Tentative Programme Details Eighth Annual Review Meeting On Gramin Krishi Mausam Seva Date: Monday, 10thNovember 2014 10-12 November 2014 Inaugural Session 0830 – 1015 Hrs 0830-0900 Registration 0900-0905 Lighting of Lamp 0905-0910 0910-0918 Welcome Address by Dr.Abdul Wadood, Principal Nodal Officer, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand Address by Dr. N. Chattopadhyay, DDGM (Agrimet), IMD, Pune 0918-0925 Address by Dr. K. K. Singh, Head, Agromet Services, IMD, New Delhi 0925-0932 Address by Dr. D.K.Singh “Dron”, Director Research, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand Address by Dr. R.P.Singh “Ratan”, Director of Education, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand Address by Dr. K.J. Ramesh, Advisor, MOES ( Guest of Honour) 0932-0940 0940-0950 0950-1000 1000-1010 1010-1015 1015-1035 Address by Dr. George John, Vice Chancellor, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand (Guest of Honour) Address by the Chief Guest Dr. L. S. Rathore, Director General of Meteorology, IMD, New Delhi Vote of thanks by –Dr Ramesh Kumar, ADR-----Birsa Agriculture University, Ranchi Jharkhand High Tea Session I : 1035-1700 Theme: Activities under Gramin Krishi Mausam Seva Chairman: Rapporteur : Time Subject & Speaker 1035-1050 Meeting farmers’ needs for agrometeorological services: an overview and case studies by Prof. M.C. Varshneya, VC, KU, Gandhinagar 1050-1105 Achievements and future plan of Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa by Dr. N. Chattopadhyay, Scientist D, IMD, Pune 1105-1120 Block Level Forecasting by Dr. Ashok Kumar, Scientist G, IMD, New Delhi 1120-1135 Operationalisation of Extended Range Weather Forecast and Advisories for AAS- by Dr. A.K.Sahai, Scientist F, IITM, Pune/ Dr.K.Ghosh, Scientist D, IMD Pune 1135-1150 Application of seasonal forecasts and its impact on Agrometeorology by Dr. U. C. Mohanty, IIT, Bhubaneshwar 1150-1205 1205-1220 1220-1235 1235-1250 1250-1305 1305-1320 1320-1335 1335-1350 Online preparation of Agromet Advisories by Smt. Pratibha Lokhande, DAC, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi Agromet data reception technology, archiving and its utilisation under GKMS by Shri. B. Mukhopadhyay, ADGM(R) IMD, Pune Integrating National agromet observational network into the meteorological service networks by Dr. S.L.Singh, Scientist E, New Delhi Development and delivery of accurate and reliable satellite based agromet products through collaboration and coordination with other organisations by Dr. B.K. Bhattacharya, SAC, Ahmedabad Existing practices using GIS to integrate weather, climate, agricultural and related data to support agricultural meteorological products and models by Dr. (Smt) Swati Sardesai, NIC, Pune Operational Agromet Advisory Services for inland fisheries by Dr. A.K. Pal, Joint Director, Central Institutes of Fisheries Education, Mumbai Agromet Advisories for Horticulture, DDG, Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture 1350-1445 Role of ICAR in implementation of GKMS by Dr. A.K.Sikka, Deputy Director General (Natural Resource Management),ICAR, New Delhi Lunch 1445-1500 Research and development in Agrometeorology by Dr.V.U.M. Rao, CRIDA, Hyderabad 1500-1515 Climate risk management under irrigated farming by Dr. Mohan Kumar, ICAR, New Delhi 1515-1530 Empowering resource poor communities for managing local climate changes through effective and value added dissemination of Agromet Advisory by Smt. Nancy Anabel, MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai Tea Break Framework for integration of AICRP results with GKMS by Dr. Srinivasa Rao, Director, CRIDA, Hyderabad Participation of State Department of Agriculture, Maharashtra in communication of Agromet Advisories to farmers by Shri Anil Bansode, Chief Statistician , Commissionerate of Agriculture, Pune Partnerships established with appropriate private sector companies providing access to additional