CBY Weekly Shabbat Announcements Cheshvan 14 - 21 5775 November 7 - 14 2014 VAYERA Shabbat Schedule (Nov. 7-8) Candles 4:25 PM Mincha 4:35 PM Special Carlebach minyan, commemorating the 20th yahrzeit of the passing of Reb Shlomo Carlebach led by Chaim Kiss. Minyanim: Hashkama 7:00 AM Ashkenaz 8:30 AM Sefard 8:30 AM Moroccan 8:45 AM New Main Shul 9:00 AM Young Members 9:00 AM Teen Minyan 9:00 AM Youth Groups 9:20 AM Shiurim: Ben Ish Chai Chaburah 8:00 AM After 8:30 AM Ashkenaz- Bava Metzia – Rabbi Frank Breslau and Dr. Joey Bench After 8:30 AM Sefard - Minchas Chinuch – Danny Saks Daf Yomi – Elliot Small 7:30 AM & 3:25 PM 3:55 PM Josh Notkin will speak on Rav Kook's Ein Ayah Mincha 1:45 & 4:25 PM Rabbi Zahtz will speak on "Shmittah Basics: Part 1" Ma’ariv & Shabbat ends 5:29 PM Special Events 7:30 PM Shalom Zachar at the home of Chani Laifer, 565 Warwick Ave. 9:00 AM Benjamin Friedman Bar Mitzvah Mazal Tov Shari & Joseph Friedman, on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Benjamin Suzanne & David Prince, on the engagement of their daughter Leora to Ely Shamouilian Rhonda & Jeff Avner and Michele & Jody Bardash, on the birth of a grandson, a son to Deena and Ari Bardash Deena Ganger & David Lowenstein, on the birth of a grandson, a son to Shira & Shmulie Golomb Chani Laifer, on the birth of a grandson, a son to Tamar & Ben Blumenthal Ruth & Henry Wertheimer, on the birth of a greatgranddaughter, a daughter to Lindsay & Daniel Setton Frank Breslau, on being chosen to speak at the Teaneck Veteran’s Day memorial Weekday Schedule November 9-14 Daf Yomi 7:00 AM (Sun), 5:30 AM (M – F) Sun - 6:25, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:50, 9:15 AM Mon & Thur 6:05, 6:20, 7:00, 7:20, 8:00, 8:50, AM Tues, Wed, & Fri 6:15, 6:30, 7, 7:30, 8, 8:50 AM Earliest Tefillin Latest Shema Mincha Gedola Mincha 5:40 AM 9:07 AM 12:10 PM 4:30 PM Early Mincha Sun - 12:45 & 1:45 PM Early Mincha Mon – Thurs - 1:45 PM Late Ma’ariv Sun – Thurs - 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:01, & 10:45 PM שבת שלום Upcoming Events Next Shabbat, Achdut Shabbat and Men’s Club Kiddush Condolences Jackie and Abe Feigenbaum, on the loss of their beloved mother, Anna Feigenbaum David Katz, on the loss of his beloved father, Peysach (Paul) Katz Adult Education November 8, 8:15 PM The Adult Ed Committee and Project Witness invite the community to a screening of the inspirational new documentary “The Destruction of Hungarian Jewry” in the Social Hall. Introductory remarks will be given by Rabbi Pruzansky. Co-sponsored by Sandi & Steven Grodko, in memory of Sandi’s mother, Martha Lasticher, z”l and Beth & Ronnie Stern, in memory of their grandparents, murdered in the Shoah, Ferenc Liebling and Golda Stern, z”l Youth This Shabbat Parashat Vayera CBY Youth Department invites all 1st and 2nd grade boys and girls to our First Shabbaton of the year! Come join your friends and Group Leaders for games, ruach and a great Shabbat meal! Chesed Committee Tuesday, November 11, 2:00 PM The Bnai Yeshurun Chesed Committee is reintroducing its Sharona Nagler Bikur Cholim Project at Care One. There will be an orientation meeting at Care One (544 Teaneck Road) all interested volunteers. Please come and learn more about this program. If you have any questions please call Betty Kay (201-833-2356), Ofra Parmett (201837-1809) or Arianne Weinberger (201-396-0794) who will be coordinating the program. Men’s Club MEN’S CLUB AMUDAI KIDDUSH 5775 We are beginning to solicit Amudai Kiddush for 5775. For only $360 you will sponsor 7* kiddushes, and you may designate any or all of them to be in honor of or in memory of whomever you choose. The Amudai Kiddush of 5775 will begin with the kiddush on November 15, our first “Achdut Shabbat” of 5775! *The Gala Kiddush, Simchat Torah Kiddush, and the IDF Kiddush are not included. Please complete the form and send it together with a check for $360 made out to: Men’s Club of Bnai Yeshurun, c/o Neal Landerer, 709 Sunderland Rd. Teaneck, N.J. 07666. Name as it appears on Kiddush list:_____________________________________________ Address:________________________________________ Email:______________________Phone:_______________ Nursery School Registration for our Nursery School has begun and spots are filling up! We are very excited to announce that we will be having a 2's class and a 3's class for our 2015-2016 school year. For a registration form or any other information, please contact Jill Geiger at (201) 836-6871 or [email protected] Bnei Akiva Beis Medrash Program Mishna Yomit – Masechet Kinim Daily 7:45 AM, Shabbat 8:15 AM, Sunday 8:30 AM Haftarah Shiur 8:15 PM Friday night Haftarah shiur for kids, in the back of the Beis Medrash Motza’ei Shabbat 6:15 PM Manny Freed z”l Parent & Child Learning Sunday, November 9 HaRav Yonasan Sacks, Rosh Hayeshiva Beis Medrash La'Talmud, Rav Agudas Yisroel Passiac will give a shiur after the 8AM Minyan, in the downstairs classroom Monday, November 10 11:00 AM Rabbi Pruzansky’s weekly Chumash shiur for women 8:15 PM Rabbi Pruzansky’s 5775 Lecture series Emunah - “Sinai” Sponsored by Becky and Avi Katz לע"נ יונה בן אריה ליב ז"ל TUESDAYS 11:15 AM Rabbi Zahtz’s weekly shiur for women on Sefer Yehoshua 8:15 PM Rabbi Finkelstein Hashkafa shiur 8:30 PM Rabbi Goldwicht’s weekly shiur on Parashat Hashavua, in the Old Main 9:00 PM Rabbi Dr. Zelefsky’s weekly shiur on Igros Moshe WEDNESDAYS Rabbi Michael Taubes’ Lunch & Learn shiur for Senior Lunch at 1:00 PM followed by a shiur at 1:30 PM 8:00 PM - Rabbi Menachem Meier Shiur in the Old Main on Religious Thought of Rambam in Mishneh Torah 9:15 PM - Rav Zvi Sobolofsky’s Shiur THURSDAYS 11:30 AM Rebbetzin Rebecca Belizon weekly shiur for women in the Old Main 12:30 PM Parsha teleconference with Rabbi Zahtz Call in info: (530) 881-1212 Access code 784-494-382# 9:40 PM Chaburah with Rabbi Finkelstein After 10:01 PM Ma’ariv – Rabbi Taubes’ Shiur on “Parsha and Halacha” 4:25 PM Snif, Grades 2-6 in the classrooms. Can’t wait to see you there! Kollel Boker with Rabbi Tzvi Sobolofsky We will meet at 6:20 AM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings in the classroom downstairs. Purchase Rabbi Pruzansky's new book - "The Jewish Ethics of Personal Responsibility” in the shul office. Updated review: Seymour Kaye - “Great is an understatement!” Please join us in the Beis Medrash from Monday – Thursday evenings from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM for the Night Seder. Learn any topic of your choice. For questions or to set up a chavrusa please contact Rabbi Jason Finkelstein at [email protected] or (973) 493-1977. For sponsorship opportunities contact Henry Orlinsky [email protected], Jackie Feigenbaum [email protected] or Danny Saks [email protected] Motza’ei Shabbat, November 8 8:15 PM Join us for an evening of Inspiration l’iluy nishmas Chaim Gavriel ben Aron Chanina HaKohen Finkelstein, at Torah Academy of Bergen County, 1600 Queen Anne Rd, Teaneck. Siyum by R. Jason Finkelstein, music by Eitan Katz, Divrei Chizuk by Rav Moshe Tzvi Weinberg. Separate seating. Donations will benefit Project Yechi. Sderot Dinner, Wednesday, November 19, at the Hilton Meadowlands, honoring Rabbi Steven & Karen Pruzansky For details call 718-673-4945. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS TeaneckShuls annual fundraiser - this year’s recipient of our online community’s generosity is….KosherTroops! As many of you may know, TeaneckShuls runs this annual fundraiser, raising over $220,000 in the past 13 years for various charities. This year we turn our attention to the work of this wonderful organization, KosherTroops, which is supporting Jewish women & men who are serving in the armed forces of the United States. This year an American Jewish soldier spent Rosh Hashana in Qatar, lit a Chanukah Menorah in Kuwait, received Mishloach Manot in Africa, and had a Pesach Seder in Afghanistan. KosherTroops provides ongoing support and care packages to Jewish American troops in all branches of the military, both deployed as well as stateside. These packages strengthen the spirit and resolve of our troops and show appreciation and thanks for their sacrifice and commitment to protecting our freedom. The packages they send include