2007 2,3,8,12 VALUE QUESTIONS 2006 2,2,5,6,10 VALUE QUESTIONS Extended response question must include consideration of change over time and non-spartan sources of evidence. It is that judgment of difference that perpetuated the Spartan myth of a barracks culture and institutionalized values to produce the spartan fighting machine SOURCES; XENOPHON, PLUTARCH,ARISTOTLE,TYRTAEUS,ALCMAN 1 The geographical setting the geographical setting, natural features and resources of ancient Sparta significant sites: Sparta government: ephorate, gerousia, ekklesia 2001 (10) 2 Social structure and political organisation 2005 (10) the issue of Lycurgus (the Great Rhetra) roles and privileges of the two kings 2006 2004 2002 * social structure: Spartiates, perioeci, ‘inferiors’, helots * role of the Spartan army 2007 ( 10) control of the helots: the military, syssitia, krypteia 2007 2005 2002 artisans, helots educational system: agoge 2006 2004 ( 10) 2001 role and status of women: land ownership, inheritance, education 2006 (10) 3 The economy 2003 land ownership: agriculture, kleroi, helots 2004 technology: weapons, armour, pottery economic roles of the periokoi (‘dwellers around’) and helots 2002 2001 economic exchange: use of iron bars, trade 4 Religion, death and burial 2003 ( 10) gods and goddesses: Artemis Orthia, Poseidon, Apollo myths and legends: Lycurgus and the Dioscuri festivals: Hyakinthia, Gymnopaedia, Karneia 2007 religious role of the kings funerary customs and rituals 5 Cultural life 2005 art: sculpture, painted vases, bone and ivory carving architecture: Amyklaion, Menelaion, the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia writing and literature: Alcman and Tyrtaeus Greek writers’ views of Sparta: Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Aristotle, Pausanias, Plutarch 6 Everyday life daily life and leisure activities 2003 food and clothing ( always 2 mark questions) There is a decision by the Examination committee to limit teachers predictions about questions. We cannot assume just because it was a question on last years paper that it won’t be on again THE BASTARDS!!!!!! Setting Features Resources Sites •Southern part of Peloponnese •Area known as Laconia( amalgamation of 5 villages) peninsula •Eurotas Valley •42 km to port of Gytheon •Fertile soil •Climate suited to farming, warm growing seasons and rainfall •River Eurotas •Mt Taygetus and Parnon acted as natural barriers •Main mineral resource was iron ore, lead ,clay and marble •Crops grown; Wheat barley, grapes, olives and figs •Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs grown for meat, cloth, leather •Honey, wax and wild game •Spartan Acropolis •Temple of Athena of the Bronze house •Temple of Artemis Orthia •, Shrine of Apollo and •the Menelaion •See power point “One-against-one, they [sc. the Spartans] are as good as anyone in the world. But when they fight in a body, they are the best of all. For though they are free men, they are not entirely free. They accept Law as their master. And they respect this master more than your subjects respect you. Whatever he commands, they do. And his command never changes: It forbids them to flee in battle, whatever the number of their foes. He requires them to stand firm - to conquer or die”. MYTH Andrews; “the perpetuation of his name was one of the most successful frauds in history.” Cartledge states that;” According to Spartan myth, the laws attributed sometimes to the human or part –human lawgiver Lycurgus had also received the divine sanction of Apollo Tyrtaeus makes no mention of him in his poetry of the 7th century and claims that the Constitution came from Apollo Most ancient historians place him between the 9th and 7th century, undermining the credibility of his existence REFORMER Xenophon’s biography Aristotle claims to have seen an inscription from Olympia, dating him to 776BC Plutarch, although admits that there is nothing certain then dismisses the uncertainty and proclaims him the son of Prytanis and brother of Eunomis Herodotus makes him the son of Agis 1 and guardian of Chariliaus Nillson;” The methodical and purposeful way in which everything has been made to lead towards the single goal, forces us to see here the intervention of a consciously shaping hand MORE THAN 1 Plutarch tells us that Timaeus claims that there were two Lycurgus’. The elder existing at the time of Homer while the younger one was considerably later A rhetra is something that is spoken. "So eager was Lycurgus for the establishment of this form of government, that he obtained an oracle from Delphi about it, which they call a 'rhetra'.