St. Luke Lutheran Church A people rooted in God’s word, serving in God’s world HORIZON NOVEMBER 2014 By Pastor Russ Sorensen “We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayer, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Thessalonians 1:2 THANKS-LIVING IS A LIFESTYLE OF SHARING DAILY GRATITUDE FOR GOD’S BLESSINGS! We live life to the fullest when we give thanks to God for our “work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” We have much to be thankful for as we work together for the glory of God and the ministry and mission of St Luke Lutheran Church and Pre-School. I personally give thanks to God for volunteers who are stepping forward to provide leadership and support for our common efforts. Especially in times of transformation, we are all invited to encourage one another and pray for one another. These are days to give thanks to God by demonstrating the fruits of the Spirit…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in all that we do. Continued next page clarify the future path opening up to St Luke that will include the welcome of a new Senior Pastor. Please continue to pray for the work of the Transition Team, the church council and, the church staff and eventually the call committee as they do the work of discernment in these changing times. Please respond positively to requests for input and help for the Transition Team work. Why not begin by calling to mind all of the things you are thankful for at St Luke. Thanks-Living … continued from previous page WE CELEBRATE our life together, double our efforts and involvement and share our healthy stewardship response as we are able, for the sake of all that we do together! Yes, these are changing times, but they are also exciting times as well. God is good and I thank God for all of you! SPEAKING OF GIVING THANKS TO GOD… I AM VERY EXCITED about the individuals who have responded to the call to do the important work of the Transition Team. This is a fine group of folks who are rising to the challenge of clarifying the mission and ministry of St Luke. We have much work to do as a Transition Team. All of us greatly appreciate the prayers and support. I am so thankful for the wonderful work of the 60th Anniversary planning Focus Group. These have been times of not only celebrating the blessings of the past, but also to begin leaning forward with God’s guidance into a great future. I invite you into a time of giving thanks to God for the gifts that we share in the body of Christ. Let us move forward, energized by the work and power of God’s Spirit. I MET WITH THE TRANSITION Team in a Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! mini retreat in October to get everyone set for their important work. They will help to Pastor Russ Sorensen Intentional Interim Senior Pastor ANNUAL CONCERT AT ST. LUKE Sunday, November 16 3:30 PM, in the Sanctuary THIS YEAR THE PERFORMANCE IS SPONSORED in memory of Dick and Irma Schuler. The program will be played by the Chatter Quartet led by David Felberg and will include the first string quartet by Tchaikovsky (opus 11), three selections from the Art of the Fugue by JS Bach, the Eclogue by Gerald Finzi (for strings and piano), and the world premiere of ‘Ghost Canyon’ by Frederick Frahm. A suggested donation of $15 per person will be gratefully received at the door, and all funds will go towards the special music programs at St. Luke. As an additional fundraiser, four autographed copies of ‘Ghost Canyon’ (which was just published in Paris) will be available for a donation of $50 each. Please do mark your calendars now and plan to attend for an afternoon of beautiful music! - Frederick Frahm, Director of Music Ministries 2 REMEMBERING MY FAITH STORY 1. Who were the important people in your faith story? Give examples of how they were important in your life? 2. What were significant events in your faith story? These don’t have to be earth shattering events. They could be ordinary things that helped you understand how God was with you and encouraging you at special times. 3. How did those important people and events affect your faith story? 4. What parts of scripture have been important to your faith story? What is your favorite Bible passage or story that has been most helpful to you? 5. How has worship, devotional time or music helped to strengthen your faith story? 6. Where or when do you feel closest to God? Have there been times when it has been difficult to have faith or to believe? What has been most helpful to you during those times? 7. How do you think your faith journey will continue to be strengthened for the future? Ideas? 8. In your own words write a brief summary of your faith story that you could share with others. 3 YOU ARE A WORK IN PROGRESS! Preached at all three Services the weekend of October 18th (Feast of St. Luke) and 19th, here is the conclusion of Pr. Ron Roschke's beautiful sermon to our congregation. The complete sermon may be found on the congregation's website, available for download. everything in between, the great mythic land of an “American middle” upon which most of our convictions about are country are anchored. You need to view your own history with your eyes wide open to what is going on around you—in Albuquerque, in New Mexico, in these United States, in the world, in this universe which gets bigger and more awesome with each Hubble and Kepler photograph. But this needs to be tied to the SECOND core conviction: this is a story about incarnation, about God becoming human. In Jesus God has entered our human story, has taken on our own humanity—flesh and blood—and has become one of us in order that we might find our new humanity in Jesus. God comes in grace, with radical forgiveness and love, accepting us as we are and claiming us as sons and daughters without regard for our own systems of good and bad, right and wrong. This is what the story of Jesus is all about. But this good news does not float around as some kind of whispy eternal truth. It is anchored in specific human beings. It is anchored, first, in Jesus of Nazareth, who lived at a specific time and place, who died in a specific way—as a total outcast in solidarity with every victim who has ever lived—and who was raised from the dead to blow this human story wide open into God’s unfinished I THINK HE [SAINT LUKE] would say the same to you this day as you celebrate your sixtieth anniversary as a congregation: you are a work in progress! And I also think that for you to be true to your name there are three important realities that have to be at the heart of your common life and your core convictions as a congregation. FIRST, you have to honor your context. 