Author: Brenda Stephenson The University of Tennessee Date submitted to – March 6, 2006 To contact the author for permission to use this PowerPoint, please e-mail: [email protected] To use this PowerPoint presentation in its entirety, please give credit to the author. Writing Lesson Plans Contributed by Brenda Stephenson The University of Tennessee Lesson Plan template LESSON PLAN FORMAT Teacher: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Class: ____________________________ Subject Area: Unit Goal(s): (Tennessee Frameworks) Behavioral Objective(s): ( Include Bloom’s taxonomy level) Set: Procedures: Closure: Remedial/Enrichment Activities: Evaluation: Materials and Media: Webliography: Deaf Role Models: Class: In this section you need to identify the grade level of students Example: Third Grade You also need to write a short description of your population Example: Class of 5 deaf students Subject Area: In this section you will write the subject area Examples: Math Language Arts Theme and subject area Science Social Studies Unit Goal(s): In this section you will write the broader, more global overall goals. You will use the curriculum goals OR state frameworks goals ( If you use the state framework goals…list the numbers also Example:Content Standard: 1.0 The student will develop the reading and listening skills necessary for word recognition, comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation of print and non-print text. Behavioral Objective(s): Write the behavioral objectives for this lesson Be sure to include a condition, performance and criteria List the level of Bloom’s Taxonomy for each objective Be sure to have at least 2 objectives Set: Write a description of the set you plan to use to introduce the lesson This should be something that will “grab” their attention as well as something that will show the relevance of the lesson to those students Discuss examples Procedures: In this section you will write all the steps of what you plan to do Include the steps for the teacher activities Include the steps for the students activities The more detail you have…the smoother and more effective the lesson will be. Closure: In this section of the lesson you will include an activity that will summarize the information presented to the students This may be a concluding activity to the lesson such as students presenting what they created or completed in class. This may be questioning by the teacher about the objectives of the lesson Evaluation: This is an explanation of how you will evaluate your students’ performance on the objectives You may use a rubric to evaluate the objectives You may choose to evaluate the results of the closure activity. The evaluation MUST be related to your behavioral objectives. Remedial/Enrichment Activities: Remedial: These are ways that you will adapt the lesson for students in your class who need additional support and modifications Examples might be some visual that others do not need or fewer problems, etc. Discuss examples Enrichment Activities: These are modifications that you would add for students who complete the work early or who need more challenging work Discuss examples Materials and Media: In this section you need to list all the materials and/or media you will need to implement this lesson Examples: projector PowerPoint Presentation Lesson Plan sheets Webliography: This is a list of any websites that you used to: Find activities Find additional information to include in the lesson Student sites for additional practice Frameworks URL Deaf Role Models: Think of some way to include Deaf role models for your students You may have a Deaf adult come participate in the lesson in some way You may find some information about a Deaf person who has made a contribution in the area you are studying Examples of lesson plans Class: Kindergarten Subject Area: Math NCTM Frameworks: Algebra: Sort, classify, and order objects by size, number and other properties. Behavioral Objectives: After a demonstration by the teacher, the students will identify, sort and classify objects by size, shape and color. Intro/ Procedure: We will start out by reviewing sorting by color. I will place a variety of red and yellow triangles, circles, and squares of two sizes (small and big) on the floor. The students will first sort by color, then size and if time allows they will sort by shape.. Closure: We will play a game of I spy. I spy something red……and they would take turns going around the room trying to find objects that are that color. I spy something red with four corners…. Enrichment Activities: After sorting by size, color and shape the students will sort by number of sides. Evaluation: I will hand out a worksheet. “Sort by size” this is how I will assess their ability to sort. Also, I will have a checklist of vocabulary. Tthey receive a check for each word they say that is listed here, in a sentence context: Vocabulary: Big, Small, Middle, Large, Tiny Sort-separate Group-categorize Materials and Media: Shapes of various size and colors made out of construction paper. Webliography: gnmentskindergar.htm Deaf Role Models: N/A 1st Grade group September 12, 2005 Language TSS: 1.01 Develop oral language. 