SEATING IS LIMITED - EARLY REGISTRATION IS RECOMMENDED. TWO OPTIONS: 1.Register online at Pay by credit card. Confirmation will be emailed to you. 2.Register by U.S. mail. Fill out the form below. Please print clearly. Name______________________________________ Title_______________________________________ Address____________________________________ STREET OR P.O. BOX, APARTMENT NUMBER Congregation/Organization _____________________ Advance Care Planning for Faith Leaders ___________________________________________ City_______________________________________ State_________ Zip______________ PREPARING TO CARE FOR THOSE WITH CHRONIC AND TERMINAL ILLNESS Home phone_________________________________ Cell phone___________________________________ Friday, Oct. 31, 2014 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Email_______________________________________ Macomb Intermediate School District Superior Room 44001 Garfield Road Clinton Township, MI 48038 Preparing to care for those with chronic and terminal illnesses QUESTIONS? Contact: Ameldia Brown, Director, Faith and Community Health at (586) 263-2119 or [email protected]; Greg Jakub, Manager, Community Relations/Public Relations at (586) 263-2854 or [email protected]; or Bev Clark, Community Development Coordinator, IVC at (586) 757-5551 or [email protected] ( for more information. SAVE THIS DATE: Friday, Oct. 31 Enclose check payable to Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals and mail to: HFMH Faith Leaders’ Conference, 43421 Garfield Road, Suite 203, Clinton Twp., MI 48038 Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals 15855 19 Mile Road Clinton Township, MI 48038 CONFERENCE FEE: n $20 check or money order (includes continental breakfast, lunch, handouts and other materials) Advance Care Planning for Faith Leaders DEADLINE: October 24, 2014 JOINTLY SPONSORED Who should attend? Clergy/chaplains Outreach/health ministers Spiritual care leaders Pastor/associate pastors Faith Community Nurses Conference objectives To provide information, tools and contacts to facilitate support of congregants living through end of life issues: • Provide practical, medical information to help participants understand what happens physiologically at death • Introduce the purpose of and how to connect with Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers (IVC) and palliative care program at Henry Ford Macomb Hospital • Provide participants with knowledge of Advance Care Planning (ACP) and action steps for additional training Conference content • Clinical aspects of chronic disease and end of life management • What happens when medicine can no longer sustain life? • Normal changes with chronic disease • Major physiological transitions/events of certain chronic diseases such as cancer, COPD, diabetes and congestive heart failure (CHF) • How to walk alongside those with progressive chronic diseases. • Progression of patients in palliative care •How medical decisions are made regarding life-sustaining treatment. • Purpose of the ventilator and when it is no longer appropriate • When are tube feedings medically appropriate and when are they not? • Signs and symptoms of approaching death • Developing a whole person ministry for “finishing well.” Conference agenda 8:30 a.m. REGISTRATION AND CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 9 a.m. Welcome Purpose of the day and definition of advance care planning - Barbara Rossmann, President and CEO, Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals 9:30-9:45 a.m. Introduction to Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers (IVC) Karyn Curro, Executive Director, IVC 9:45-10:30 a.m. Clinical aspects of chronic disease management and end of life - Alan White, MD, Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals 10:30 a.m. BREAK 10:45 a.m. Introduction of palliative care What it is and what it is not! Grace Pagaduan, DO, Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals 11:45 a.m. LUNCH 12:45 p.m. Establishing support structures within congregations Jim Kraft, Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital Ameldia Brown, Director, Faith Community Nurse Network, Henry Ford Macomb Bev Clark, Community Development Coordinator, IVC 1:30 p.m. Next steps 1:45 p.m. EVALUATION AND CLOSING About the presenters Alan White, MD, Associate Chief Medical Officer and Medical Director of Quality is a member of the clinical team that assures hospital care meets or exceeds the highest regulatory standards for quality and patient expectations for excellence. Grace Pagaduan, DO, is medical director of Palliative Care Services at Henry Ford Macomb Hospital, Clinton Township. She is board certified in family medicine and fellowship trained in palliative medicine. James Kraft, M.Th., is manager of Pastoral Care and Outreach Services at Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital and for 10 years served as a chaplain with Hospice. He is a certified advance care planner as well as a certified advance care facilitator trainer in both First and Last Steps Planning. Karyn Curro is Executive Director of Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers serving Macomb and Oakland counties with supportive services that allow frail and elderly adults to remain in their own homes. All services are free of charge and are targeted to those with the greatest needs.
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