“ decreed that Lycurgus should establish a sanctuary to "Zeus and Athena", divide the people into " tribes and obai", and appoint a Gerousia which comprised "30 men including the Kings". It is thought that the Rider was a later document introduced possibly by Theopompus allowing the Gerousia to withdraw legislation if the people spoke crookedly Sources of evidence; Tyrtaeus, Eunomia , Polybius and Xenophon Know thoroughly the roles and responsibilities of Kings, Gerousia, Ephors and Assembly You must make mention that the political organization changed over time, and that the perfect equilibrium that Polybius speaks of was generally an illusion. WHY? Introduction of Ephorate suggests flaws and Jones’ Andrews and Cartledge support notion of greater power by certain kings eg Agesilaus “each power being checked by the others, no one part should turn the scale or decisively out-balance the others; but that, by being accurately adjusted and in exact equilibrium, the whole might remain long steady like a ship sailing close to the wind” Polybius Tyrtaeus’ poem Eunomia mentions “Kings, first in Heaven’s debate”, which suggests the powerful place of Kings in the 7th century. Ephors added later “Aristotle calls the Spartan kings a perpetual hereditary generalship, but in the hands of an able king it could be and normally was , far more.” A H Jones Military. Commander of the Army, first in advance, last in retreat On campaign made decisions of peace and war- one stays at home Religious. Chief priests of Zeus; perform sacrifices Political; As members of the Gerousia, could draft legislation Societal; betrothal of heiresses and adoption of orphans and maintenance of roads “In war a hundred picked men shall be their guard upon expeditions and they shall take as many cattle as they desire and take the backs and hides of all that are sacrificed. In peace it is the privilege of kings to sit down to feast before others and be served a double portion, which could be given to other guests, and the first pouring of libations and the hides of animals slain in sacrifice. At the public charge a full grown victim in the Temple of Apollo will be delivered and a measure of barleygroats and a Spartan quarter of wine, At the games they shall have seats of honour specially set apart” “Another defect in the Lacedaemonian constitution is seen in connection with the office of ephor. The ephorate independently controls much important business. Its five members are chosen from among all the people, with the result that very often men who are not at all well-off find themselves holding this office, and their lack of means makes them open to bribery. . . . And just because the power of the ephors is excessive and dictatorial, even the Spartan kings have been forced to curry favor with them. And this has caused further damage to the constitution; what was supposed to be an aristocracy has become more like a democracy. In itself the ephorate is not a bad thing; it certainly keeps the constitution together; the people like it because it gives them a share in an office of power. So whether this is due to the lawgiver Lycurgus or to good fortune, it suits the circumstances very well. . . . But while it was necessary to select ephors from among all the citizens, the present method of selection strikes me as childish. The ephors have powers of jurisdiction also, and decide cases of importance; but considering that anybody at all may hold the office, it would be better that they should not have power to give verdicts on their own, but only to decide in accordance with stated rules and regulations. Nor does the way in which ephors live conform to the aims of the constitution. They live a life of ease, while the rest have a very high standard of strictness in living, so high indeed that they really cannot live up to it but secretly get round the law and enjoy the more sensual pleasures.” Eunomia stood for good order and harmony in not only politics but society as well Tyrtaeus’ poem Eunomia mentions “Kings, first in Heaven’s debate”, which suggests the powerful place of Kings in the 7th century. Ephors added later “Aristotle calls the Spartan kings a perpetual hereditary generalship, but in the hands of an able king it could be and normally was , far more.” A H Jones “The organization in the classical period of Spartan Society can be summarized under three headings; First a political system in which power and decision making were divided among the Kings, ephors, Elders and Assembly Secondly, a military and economic system according to which full citizenship was extended to a body of several thousand men who became full time hoplites supported by produce delivered by the helots who worked their lands Thirdly a social and ritual system as part of which every citizen was compelled, especially during upbringing to accept a common public way of life” Stephen Hodkinson To belong to