School Prospectus 2012/2013 Market Harborough Church of England Primary School Fairfield Road Market Harborough Leicestershire LE16 9QH Tel: 01858 464112 Fax: 01858 410187 [email protected] Headteacher: Ms S Bovill Chair of Governors: Mrs J Williams Vision Statement “Providing the highest educational standards within which children and adults can grow, learn and work together in an atmosphere of trust, mutual respect and harmony.” “The school is a very harmonious community with good relationships throughout that are very helpful to learning and pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.” Ofsted 2012 The School Governors Term of Office Expires Mrs J Williams Chair of Governors Foundation Governor Sep 2013 Dr R Morley Vice Chair of Governors Parent Governor Mar 2013 The Revd R Brand Foundation Governor Ex Officio Mrs J Snelling Foundation Governor Feb 2016 Ms H McCreeth Community Governor Sep 2016 [Vacancy] Community Governor Mrs F Bell LA Governor Jan 2016 Miss C Booth Staff Governor Jan 2015 Mrs S Dove Parent Governor Mar 2013 Mrs S Kirke Parent Governor Jan 2015 [Vacancy] Parent Governor Ms S Bovill attends as Headteacher. Clerk to the Governors: May be contacted via the school. The Governing Body comprises: 3 Foundation Governors 2 Community Governors 1 LA Governor 2 Staff Governors (including Headteacher) 4 Parent Governors The Governing Body meets regularly both as a whole group and in the form of smaller sub-committees and working groups. Individual Governors visit the school frequently and play an active part in School life. Teaching Staff Headteacher: Ms Sue Bovill Deputy Head: Miss Joanna Lee Senior Leadership Team: Miss S Bodycote Miss H Gogerly Mrs J Guiver Miss J Lee Mr N Lee Mrs A Taylor Teaching Staff: Miss C Booth Mrs E Fellows Mr M Flynn Mrs V Hilliar Mrs R Mance Miss A Pickett Mrs L Silvester Miss H Stephens Miss B Taylor Mrs C Rodi Learning Assistants support the class teachers in a variety of ways: Mrs P Adams Mrs S Adams Mrs P Barber Mrs A Barlow Mrs S Collins Mrs J Dobbs Mrs N Hankin Miss K Thornton Mrs L Holton Mrs S Ingram Mrs L Lainchbury Mrs A Lowther Mrs C May Mrs L Wheway Mrs J Pickering Mrs H Ritchie Mrs S Scott Mrs H Snelson Mrs A Tomlinson Mrs C Wainwright Mrs C Walker Administrative Staff ICT Technician: Assistant Bursar: Admin Officer: Mr K Hamilton Mrs T Wilford Mrs L Clark Our office staff are always available to answer any queries you may have either in person or on the telephone. Premises Staff Premises Officer: Mr G Tidmarsh Cleaning Team: Mrs S Barnett Mrs J Malone Mrs K Tidmarsh Lunchtime Staff Cook Supervisor: Mrs J Douglas Kitchen Assistants: Mrs M Munton Mrs E Carson Mid-day Assistants: Mrs S Barnett Mrs L Bolton Mrs W Flint Mrs N Hankin Mrs J Holyland Ms J Holton Mrs J Malone Mrs W Maycock Mrs H Ritchie Mrs H Snelson Mrs E Stafford Mrs K Tidmarsh Mrs A Wordley Crossing Patrol Mrs Kennard, our Crossing Patrol Officer, is on Fairfield Road at the following times:8.30am to 9.05am 3.00pm to 3.45pm Admission and Transfer In line with the Leicestershire County Council Admissions Policy, children are currently admitted to our school in one intake in the Autumn term of the academic year (1st September – 31st August) in which they become five. If your child is starting school for the first time you will receive a copy of our ‘Foundation Stage’ booklet. The Foundation Stage Leader visits all the new children in the preschool setting before they start school. Every effort is made to ensure that the transfer between schools is as smooth as possible. Children leave to continue their education at secondary school at the age of eleven. The majority of our pupils transfer to Welland Park Community College and then on to the Robert Smyth Academy. All children have opportunities to visit the school and meet the staff before transfer. Our school is part of the local family, which includes both the primary and secondary schools. There is close liaison between members of the family through meetings, curriculum groups and other activities. Robert Smyth Academy Welland Park Community College Market Harborough C of E Primary School Farndon Fields C P School Great Bowden C of E Primary School Little Bowden C P Primary School Lubenham C of E Primary School Meadowdale C P School The Ridgeway C P School St Joseph’s R C School The School Our school is situated just off the main road that runs through the centre of Market Harborough and we have an average of 360 pupils on roll. We aim to maintain two single age classes in each year group; however, this may alter according to our numbers on roll, which may dictate mixed age class groups. Our school regards sustainability, global and environmental issues as core aspects of our provision, and our learning environment reflects this. The accommodation comprises: Entrance Foyer Reception & Bursar’s Office Headteacher’s Office Staff Room Hall Kitchen Library Music/Drama Studio Community Art Block 14 Classrooms All these facilities have full disabled access. Outside there are five playgrounds, large playing fields, a ‘Quiet Quadrangle’, a wildlife area and vegetable beds. Mr G Tidmarsh manages a team of cleaners and is responsible for the cleanliness, maintenance and safety of our site. We pride ourselves on the high standard maintained both on the inside and the outside of our school. School Hours 8.45am 8.55am 12.00noon 12.15pm 1.15pm 3.15pm Premises officially open Morning school begins Lunchtime for Infants Lunchtime for Juniors Afternoon school begins School ends There is a 20-minute morning break for the infants and a 15-minute break for the juniors. There