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A Note From Our Pastor
Over the last few months, as the new parish leader of Immaculate Conception, I have been continually
impressed by this tight-knit and supportive community. I have been greatly encouraged by the level
of giving and interest shown in the school. The School has been well cared for by competent and
concerned leaders, a tradition that is sure to be continued by Mrs. Linda Short, the new school principal.
I am enjoying working with Mrs. Short and am very grateful for her gifts and talents.
I thank you, on behalf of the current students, their families, our faculty and staff, for your great
generosity. Our school is one that achieves excellence. This is possible because of the great work of our
faculty that is supported by you.
I hope to have the opportunity to meet as many of you as possible at School and Parish events over the coming months. Know
that you and your families are in my daily prayers, as I trust in you for the School and me.
God Bless,
Fr. Marc J. Bishop
Matching Gifts 2013-2014
Legacy Gifts 2013-2014
We are grateful to the following corporations for their
contributions to our school through employee
matching gift programs. We are indebted to our donors
who initiated these corporate matching gifts totaling
over $6,750.
Remembering Immaculate Conception School in your Will is a
special way to leave a legacy to our school. Your bequest is an
investment in those who will carry on the mission of our school.
It allows you to make a substantial donation without affecting
your current lifestyle. Please let us know if you have left a
bequest to Immaculate Conception School; this will afford us
the opportunity to thank you.
Alliance Data/Epsilon
Biogen Idec
John Hancock
Mass Mutual
Morgan Stanley
Oracle Corporation
Raytheon Company
St. Mary’s Credit Union
Verizon Communications
Frank W. Denzel Scholarship
Daniel F. Herlihy Scholarship
Richard J. Holt Scholarship
Patrick A. “Butch” Veno Memorial Award
2 5 W A S H I N G T O N C O U R T • M A R L B O R O U G H M A 0 1 7 5 2 • I C S C H O O L . N E T
Message From The Advancement Office
The donors listed in this report are the heart and soul of the Annual Fund. We are truly blessed to have you support our school. We
apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that corrections be sent to [email protected]. Any donations received after
June 30, 2014 will appear in the 2014-2015 Annual Fund Report. For assistance with any donation, please contact Sandi Barrett,
Advancement Director, at 508-481-3910 or [email protected]. Visit our website, www.ICSchool.net, and our Facebook
page, Immaculate Conception School – Marlborough, to keep up-to-date on what’s happening in our school.
Annual Fund Report
Major Benefactor ($5,000 & above)
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bonin
Mr. Peter D'Aurora
Mr. & Mrs. John Letendre
St. Mary's Credit Union
Leadership Society ($2,500 to $4,999)
Mr. & Mrs. James Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Park
Mr. Joseph Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Richer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Saul
Monsignor Meehan Society
($1,000 to $2,499)
Mr. & Mrs. James Barry
Mrs. Ruth Boland
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Cournoyer
Donnelly's School Apparel
Mr. & Mrs. William Downey '59
Mr. Joseph Jonas
Mr. Ivo Matijevic
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mayo
Mr. John McCook '59
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Meade, Jr.
William R. Short & Son Funeral Home
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Winterhalter
Pastor's Society ($500 to $999)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barrett '72
Mr. & Mrs. James Billings
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Breitenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cattarin
Class of 2014
Mr. Denis Conlon
Falmouth Lumber
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farrell
Knights of Columbus, Council #81
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kriz
Mr. & Mrs. David Lefebvre
Mr. & Mrs. Don Matchinski
Mr. & Mrs. William McCook '61
Mr. & Mrs. Marcial Montes De Oca
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Monti '42
Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Morales
Deacon & Mrs. John Nicholson
Northeast Building Concepts
Mr. & Mrs. James Pinzino
Reach Out for Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Reiner
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Resteghini '51
The Rowe Boats of Marlborough
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Verri
Mr. & Dr. Rongnong Zhou
Principal's Society ($250 to $499)
Mr. & Mrs. David Demarco
J & C Adams Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Johnson
K. B. Lawns
Mr. Thomas Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Mansen
Marlborough Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. David McCabe
Ms. Mary Piecewicz
Raytheon IDS Golf For Charity
IC Leadership Circle ($100 to $249)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Arruda, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Baudanza
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Bebeau
Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Blais
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Blanchard
Ms. Nancy Brecken
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brink
Ms. Diane Sawicky Correra
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dembowski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dupuis
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fitzgerald
Fraternal Order of Eagles #3565
Mrs. Elaine Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Giroux
Ms. Barbara Gustafson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hamann
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hirsch
Immaculate Conception Women's
Bible Study
Mr. Robert Jusseaume, Sr. '53
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kaloustian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kearns
Marlboro Fire Fighter Local 1714
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McDonough '49
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Mitchell
Morton Ryan Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neidl
Ms. Mary O'Connor McCarthy '47
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan O'Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Srinivas Pothireddy
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Priess
Santella Electric
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Simoneau
Slattery Funeral Home
Stephen Anthony's Restaurant
The Divas
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Veneziano
Mr. Francis Weagle '33
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weatherbee
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Young
Friends of IC (up to $100)
Mr. James W. Agoritsas, Esq
Al Brodeur's Auto Body
American Legion Ajroyd-Houde Post 132
Mr. Robert Andreoli
Mr. Paul Anghinetti '47
Avidia Bank
Mr. & Mrs. David Ayres
Mr. & Mrs. George Baldelli
Ms. Molly Barrett
Mr. John Bibinski
Mr.& Mrs. Stephen Bickford
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Blood
Bob Dolan Plumbing
Ms. Ellen Bonetti '55
Mr. & Mrs. John Brecken
Ms. Frances Brescia
Ms. Sheila Broderick '40
Ms. Maureen Cappadona
Ms. Patricia Cappadona
Mr. Robert Carver
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Casasanto-Ferro
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cavalieri
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Chamberlain
Ms. Lillian Chenell
Ms. Nancy Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Joao Coelho
Mr. & Mrs. John Colacchio '54
Friends of IC (up to $100) cont’d.