the Spartiate class the main criteria was ownership of a plot of public land (kleros), membership in a military mess, sharing of common meals (syssitia) and completion of education and military training requirements (agoge). This group formed military elite in Spartan society. They were a highly trained warrior class, holding all political power. there is some historical controversy concerning an inner nobility based either on wealth, prestige or valour. The existence of debt and possible loss of land and citizenship suggests that not every one was equal Inferiors – reasons of inferior statue is as follows Partheniai -Illegitimate offspring of helot mothers and Spartiate fathers Neodamodes - Helots – who for courageous acts or service to the state Tresantes - Spartan cowards lost citizenship (not necessarily permanent) Mothoces - Sons of Helots often adopted as playmates of Spartan boys INSTRUMENTS OF CONTROL Krypteia Military Used as light armed skirmishers and were offered the chance of freedom if acted bravely ( supposedly) 18-20 Year olds, selected as secret police , who wandered the countryside, killing the strongest of helots Control of Helots “ It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the Spartans did…genuinely fear helot revolt-and with reason, in the light of the actual revolt of the mid 460’s Cartledge Syssition Plutarch’s Moralia “They used to make the helots drunk and exhibit them to the young as a deterrent from excessive drinking.” “ …their whole education was aimed at developing smart obedience, perseverance under stress and victory in battle.” Plutarch According to Plutarch the aim of the Spartan education system was to produce › Prompt obedience to authority › The ability to endure pain and hardship › Courage and victory in battle “ an endless series of official measures illustrating another general feature of Spartan organization, namely the concerted effort to minimize the importance of family life….and to emphasize rather the cardinal and overriding significance of communal ties.” Paul Cartledge Kendall rejects past assessments of the Agoge and suggests that the Lycurgan reform was merely the institutionilized religious festivals where whipping ordeals and competitions were designed to inspire warrior traits. He claims that no archaeological evidence exists outside the religious association. He attributes the more traditional Agoge features to the reign of Cleomenes 111. The suggestion is that it is the Roman Agoge which adhered more to the Plutarch style of education Stage 6 24-30 Eligible for full time military service, lived at home with family, grew hair long, forced to marry, voted in Assembly Stage 5 20-24 Full time front line soldier. If married still lived in barracks and ate in syssition groups Stage 4 18-20 Combatant but not front line soldier. Could marry if he wished Stage 3 12 – 18 years old Emphasis on military skills and obedience. At 19 chosen as Eiren class to tutor younger boys Stage 2 7-12 years Emphasis on developing physical strength. Placed in platoon groups and trained by a Paidonomous Stage 1 Before the age of 6 Lived under the care and supervision of mother. Military Operating through the Peloponnesian League the Spartan Army was responsible for the defence of Sparta and her allies from any external threat whether it be Greek or Persian eg Persian Wars ( Thermopylae and Plataea) Conquerors of Messenia Civic All warriors were citizens who made decisions about war and peace as members of the Assembly Domestic -suppression of helots Economic Consumers of goods produced by periokoi and helots Ideological Transmitters of military values ie heroism, unity, loyalty, obedience, sacrifice Although Plutarch, Xenophon and Aristotle’s image of Spartan women were part of the general ” mirage”, it is significant that in no sources do Spartan women ever appear as passive, an unusual achievement in a predominantly male Greek world. Their importance to their society centred on their biological, economic, religious and socializing capacity We have already encountered three facts which may have caused Spartan women to be more assertive outside the home than those of other cities; their financial position, their outdoor training and the absence abroad of many men in the period of Sparta’s Empire.” Anton Powell Life within Sparta Biological The aim of the State Spartan System of Education was to produce worthy mothers who would bear strong warriors Women underwent the servitude of maternity as did men the servitude of war” Simone De Beauvoir Economic Much of the management of an estate and the everyday household economy rested with women In the absence of a male descendent, such a woman could be the means by which her father’s lineage was perpetuated. She might also transmit her father’s property to her son, or inherit it herself Social; Enforcement of military values “ When a woman was burying her son, a worthless old crone came up to her and said, “you poor woman , what a misfortune”. No by the two gods, a piece of good fortune because I bore him so that he might die for Sparta, and that is what has happened as I wished.” Religious; Pausanius describes the role of the priestess holding the image of Artemis Orthia during the whipping ordeal Traditional interpretation supported by Plutarch says that each citizen given an indivisible plot at birth which reverted to the state at death. 