MONDAY 17 NOVEMBER 13:00 –15:30 Annual lecture on global collaboration: “The opportunity of uncertainty: new directions in global health” Global health is about to undergo a seismic shift. But does anyone truly understand the nature and scale of that shift? The future for global health cannot be “business as usual.” The Ebola epidemic has exposed severe failures in our global health architecture. Now is the moment to review and revise our hopes and expectations for the future of health worldwide. Unless Richard Horton we challenge all of our assumptions about global health, we may not only fail to advance human wellbeing, we may jeopardise the very survival of our species. The Lecture is followed by a panel discussion in order to provide different angels and perspectives on the matter. Speakers: Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief, the Lancet. Introduction by Pam Fredman, Vice-Chancellor, the University of Gothenburg. Location: The University Main Building, Universitetsplatsen 1. Room/Hall: The Auditorium 15:00–16:00 Structural drivers of HIV in sub Saharan Africa (This seminar will be in Swedish) Hur når vi kunskap om hälsa, vård och omsorg? Hur kan sjukvårdens och omsorgens praktiker utvecklas och vilken roll kan humanistiska och samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv spela i detta? Detta är några av de frågor som behandlas inom det allt mer uppmärksammade interdisciplinära forskningsfältet medicinsk humaniora som presenteras vid detta lunchseminarium.Talare: Ola Sigurdson, professor; Wilhelm Kardemark, FD, institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion Plats: Humanistiska fakulteten, Renströmsgatan 6. Sal: Lilla hörsalen To design efficient HIV prevention knowledge on the structural drivers are needed. What do we know about the impact of incomes, education, economic inequality and gender inequality? Speaker: Annika Lindskog, Associate Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Statistics. Location: School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1. Room/Hall: B23 13:00–13:45 Person-centred care in a globalized world – anthropological perspectives Globalisation presents challenges to Swedish health care professionals. This presentation addresses the need for cultural competency and person-centered care. Speaker: Liselott Dellenborg – GPCC - University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm 13:00–14:00 Relationships between varieties of democracy and health Panel discussion following the Annual Lecture Moderator: Richard Horton. Speakers: Beverley Butler, Senior Lecturer, University College London; Anders Molin, Lead Policy Specialist, Health at SIDA, (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency); Gunilla Krantz, Professor, Dept of Public Health and Community Medicine; Dick Durevall, Professor, Dept of Economics and Statistics; Susan Kazooba, international student at the Ma Programme in Social Work and Human Rights and Kristina Elfving, paediatrician and PhD student, University of Gothenburg. TUESDAY 18 NOVEMBER 12:15–13:00 Medicinsk humaniora – ett framväxande forskningsfält 10:30–12:00 Global health challenges in Sweden and the world This panel discussion will address the health challenges in Sweden and the world. Researchers from different areas of the university will present their research area, followed by a debate. Moderator: Rune Andersson, Professor, Dept. of Infectious Medicine. Speakers: Maria Nyström, Professor, School of Design and Crafts; Peter Friberg, Professor, Dept. of Molecular and Clinical Medicine; Anders Wallin, Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry; Karin Hårding, Researcher, Dept. of Biological & Environmental Sciences; Liselott Dellenborg, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Health and Care Sciences and Annika Rosengren, Professor, Dept. of Molecular and Clinical Medicine. Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm 11:15–12:00 Making science: Sweden and India cooperate to gather knowledge on the marine coastal ecosystem India has a 6000 km long coastline utilized for traditional small-scale fisheries, aquaculture and tourism. During the past two decades we have collaborated with one of the national research institutes in the state university in Karnataka to investigate the dynamics of marine pathogenic bacteria and harmful algal blooms in relation to environmental factors, and their effects on higher trophic levels in the marine food chain. Speakers: Anna Godhe, Professor, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg. Location: Medicinaregatan 20 A, Medicinareberget. Room/Hall: Lyktan 12:00–13:00 Mental health problems and