items that will help them celebrate the Jewish holidays and Shabbat so that they feel connected to the Jewish community while away. In 2013, over 2500 holiday packages and nearly 400 Shabbat packages were sent to over 3200 troops. Since 2008, over 10,000 packages have been sent to grateful service members throughout the world. Please join in this mitzvah by supporting an American soldier. KosherTroops is run solely by volunteers and your donation will be used entirely to ship packages and buy food for our troops. In addition to our usual request for monetary donations, we are asking for children to submit cards, drawings, etc. which we can send on to the troops, as well. Show the troops some TeaneckShuls love!! We know there are many opportunities to donate to a myriad of causes & we only ask that you consider a tax deductible donation of any amount in honor of TeaneckShuls & the important role it plays in our community. Please make tax deductible checks payable to KosherTroops & mail to: Debby Teicher, 1317 Hudson Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666 All kid artwork may also be sent or dropped off at Debby’s house For credit card donations($10 minimum) please go to: http://www.razoo.com/story/Kosher-Troops Thank you for any consideration you give this fundraiser in your annual charity giving. Ruthie Levi, Bernie Suskewicz, Debby Teicher, Bryan Alter, Kevie Feit Shabbat, November 7 - 8 All women are invited to a Friday night Oneg and to a Melava Malka in conjunction with the Chai lifeline Teaneck Shabbaton, hosted by the 6th grade girls of our community, Nov 7-8. Oneg 9pm at Cong Keter Torah; Melavah Malka at 8pm at Yeshivat Noam 70 W. Century Road, Paramus NJ. If you have any questions please contact Faigy Ort at [email protected] or 201960-7758. Motza’ei Shabbat, November 8 9:15 PM Please join our own Chaim Kiss, Yehuda Green, and many others at a concert at the West Side Institutional Synagogue, Manhattan. Sunday November 9 After 8:00 AM Shacharit at Rinat Yisrael, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag will be speaking on the topic: “Can a Levi become a Cohen?” th 9:00 AM The Frisch School invites all 8 graders and their parents to our Open House. Kindly register at Frisch.org/open house. Come and experience the innovative formal and informal educational opportunities provided to our students to foster their individualized intellectual and religious growth. We look forward to seeing you. 9:30 AM The MTA Open House will take place. Registration begins at 9am, and programming starts at. MTA is located at 2540 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10033. Parking will be available. Interested students and parents can pre-register at yuhsb.org/openhouse. For more information, please contact David Leshaw, Admissions Director, at [email protected] or 212-960-5400 ext. 6676. 10:00 AM Moriah's Annual Camp Fair! Meet with camp directors, current parents and campers from both day and sleep away camps. Hear about special offers and exciting new programs! A great opportunity for anyway interested in sending to a Jewish summer camp or even working at one! At The Moriah School. 53 South Woodland Street in Englewood 2:30 PM Sample sale to benefit Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County - Men's down-lined, waterproof wool coats, for Shabbos/work. 50% off! Accepting Cash, Check and Credit Card. At Cong. Beth Abraham, 396 New Bridge Road, Bergenfield. The company's website is www.norwegian-wool.com Yavneh Academy will be hosting the 10th Annual Benjamin Schwartz Memorial 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk at the Garden State Plaza on Sunday November 9, 2014. It’s a morning of fun for the whole family. The proceeds of this race benefit Yavneh Academy’s scholarship needs. Come run, walk or cheer on your friends. For more information or to register a runner or walker, please visit www.yavnehacademy.org. Tuesday November 11 11:00 AM Teaneck Veterans Day commemoration, in front of Teaneck Municipal building, or inside if weather intercedes. Frank Breslau will be giving the main speech. 