9,000 lots to Spartiates, 30,000 to Perioikoi.Enough land to produce a return of 70 medimnoi of barley for a man and 12 for his wife and a proportionate amount of liquid produce Confusion; Others say that it could be passed down to eldest son. Herodotus suggests that a landowner could control disposition by adopting a son or through a daughters dowry. Aristotle says that nearly 2/5 of the land was owned by women Resolution and current scholarship by Hodkinson Two types of land; the ancient portion and land of a more private nature. A landowner was prohibited from selling the ancient portion. Lycurgan reform restricted currency to the use of iron bars. This restricted the hoarding of money and also limited the opportunity to buy imported goods since the currency was not acceptable outside Sparta Evidence of war booty, obtained by kings, existence of bribery and debt suggested increased wealth Perioikoi were allowed to trade in gold and silver “ like asses worn out by their mighty burdens; under painful necessity to bring their masters full half the fruit their ploughed land produced ” Tyrtaeus fragment 6 Agricultural Workers attached to the kleros Military When necessary as was in the Persian Wars, helots were used as light armed skirmishers Sons of helots adopted as playmates called mothaces Roles of Helots Domestic duties including child rearing Provided produce to syssition Underpinned citizenship of Spartiate “ Spartan foreign policy was always greatly affected either directly or indirectly by the helots. Since a helot revolt threatened the very existance of the Spartan state, its supression dominated Spartan thinking almost to the virtual exclusion of all other issues.” Terry Buckley; Aspects of Greek History Satellite villages acted as defence buffer in case of invasion Craftsmen of Pottery Lakonian cups popular Served as heavy infantry in battle if numbers required eg Plataea Roles of Perioikoi Manufacturers of furniture, houses, cloth , weapons and armour Miners and metalworkers Bronzes Fishermen And shipbuilders who lived at port of Gythion Merchants and traders Xenophon cited in Plutarch says “...a king, by virtue of his divine descent, should perform all the public sacrifices on the city’s behalf and should lead the army wherever the city despatches it.” Kings were high priests and performed sacrifices at major festivals . As well on the way to war sacrifice would be made 3 times. When? They were also responsible for divination which could be particularly useful if disinclined to engage in battle. “The power of prophecy, the sanctity of sanctuaries and festivals, the threat of divine punishment are all distinctive features of the Spartan religion. Mary Douglas has argued that the forms of social discipline in a society and its conceptions of divine power are related phenomena. The more an individual feels subject to a set of rules that he must obey without question, the more he is to understand religion too as a matter of fixed and formal observance. The gods were at the top of the chain of command that ran down through Spartan society. Thus there was a constant need to seek instruction through divination supervised by the humans just below them in the chain of command. Spartan religion was Spartan more on its insistence on orderliness and obedience than in any particular military emphasis it may have had.” Robert Parker In both answers knowledge of the Karneia, Hyakinthia, Gymnopaedia and Cult of Artemis Orthia is needed. Cults of Menelaus and Castor and Pollux could also be mentioned Support of archaeological evidence is essential Role & Importance • Ensures fertility, both human and agricultural • Ensures victory in war • Reinforces social stratification • Reinforces military values • Provides a sense of control over their lives Characteristics of • Competition • Obedience • Periods of mourning and celebration • Blood Sacrifice • Ritual offerings • Processional • Oracular predictions • Divination • Hero Worship The Karneia was a harvest festival, celebrated for nine days in August. It celebrated the foundation of Sparta and various military