Mr. John Collins '54
Mr. & Mrs. John Collins, Jr.
Ms. Mary Collins
Ms. Lorraine Comas '37
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Connor
Crestwood Mechanical
Mrs. Carol Daley '53
Ms. Kathleen Daly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Daly
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Daly
Mrs. Rita D'Amico
Dave Barrett Plumbing & Heating
Mr. & Mrs. Hoyt Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Navnit Desai
Ms. Joanne Dever
Mr. George Dhionis
Mr. & Mrs. Kevork Dikramanjian
Mrs. Mary Durand '43
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Egan
Ms. Devon Egan '09
Ms. Kelly Egan '05
Embroidery Unlimited
Family House of Pizza
Ms. Tara Fersco
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Foley
Franco Davoli Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gianatasio
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Giardina
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gibson
Giombetti Electric
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Giombetti
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gurl
Mr. Donald Gustafson
Mr. & Mrs. John Harris
Henry Emond Enterprises
Mr. & Mrs. William Hutch
Immaculate Conception
Student Council
Jay's Landscaping, Inc.
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Jay Kanavos
Mr. & Mrs. Krishna Kannan
Ms. Kathleen Sidell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keenan
Mr. Richard Kelleher
Ms. Ruth Kelleher '61
Mr. & Mrs. John Kendrick
Ms. Natalie Kenney '65
Ken's Foods, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kobus
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kushi
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kuzdeba
Mrs. Eleanor Lacouture
Mr. & Mrs. James LaFollette
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Laidley
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Laidley
Mr. Felix Lam '07
Ms. Julile Lane
Mr. Thomas Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Tien Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Langlois
Ms. Patricia Lee
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lehane
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lehane
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Levins
Mrs. Karin O'Connell Lieberman
Lincoln Tool & Machine Corp
Mrs. Judith MacDonald
Ms. Doris Maffioli
Mrs. Roger Mansen, Sr.
Marlborough Junior Women's Club
Marlboro Fish & Game Association
Marlboro Police Patrol Officers
Marlborough Police Command
Ms. Janice Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mauro
Mr. Anthony McCook '72
Ms. Courtney McCook '88
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinney
Mr. Thomas Miller '72
Mr. & Mrs. Sulochana Modur
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Mollica
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Montagano
Ms. Patricia Monti '71
Monti's Mini Market
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Moran '67
Ms. Lois Morelli '52
Mr. David Mucci '72
NBC Construction
Mrs. Beverly Neal
Mrs. Suzanne Neubauer
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Nolletti
Mr. John O'Connell, Jr. '61
Mr. Michael O'Malley '62
Ms. Ellen Osgood
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paul '55
Mrs. Patricia Pazzaneze '44
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pierce
Premier Martial Arts
Mr. & Mrs. James Quinn
Ms. Frances Ramaskwich
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Reeves
Mr. Marc Resteghini '91
Mr. Brian Rich '59
Mr. Edward Roche
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rosko
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rousseau
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sabastian
Dr. & Mrs. Yves Sabbagh
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sandford
Mr. Anthony P. Scerra
Ms. Brenda Seymour
Mr. & Mrs. William Seymour
Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. David Shepherd
Ms. Kathleen Sidell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Slamin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sluyski
Mr. & Mrs. William Spitzer
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Starner
Sudbury Cedar Fence Company
Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan
Take Shape for Life
Ms. Jill Taylor-Sullivan
Ms. Dianne Tenney
The Buffet Way, Inc.
Mrs. Ann Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Tighe '39
Ms. Effie Ann Tompkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Trabucci
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Travers
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Tremblay '38
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Troiani
The Robert J. Tunnera Family
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Twine
Ultra Shine Collision
Vision Associates, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Walczak
Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Washburn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Weinfurt
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Whitten
Mrs. Stella Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. John Yanchewski
Class of 2014
25 Washington Court
Marlborough, Massachusetts 01752