Office Phone: 757-423-8305 Office Fax: 757-451-3335 Residence Phone: 757-489-9636 Website: Email: [email protected] The Dedication of The Lateran Basilica • 9 November 2014 6400 NEWPORT AVENUE NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23505 OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm The church is open at 8:00 am weekdays. MASS SCHEDULE Weekday Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 am Thursday: 12:00 pm (DePaul Medical Center Chapel) Weekend Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am and 10:30 am (Nursery available September — May) RECONCILIATION Individual confessions are heard Saturdays at 4:00 pm, at seasonal Reconciliation Services, and by appointment. MARRIAGE Active registered members need to contact the parish office at least six months prior to the intended date for the pre-nuptial inquiry and to enroll for the preparation classes. BAPTISM Active registered parents or adult individuals need to call the office to enroll for the preparation classes. MINISTRY TO SICK Ministers may bring the Eucharist to sick and homebound parishioners. Please arrange for this facility by calling the parish office. Anointing of the Sick is encouraged by appointment. R.C.I.A. PARISH STAFF Father Joseph H. Metzger III, STB, STL Pastor Gregg Marino, Director of Music Ministries/Admin. Assistant [email protected] A program to assist adults to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation. Please contact Sr. Regina to enroll in the program. Classes are held Tuesdays at 7:00 pm, September–May; baby sitting provided. Lisa Diaz Coordinator of Religious Education [email protected] CHAIRMEN Sr. Regina Stupak, I.H.M. Receptionist [email protected] Barbara Vasko Bookkeeper/Office Assistant [email protected] Chris Colclough Coordinator of Youth Ministries and Young Adult Ministries [email protected] REGISTRATION Please complete the registration form if you desire to join the parish. By completing this form, you are put on our records for all pastoral services. Christianna Hilovsky, Mary Collis, Parish Community Life Karen Jackson, Advocate for Persons with Disabilities Julie Keesling, Parish Pastoral Council • [email protected] Gerald Kevorkian, Finance Council Patricia Yeiser, Justice & Peace • [email protected] ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC SCHOOL 757-440-5500 • BISHOP SULLIVAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 757-467-2881 • THANKSGIVING MASS TUESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER, 6:00 PM BLESSED SACRAMENT ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Readings for the Week of 9 November 2014 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I take this space to invite and remind all parishioners who have joined the parish since May 2014 to join us this Wednesday for our Welcome New Parishioners reception. This is a good way to meet other parishioners, the parish staff, and the Parish Council members. The reception is a pass-thru: it begins at 6:00 pm and ends at 7:30 pm, so come anytime during that period, and child care is provided for those who might want it. I also mention to everyone two upcoming dates: 1. next Sunday’s free concert, the ODU Symphony and Choir, playing and singing Mozart’s Requiem and 2. the parish Mass celebrating Thanksgiving Day will be Tuesday the 25th at 6pm. Why, one might wonder? Because a few years ago, we tried many different days and times to suit the most people, and this is what the majority of the parishioners wanted. And it has turned out well since we started it! Pax, Fr. Joe Many thanks to everyone who participated in our recent food drive. We collected over 200 grocery bags!! Catholic Daughters of Americas, Court Norfolk 1212, meet the 3rd Sunday of each month at 1:00 pm at Memorial Hall behind St. Pius X School, 7800 Halprin Drive, Norfolk. They will happily accept new members. For more detailed information, please contact Dianne, 757-855-5254. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA WEEKLY SCHEDULE Monday, 10 November Fr. Joe’s Day Off 8:00 am Church Opens (Monday—Friday) 9:00 am Office Opens (Monday—Friday) 7:00 pm Justice & Peace Meeting Tuesday, 11 November—Veteran’s Day 8:00 am Staff Meeting 9:00 am Mass offered for Josephine Cofolo (+) 12:00 pm Peanut Butter & Jesus w/ Sr. Regina 7:00 pm RCIA Wednesday, 12 November 9:00 am Mass offered for Madge Druse (+) 10:00 am St. Martha’s Circle Mtg & Luncheon 5:00 pm Parish Council Meeting 4:00 pm What’s Good Wednesday (Grades 6-12) 6:00 pm New Parishioner Welcome Reception (6:00 pm—7:30 pm, childcare provided) Thursday, 13 November 12:00 pm Mass at DePaul’s Chapel 7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal Friday, 14 November 9:30 am Mass at St. Pius X NEST (house the homeless) Supply Drive & Volunteer Sign Ups Blood Pressure Screenings After All Masses Saturday, 15 November 9:00 am ODU Rehearsal 4:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 pm Vigil Mass offered for Marie Claude Kamel (+) Sunday, 16 November 8:00 am Mass offered for John & Mary Furr (+) (w/ RCIA) 9:00 am Religious Ed. (Grades K-5) 9:00 am Edge (Grades 6-8) 9:00 am Adult Religious Ed. 10:30 am Mass offered for Parishioners (+) 2:00 pm Girl Scout Troop Meeting 4:00 pm ODU Symphony/Choir Perform Mozart’s Requiem (free concert) 6:00 pm Life Teen (Grades 9-12) Thanksgiving Mass Tuesday, 25 November 6:00pm 9 NOVEMBER 2014 PRAY FOR PEACE PARISH PANCAKE BREAKFAST SUNDAY, 23 NOVEMBER AFTER ALL MASSES SERVING : 9:00 am—10:00 am, 11:30 am — 12:30 pm MENU: Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon, O.J., & Coffee TICKETS ON SALE NOW!! $ 20—Family $ 5—Adults (12+) $ 2—Children (6-12) FREE—Children Under 6 N E S T 3-10 December Our NEST, when we house the homeless, guests will arrive the evening of Wednesday, 3 December and will be with us each evening until breakfast Wednesday, 10 December. We thank Gloria Emanuel, coordinator, and the following: Kitchen – Martha Magnan & Mary Ollice, Bus - Terri Sawyer, Hospitality - Paul Raper & Debbie Alberti, Breakfast - Sue Classick, Night Shift – Steve Rego, Health Ministry – Mary Ann Fussell, Blankets - Cornell Welsh, Mats -Lee Joly We also need many, many volunteers to assist in this program: dinner preparation and clean-up, night shifts, bus duty, breakfast preparation, baked goods, breakfast food, etc. Sign-up sheets will be in the Social Hall the weekend of 15/16 November. Collection boxes for washcloths, winter gloves, and toiletries- especially toothpaste, are in the front hall during November. We also need hand warmers, X-large thermal wear for men and gently used men’s outwear XL, 1X, 2X and 3 X. Cash donations to purchase items are also most welcome! Donations of winter clothing for men will be accepted beginning on Monday, 1 December. Please do not bring items before that date. And please, no other clothing items will be accepted. Special Events Friday, 5 December, movie night. Tuesday, 9 December, music night A member of our Health Team will be on hand to assist each evening. We have always been blessed with an abundance of volunteers!!! Let’s keep up this wonderful tradition. WWW.BLESSED-SACRAMENT.COM COURAGE EDGE & LIFE TEEN Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others. ~Sir Winston Churchill Sunday, 16 November, EDGE will be talking about the Well of Life – What is Prayer? LifeTeen will be focused on the Heart of Mystery next week! Courage is not the lack of fear. It is acting in spite of it. ~Mark Twain To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson STOCKS/BONDS TO DONATE TO THE PARISH? Those who wish to donate appreciated stocks or bonds should contact Larry McDonnell at Merrill Lynch, 631-5519. Please check with your tax advisor before taking any action. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE We invite you to write the names of your deceased loved ones in our Memorial Book, located in the church by the Bread of Life Jesus statue. Throughout the month of November, the Catholic Church remembers in a special way the Faithful Departed. Confident that they now share the fullness of the Resurrection in heaven, we lovingly remember their lives and continue to be embraced by their love. BAPTISMAL INFO The next Baptism class is scheduled for Sunday, 11 January 2015. The next celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism is scheduled for Sunday, 13 December. Active members of Blessed Sacrament Catholic parish who wish to have a child baptized will need to complete a Baptismal form and attend the preparation class. Please call Lisa Diaz, 423-8305, Monday – Thursday to register. Baptism Class (11:30 am): 2015: 11 January, 1 February, 22 March, 10 May, 7 June, 5 July, 2 August Sacrament of Baptism: 13 December (5 pm) (2015: 17 January (5 pm), 14 February (5pm), 26 April (10:30 am), 23 May (5 pm), 21 June (10:30 am), 22 August (5 pm) What’s Good Wednesdays have started back up! We normally meet every Wednesday from 4 pm-6pm. Come play frisbee, relax with friends, and enjoy fun and fellowship! EDGE & LIFE TEEN Confirmation will be starting up this week! Parents and Confirmation candidates must meet in the back of the Social Hall 12:00 pm next Sunday, 16 November. This is a mandatory meeting for all parents as well as Candidates. Confirmation will occur on Tuesday, 5 May. Classes will run on for two hours, from 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm, usually every other Sunday. There will be a three day retreat held from Friday, 27 February until Sunday, 1 March. The dates for classes are as follows: 16 November, 7 & 14 December, 11 & 25 January, 8 & 22 February, the retreat, 8 & 22 March, 12 & 26 April. All classes will be from 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm. Knights of Columbus Norfolk Council 367, "The First Council in the South," will hold its annual Thanksgiving Weekend Oyster Roast at our Council home, 5201 Kennebeck Ave. in Norfolk, on Saturday, 29 November, from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Along with bushels of mouthwatering oysters, there will be plenty of homemade BBQ, fried