7:00 PM RTMA (Rav Teitz Mesivta Academy) will be hosting its 2014 Open House for prospective students and their parents. The program will be held at the Jewish Educational Center's Elmora Campus - 330 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07208. Join us and find out how RTMA is "Raising the Bar" with its exciting new Beis Medrash initiative, stimulating Zionism curriculum, innovative Kashrut course, exceptional college preparatory and extra curricular opportunities. Refreshments and separate information sessions for parents and students! For more information and to pre-register online, please visit RTMA.TheJEC.org or call 908-355-4850. Shabbat, November 14-15 The Rinat Yisrael Adult Education Program presents a Scholar in Residence, Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Rebbe, Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim renowned Daf Yomi Magid Shiur. Schedule is as follows: Friday night dvar Torah before Maariv, 7:45 pm - Oneg Shabbat with lecture on "The Orthodox Jew in the Modern World- "ממלכת כהנים וגוי קדוש, Shabbat morning at 7:30 am Daf Yomi Shiur, Drashot at both the 8:30 am and 9:00 am minyanim, Shabbat afternoon after mincha (4:05 pm) on "The Mitzvah of Talmud Torah - Is There Room For Anything Else? ", Sunday morning at 7:00 am Daf Yomi Shiur Saturday Night, November 15 8:00 PM An Evening of Mystery and Comedy starring mentalist Marc Salem, to be held at Congregation Rinat Yisrael. Proceeds to benefit the P'TACH Scholarship Fund. Prepare to be amazed as The Bergen County Friends of P'TACH invite you to An Evening of Mystery and Comedy, starring world-renown star of stage and TV, mentalist Marc Salem. The event will take place on Saturday night, November 15, 2014, at Congregation Rinat Yisrael at 8:00 PM. A dessert reception will follow. Tickets are $36 in advance and $50 at the door. Sponsorships are available. All proceeds benefit the P'TACH Scholarship Fund. P'TACH provides mainstream special education in day schools and yeshivot for children with learning differences and has been serving the children of Bergen County and New York City for over 35 years. For more information, log on to www.ptach.org or call either Steve Fox at (201) 692-8600, Beth Walters at (646) 706-3535, or Miriam Taber at (845) 641-6746. 8:30 PM The Sisterhoods of Ohr HaTorah, Beth Abraham and Bnai Yeshurun invite women to hear Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker in well known educator and speaker from Eretz Yisrael, on "Judging Favorably" Monday, November 17 7:30 PM The Teaneck Mikvah Association’s Fifth Annual Women’s Event will take place at Keter Torah. The event will honor Miriam Greenspan, President of the Teaneck Mikvah Association for over a decade, whose commitment, vision and leadership has enabled our community to build two new mikvah facilities of which we can be proud. Please join us as we honor Miriam and support our community. The event is the Mikvah’s largest annual fundraiser and the sponsorships from this event keep the Mikvah up and running. To register or sponsor and for more information, please visit the Mikvah website at teaneckmikvah.com. Sunday, November 16 10:00 AM Holy Name Medical Center will be hosting a free Jewish Women’s Health Symposium and Brunch. The featured speakers are Sharyn N. Lewin, MD, a board certified gynecologic oncologist specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and management of ovarian and other gynecologic cancers, and Dr Joshua Gross, a breast imaging radiologist. The speakers will discuss overall gynecologic health, issues related to wellness, prevention, and genetics — including Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) syndrome and Lynch syndrome, which is an inherited condition that increases risk of colon cancer and other cancers. The event will be held at Holy Name Medical Center’s Marian Hall, 718 Teaneck Road, Teaneck and there will be free parking. We look forward to greeting you at the brunch. Please make sure to make a reservation by either calling 201833-3336 or emailing [email protected].
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