healing among Somali-Swedes Since the beginning of the 1990s, Somalia has been haunted by conflicts and civil war. Today, about 55 000 Somalis live in Sweden. Families have been dispersed and many suffer from traumatic memories from the war. In this situation, religious beliefs and especially Islam have had a prominent role when coping with stress and despair. Speaker: Johan Wedel, Senior Lecturer, School of Global Studies. Location: Faculty of Scocial Sciences, Sprängkullsgatan 19. Room/Hall: The Lobby The presentation will introduce the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) project and its data. The V-Dem Database provides a full spectrum of indicators to measure the different dimensions of democracy in 206 polities of the world with 400+ disaggregated indicators from 1900 until the present. In our presentation, we will explore which type of democracy is relevant to health by using a few of the most popular indicators (e.g. infant mortality, life expectancy). Speakers: Yi-ting Wang, Research Fellow/Postdoc and Valeriya Mechkova, Research Assistant, both at the V-Dem Institute, Department of Political Science. Location: Faculty of Social Sciences, Sprängkullsgatan 19. Room/Hall: The Lobby 13:00–14:00 Ett hekto socker om dagen – europeiska barns sockerintag (This seminar will be in Swedish) Under föreläsningen kommer forskningsresultat om europeiska barns sockerintag att presenteras. Vilka livsmedel bidrar till det totala sockerintaget? Vad är för mycket socker? Har svenska barns sockerintag förändrats? Varför är det inte bra att äta för mycket socker? Talare: Christel Larsson, professor, institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap. Plats: Utbildnings vetenskapliga fakulteten, Pedagogen hus C, Läroverksgatan 5. Sal: Margareta Hvitfeldtsalen. 13:00–15:00 Climate and Health – How is human health affected by climate change? Welcome to a seminar about how human health is affected by the ongoing climate change. What are the associations between radiant temperature and heart attacks? How are heat waves and air pollution affecting mortality in the Swedish population? Have there been any health benefits from the congestion taxes in Stockholm? Speakers: Janine Wichmann, Environmental Epidemiologist, University of Pretoria, and Bertil Forsberg, Professor of Environmental Medicine, Umeå University. Location: The University Main Building, Universitetsplatsen 1. Room/Hall: Torgny Segerstedtsalen 14:00–15:00 Global Health in Gothenburg: Angereds Närsjukhus - a platform for research and education Angereds närsjukhus is a unique hospital in Västra Götaland, built up in collaboration with the residents of the area. An example of interaction between health and education/research. Speakers: Ann Ekberg-Jansson, Acting Hospital Director/Head of Research, Angereds Närsjukhus. Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm 15:00–16:00 Workshop i kök: Vi äter med ögat (This workshop will be in Swedish) Under workshopen skapar studenterna mat som tilltalar ögat för skolmåltid, äldreomsorg eller lunchrestaurang. Tillagning och presentation av några vanliga maträtter. Talare: Britt Lerneby, universitetsadjunkt, institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap; Jonas Eriksson, biträdande forskare, avd för invärtesmedicin och klinisk nutrition. Plats: Utbildningvetenskapliga fakulteten, Pedagogen hus C, Läroverksgatan 5. Sal: Undervisningsköket, entréplan. 17:00–18:00 Trender i läskdrickande och skärmtid bland lågstadiebarn (This seminar will be in Swedish) En presentation av svenska och europeiska studier om trender i förekomst av övervikt och läskdrickande bland lågstadiebarn samt kartläggningar av livsstil, längd och vikt. Talare: Agneta Sjöberg, docent, institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap och Lotta Moraeus, forskare, enheten för folkhälsoepidemiologi, Sahlgrenska akademin. Plats: Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Pedagogen hus C, Läroverksgatan 5. Sal: Margareta Hvitfeldtsalen. 18:00–19:30 The Ebola virus epidemic Some have declared the Ebola outbreak to be the most severe acute public health emergency in modern times. In this panel discussion you will learn more about the virus, its spread and the roles and responsibilities of the international community and help organizations. Speakers: Anders Tegnell, Public Health Agency of Sweden; Professor Tomas Bergström, Department of Infectious Medicine. Location: The Museum of World Culture, Södra Vägen 54. This seminar is arranged in cooperation with The Museum of World Culture WEDNESDAY 18 NOVEMBER 8:30–9:15 Gothenburg Refugee Health Clinic Gothenburg Refugee Health Clinic has a team of physicians, nurses, counsellors and psychologists. They offer medical checkups to asylum-seekers and meet newly arrived immigrants, often with traumatic backgrounds. They also host a health-school for newly arrived Kristian Svanberg Britt Tallhage immigrants, offering medical information from different starting points. Speakers: Kristian Svenberg, MD, PhD; Britt Tallhage, Executive Manager. Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm 9:30-10:15 The Refugee Children’s Team The Refugee Children’s Team is a cross-professional team working with children and adolescents who suffer from a combination of psychiatric and somatic symptoms as a consequence of migration. This presentation will describe the way the team work and their group of patients, and will highlight the benefits of cross-professional teamwork. Speaker: Martin Wilhelm, Clinical Psychologist. Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm 10:30-11:15 Rosengrenska Foundation – Healthcare for undocumented refugees Who are the undocumented migrants? What health problems does this group experience and how does it work out for these patients in the organized health care system? What challenges does the foundation see and how do they organize their work now and onwards? Speaker: Sara Rangmar, Dentist, Teacher at the Institute of Odontology and a board member of the foundation. Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm 11:15–12:00 Malignant melanoma and photochemistry – a scientific discussion enlightening a globally increasing health concern Malignant melanoma is the 19th most common cancer with rapidly increasing incidence rates worldwide. Although malignant melanoma only accounts for about 5% of all skin cancers, it is responsible for the vast majority of deaths. Novel methodology for prevention, diagnostics, and treatment is required to fight this globally growing societal concern. Speakers: Marica Ericson, Coordinator SkinResQU; Anna Börje, researcher, Department of Chemistry & Molecular Biology; Despina Kantere, specialist in Dermatology and Venereology at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Location: Medicinareberget, Medicinaregatan 20 A. Room/Hall: Wallenbergsalen 11:30–12:30 The Swedish Red Cross Center for Victims of Torture and War The Swedish Red Cross Center for Victims of Torture and War in Skövde was established in 1991. They provide psychotherapy, psychosocial support and physical therapy to war wounded and tortured. Peter Hagman, head of the center, will describe the work and future challenges. Speaker: Peter Hagman, Director. Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm 12:00–13:00 Science Slam Researchers from different disciplines at the university will each present their research projects during a 3-minute presentation. The audience picks the winner. Speakers: Ajibola Omokanye , PhD student, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Megan E. Reif, V-Dem Institute Research Fellow; Andreas Önnerfors, Associate Professor/ Reader in Intellectual History; Angela Kölling, postdoctoral researcher in Comparative Literature & Translation; Lashi Bandara, Postdoctoral Researcher, Mathematical Sciences; Susanne Dodillet, PhD, Department of Education and Special Education. Location: Faculty of Social Sciences, Sprängkullsgatan 19. Room/Hall: The Lobby 12:15–13:00 A Chamber music festival for all ages - A lunch concert Performed by Master´s students from the Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg Location: The University Main Building, Universitetsplatsen 1. Room/Hall: The Auditorium 12:45-13:30 Armed Forces Centre for Defence Medicine Armed Forces Centre for Defence Medicine recruits and educate civil physicians and nurses to serve in Sweden and abroad. Their mission is to ensure adequate health care to the Swedish Armed Forces during peacetime, international missions, and at armed conflicts. Speaker: Lennart Hammarstrand, Major and Public Relations Officer Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm 13:00–15:30 Participation through art and design processes for the development of health care. (Presentations, 20 mins) During this panel discussion with speakers and invited guests we will listen to the following: Improving living conditions through designpresentation of the project “Smoke in the kitchen”, the camera as a tool – an example of a participatory project with children with the aim to improve healthcare at Östra Sjukhuset/Sahlgrenska University Hospital and examples from Experio Lab, a national center for patient-centered service innovation with the mission to create a meeting between health and design, involving staff, patients and families to work