chicken, clam chowder, chili, Brunswick stew, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad and an assortment of delicious dishes from the kitchens of our friends and neighbors as we invite you to bring along a side dish or dessert to share. Beer, wine, and soda will be available for purchase and we'll have LIVE ENTERTAINMENT! with BOB RANKIN & WRECKING BALL. Tickets are $25.00 per person and are available from any Council officer or may be purchased at the door. For more information, visit our Facebook page or our website at . Dear Blessed Sacrament Parishioners, On behalf of Bishop DiLorenzo and the Diocese of Richmond, I am pleased to enclose a check in the amount of $ 802.63 from the Diocesan Fuel & Hunger Fund. Thank you for your commitment in supporting and protecting the dignity of all human life in the important work that you do. In Christ, Justin Reilly, Director, OSM 9 NOVEMBER 2014 THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN B ASILICA Please remember our sick and shut-ins with your prayers, calls, cards, and presence: OUR PARISHIONERS: Dan Batkin, Barbara Brady, Richard Collins, Jim Dellaripa, Karen Frederick, Betty Guille, Madeline & Jack Hahn, Henry Heck, Samantha Jackson, Denise McCue, Arthur & Josie Murtz, Joe Pajuf, Ronald Prescott, Dorothy Sink, Helen Smallwood, Geneva Smith, Mary Grace Thompson, and Ron Zoby FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF PARISHIONERS: Nancy Arnold, Sr. Katherine Durney, John Duffy, Lupe Escolante, Sheila Farr, Margaret Gangewere, Concetta Herbert, Robert & Isabelle Hutchinson, Fr. Dan Klem, Cardinal Jorge Mejia, Marjorie Mooney, Jeff Schmid, Dorothy Shannon, and Bette Spaugh NEW PARISHIONER WELCOME WEDNESDAY, 12 NOVEMBER 6:00 pm — 7:30 pm If you are a newly registered parishioner since May ‘14, please join other new parishioners & our pastoral council for refreshments & fellowship. This is a great opportunity to meet our staff and other new parishioners. Childcare will be available. If you have never received your offertory envelopes mailed from the parish, you are not registered at Blessed Sacrament. If you have considered yourself a member, please ensure that you are registered, for only then can Blessed Sacrament write on your behalf to other parishes authorizing you to be a sponsor at a Baptism, or a witness at a wedding or even have the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage conferred on yourself or members of your family. Registration forms are available on the cabinet by the front doors. Did you know that we spent $ 17,500 on Parish Community Life Expenses last year. Thank you for your stewardship of finance. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOVEMBER 9—NO Religious/Adult Ed. ······································· 9—NO Edge/Life Teen·············································· 10—Justice & Peace Meeting ·····················7:00 pm 11—Veteran’s Day ··········· Thank a Veteran Today! 11,18—Peanut Butter & Jesus ·················· 12:00 pm 11,18—RCIA ····················································7:00 pm 12—St. Martha’s Meeting & Luncheon ··· 10:00 am 12—Parish Council Meeting·························5:00 pm 12—New Parishioner Welcome ··················6:00 pm 13,20—Adult Choir Rehearsal ····················7:00 pm 14—Daily Mass at St. Pius X ······················9:30 am 15,22—Sacrament of Reconciliation ········4:00 pm 15/16—Blood Pressure Screenings After Masses 16,23—Religious Ed (Grades K-5) ·············9:00 am (meet in church) 16,23—Edge (Grades 6—8) ························9:00 am (meet in social hall) 16,23—Adult Religious Ed ···························9:00 am 16—ODU Symphony/Choir Concert ··········4:00 pm (Performing Mozart’s Requiem) 16,23—Life Teen···········································6:00 pm 18—Directors of Religious Ed. Mtg ········ 12:00 pm 18—Women of Faith····································· 1:00 pm 20—Adult Faith Formation Meeting ········6:00 pm 22/23—Blood Drive Sign Ups ·································· 22—Feast of Christ the King Mass ··········5:00 pm 23—Feast of Christ the King Masses ···················· ···················································· 8:00 am & 10:30 am 23—No Adult Ed./ Edge············································ 23—Pancake Breakfast ············································· ······················ 9:00 am Seating & 11:30 am Seating 23—Christmas Pageant Practice ···············9:00 am 23—Baptism Class ······································ 11:30 am 23—Youth Choir Rehearsal ························4:30 pm 25—Thanksgiving Mass ·······························6:00 pm 25—No RCIA ······························································· 27/28—No Mass, Office Closed ····························· 29—No Sacrament of Reconciliation ····················· 30—No Religious/ Adult Ed. ···································· 30—No Edge/ Life Teen ··········································· 30—Young Musicians Rehearsal ················4:30 pm
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