Congregation Ohav Emeth Announcements Parashat Lech L’cha November 1, 2014 Candle Lightning This Shabbat 5:37 PM 8 Cheshvan 5775 Schedule of Services Let Us Know Schedule of Shiurim Friday Mincha/Maariv Hospitality 5:45 PM Shabbat Kriat Sh’ma 9:28 AM M”A 10:04 AM Gr”A Hashkama Minyan 7:00 AM Early Minyan 7:50 AM Regular Minyan 9:00 AM Teen Minyan 9:30 AM Mincha 5:30 PM Maariv 6:39 PM Shabbat Ends 6:44 PM Sunday Shacharit Mincha Mincha/Maariv Late Maariv 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 AM 1:00 PM Kollel 4:35 PM 9:45 PM Monday ~ Thursday Shacharit Monday 5:50, 6:30, 7:00, 7:20 AM Tuesday 5:55, 6:40, 7:00, 7:20 AM Wednesday 5:55, 6:40, 7:00, 7:20 AM Thursday 5:50, 6:30, 7:00, 7:20 AM Monday ~ Thursday Mincha / Maariv Mincha 1:00 PM Kollel Mincha/Maariv 4:35 PM Late Maariv 9:45 PM Friday Shacharit Mincha Candle Lighting Mincha/Maariv 5:55, 6:40, 7:00, 7:20 AM 12:30 PM Kollel 4:29 PM 4:35 PM Rabbi Kaufman, rabbi [email protected] Jeremy Safran, president [email protected] Misheberach List Rabbi Kaufman, rabbi [email protected] Announcements [email protected] Office Felice Berk, administrator [email protected] Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to Shayna and Craig Prupis on the birth of a daughter to their children, Yaacov and Hila Prupis of Kochav Ya'akov, Israel. Mazal Tov to big brothers Yosef, Reuven, and Zecharya, and to the entire Prupis and Cassel families. PLEASE JOIN US ON SHABBAT, PARASHAT CHAYEI SARA, NOVEMBER 15TH, FOR A SPECIAL SEUDAH SHLISHIT TO HONOR MICHAEL GARBER The Highland Park-Edison Community is cordially invited to a special Shabbat dinner at OE in honor of the 20th yahrtzeit of FOR HIS DEDICATION AND YEARS OF SERVICE AS PRESIDENT OF OUR SHUL Friday Night Tefilah will be in the Carlebach Style November 7th ~ 14 Cheshvan Mincha 4:35 PM ~ Dinner Follows Just $23 per person RSVP with payment by Nov. 4th 8:45 AM Mishnayot in memory of Danny Ravitz z”l Rabbi Zvi Weiss Parashat Hashavua Dr. Presby’s Nach Shiur 4:00 PM Between Mincha/Maariv Shiur or D’Var Torah Sunday 9:00 AM 8:00 PM Monday 8:00 PM 8:00 PM RESERVE NOW!! RAV SHLOMO CARLEBACH, Z”L Shabbat 8:30 AM Tuesday 5:15 AM 1:30 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM Wednesday 8:00 PM Thursday 5:15 AM 8:00 PM Rabbi Botnick Rabbi Klughaupt Rabbi Erlanger’s Gemara Shiur on Brachot in Hebrew Rabbi Glaser’s Tefilah Shiur Rabbi Reisman’s Chaburah on Gemara Brachos Rabbi Kaufman’s Parshat Hashavua Shiur (for women) Dr. Presby (for women) Rabbi Kaufman’s Gemara Shiur: Baba Basrah, Perek Yesh Nochalim, dealing with the laws of inheritance Rabbi Ziegler’s Gemara Shiur on Tefillin and Mezuzah (for men) Rabbi Reisman’s Chaburah on Tefillah Dr. Presby’s Gemara Shiur on Taanis Daf Yomi MINCHA WILL BE AT 4:15 pm FOLLOWED BY SEUDAH SHLISHIT DON’T FORGET! SET CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR AT 2AM ON SUNDAY MORNING Shabbat Sunday Mon - Thurs Friday 9:55 AM and between M/M 7:05 AM 5:05 AM and after Maariv 5:05 AM OE Youth Department Presents SIMCHA DANCING With Tova Halpern! Motzei Shabbat, November 1 7:45-9:00 PM Girls in Grade 1 and up Just $5 per person Drinks provided RSVP to [email protected] This Shabbat at OE 7:50 Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Gary and Cheryl Minkoff in commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Cheryl’s father, Hilton Nelson, z”l. Main Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by OE. OE Youth Happenings OE Youth Department Presents SIMCHA DANCING With Tova Halpern! Motzei Shabbat, November 1 7:45-9:00 PM Girls in Grade 1 and up Just $5 per person Drinks provided RSVP to [email protected] OE Happenings CARLEBACH SHABBAT DAVENING AND DINNER NOVEMBER 7th The Highland Park-Edison Community is cordially invited to a special Shabbat Dinner at OE (415 Raritan Avenue in Highland Park) in honor of the 20th yahrtzeit of Rav Shlomo Carlebach, z”l, on Shabbat Parashat Vayeira, Friday