to love our neighbor, and because loving God is “loving our neighbor”, then we must recognize that even our enemies, in the sense of brotherly love, are deserving of our love. Men & Women in the Military Dave Blair Jan Briner Bula Burton Ruth Cade Juanita Cousten Chuck Crawford Kim Dallison Don Frye Wilma Glenn Linda Holman Carla Hopkins Norma Hunley Carol Ann Jackson Loving Savior, our regrets are many when we realize how Genie Kennamer guilty we have been in not understanding or following the Clara Lafferty true meaning of agape love. We are so often focused inwardly that we do not see the hurt that we project outwardly toward those who are deserving of our love and respect. Let us embrace the love that Jesus wished for us in serving Him as an active choice. We wish to be an example of true agape love in our lives and living. Amen. This Week’s Birthdays 26 Rachel Loy, Bill Shimp, Butch Wilson 27 Lois Riggs, Jackie Starkey 28 Bryce Bolden, Michelle Goddard, Chris Horn 29 Jan Whiteman 30 Michale Blair 31 Warren Dunn, Linda Glover, Joanne Mason November 1 Bill Clements, Mike McVicker 2 Linda Haught Amber Looney Gina Ludolph Bonnie Makris Jo Miller Madeline Miller David D. Morris Susan Myers Clara Peggs Wesley Powell Edna & Wayne Riel Dorothy Risinger Betty Shackelford Davey Sivert David Smith Janie Spence Gary Tennant Toy Tennant Weekly Activities Sunday, October 26 REGULAR SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 5:00 Trunk or Treat Monday, October 27 None This Week’s Anniversaries LAST WEEK’S ATTENDANCE: 222 Contemporary Service Director: Worship Leaders: Traditional Service Choir Director: Pianist/Organist Jan Jones Jackie Patterson Mike Piekarski Genie Clements Katy Bohrer Millie Sue Swartling Barb Daly This Weeks’s Liturgist: 10:30 A.M. - Pat Craycraft Ushers - 9:00 A.M. Mark & Roberta Blair* Mark Baxter Tom Herrick Linda Fonner Ushers - 10:30 A.M. Whitey Bohrer* Lew Mott Ed Glover Mike Craycraft *Usher Captains Neill Marshall - Head Usher of 9 A.M. Service Don Watts - Head Usher of 10:30 A.M. Service Altar Guild: Carolyn Goddard & Ann Standiford Carol Valentine The Lost & Unspoken Requests of our Hearts The Homebound 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:00 12:00 3:00 6:00 Life-Line Screening Pre-School WV Choice Staff Devotions Pre-School Kidz First Narcotics Anonymous Tuesday, October 28 8:30 9:00 9:00 10:30 12:00 12:00 6:00 6:00 7:00 Pre-School WV Choice Celebrate Recovery Step-Study Prayer Shawl Meeting Brown Bag Pre-School Cub Scouts Celebrate Recovery Step-Study Friendship Circle Wednesday, October 29 8:30 12:00 12:30 4:30 5:45 7:00 Pre-School Halloween Party Pre-School Halloween Party Walking With God Girl Scouts - Shaun Hartline Praise Team Practice Chancel Choir Practice Thursday, October 30 8:30 8:30 9:00 10:00 6:00 6:30 Weight Watchers Pre-School Halloween Party Covenant Meeting Good Samaritans Weight Watchers Celebrate Recovery Friday, October 31 12:00 Narcotics Anonymous 12:00 REM - Halloween Party Saturday, November 1 8:30 Weight Watchers 7:00 Narcotics Anonymous Sunday, November 2 9:00 Children’s Church 10:00 Combined Worship Service All Saints Day - Followed by Soup & Salad Luncheon 3:00 NM & Hannibal Youth Group 5:00 Small Group
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