tools, science by Shri R. Balasubramanian, Scientist-D, IMD Pune Discussion 1530-1550 1550-1605 1605-1620 1620-1635 1635-1650 Session II: 1650-1830 Theme: Progress of work at AMFUs (To be presented by the Principal Nodal Officer of their respective University) Chairman: Rapporteur : 1650-1700 Preparation of UC, SE and Demand for Grant-in-Aid under GKMS by Shri B. S. Tyagi, IMD, New Delhi 1700-1710 Dr. Mrs. K. K. Gill, PAU, Punjab 1710-1720 Dr. Raj Singh, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Haryana 1720-1730 Dr. R.S.Rana, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya, Himachal Pradesh 1730-1740 Dr. Veena Sharma, Jammu, SKUAST- Jammu region, Jammu 1740-1750 Dr. S.K. Tripathi, IIT, Uttarakhand 1750-1800 Prof. H.S. Kushwaha, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand 1800-1810 1810-1820 Dr.Ashok Kumar, S.V.B. Patel University of Agriculture &Technology, Modipuram Uttar Pradesh Dr.Rani Saxena, SKNAU, Jobner, Rajasthan 1820-1830 Discussion Tuesday, 11th November 2014 Session III: 0900-1050 Theme: Progress of work at AMFUs Chairman: Rapporteur : 0900-0910 Dr.G.Sreenivas, PJTSAU, Telangana 0910-0920 Dr. T. Prathima, ANGRAU, Andhra Pradesh 0920-0930 Dr. Ajith K, KAU, Thrissur 0930-0940 Dr. H.S. Bhadauria, RVSKVV, Madhya Pradesh 0940-0950 0950-1000 1000-1010 1010-1020 Dr. Manish Bhan, JNKVV, Madhya Pradesh Dr. H. Venkatesh, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka Dr. M. B. Rajegowda, UAS, Bangalore, Karnataka Dr. I. Shankargowda, Raichur, Karnataka 1020-1030 Dr. S. Sridhara, UAHS, Naveli, Karnataka 1030-1040 Dr. Satyamoorthy, TNAU, Coimbatore 1040-1050 Discussion 1050-1100 Tea Break Session IV: 1100-1345 Theme: Progress of work at AMFUs Chairman: Rapporteur : 1100-1110 Shri. P.Jaybhaye, MAU, Parbhani, Maharashtra 1110-1120 Shri Viresh Chavan, PDSKKV, Dapoli, Maharashtra 1120-1130 Dr. S.Wanjari, PDKV, Akola, Maharashtra 1130-1140 Dr.Neeraj Kumar, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat 1140-1150 Dr.Vyas Pandey, AAU, Anand, Gujarat 1150-1200 Shri M. C. Chopada, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat 1200-1210 Prof. J.G.Patel, SDAU, Dantiwada, Gujarat 1210-1220 Dr.D.V.Singh, CAZRI, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 1220-1230 Dr. S. L. Godara, RAU, Bikaner, Rajasthan 1230-1240 Dr.P.K.Gupta, MPUA&T, Udaipur, Rajasthan 1240-1250 Dr.B. K. Khandpal, NRCRM, Bharatpur, Rajasthan 1250-1300 Dr.S.Pasupalak, OAUT, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa 1300-1310 Dr.A.Wadood, BAU, Ranchi, Jharkhand 1310-1320 Dr. I. B. Pandey, RAU, Pusa, Bihar 1320-1330 Dr.J.L.Chaudhary, IGAU, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 1330-1345 Discussion 1345-1440 Lunch Session IV: 1440-1615 Theme: Progress of work at AMFUs Chairman: Rapporteur : 1440-1450 Dr.Thanga Thamil Vanan, TNAUVAS, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 1450-1500 Dr. Renga Lakshmi, M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation, Kanniwadi, Tamil Nadu 1500-1510 Dr.R. Hussain, AAU, Jorhat, Assam 1510-1520 Dr.S. Banerjee, BCKV, Kalyani, West Bengal 1520-1530 Dr.D.Swain, IIT, Kharagpur, West bengal 1530-1545 1545-1555 Capacity Building of Farmers for Climate Smart Agriculture by Dr. Kirit Shelat, Executive Chairman, NCCSD, Ahmedabad Dr.S.Banerjee, UBKV, Pundibari, West Bengal 1555-1605 Dr. B. S. Kharbade, CAFT, College of Agriculture, Pune, Maharashtra 1605-1615 Discussion 1615-1630 Tea Break Session V: 1630-1900 Theme: Progress of work at AMFUs Chairman: Rapporteur : 1630-1640 Dr. R. Velmurugan, CARI, Port Blair 1640-1650 Dr.R. Bhagawati, ICAR Research Complex for NEH region, Basar, Arunachal Pradesh 1650-1700 Dr. R. K. Singh, Barapani, Meghalaya 1700-1710 Dr. M. Datta, Lembuchera,Tripura 1710-1720 Dr. N. Prakash, Imphal, Manipur 1720-1730 Dr. Deka, Jharnapani Nagaland 1730-1740 Dr. Singh, Kolasib, Mizoram 1740-1750 Dr. P.K.Baweja, Dr. Y.S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Himachal Pradesh 1750-1800 Dr. K.N.Singh, SKUAST- Srinagar region, Srinagar 1800-1810 Dr. A. Vashistha, IARI, New Delhi. 