is also a 10-minute break in the afternoon for the younger children. During these times a member of the teaching staff and a classroom assistant are always on duty. Total hours spent on teaching, excluding assemblies, registration and breaks: Years FS, 1 and 2 Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 22 hours 55 mins per week 23 hours 30 mins per week Please note: There will not be a teacher on duty before 8.45am each day and we cannot therefore be responsible for your child’s safety before that time. Lunchtime Supervision Meals are cooked on the school premises by Mrs J Douglas and her team. A choice menu is available, and children can order meals on a day-to-day basis. Payment should be made on a Monday to cover the cost of the required meals for the week. Cheques for meals should be made payable to Leicestershire County Council. Details and forms for children eligible for free school meals are available from the office. Children may also bring a packed lunch to school, but this should not contain glass bottles or cans. Children who go home for lunch should return to school at 1.10pm. Our Mid-day Assistants are on duty every lunchtime and the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher is always available. Safeguarding We are fully committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all our children and endeavour to meet all current statutory safeguarding requirements. Your child’s safety and welfare is paramount. If the school has any concerns with regard to Child Protection you will be informed of their referral to Social Care. If you have concerns about a child it is important that you take action straight away. The telephone number for our area Social Care Central Duty Team is 0116 305 0011. A copy of our Child Protection Policy is available via the school office. The Headteacher is the Designated Senior Person for Child Protection and the Chair of Governors is the Designated Governor. Safety It is our policy to ensure the children in our care are aware of safety issues that may affect themselves and others in their immediate and wider environment. All Year 6 children are given the opportunity to take part in Cyclewise and visits to the Warning Zone. Water Safety is covered during regular swimming sessions. Road Safety, Stranger Danger, Anti-Bullying, Drugs Awareness and E-Safety are major areas of concern and are regularly addressed throughout the School. The Governing Body places a great importance on the security of all pupils and staff at the school, and continues to monitor and review the risks concerned, mainly through the work of the Health and Safety sub-committee. This committee meets at least once per term, considering items that concern the security of the whole school as appropriate. An annual review of all procedures is undertaken and changes implemented where necessary. The school has been fitted with security cameras and an intruder alarm. All external doors are fitted with controlled entry locks. Please take extra care when dropping off and collecting children by car. Disability The school has wheelchair access throughout the building plus disabled toilets and handrails. Where practical, in line with our Disability Equality Scheme, we would always make reasonable adjustments to meet other individual needs. Our Accessibility Policy and Plan can be found at the back of this Prospectus. Pastoral Care The class teachers initially meet the pastoral care of each child. In some instances the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher will also be involved with more specific needs and Parents/Carers will be invited to offer shared home/school support for the child. The school can also call upon the specialist support of other agencies such as Doctors, the School Nurse, Social Care and the Educational Psychologist. It is important that you keep us informed of all conditions which may affect your child. Full confidentiality will, of course, always be maintained. Links with Parents We welcome parents into our school and we appreciate the help and support you give us in so many ways. Help for Parents/Carers At our school we recognise that your support for your child is crucial to their progress. Please tell us if there are any adjustments we need to make to help you to do this, eg: Help with reading or filling in forms Letters in another language or providing an interpreter Letters in large print or Braille Providing a signer Explaining things over the phone Text messaging Wheelchair access Any other requirements Support for parents is also available through the Parent Support Advisor. Please ask at the School office. Please let the school office or your child’s teacher know as soon as possible so that we can make any appropriate arrangements, or complete the form included in this Prospectus. Parent Teacher Association The school has an active Parent Teacher Association with which all Parents/Carers are encouraged to become involved. Varied programmes of social and fund raising events are organised throughout the year and include a Summer Fete and Christmas Fair. The money raised buys “extra” equipment for the school which helps to make each child’s time with us more enjoyable. Please come along to the Annual General Meeting held during the Autumn Term each year and remember that by helping the Parent Teacher Association you are helping to enhance the education of your child. Attendance Please inform the school by telephone or note if your child is absent for any reason. Under recent guidelines we have to record the reason for absence for any child on our