The Catholic Parishes of Uckfield & Heron’s Ghyll Parish Priest: Fr Stephen Hardaker: 01825 762221 or ! [email protected] The Priest’s House, High Street, New Town, Uckfield. TN22 5DJ Deacon The Rev’d Simon Kirkdale: 07729 600156 or ! [email protected] Deacon The Rev’d Dr David Tutt 07968 749951or ! [email protected] Deacon The Rev’d Ken Fowler 07710 210962 or ! [email protected] Newsletter items: [email protected] Parish Website Registered Charity No. 252878 Day Sun th 8 Mar Mon Tue (Sat evening) THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT St Polycarp Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun th 15 Mar (Sat evening) FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Time 5.00pm 5.30pm 9.30am 11.30am 10.00am 9.30am 1.30pm 9.30am 9.30am 9.15am 12 noon 7.30pm 9.30am 10.00am 5.00pm 5.30pm 9.30am 11.30am Where Uck Uck Uck HG Uck Uck Uck HG Uck Uck HG Uck Uck Uck Uck Uck Uck HG Sunday 8th March 2015 Eucharistic Prayer 3, Preface for Lent 3 Festival 50: There will be sign-up lists at the back of the churches for those wishing to travel to the Festival by coach. Book by email: to [email protected] stating the number of places needed and whether you wish to start at Heron's Ghyll or Uckfield. £10 for Adults, No charge for children. Please book as soon as possible. Departure times will be 8.40 at Heron's Ghyll and 9.10 at Uckfield (Please note NO Parking at St Philip’s as there will still be Mass at 9.30am) Next weekend a retiring collection will be taken for our local St Vincent de Paul Society to help with its valuable work in our area. The next Shared Lunch is planned for Wednesday 11th March from 12.00 noon onwards in the Lourdes Hall. Everyone is welcome, so feel free to bring a friend or anyone you know who might appreciate the outing; they do not have to be a parishioner. Custom is to bring some food to share (eg salads, cold meat slices, quiches, desserts) but come anyway – there is usually plenty of food. Tea and coffee are provided. Transport can be arranged. Contact Ann 763601 for details. The Funeral Mass for Eileen Wolley RIP will take place on Tuesday at 1.30pm. Of your mercy please pray for her, her husband Richard and for her family at this time. Fr Stephen is beginning to plan a pilgrimage to the Holy Liturgy Confessions Mass Mass Mass Stations of the Cross Mass Funeral Mass Mass Mass School Mass Mass Stations of the Cross Mass Confessions Confessions Mass Mass Mass Intention SVP intentions John Stevens RIP Anamaria Ford RIP Bridget Guy RIP Eileen Wolley RIP Special Intention: Philomena Kavanagh Family Stanley & Wanda Ganz RIP Ann Govier RIP Sr Lucy RIP Cahal Breen RIP Granddaughter Estelle Ruth & Hugh Monaghan RIP Land in May 2016. Ten nights full board in good hotels 8th-19th May Cost £1785. More details from Fr Stephen or brochures from the sacristy. Newick’s Lenten House Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday March 17th at 7.30 pm at 3, Allington Place, Newick. All are very welcome. Contact: Pat Pioli Tel: 01825 722629 Vocations Matter: Jesus points beyond the present moment to the reality of his resurrection. We are reminded that our calling - our way of becoming who we're meant to be - is caught up in the joy of life with God for ever. Our Lenten sacrifices help us to be united to the cross so that, in turn, we are united to Jesus in his resurrection. In acknowledging the Father's will may we experience the hope of glory in the here and now (even in times of suffering and grief). Lent Devotions & Services Stations of the Cross at Uckfield: Mondays at 10am & Fridays at 7.30pm Study Group at Heron’s Ghyll: Wednesdays at 10am Local Reconciliation Services Monday 23rd March 7pm at Lewes Monday 23rd 7.30pm at Crowborough Tuesday 24th March 7.30pm at Wadhurst Sunday 22nd March 4pm at Burgess Hill Monday 30th March 7.30pm at Burwash Tuesday 31st 7.30pm at Mayfield John Nugent Of Buxted Mass Rota: For many years members of the Parish have brought John to the 9.30am Mass at St Philip's. This act of kindness is appreciated by John's family. However we do need one or two additional volunteers, your turn comes round every 6/7 weeks and in case of holidays you can swap around with others on the rota. Please assist us and call Peter Taylor 01825 732861. Many thanks. St Philip and St John Bridge Group will meet on Wednesday 12th March at 2:00pm in the Lourdes Hall (after the shared lunch). Cost is £1.50; new members are most welcome. Contact: Chris Found 01825 763601 or 07871806925. St Philip’s Notices