together. Moderator: Marcus Jahnke, researcher, School of Design and Crafts. Speakers and invited guests: Tomas Edman, Head of Operations at Experio Lab; Katarina Wetter Edman, PhD, School of Deisgn and Crafts; Maria Magnusson, Angered Hospital; Maria Nyström, Professor, School of Design and Crafts/ Chalmers University of Technology; Louisa Szücs Johansson, project manager at Forum for Social Innovation Sweden; Martin Sjögren and Erika Olsson, both at Valand Academy Location: HDK - School of design and Crafts, Kristinelundsgatan 6-8. Room/Hall: The Library 15:00–16:00 GLOBAL WORLDS Guidad visning på Världskulturmuséet (This seminar will be in Swedish) (Guided tour in English on Thursday) Maadtoe: Den svenska rasismens historia med utgångspunkt i hur den svenska staten har behandlat och än idag behandlar samer. With Concern: Fotografen Sebastiao Salgado porträtterar människors utsatthet och vardag, deras värdighet och kamp. Begränsat antal platser; biljetter hämtas upp på plats samma dag som visningen äger rum. Samarrangemang med Världskulturmuseet. Plats: Världs kulturmuséet, Södra Vägen 54 Andersson, Global Health, and Professor Maria Nyström, School of Design and Crafts. Moderator: Staffan Edén, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Gothenburg. Location: The University Main Building, Universitetsplatsen 1. Room/Hall: The Auditorium The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), is committed to improving the health of Palestine refugees, and has for over 60 years been successful in achieving many of their goals. But they remain continuously challenged by outbreaks of conflict, and that the context in which they work is constantly changing. Speaker: Akihiro Seita, Director of UNRWA’s health programme. Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm How does music of resistance sound? Is there an aesthetic development in times of war? What are the political consequences of music produced under occupation? The seminar will focus on music under the occupation and its role in the struggle among Palestinians. Stig-Magnus Thorsén, Ahmad Al-Khatib Khaled Harara former professor at The Academy of Music and Drama, will present research from a joint project by Birzeit University and the University of Gothenburg. During the seminar the oudist and teacher at The Academy of Music and Drama, Ahmad Al-Khatib, will perform music and videos by the rapper Khaled Harara will be shown. A panel will discuss experiences of collaboration with Palestinian musicians and conclude with a general discussion on the role music in Palestine today. Location: Artisten, Academy of Music and Drama, Fågelsången 1. Room/Hall: A 502 14:00–16:00 Glocal Health: Juridisk rådgivning som en väg till bättre hälsa – för lokala medborgare i en global värld (This seminar will be 13:30–14:30 Intercultural Communication in Health Care – Non-Swedish Doctors in Sweden in Swedish) Juridiska institutionens rättspraktik – Fri rådgivning till EU-medborgare, hemlösa, papperslösa. asylsökande m.fl. leder till förbättrad livssituation och hälsa. Ett exempel på hur akademin kan arbeta med samverkan i utbildning och forskning. Talare: Sara Stendahl, docent, juridiska institutionen, ansvarig för det svenska deltagandet av forskningsprojektet bEUcitizen; Torbjörn Odlöw, universitetslektor, juridiska institutionen; Fabrizio Vittoria, jurist, Stadsmissionen; Otto Swedrup, jurist, Faktumjuristerna; Karin Björelid, projektledare för Rättspraktiken; Sandra Gustafsson, Rosenjuristerna; Sara Lindenhall, Röda Korset. Plats: Handelshögskolan, Vasagatan 1. Sal: E44 We will talk about intercultural communication in health care in general, but with a focus on Sweden. What does the communication between doctors and patients with different cultural backgrounds look like? How do the cultural differences influence their communication? What does it mean to use Swedish as a foreign language when you are a doctor or when you are a patient? How do the participants develop trust across cultural borders? In addition, we will discuss the effects of gender and power in the physician-patient relationship. Speaker: Nataliya Berbyuk Lindström, Senior Lecturer, Division of Cognition and Communication. Location: The University Main Building, Universitetsplatsen 1. Room/Hall: Torgny Segerstedtsalen 14:00–15:00 Resilience of health services under conflicts: UNRWA’s experience in Gaza and Syria 15:00–16:00 Photo exhibition at the Museum of World Culture: GLOBAL WORLDS (in English) THURSDAY 20 NOVEMBER In the exhibitions Maadtoe and With Concern the museum of World Culture raises questions around global conditions. In Maadtoe two artist look at the Swedish Sámi