attendance records. We encourage all the children to attend school regularly. We expect children to arrive at school on time as late arrivals are also noted. Parents/carers are asked to notify the class teacher in writing of any necessary dental or medical appointments that need to be met within school hours. A copy of our attendance policy will be sent out to all new parents. Holidays should not be taken during term time. Unless involved in a previously arranged after-school activity, all children should leave the premises by 3.30pm. Sickness or Injury The school maintains a list of home, work or emergency contact numbers for each child so that someone can be contacted in the event of sickness or injury. It is the responsibility of Parents/Carers to inform the school office of any changes to these contact numbers. Mrs J Dobbs is our senior qualified first aider and the majority of our staff regularly attend first aid training sessions, and their opinion will always be sought. If your child is injured we will inform you as quickly as possible and, if necessary, an ambulance will be called. All accidents will be recorded in the accident book. If a child receives an accidental bump on the head we will send a note home or contact you if it is of a more serious nature. In the case of sickness we will telephone you and ask you to collect your child from school. Medicines We are only able to give medicines prescribed by a Doctor. Please administer these outside school hours whenever possible, with the exception of inhalers and epi-pens etc. If it is necessary for a member of staff to administer medicines, or if your child needs an inhaler in school, please complete a form from the school office stating clear instructions for use. All inhalers and/or medicines must be clearly labelled. Please inform us if your child has any other medical condition of which we should be aware. Behaviour We aim to promote positive principles of good behaviour such as mutual respect, kindness and sharing, tolerance, politeness, patience, self-control, honesty, courage and fairness. Expectations of appropriate behaviour are agreed and displayed in each classroom and referred to regularly. Bullying, in any form, is actively discouraged. Parents will always be contacted in the event of any serious concerns involving their child. See Behaviour Policy. Homework As described in our Home School Agreement, children are encouraged to share learning experiences with parents and to practise their reading at home. They are also encouraged to practise spellings and multiplication tables and undertake research for class or individual project work. Uniform Although not compulsory, the Governors and staff actively encourage the wearing of school uniform. We aim to keep the uniform as simple as possible to avoid any unnecessary expense. The school colours are maroon and gold with dark trousers or skirts. Sweatshirts, fleeces, cardigans, polo shirts, PE shirts & shorts can be ordered online. Book bags and water bottles are available from the school. Please contact the school office for more information. We do ask that all children have appropriate clothing for PE, ie plimsolls, shorts, T-shirt and a drawstring PE bag. All clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Jewellery We ask the children not to wear jewellery or expensive watches to school, not only because they might lose things, but also because jewellery can get caught in equipment or hurt others. Children should only wear studs at school. Current legislation on Safe Practice in PE and School Sport states clearly that all personal effects should be removed, and that teachers should consider the risks involved in letting a child take part in PE if they cannot remove their own jewellery. Community Links We value the importance of the local community by using it as both a human and physical resource and have links with the Police and the Fire Station, the local churches, the local hospital and the local elderly residents’ home. Our school is fully engaged with the other local schools in Extended Services provision for the area. Various local groups use the school in the evenings. We also have students on work placement from the local secondary school as well as students on teaching practice from local centres of Higher Education. Children, parents and staff at The World’s Greatest Coffee Morning Governors’ Policies Equal Opportunities As a Church of England School, our teaching is based on Christian principles, but we realise that changes in the local community may mean that children may come from nonChristian backgrounds. Christianity draws its beliefs from the life and examples of Jesus Christ. He taught that we should value, respect and care for others regardless of sex, race, creed, colour or capability and it is in recognition of these principles that we wish to develop. We declare that we are unequivocally opposed to racist and sexist attitudes and will take immediate action to address any such behaviour. Every opportunity will be taken to promote self and mutual respect and non-judgmental attitudes throughout the school. We are legally required to record and report all hate and racist incidents to the LA. We will inform you immediately if your child has been involved in any such incident. Complaints If you have any concerns or complaints please contact the school as soon as possible to discuss the matter with the class teacher or Headteacher. A copy of the Complaints Policy can be found here. If the matter is such that it cannot be resolved then there is a specific County procedure that must be