1810-1820 Dr. Biswaroop Mehra, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 1820-1830 Dr. V. P. N. Singh, University of Agril. & Tech, Uttar Pradesh 1830-1840 Prof. Padmakar Tripathi, NDUAT, Kumarganj, Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 1840-1850 Prof. R.S. Singh, BHU, Uttar Pradesh 1850-1900 Discussion Wednesday, 12thNovember 2014 SessionVI: 0900-1200 Theme: Value Addition &Forecast Verification of District level Weather Forecast Chairman: Rapporteur : Time Subject & Speaker 0900-0920 Value addition and forecast verification for Central India by Dr. P. K. Nandankar, DDGM and Scientist F, RMC, Nagpur 0920-0940 Value addition and forecast verification for Northeast India by Shri. M.K.Gupta, DDGM and Scientist-F, RMC, Guwahati 0940-1000 Value addition and forecast verification for Northwest India by Dr.S.S.Singh, DDGM and Scientist F, RMC, New Delhi 1000-1020 Value addition and forecast verification for Eastern India by Dr. Devendra Pradan, DDGM and Scientist E, RMC,Kolkatta 1020-1040 Tea Break 1040-1100 1100-1120 1120-1140 1140-1200 Value addition and forecast verification for Western India by Shri. K.S. Hosalikar, DDGM and Scientist E, RMC, Mumbai Value addition and forecast verification for South India by Shri. S.B.Thampi, Scientist E, DDGM, RMC, Chennai Discussion on performance of Medium Range Weather Forecast Agrometeorological aspects of drought in India by Dr. S.S. Ray, Director, MNCFC, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi. Valedictory Session: Theme: 1200-1300 hrs Road map for future activities of IAAS Panel discussion 1300 Hrs Lunch Theme: Side Events on Ongoing dissemination projects under Agromet Advisory Services Subject Scalable plan of the pilot study of AAS at cluster level in Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra by Shri C. S. Lobo, Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), Pune Dissemination of Agromet Advisories through SMS by Shri Ashok Nair, Reuter Market Light, Bangalore Dissemination of Agro-advisory Bulletin through IKSL by Shri. G.C.Shortriya, IKSL, New Delhi Pilot project of dissemination of agromet advisories through Mahindra Samriddhi by Shri Harshawardhan Nawathe, Mahindra Samriddhi, Mumbai Dissemination of Agromet Advisories through SMS/IVR by Shri Pravin Kumar, Handygo, New Delhi Dissemination of Agromet Advisories through SMS using NOKIA tools by Shri Dhananjay Naik, NOKIA, Mumbai Dissemination of Agromet Advisories through Farmer’s Club of NABARD by CGM, NABARD, Pune Dissemination of Agromet advisories to the farmers through Reliance Foundation under pilot mode by Shri Surendran, Reliance Foundation, Mumbai Dissemination of agromet advisory services for sericulture under pilot mode by Shri. C. J.Prabhakar, Scientist D, Central Silk Board, Bangalore Dissemination of agromet advisories through CABI under pilot mode by Shri. S. Banerjee, CABI, New Delhi Dissemination of agromet advisories through e-Choupal by Shri Nirmal Reddy, General Manager, ITC Ltd, Hyderabad Dissemination of agromet advisories through Youth For Action by Shri. Venkat Ramnayya, Executive Director, Youth For Action Andhra Pradesh Dissemination of Agromet advisories to the farmers in Pune through Bhosale Labs by Vitthal Bhosale, Director, Pune Dissemination of Agromet advisories to the farmers through Community Radio, Washim Dissemination of Agromet advisories to the farmers through KVK, Bableshwar, Dissemination of Agromet advisories to the farmers through Prasar Bharati Dissemination of Agromet advisories to the farmers by IIT Mumbai Dissemination of Agromet advisories to the farmers by Shri. Rikin Gandhi, Digital Green Dissemination of Agromet advisories through Agropedia by one representative Dissemination of Agromet advisories through iKisan by one representative
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