
Easy Remedial Teaching
Tasks/Activities for EFL Low
Joe Yi-ming Lee
Taipei Municipal Zhongzheng Senior High School
[email protected]
• 考慮學生能力
• 學習活動富有變化
• 循序漸進、小步驟進行
• 提供回饋和安排增強
• 協助記憶
• 提供充分而多樣化的練習機會
• 建立成功的經驗
• 激勵學習動機
• 可使用多媒體、多元化的教具
• 建立良好的師生關係
Review Activities
in a Remedial
Crazy ABC
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Create a Story/Dialogue
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Heart Attack
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Joker Poker
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Spelling Bee
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Believe It or Not
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
English Memory Game/Flip
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Flyswatter/Grab the Hammer
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Review Activities
in a Remedial
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
English Whispers
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Group Imagination
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Unscrambling/Linking the Words
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Expanding the Sentences
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
John: It is healthy to exercise.
Jenny: It is healthy for me to exercise.
Jerry: It is healthy for me to exercise in
the park.
Jimmy: It is healthy for me to exercise
in the park every day.
Truth or Dare
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Choice Board (Tic Tac Toe)
Explain the symbolic
meaning of “The Road
Not Taken”.
Explain the symbolic
meaning of “To A
Daughter Leaving
Explain the symbolic
meaning of Shel
Silverstein’s “Scale”
and “Crazy Dream”.
Explain the literal
meaning of “The Road
Not Taken”.
Explain the literal
meaning of “To A
Daughter Leaving
Explain the literal
meaning of Shel
Silverstein’s “Scale”
and “Crazy Dream”.
Create your own
example of alliteration
and hyperbole.
Create your own
example of an image
and personification.
Create your own
example of a simile and
Reading Activities
in a Remedial
True or False
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Unscrambling the Paragraphs
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
PowerPoint Games/Musical Chair
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
The Big Wheel
Who’s Smarter Than a Primary School Student?
The Millionaire
Twenty Questions
Running Dictation
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Mind Map/Graphic Organizers
(webs/Venn diagrams/charts )
Regular Classes vs. Remedial Classes
Mindomo: https:/www.mindomo.com/