policy, racism and exploitation, striving to communicate what has often been silenced. With Concern displays concerned photography by Sebastiao Salgado, portraying people’s vulnerability and everyday life, their dignity and their struggle. Limited number of participants; tickets will be available for pick-up on the day for the tour. Location: The Museum of World Culture, Södra Vägen 54 9:00–10:30 Ojämlikhet i hälsa i Göteborg och Västra Götaland (This seminar will be in Swedish) Detta seminarium tar upp skillnader i livsvillkor och hälsa i Västra Götaland, bl a genom forskningsprojektet Västra Götalands barn och samarbetet mellan Sahlgrenska akademin och Angereds närsjukhus. Talare: Margareta Forsberg,Verksamhetschef Social utveckling, Social resursförvaltning Göteborgs stad; Maria Gäbel, utvecklingsledare, Folkhälsokommitténs sekretariat Västra Götaland; Peter Friberg, Sahlgrenska akademin samt Henry Ascher, Angereds närsjukhus/ Sahlgrenska akademin. Moderator: Ronny Tikkanen, Institutionen för socialt arbete. Plats: Universitetets huvudbyggnad, Universitetsplatsen 1. Sal: Aulan 10:45–12:15 Research within Global Health at the University of Gothenburg This seminar will give you a picture of the ongoing cross-faculty research connected to Global Health at the University of Gothenburg. Speakers: Lena Andersson, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of social work; Morten Sager, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy of science; Professor Anna Godhe, Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences; Professor Joakim Larsson, Dept. of Infectious Medicine; Susanne Gustafsson, Lecturer, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology; Hanna Falk, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Health and Care Sciences; Professor Rune PROGRAMME November 17th–21th 2014 ÖVRIGT 17–21 nov Exhibition on Food, Nutrition and Sport 16:00–17:30 The historical mortality decline The historical mortality decline is one of the most dramatic changes in human history. We will present an overview of the development, discuss the possible causes of the historical developments and changes of life course effects and provide the example of the decline in dysentery mortality in Sweden. Speakers: Stefan Öberg,Researcher, Economic History; Helene Castenbrandt, the University of Gothenburg and Copenhagen University; Eric Schneider, University of Sussex. Location: School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1. Room/Hall: CG-salen 13:00–15:00 Music and Resistance in Palestine An exhibition will be arranged at the Education Library. It is associated with the Department of Food and Nutrition, and Sport Science´s lectures during Global Week. The exhibition will incorporate the University Library’s media associated with the theme of Global Week, such as, academic journals, books and databases. Location: the Education Library, Västra Hamngatan 25. Check out the programme and mark your calendars. Welcome to an exciting week! FRIDAY 21 NOVEMBER 11:15–12:00 Heat stress across European cities – in a climate change perspective Exposure to heat may cause severe illnesses and deaths during intense heat events. People living in urban areas are particularly vulnerable due to the urban climate conditions. During the last decades, episodes of extreme heat have become more frequent and the frequency as well as its effect on humans is projected to progressively increase as a result of climate change. The seminar is focused present and projected future changes in heat stress across European cities. Speaker: Sofia Thorsson, Associate Professor of Physical Geography, Dept. of Earth Sciences. Location: Medicinaregatan 20 A, Medicinareberget. Room/Hall: Lyktan 12:00–13:00 Theme: Global Health ABOUT GLOBAL WEEK Global Week is a university-wide initiative consisting of seminars, debates, lectures and other events to highlight important global issues and to create a forum for the university to share information about its global engagement. This event is coordinated by the International Centre but is made possible due to the involvements from all the departments and faculties at the university. Dying of Corruption? Population Health and the Quality of Government Speaker: Professor Bo Rothstein, Department of Political Science. Location: Faculty of Scocial Sciences, E-mail: [email protected], phone: 0766-182679 [email protected], phone: 0766-186097 Global Week Box 100, 405 30 Gothenburg Visiting Address: Viktoriagatan 13 Sprängkullsgatan 19. Room/Hall: The Lobby Full programme and more information: Follow us on Twitter: @GlobalWeek #globalweekgu
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