events. In the celebration some citizens carried model rafts to symbolise the coming of the Dorians. Another event was the foot-race in which a young man was chased by other unmarried men to determine an omen for the state. Modern scholars have interpreted the Karneia as a reflection of military training, emphasising heroic exploits. The Gymnopaedia was a festival held in the Spartan agora to commemorate the battle of Thyrea, fought against Argos in 550BC. It featured Choral performances. It has been interpreted as a rite of passage for Spartan boys. The Hyakinthia was held at the ancient shrine of Amyclae, at a huge statue of Apollo. The festival revolved around mourning for Hyakinthos and praising Apollo. The first stage involved rites of sorrow and mourning, with a ban placed on joyful songs. The second part involved rejoicing in honour of Apollo, with choral song and dance. The festival has been interpreted as a festival for the dead combined with thanksgiving for life. Ordinary Spartans had simple funerals. The only groups allowed inscribed graves were men who died in battle and women, in childbirth. According to Plutarch Lykourgos allowed mortuary temples within the city walls so that people would not fear death. main features of funerary customs: -death was accepted (helped in battle) -grave goods/offerings were not placed in a grave -soldiers were buried wrapped in their red cloaks with olive leaves placed around -burials appeared to be in simple pit or tile graves -Warriors could be buried on the battlefield with grave markers ‘in war’ placed to identify the body. Women received names on their grave markers ‘in childbirth’ if they died during childbirth or held religious office -funerary rituals were conducted by female relatives and included: -laying out the body -a funeral procession -a burial HERODOTUS‘…and after they are dead horsemen go round and announce that which has happened throughout the whole of the Spartan land, and in the city women go about and strike upon a copper kettle. Whenever this happens so, two free persons of each household must go into mourning, a man and a woman, and for those who fail to do this great penalties are prescribed.... a certain number of the perioiki are compelled to go to the funeral ceremony: and when there have been gathered together of these and of the helots and of the Spartans themselves many thousands in the same place, with their women intermingled, they beat their foreheads with a good will and make lamentation without stint, saying that this one who had died last of their kings has been killed in war, they prepare an image to represent him, laid upon a couch with fair coverings, and carry it out to be buried. Then after they have buried him, no assembly is held among them for ten days, nor is there any meeting for choice of magistrates, but they have mourning during these days.” Spartan culture and its associated value system was expressed through art and architecture, religious beliefs, music and poetry, mythology and legends, and warrior attitudes. Spartan history was written by men about events rather than culture, so what is known to modern society is mostly speculative and interpretive. Over time, Sparta changed from developing a high culture in keeping with the rest of Greece, to a restrictive militaristic culture based on Lycurgus’ reforms. This topic must draw heavily from archaeological sources Make statement that in the Archaic period Sparta developed along similar lines as the rest of the city states. At some point in the second half of the 7th century the poet Tyrtaeus composed several poems exhorting Spartans to service (among them, fr. 10, 11, 12 West), and from the late 7th century until at least the 4th century Tyrtaeus’ poetry was sung actively on the march (Lyc. Leoc. 107). Simmone des Bouvrie emphasizes that new cultural creations can quickly become traditions when society is being rapidly transformed and a need is felt for the establishment of cohesion, the legitimization of institutions, and socialization (Myth and Symbol I, 22-27). Despite its origins in the 7th century, Tyrtaeus’ poetry quickly became traditional literature, functioning much as any piece of folk literature might function. Music and poetry by Alcman, and Tyrtaeus continued through the 5th and 4th century because it reinforced and transmitted martial or religious values needed by the society I am your servant, Artemis. You draw your long bow at night, clothed in the skins of wild beasts. Now hear our beautiful singing. Either through Lycurgan reforms or loss of trading markets ( competition from Corinth), luxury atrophied. What remains in circulation comes largely from 6th century and relates to religious offerings Art; Kothon or drinking cups were highly prized according to CRITIAS. At least 9 sculptors were known Spartan bronze products were of such high quality that they were viewed as valuable diplomatic gifts Spartan bronzes generally depicted women, hoplites or particular heroes such as Leonidas Ivory disappears after 6th century and replaced by bone. Mostly combs and broaches found at Artemis ORTHIA Architecture; Remains of Temples Two inscribed bronze artefacts were excavated at the Menelaion sanctuary near Sparta. The first was a sacrificial meat hook dedicated ‘to Helen’ the second was an Aryballos dated c650BC and inscribed, ‘to Helen, wife of Menelaus.’ This attests to the fact that the alphabet reached Sparta. “Scholarly work on written and epigraphical evidence suggests that kings, commanders, Ephors, member of the Gerousia and envoys were all literate” –Cartledge they learned to read and write for purely practical reasons…All their education was directed towards…obedience…endurance…and victory.’ (Plutarch .” To call it a mere barracks bereft of high culture, as did certain Athenian propagandists, was probably going to far- but not all that much too far.” Paul Cartledge “Spartan values, both the good and the bad, produced a remarkable spirit of self-sacrifice for a larger cause” CARTLEDGE Historian View of Sparta Herodotus 480-425BC Recording great deeds ( narrative of Persian Wars) not society, but unusually does include reference to Spartan woman , Gorgo. Admires Spartan bravery Thucydides 460-400BC An Athenian general, wrote History of the Peloponnesian Wars. Comments that buildings no indication of well deserved reputation Xenophon 428-354BC Exiled Greek, lived in Sparta, openly biased towards way of life. Only contemporary 5th century eye witness Aristotle 384-322BC Focused on the Spartan Constitution. Negative view, some aspects childish. Blamed women’s ownership of land for downfall. Best at war, not in peace Polybius 202-120BC Compares the Spartan system of government with other Greek states and finds it superior because the checks and balances create equilibrium Plutarch 46-120AD Biographer, wrote about vice or virtue. Lycurgus ,the latter. Admits that nothing is certain. Admires everything except the Krypteia Pausanius A travel writer, visited Laconia in 2nd century describes building, temples eg Agora and Temple of Apollo EVERYDAY LIFE Daily life -different social classes would have led very different daily lives -helots lives centred around agriculture and labour including their children -perioikoi children were better off but still worked -helot and perioikoi girls would have engaged in domestic duties -Spartan boys lives centred on agoge activities -Spartan men’s lives were dominated by military training and training of the boys if not engaged in war -Spartiate women were occupied by domestic duties, managing their estates, training and preparing/participating in festivals Leisure Activities -hunting ‘Lycurgus…established a similar system of sharing hunting dogs; those who need the dogs invite the owner to join the hunt and if he has not the time himself he lens the pack with pleasure.’ (Xenophon) Food and Clothing -banqueting often associated with religious festivals ‘…to improve the complexion, physique and strength of hard workers.’ (Xenophon) -horse racing, chariot racing Kyniska bred and raced champion teams Marriage Customs -unusual -according to Plutarch girls were married when ‘they were ripe for it.’ – that is when they were physically mature -were expected to marry within their own social class -dowries were customary and significant -marriage by capture man would choose a bride and carry her off probably just a symbolic act -A.J Ball suggests that Spartan mothers had some say in whom their daughter’s married -According to Plutarch the brides head was shaved by the ‘bridesmaid’ implied chastity and eased the male into intercourse with a female rather than a male (homosexuality encouraged BW soldiers – fighting with lover’s = more rage and more anger) -ceremony was kept a secret until a child was born -if the wife was barren then a new marriage contract could be arranged Minimum 4 booklet pages ( HSC booklet) APPROX 500 WORDS Must include; Bias of non spartan writers Change over time Spartan mirage Archaeological evidence If you are aiming at Band 6 do not repeat the myth. CHALLENGE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody equal??? Why debt and disenfranchisement? Constitution in perfect equilibrium? Why the need for 1 king to stay at home. Why the need for later addition of ephors? Why ephors renowned for bribery? All soldiers brave? Presence of tresantes??? Unbeatable fighting machine? Loss to Argos, Thermopylae, Leuctra
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