followed. This involves the Governing Body and details are available from the school office. Copies of the following documents are also held in school and are available on request: Agendas and minutes of the Governors’ meetings All paperwork relating to the requirements of the National Curriculum The Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE All the School’s own Policy statements and Schemes of Work The Trust Deed is held at County Hall. These are some of the many Awards our school has achieved: Your Child’s Learning Assessment The children’s learning is regularly assessed using teachers’ judgments against national criteria. Teachers are always happy to discuss your child’s progress both informally and by appointment. Formal parent interview evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms. During the Summer Term we hold an Open Evening and a written report on each child’s progress is sent to every parent. At the end of Year 1 children’s progress in reading is assessed via a statutory Phonics Screening Check. At the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (Year 2 and Year 6) children undertake the Standard Assessment Tests (SATs). Special Educational Needs Our school policy wholeheartedly supports inclusive education for all children who have a range of different needs. See Special Educational Needs Policy. As a child progresses through the school his/her class teacher will regularly assess their development. Areas of concern, whether identified by the parent, teacher or child, are carefully monitored. Our Special Needs Co-ordinator, Miss Helen Gogerly, manages the support for children with special needs including reviewing progress and giving advice on individual programmes of work. The school continues to improve its provision for all its pupils and endeavours to ensure they reach their full individual potential. Staff are focused on managing individual needs to enable pupils to manage the routines and expectations of a school day. Several support staff have undertaken further training to enhance their own skills in implementing learning programmes and behaviour strategies. Parents/Carers are encouraged to contact class teachers if they have any concerns with their child’s progress. Further advice may be sought from the LA Support Agencies in consultation with Parents/Carers where it is felt that a child may have more serious learning difficulties. Further information on support available to parents of children with particular needs may be obtained from: Ms Karen-Marie McPherson Parent Partnership Officer (Harborough) Tel: 0116 305 5663 [email protected] The School Curriculum The overall aims of the curriculum are to help learners: Develop lively, enquiring minds, acquire the ability to ask questions and solve problems, be able to discuss rationally and apply themselves to tasks Develop knowledge and understanding, skills and personal qualities relevant to their present and future circumstances and to cope effectively with change to prepare them for the adult world Use language and number effectively Develop respect and consideration for others regardless of differences in ethnic origin, culture, gender, social circumstance, special needs, sexuality, age or religious beliefs Develop a critical understanding of, and respect for, the environment and world in which they live and an awareness of the inter-dependence of individuals, groups and nations Appreciate the significance of human achievements and aspirations Develop self-awareness, a sense of self-respect and capacity to live life to the full as independent and self-motivated learners with the will to contribute to the welfare of others and to society Develop the skills to work co-operatively with others by learning to share common objectives and working in groups Foundation Stage Children are currently admitted to our Foundation Stage in one intake in the Autumn term of the academic year (1st September – 31st August) in which they become five. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, introduced in September 2012, is followed and the children work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals. Those children who have not completed their ELGs in Foundation Stage will continue to develop these skills through the Autumn term in their Year 1 class before moving on to KS1 expectations. The Seven Areas of Learning covered within the Foundation Stage are: Communication and Language; Physical Development; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. The National Curriculum The 1988 Education Reform Act established a National Curriculum that forms the basis for all learning opportunities offered to the children. The children may be taught individually or in groups of various sizes and the lesson content planned by each teacher is both subject and theme based. Children in Years 1 and 2 will be working in Key Stage 1 Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will work in Key Stage 2 All teachers within the school plan and evaluate their lessons thoroughly to ensure all children have equal access to the Curriculum. Literacy Being one of the key pillars of a child’s learning, the teaching of Literacy at our school is both dynamic and forward thinking, placing an emphasis on the need for excellence and enjoyment in all aspects of the subject. From the initiation of letter formation in handwriting to the enjoyment of a text in its many varied forms, all the children enjoy a wide range of “hands on” learning experiences. All aspects of Literacy are taught via an independent Literacy lesson on a daily basis, and