November 7th. Tefilah will be in the Carlebach style. Mincha begins at 4:35 PM with dinner following. Cost is $23 per person. Children under 3 free. RSVP with payment by November 4th. Please contact 732-247-3038 or [email protected] with any questions. SEUDAH SHLISHIT IN HONOR OF MICHAEL GARBER Please join us on Shabbat Chayei Sara, November 15th, for a special Seudah Shlishit in honor of Michael Garber for his years of dedication and service as president of our shul. Mincha is at 4:15 PM followed by Seudah Shlishit. TEFILA SHIUR WITH RABBI GLASER The next Tefilah Shiur by Rabbi Leon Glaser will be held on Monday evening, November 3rd at 8 PM. SHABBAT MEVARCHIM KIDDUSH The next Shabbat Mevarchim Kiddush in honor of Chodesh Kislev, will take place on Shabbat Parashat Toldot, November 22nd. Just $18 per family to sponsor. Please send sponsorships along with any relevant names to [email protected]. OE Office Closures The OE Office will be closed Thursday November 6th through Friday November 14th and will reopen on Monday November 17th. Announcements for the Shabbat of November 7-8 will be finalized on Wednesday November 5th and distributed early Thursday morning. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH, AT 11AM OR THEY WILL NOT BE INCLUDED. SUBMISSIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK MUST BE RECEIVED BY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH AT 11AM. We appreciate your cooperation! Community Happenings CNJKIDS First Annual Breakfast Central New Jersey Kehilot Investing in Day Schools, Inc. ("CNJKIDS") invites the entire Jewish community of Central New Jersey to attend its first annual breakfast. The guest of honor will be Abe Schwartzbard, who will be honored with CNJKIDS' inaugural "Pillar of Jewish Continuity" award. The Guest Speaker will be Alan Cooperman, author of A Portrait of Jewish Americans and Director of Religion Research at the Pew Research Center. Mr. Cooperman's topic is: "Findings We warmly welcome all newcomers to our shul and our community. If the rabbi, Rabbi Kaufman, or the president, Jeremy Safran, have not come to greet you personally, please come and introduce yourself. We’d love to meet you! From the Pew Research Center’s Survey of U.S. Jews”. The event will take place at Ohr Torah, on Sunday, November 2, from 9:30-11:00 a.m. There will be no couvert. Please RSVP to [email protected]. CNJKIDS Accepts Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds The transfer of appreciated assets allows donors to support CNJKIDS while reducing exposure to capital gains taxes. Donors are also able to claim immediate income tax deductions for these gifts. For more information on giving gifts of stocks, bonds and mutual funds to CNJKIDS, please contact CNJKIDS’ Treasurer Jon Caplan at (732) 249-8600. Annual MTJ Melava Malka The Annual Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem Melave Malka will be hold on Motzei Shabbat, November 22, 2014, 8:00 PM at Ohav Emeth. The Melave Malka is dedicated to the blessed memory of Rabbi Nachum Avigdor Weitzner, z"l. Hagaon Harav Reuven Feinstein, Shlita will address the Reception. Please call Shimon Jakubovic for information and reservations at (732) 246-1037. The ACTT (Achieving Change Through Torah) program helps individuals succeed in making meaningful and lasting changes in their lives. The current source book is: “Living Emunah – Achieving a Life of Serenity through Faith”. For more info, see the ACTT website,, e-mail [email protected] or call Phil Rosen (732) 572-8762. JRecovery Program Are you addicted? Family member or Friend? Join us at JRecovery: free, anonymous, and safe. Jewish, self-help group to complement 12-step programs. Monday nights 7:30-8:30 PM at Jewish Family and Vocational Service, 32 Ford Ave., 2nd fl., Milltown, NJ. More info: JFVS@ 732-777-1940 or Peace of Mind Greater Middlesex County invites the entire Jewish community to