Evangelical Covenant Church of Venice Isle 101 Via Veneto, Venice, FL 34285 www.eccvi.net Rev. Elizabeth M. Jensen November 2, 2014 Bev Barlow Accompanist Please sign and pass the attendance book. Thank you! Please turn off or mute your cell phone. Thank you! * Those that are able please stand Welcome and Church Notices 9:20AM * Introit # 80 I Stand in Awe * Call to Worship Psalm 107:1-7 Pastor: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. People: Let the redeemed of the Lord say this. Pastor: Some wandered in desert wastelands. They were hungry and thirsty; their lives ebbed away. People: Then they cried out to the Lord and he delivered them from their distress. Pastor: He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle. People: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. * Invocation and the Lord’s Prayer (sins & sin) Hymn # 501 Now I Belong to Jesus Scripture Lessons read by Gary Durbin Joshua 3:7-17 (Page 224) Matthew 23:1-12 (Page 1034) Glory Be to the Father” (# 812) Prayers of the People Offering * Doxology (# 815) * Prayer of Dedication Hymn # 548 As the Deer Message: “Crossing Guards” Service of Holy Communion Bread in small cups is gluten, dairy, soy, and nut free * Closing Hymn # 682 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah * Benediction and “Three-fold Amen” * Postlude Prayer Requests Don Keys Carol Beck Brenda Barlow O'Connell Jerry Angers Billie Trego (Jan Keckler’s Sister) Jon Erickson Nick Nickel (Bernice Starkey’s brother) Jim Colwell Cheryl Whelan (Edith Sadler’s daughter) Joe Leavy Marguerite Knowlton (Leah Birdsall’s sister) Faye Taylor Patti Weber (Gayle Laursen’s daughter) Larry Munnell Alice Kloos (Carol & Tom Gilmore’s daughter) Mary Jo Dick Kimberly Hall (Bernice Starkey’s granddaughter) Dan Gasse (Marge Robertson’s grandson) Chris Ansen (Faith & Phil Van Zanten’s grandson) Alberta Beardsley (Jane Renner’s daughter-in-law) Alexandra Gilmer (Dick & Gretchen Davis’ granddaughter) Family and friends mourning the death of Ruth Berthold SEC Churches in FL esp. ECCVI Men and Women serving in the military and their families Those in Assisted Living: George Chandler, Helen Donkin, Earl Gaugler, Barbara Johnson, Freda May, Edith Sadler If you or someone you know is ill or in the hospital, call the Church Secretary. We won’t know if you don’t tell us! Greeter: Donna Clements Ushers: Gary and Joyce Durbin, Ken and Lee Clark Altar Flowers: Julia Immegart in memory of her daughter, Charlotte Agliata Marna Corbus to honor her children’s birthdays Don and Roberta Keys to thank God for all our good friends Pastor Liz Jensen – (Home) 493-1420 (Cell) 525-4892 Email: [email protected] Church Secretary is Joyce Durbin (Cell) 813-841-4863 Church email address is: [email protected] Church Council Members: Bernice Starkey – Chair Fred Resler – Vice Chair Jim Keckler – Treasurer Jan Lawrence – Secretary Mary Bailey – Financial Secretary Jerry Angers, Gretchen Davis, Roberta Keys, Jim Thorpe This week at ECCVI Thurs. 2-3PM Closer Walk Bible Study: An Expedition through Exodus at Clubhouse 2 – Venetian Room Thurs. 4:30PM CH1 Memorial Service for Ruth Berthold Mon. Nov.3 Church Night at the Venice DQ 4-7pm Sun. KICY 100% Sunday; see insert for details Looking ahead Tues. Nov. 11 Church Council Mtg. 9AM Venetian Rm CH 2 Sun. Nov. 30 First Sunday in Advent: Decorate Church for Christmas and Pot Luck Lunch Church Notices Thank you for your donations to the South County Food Pantry Church Council meeting minutes for September are on the web site; copies are available on the Welcome Table Calling all Greeters & Ushers: We want our folks to know we value them and are glad they are here. We invite you to be part of this vital ministry. Greeters welcome everyone who comes in and hand them a bulletin. Ushers welcome people, but also hand out Bibles & hymnals, help folks find seating, collect the offering, and serve Communion. If you are interested in serving please sign-up; sign-up sheets are on the Welcome Table. Meals Ministry provides a few meals on a short term basis for parishioners who are ill and in need of this ministry. We won’t know, however, if no one tells us! Until a coordinator is named, please call Bernice Starkey. Coffee (real) is available before worship Our Daily Bread Devotionals for Sept – Nov are available on the Welcome Table Information about our church is on the Welcome Table Attendance October 26 was 71 Thank you for your continued financial support Oct. Budget: $3,606 YTD Budget: $48,084 Oct. Offering: $3,267 YTD Offering: $44,450 What the Covenant does: Start and Strengthen Churches Make and Deepen Disciples Love Mercy, Do Justice Develop Leaders Serve Globally Four Themes of the Southeast Conference Reach the Lost Nurture the Faithful Transform Lives Reflect the Kingdom
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