cross-curricular links are made wherever appropriate. The specific areas for learning are: Speaking and Listening Reading * (See Approach to Reading and Phonics) Writing Spelling Handwriting A computerised library system has revolutionised the use of the Library. It is very child-friendly, involving the children using their individual barcode to log books out. Mathematics Mathematics plays a crucial role in equipping young people to meet the responsibilities of adult life and therefore should be applied to everyday situations whenever possible. Putting maths into a real life context is an integral part of how Mathematics is taught using the new Primary Framework. Investigational work leads to children discovering mathematics for themselves in an absorbing and interesting way. “Playing” with numbers, their patterns and relationships, shows children that mathematics can be studied in its own right as well as applied in practical or problem solving situations. The Primary Framework for Mathematics encourages teachers to make links between subjects and areas of learning to deepen children’s understanding. The seven areas covered are: Using and Applying Mathematics Counting and Understanding Number Knowing and Using Number Facts Calculating Understanding Shape Measuring Handling Data Science Throughout our school the Science Curriculum is based on developing scientific enquiry and a curiosity about the world in which we all live. It is important that children understand the process of experimentation and their place within our world. As a school we believe that children benefit from and enjoy having a creative curriculum, and Science is no exception. The children are able to learn best through a “hands on” approach made real from the choosing of real life contexts. Children are encouraged to record their findings in a variety of ways incorporating ICT and technology; Children are introduced to a specific approach to investigation which promotes a logical order to their thinking and to the presentation of their work; It lays foundations for progressively deepening knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts that will be useful to children as adults. Information and Communication Technology Information and Communication Technology (ICT) familiarises children with software and hardware. They are taught to use ICT confidently and with purpose to achieve a specific outcome. By its very nature, ICT is cross-curricular; children use it to support learning of other subjects. They are taught how ICT can be used as a means of collating and presenting work. We have our own ICT technician, Mr K Hamilton, who maintains the running of the school’s hardware and supports ICT learning in the classroom. Humanities History Children develop an ability to acquire information from a variety of historical sources that form evidence from the past and learn to make judgements about their reliability and value. We believe the use of various artefacts, music and drama makes history come to life. Therefore we encourage visits and “hands on” experiences play an important role in stimulating investigation. In Key Stage 1, children begin to look at history through an understanding of “Ourselves”, and then towards the more distant past through stories of people and events. Topics covered include: Toys, Homes, Shops, Seaside Holidays, Famous Events such as the Great Fire of London, and Famous People such as Florence Nightingale. In Key Stage 2, children study Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Roman Invaders, Life in Tudor Times, Children in World War II, Victorian Britain, The Aztecs, Britain since 1948 and a local history study. Geography The study of Geography encourages children to think about the world around them. Children are taught mapping and fieldwork skills and develop their knowledge and understanding of places in local, national, international and global contexts by understanding the distinctive features that give a place its identity. They should also understand the similarities and differences between these places, for example India, Brazil, Mexico and comparing different localities in the UK with our own community. Children should develop their understanding and knowledge of Rivers, Weather, Settlement and Environmental Change, including an awareness of Global Citizenship, for example the importance and relevance of Fairtrade and Green/Eco initiatives. Art and Design Art and Design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a special way of understanding and responding to the world. It enables children to communicate what they see, feel and think, through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes. The school uses a variety of teaching and learning styles in art and design lessons. Our principal aim is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. We ensure that the act of investigating and making something includes exploring and developing ideas, and evaluating and developing work. We do this best through a mixture of whole-class teaching and individual or group activities. Teachers draw attention to good examples of individual performance as models for the other children. We have a well-equipped purpose-built Community Art Block, complete with its own kiln, which is used by our own children and children from other schools. In the Foundation Stage, children’s creative development relates to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals, which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five. The children’s learning includes art, music, dance, roleplay and imaginative