Shabbat dinner with an Air Force unit of the Israel Defense Forces. This inter-denominational/multigenerational Shabbat dinner promises to be unique, memorable and inspirational! We are united by our love for Israel and the soldiers that defend her. Friday, November 14, 6 pm at Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva, 2 Harrison Street in Edison. Friday night services at RPRY begin at 4:30 pm. Cost is $36 per person; maximum $100 per family. All reservations must be accompanied by payment. Checks should be made out to Rabbi Pesach DON’T FORGET TO VOTE 11/4 It is especially important that the Jewish community votes in every election and shows our elected officials—state, county and local as well as federal—that our community has a voice and a strong presence at the polls on Election Day. Raymon Yeshiva and mailed to Sharon Hirt, 10 Olden Road Edison, NJ 08817. Sponsorships at all levels are encouraged and appreciated. To sponsor, please contact Sharon Hirt at 732-777-0462. Yad Leah Clothing Drive When: Sunday November 16th from 9:30 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. Where: Congregation Ohav Emeth (O.E.), main entrance on Dennison Ave. thru the parking lot. Please donate clothing in good wearable condition only. Linens, towels, tablecloths, handbags, cosmetics & hair accessories are also accepted in good condition. Shoes are no longer accepted. Bring all in tied garbage bags. Men's and Boy's black hats in good condition may also be donated. Yad Leah will distribute to over 15 communities throughout Israel. An $18 donation is requested per donor (checks made out to American Friends of Yad Leah) to help defray the shipping & processing costs. We are looking for sponsors to help cover the shipping costs to Israel. Receipts will be provided by Yad Leah for the money & clothing (&/or miscellaneous items) contributed. We are looking for volunteers at the collection site to help with the bags and the paperwork. If anyone has any questions or would like to volunteer or sponsor shipping costs, please call Mordy Brill at 732-819-8351 or e-mail at [email protected]. AAU Presents Dr. David Pelcovitz On Shabbat, November 14-15, Ahavas Achim University is proud to host world-renowned mental health specialist Dr. David Pelcovitz for a weekend of Torah and psychological insights into the important issues of our time. Dr. David Pelcovitz holds multiple positions at Yeshiva University, namely with the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He is also special assistant to President Richard M. Joel. Dr. Pelcovitz has consulted extensively with the Jewish community in the United States, Europe and Israel on a wide range of issues facing children and adolescents as director of Psychology at North Shore University Hospital and clinical professor of psychology at NYU School of Medicine. Friday Night, November 14, 8:00 p.m.: "Funds, Faith, Family, and Friends: Judaism and Psychology On What Makes Us Happy" followed by Oneg Shabbat; Shabbat Morning, November 15, lecture after Mussaf in the Main Sanctuary: "Coping with Stress and Loss: Life Skills from a Jewish and Psychological Perspective"; Shabbat Lunch, 12:15 p.m.: at which Dr. Pelcovitz will speak. The seudah will be by reservation only, $22/adult, $12/child 311. Dr. Pelcovitz will also speak during Seudah Shlishit. There will be a Saturday Night Schmooze with Dr. Pelcovitz for Young Leadership at 7:30 p.m. on Motzei Shabbat. He will discuss "The Art of Communication" followed by an open forum on all topics. MTA Open House The MTA Open House will take place on Sunday, November 9th. Registration begins at 9am, and programming starts at 9:30am. MTA is located at 2540 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10033. Parking will be available. Interested students and parents can pre-register at For more information, please contact David Leshaw, Admissions Director, at [email protected] or 