Thank you to all who helped with the Memorial Mass for Sr Lucy last Saturday, with the Induction Mass for our new Headteacher on Sunday morning and with the Reconciliation Service on Sunday afternoon. A very busy but hugely enjoyable weekend. Many thanks indeed. (Did anyone take home the wrong plates or a bag of tea towels? Their owner is missing them) St John’s Notices This Sunday our 2nd collection is for our Parish Charity Fund. Please use your Gift Aid envelopes or the yellow ones available in our Church, if you are a taxpayer. During Lent the red Lenten Alms box on the Sanctuary step is available for Offerings to the Contemplative Orders of women in the Diocese. Parish Finance - At the end of February, our funds at the bank were £54,122. We received repayment of £15,867 VAT from the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme relating to the recent repairs to our Church. We also received a legacy of £4,505 from Elizabeth Yonge decd. The Parish Finance Committee will meet on 25th March, and they will be considering further works that need to be tackled at both the Church and the Church Hall. More information will be provided in due course. (Christopher Gabriel). Festival 50 Programme Sunday 5th July at the Amex Stadium Brighton Basic Timetable of the Day 10.00am Archbishop Opens Festival. 10.30am Speakers throughout the morning, workshops, Diocesan Showcase & Marketplace, Fairground rides, youth streams, school choir contest and much more. Lunch to buy on site or bring a picnic. 2.00pm Choirs, servers and others prepare for Mass. 3.00pm Mass with Archbishop Peter The Diocese has taken over the whole of the Amex Stadium and is going to make full use of the available space in and around the Stadium. There will be: • Keynote speakers in the main arena • Schools Choirs singing across the venue • • • • Arts & Crafts exhibition Children’s activities and liturgies Family activities and events Displays and exhibitions from organisations, the Diocese and elsewhere. • Floral displays and arrangements • Theatre events and Cinema screenings • Bands playing in the Plaza • Archives and displays on 50 years of Arundel & Brighton The future of the Diocese will be key as all the groups and organisations join in presenting their hopes and plans as we await a new Bishop. The day will culminate with the celebration of the Jubilee Mass. Collections Last week St Philip’s St John’s Parish funds (Plate only) £702.65 £172.60 second collection CAFOD £463.73 £700.07 Thank you for your generosity and support. The Fletching Singers & Crowborough Choral Society present Mozart Mass in C Minor in All Saints Anglican Church Crowborough on Saturday 21st March at 7.30pm. Tickets (£12) available on line or from a choir member on the door ‘Young Catholic Mothers’ The object in is to nourish our children’s love for our Catholic faith, showing how best to teach the virtues, doctrine and intimacy with Our Lord, with the mothers providing support for each other. Anyone of any age is welcome to ‘phone or email for details. Molly Holloway 07794 745 119 Regular Events Confessions: Saturday at 10am and 5pm at St Philip’s or after Mass on Sundays at St John’s Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: from 45 minutes before weekday Masses at St Philip’s (not before school Masses) Sick At Home Or In Hospital: if anyone is seriously ill at home or is in hospital, it is most important that a priest be informed so that the sick person may receive the spiritual help of the sacraments. Relatives or friends should contact Fr Stephen or the Catholic chaplain of the hospital parish (at Haywards Heath 01444 450139; at Eastbourne 01323 723222; at Tunbridge Wells/Pembury 01892 522525). Mothers Prayers: each Thursday at 10.30am at the home of Janet Desmond, (07985 989533). (also a group in Crowborough) Rosary Group: each Tuesday at 10am at St Philip’s & Wednesdays 10am at St John’s St Vincent de Paul: Outreach to those who may need our help or support Justice & Peace Group: meets at St Philip’s regularly Sphere: a ladies group meeting on the first Wednesday for spiritual input, social activities and outings. nd St Philip & St John’s Bridge Club: meets 2.00pm every 2 and th 4 Wednesday. Sphere: a ladies group meeting on the first Wednesday for spiritual input, social activities and outings. Newman Forum: an adult faith discussion group meeting 2 or 3 times a year. Traidcraft Stall: at St Philip’s last weekend of each month
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