play. The range of experience encourages children to make connections between one area of learning and another, and so extends their understanding. Design Technology Design Technology provides an opportunity for children to operate in real world contexts, understand technological processes and the contribution of technology to our society. Children develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of Design Technology through creative links across all curriculum areas. They become independent thinkers through evaluation and reflection of their work. They are encouraged to become autonomous and creative problem solvers both as individuals and as part of a team. Music All of our pupils have weekly music lessons in our well resourced Music Studio. The specialist music teacher aims to deliver an exciting and lively curriculum that enables the children to grow in confidence. The musical experiences range from singing in groups, listening to others (including our staff choir!), playing tuned and untuned percussion instruments and composing material of their own. The highlights of the school’s music calendar are our performances that celebrate the end of each Term and show our children’s love of music and drama to the full. We also have a school choir and sing for the community at various celebrations during the year. Musical Instrument Tuition Enthusiasts can learn to play a variety of instruments under the instruction of visiting peripatetic music teachers. If you would like your child to be considered for music tuition in the future, please ask for further information at the school office. Physical Education High quality Physical Education forms an important part in the development of the “whole child”, affecting their physical and mental performance and social development. Through our teaching we aim to equip our children with the necessary skills to enable them to take part in a wide range of sporting activities. We hope they will gain success through developing perseverance, commitment and teamwork. Activities are taught according to age and level of development to enable children to maximise their potential and increase their knowledge, skills and understanding in PE and school sport. Furthermore, children have opportunities to improve their performance, attainment and success in line with their capability. Our school has various boys’ and girls’ sports teams. The practice sessions are well attended and the children very much enjoy playing together. Residential Trips Residential trips are organised for: Year 6: four nights at the AbernantCentre in Wales Year 5: two nights at Grafham Water in Cambridgeshire Year 4: two nights at Beaumanor Hall in Leicestershire Sex & Relationships Education Sex & Relationships Education (SRE) at our school is delivered as a normal part of the Health Education programme. Opportunities are given for the children’s questions to be dealt with factually but sensitively, to meet their appropriate stage of development. Parents/Carers are notified when the subject is being formally broached in Year 6 and Parents/Carers will be invited in advance to see videos that are used with the children. The importance of a caring family relationship is stressed throughout. Our school Nurse is actively involved in promoting Health Education throughout the school. Religious Education Religious Education is taught using a cross-curricular approach and is closely linked with Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE). We base our teaching and learning in RE on the key principle that we should allow children both to learn about religious traditions and to reflect on what the religious ideas and concepts mean to them. Children are encouraged to reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their spiritual knowledge and understanding. They will also learn respect for others’ views and beliefs to develop their understanding of diversity and tolerance. Major Festivals, Celebrations and Pilgrimage are studied, as well as similarities and differences in the Act of Worship of various faiths. Collective worship is led by a member of staff, the children or a visitor, and takes place daily. This takes the form of a whole school, class or key stage assembly. Every year we celebrate and acknowledge the various festivals in the religious calendar. Usually, one of our local Clergy will lead the assembly once a week. Worship is non-denominational though we maintain close links with St Dionysius, our Parish Church, and pupils and parents attend regular services there. Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education, or Collective Worship; should arrangements be necessary, please discuss these with the Headteacher. Charging for School Activities Normal educational activities are, of course, provided free of charge but many valuable extensions to learning also take place during school hours. These activities, which include swimming and educational visits, can only take place if a voluntary contribution is made, and the Governors and staff hope that Parents/Carers will continue to support the school in providing these activities. See separate policy for charging and remissions. Thank you for taking the time to read this booklet. We hope it has given you all the information you require and we look forward to working in partnership with you in the future education of your child. Playing in the snow Disability Equality Statement Policy for Accessibility Annual Accessibility Plan Request Form for Access Assistance Disability Equality Statement Under the Disability Discrimination Act there