212-9605400 ext. 6676. Ma’ayanot Open House Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls invites all 8th grade girls and their parents to our Open House on Sunday, October 26th. Registration at 12:30 p.m., program to begin at 1:00 p.m. You may preregister on our website: Please contact our Director of Admissions, Mrs. Nina Bieler, at 201-833-4307, ext. 255 with any questions. Ma'ayanot is located at 1650 Palisade Avenue in Teaneck, NJ. Ilan Open House The Ilan High School open house will be taking place at Ilan, 1200 Roseld Ave. Ocean, on Sunday, November 9th at 10 am. Frisch School Open House The Frisch School invites all 8th graders and their parents to our Open House on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Kindly register at Come and experience the innovative formal and informal educational opportunities provided to our students to foster their individualized intellectual and religious growth. We look forward to seeing you. Ma’ayanot Shiur Series The Ma'ayanot Continuing Education committee is pleased to present a shiur series by Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft, Assistant Principal, on the topic: Ezra, Nechemya, Chagai & Zecharya: The Forgotten Neviim. The series will take place on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in the Ma'ayanot library beginning Thursday, October 23rd through Thursday, November 20th. Ma'ayanot is located at 1650 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck, NJ. For information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact Pam Ennis at 201-833-4307, ext. 265. Men and women are welcome to attend. YU Community Beit Midrash YU is proud to announce an exciting semester of Community Beit Midrash. This 6-week program will take place at the Yeshiva University Museum (15 West 16th Street) on Wednesdays, October 29 - December 3, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Sessions will feature Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik, Director of the Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, Yeshiva University and Dr. Jacob Wisse, Director of Yeshiva University Museum and Associate Professor of Art History, Stern College for Women who will co-present on the topic of: “The Image and the Idea: An Interdisciplinary Seminar on Art History and Jewish Thought.” For more information or to register for the courses, visit beitmidrash. Employment Network of Raritan Valley Looking for work? We can help. Go To or contact Bob Lansey at [email protected]. We post over 100 jobs each month, and help people with their resume and search strategies. Please help: If you know of any professional, part-time, or temporary job openings, please e-mail the information to [email protected] For W omen and Girls Rabbi Kaufman’s Tuesday afternoon Parashat Hashavua Shiur for women will take place Tuesday afternoon, November 4th at 1:30 PM. Rebbitzen Eichenstein’s classes for women: Tefillah class on Sunday, November 2 at 10:00 AM at Aguda shule; Parsha class on Monday, November 3 at 8:00 PM at Congregation Ohr Torah. For more info, please contact Aviva Siegel at 732-572-4408 [email protected], Ricki Stern 732-828-6939 [email protected] Mrs. Miri Cohen’s Parsha class: Wednesday, November 5 at 9:15 AM at the home of Rikki Samel, 427 Dennison Street, Highland Park. Rabbi Bassous: class for women on Sunday, November 2 at 10:00 AM at Cong. Etz Ahaim. Book to be studied: Battle Plan by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller and Sara Yocheved Rigler. SemPlus shiur for post seminary girls: For more info on Wednesday night class, please call 908-4200253. Tiferes, a Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation program for women, will meet Motzai Shabbos, November 8 at 8:30PM at the home of Avigayl Leff, 20 Brookfall Road, Edison. An inspirational DVD will be shown: Rochel Imeinu - Discovering her Greatness Within Ourselves, with