1.02 Develop listening skills. Objectives: Given high frequency words from the reading text book, the students will be able to make a sentence using those words given a cue of one word. Set: “We’ve been practicing making sentences. Today we’re going to make it harder. Who thinks they will win??” Procedures: 1. I will give each of the students their lined strip and their baggie of high frequency words. (They will want to organize the words) 2. I will tell them to make a sentence using one of the words. (i.e. Make a sentence using the word “look”.) 3. The students will use their words to make their sentences. When they are done, they will raise their hands. Then each student will read their sentence and see if the group agrees that it is a sentence. If not, the group will decide what can be fixed. 4. A score will be kept on a dry erase board and at the conclusion they will get as many marshmallows as sentences they got correct. Closure: What makes a sentence? Tell me, is this a question sentence or a telling sentence: “What did you have for lunch?” They will each tell what they had for lunch and then I will send them back to their classrooms. Materials: 4 Lined strips, 4 bags of laminated highfrequency words, dry erase board, marker, marshmallows Remedial: I will help Student A one on one think of a sentence. Enrichment: They can help other students think of sentences. Money Lesson Plan-A Class/Grade Level: 9-12 Duration: 90 Minutes Unit Goals with Tennessee Frameworks: Reading: Extend reading vocabulary. Identify and begin to use a variety of resources to revise and edit writing. Mathematics 8.2.spi.7. apply given formulas to solve real-world problems; 8.2.spi.8. interpret graphs which represent rates of change. Writing The student will develop the structural and creative skills necessary to produce written language that can be read and interpreted by various audiences. The student will be given the opportunity to develop this creative outlet through additional writing experiences. Objectives: 1. Given various sentence types the students will review and practice grammar skills. They must answer 3/5 to complete the assignment. 2. Given prompts in the lecture the students will discuss days of the week. The students must state the day of the week. Given a list of words (new vocabulary) the students will write “a or an” in front of the word. The students must complete 3/6 to pass the assignment. Given money the student will learn to count money and make change. They must complete 3/5 times to successfully complete the task. James will begin to create his own grocery store. Given a book the student is required to make a list of all vocabulary words not known. The student must write 5 new words. (James only) Materials and Media Money worksheets (homework), fake money, list of grammar sentences to correct (written on board), “Vocabulary Builder Book B”- pg 24, “Counting My Money” workbook, dictionary and money quiz New Vocabulary: Dollar, dime, nickel, quarter, penny, (Introduce half dollar, don’t add to quiz) Set: Remember yesterday we learned how to count coins. Today we will do the same with cash and coins. This is important. (Why?) Because we want to know if we have enough money to buy what we want and make sure we receive the correct amount of money back. If we are going to spend money and shop we must learn how to count it. Classroom: Students are seated at their desk. I will use the board to present the lesson. I will also monitor the students’ progress by walking to their desk and asking them to write answers on the board. Procedures: Greet the students. What is today? Can you spell it? What is tomorrow? Review yesterday’s information. Ask the students to take out a sheet a paper and correct the following sentences. They include the new vocabulary to test the students. They are: the bank didnt have dollars. four quarter equal one dollar . i must pay three dollar for lunch. the ice cream is an treat. it is five dollar and ten cent at the store. you can buy food at kroger, bi-Lo, and food city. Instruct James to start p. 24 while other students are working. Check the student’s work and correct it. Ask them to correct the sentences on the board. Check James work and ask him to write each misunderstood word in a sentence. Ask James to start on the mock grocery store list. He will create prices for each. The other students will focus on their division worksheets. After the students have completed all their projects, ask them if they need a break. Return to the class. Sort the money among the students and James. James is the cashier and owner of the store. Post his grocery store sign. Using a basket ask the students to select a 7 items from the basket. Using the money require the students to purchase items from James and check their change. Ask James to distribute the wrong amount of change. (30 Minutes) Quiz the students’ knowledge by giving them the homework sheet if you have more time. Closure: Discuss tomorrow’s lesson will focus on the hurricane. Remedial Activities: Before you present the lesson make sure all the students have completed the worksheet. If a student needs assistance (This will apply to one student.) Quickly review and workout the answers quietly while the other students are working. Enrichment Activities: Refer students to write a paragraph (3 sentences or more) about their weekend; if money portion is mastered. If money portion isn’t mastered provide an additional worksheet that includes the half dollar on pages 38-41. You may use the homework assignment worksheet if you need an additional assignment. Evaluation: Use the homework assignment.
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