is a duty on schools, to promote equality of opportunity for disabled people, and to eliminate any discrimination on the grounds of disability. In practice, what this means is that as well as meeting the needs of disabled pupils and staff, we must do our best to meet the needs of every person who uses our school, whether they are a parent, governor or community user. Every school has a Disability Equality Scheme explaining how they plan to do this; the Scheme is available to view via the school office – copies available on request. We already collect information about our children through the school admissions form, and include an Accessibility Plan in our prospectus, which sets out how we are going to meet the needs of our disabled pupils. We would now like to offer you this opportunity to share with us any information which you think might help us to improve access and facilities here at school. Any information you provide will be held confidentially, in line with Data Protection legislation, and the only reason for wanting it is to help us plan future improvements for disabled users. There have also been changes to the definition of what disability is; a person has a disability if they have “…a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities” - this now includes serious illnesses. Attached to this DES you will find a policy for Accessibility together with an Accessibility Plan, which outline how we will meet the needs of children with disabilities. In order to meet the needs of any disabled parents or carers we have also included a ‘Request for Access Assistance’ form. If you feel that anything on the form attached would make it easier for you to get information about school and your child, whether to come to meetings and events in school, come in as a helper, or join a community club held here, please tick any relevant box or boxes below. If there is anything you need which we haven’t included, please fill in the comment box at the bottom of the form. We have asked for your name, only so that we can make sure that the right people get the right kind of support. If there is anything else you would like to know about our Disability Equality Scheme please contact the Headteacher via the school office. Policy for Accessibility Definition A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term affect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. (Disability Discrimination Act 1995) Our duties as a school are •Not to treat disabled pupils less favourably •To take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage Development This plan has been developed in consultation with the SENCO, the SEN Governor and the parents of disabled children already in school, in order to ensure that we take into account present and future needs. Vision and Values At Market Harborough C of E Primary School our statement and aims make it clear that our core purpose is to enable every child to realise their full potential in every aspect of school life. Our policies on SEN, Race Equality, Equal Opportunities, Inclusion, Gifted and Talented, Behaviour and Anti-Bullying support that core purpose and it is reflected in all curriculum policies. Our mission statement and aims were developed in consultation with the whole school community. At Market Harborough C of E, no child is excluded from any part of the curriculum or from out of school activities including trips, because of disability. Adjustments in place All relevant teaching and support staff have been given practical and awareness training to support children with disabilities, currently in school and to manage a range of medical conditions which require additional adult help and intervention. Professional Development is reviewed regularly to ensure that staff are adequately trained to meet the needs of disabled children new to our school. We have improved wheelchair access to the school with ramps and, where necessary, railings and there are disabled toilet facilities. Newly erected shade structures on the school playing fields and the new Community Art Block are also fully wheelchair accessible. Advice is taken from relevant health professionals to ensure that classroom furniture, learning support and resources are appropriate to the specific needs of disabled pupils, and these are kept under review. Learning support in the classroom is targeted at pupils whose disability impacts on their learning and where lack of support might disadvantage those pupils. Policy for Accessibility (continued) The attached Plan indicates the annual monitoring and review cycle for accessibility and future planned improvements. The Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis and amended to make provision for any future registrations by disabled pupils. September 2012 This policy statement will be reviewed annually Accessibility Plan Request for Access Assistance Name (please print): .…………………………………………………………………… Your child’s name and class: …………………………………………………………………… Please tick the box/boxes if any of these things would make it easier for you to get what you need from school. We cannot promise to make all of these changes at once or overnight, but your response will help us to plan for the future. school information on audio tape school information in large print format sign language interpretation or other help with communication induction loop wheelchair access disabled parking space (to attend meetings/performances etc) facility for personal carer, assistant or other person to come into school with you Any other comments:
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