Rebbitzen Tzipporah Heller and Mrs. Craindell Mannes. Weekly teleconferences with topics such as shalom bayis and parenting are also available to Tiferes members. For more info or to become a member, please contact Aviva [email protected]. The Highland Park / Edison group of Tiferes is zecher l'nishmas Malka bas Shalom. The Women’s Learning Initiative presents the 12th Annual Yartzeit Rachel Imeinu Video - Worldwide Event. ”In a Time of Open Miracles: What Can We Do?”, with footage of miracles from Operation Protective Edge this past summer, will be shown on Tuesday, Nov 4 at 8:15 pm at the Orani home, 292 North Fifth Ave., Highland Park. With an introduction by HaRav Shmuel Kaminetsky, shlita, the featured speakers are Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller and Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger and a special message from Rav Yitzhok Dovid Grossman. This worldwide event will take place with showings of the video in communities around the globe. For women and girls only. All donations are welcome and proceeds go to Aniyei Eretz Yisroel (the poor and needy of Eretz Yisrael). For more info please call 908-420-0253. Park Mikvah Hours The Edison/Highland Park Mikvah is open 9-11pm Sun-Thur, Oct 26-30. Beginning Sunday, November 2, the mikvah is open Sunday-Thursday 8:3010:30pm. Saturday night November 1, hours are 8:30-10:30pm. Saturday night hours for November 2 through January 31 are 7:30-10pm. Friday nights are by APPOINTMENT ONLY, and should be made by the day before. Fee: $20. You must arrive and leave during regular hours, or incur an additional $20 additional fee. To schedule an appointment, or leave a message, please call 732-249-2411. Mikvah Tea The Highland Park Mikvah would like to invite the community to its annual “virtual tea”. Invitations have already been sent out. If you have not received an invitation or would like to be added to the mikvah mailing list, please contact Rena at [email protected]. Bikur Cholim OWLS (Overnight Women Labor Support): If you are an expectant mother and don’t have coverage with a family member or a friend to stay with your kids when it is time to go to the hospital, Bikur Cholim offers a complimentary service. Volunteers will come to stay with your kids during the night. Please note that this service is only provided for maternity situations. Please call at least 3 weeks before the due date if not sooner, to be able to make the necessary arrangements. For more information on receiving this service or to find out about becoming a volunteer, please contact Rikki at 732-249-5116. Thank you. The Women's AMEN Group meets weekly on Sundays at 9:30 AM in a downstairs classroom at Congregation Ohr Torah. The group meets in the zechus of a refuah shelaima for Menachem Mordechai ben Ophira and other Cholim in the community. THE OE FOOD BANK IS OPEN! The OE FOOD BANK gladly accepts any closed/unused non-perishable food items. PLEASE NOTE: THE FOOD BANK NOW ACCEPTS TOILETRIES IN UNUSED, UNOPENED CONDITION! Please remind your children not to place any trash in the food collection bin. Any questions, contact Alice Gordon at [email protected]. SEE YOUR AD IN THE PAGES OF OE’S ANNOUNCEMENTS! CONTACT FELICE FOR INFO 732-247-3038 [email protected] JUST $5.00 EACH CONTACT SUSAN KOLLMAR TO PURCHASE ADVERTISING RATES FULL PAGE - 2 WEEKS $90 HALF PAGE - 4 WEEKS $90 QUARTER PAGE - 8 WEEKS $90 FULL PAGE - 5 WEEKS (INCLUDES ONE WEEK FREE) $180 HALF PAGE - 9 WEEKS (INCLUDES ONE WEEK FREE) $180 QUARTER PAGE - 18 WEEKS (INCLUDES TWO WEEKS FREE) $180 BUSINESS CARD - 4 WEEKS $24 CONTACT THE OE OFFICE FOR OTHER OPTIONS TRIBUTE CARDS ARE AVAILABLE FROM OE FOR MAZAL TOV, REFUAH SHLEIMA AND CONDOLENCES 415 Raritan Avenue Highland Park, NJ 08904 (732) 247-3038 Eliyahu Kaufman Rabbi Eliezer Kaminetzky Rabbi Emeritus Jeremy Safran President G. Silverstein Editor Emeritus
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