2014 is not 1954. Your story is being played out on a huge stage. It is a story about massive, global shifts of culture. iPhones have replaced letters with stamps. The Cold War has been trumped by an intense cold civil war which takes place inside our very borders between our own political parties. The gaps between rich and poor widen every year, not only in our own nation but even more so around the world, and that great divide is wiping out almost Continued next page 4 say it. But I think two things are true. First, the massive changes you have experienced in the past sixty years are a mere speck compared to what lies ahead in the next forty. And second, God and God’s grace and love are already there in 2054 calling you and the world to that time and place. You are a Work in Progress … continued future. But even more—this story is also anchored in specific lives today—yours and mine—all who are being drawn through baptismal waters to receive the name and Spirit of Jesus and to be sent into the world as his body, to keep his story going and unfolding. You really cannot plan for 2054, and quite a few of us won’t Point number THREE: this make it there for the party— must be a story about healreaching the age of 106 is ing. God has decided to You can talk about how not on my bucket list! But make a new humanity one you will raise up the there is something far person at a time. It starts generation of leaders more important you can with Jesus. But it’s also who can raise do today. You can talk about specific persons— the generation of leaders about how you will you and me—with speraise up the generation cific failings and who will take the church of leaders who can wounds being taken up to that time and place. raise the generation of into the story and the leaders who will take new humanity of Jesus How will you the church to that time so that with him we and place. What kind might be raised from form them of people must they be the dead here and now. as disciples of Jesus to get you from here to We are restored by the there? How will you love and grace of God to live God’s good form them as disciples of and sent to the world as news into that time? Jesus to live God’s good God’s passion for a future news into that time? What that will be different from tools will they need and how the one that exists today. will they be healed to make that Given all that, let me leave behind journey? What are the essential a challenge for you about how you things they must take with them and might continue to celebrate your sixtieth what should be left behind? I think that’s anniversary. I suggest that as a congrega- your Happy Anniversary, St. Luke’s, betion you begin talking about what needs to cause you are God’s work in progress—in happen today for St. Luke Lutheran Church the name of Jesus. to celebrate its centennial in 2054. What will the context be for this congregation forty years from now? No one can see or 5 New Bible Study GOSPEL OF MARK STUDY Begins Saturday, November 15 3:30 PM, in the Lounge MEN’S BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, in the Lounge 7 AM: Breakfast 7:30 AM: Lessons We will examine spiritual themes found in Mark using Augsburg-Fortress study guides, and supplement these materials with other historical and literary discussions. The course is expected to continue through January. Leader: David Follstaedt, 299-5941. Study: Jesus and the Gospels by Prof. Luke Timothy Johnson VOLUNTEER CARE MINISTRY ORIENTATION Saturday, November 15 In the Zuni room ADULT FORUM Sundays at 9 AM In the Zuni room Historical Jesus Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov 30 This orientation is for those of you who volunteered to assist our members (on the purple sheets) or for anyone else who would like more information on this ministry. For those volunteering for home communion, the orientation is from 10:00 to 10:30 and then all are invited to join from 10:30 to 12:00. Hope to see many of you there. - Wellness Committee By Bart Ehrman Other Sources Historical Criteria—Getting Back to Jesus More Historical Criteria The Early Life of Jesus Jesus in His Context HORIZON NEWSLETTER The schedule may change when the Budget is presented. December 2014 and January 2015 editions will be combined into one newsletter. FIRST FRIDAY FILM FORUM November 7 at 7:30 PM At David & Diane Follstaedt’s home Deadline for submitting articles: Sunday, November 16 Everyone is welcome to join us over wine, snacks, and dessert to discuss the movie "Men, Women, and Children." If this movie is no longer available the week of film forum, see the second choice "Gone Girl." Call 299-5941 for directions. Please submit your articles to Angie at [email protected]. 6 Music Ministries ADVOCACY 2014 By the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Saturday, November 8 9 AM - 1 PM At St. Timothy Lutheran Church SPECIAL THANKS TO MARY EHLE By Frederick Frahm, Director of Music Ministries 211 Jefferson St. NE (Jefferson & Copper) Topics: advocacy basics, hunger, immigration, etc. Speaker: The Rev. David Vasquez, campus pastor at Luther College, author of Out of the Waters: Resisting the Power of Fear. Fee: $15, includes materials and lunch Registration: Contact 1-505-984-8005 or [email protected] by November 4. ON NOVEMBER 22, Mary Ehle will conclude her service to St. Luke as the Saturday Night Liturgy Keyboardist. It has been a pleasure to work with her for three and a half years as a member of the St. Luke music team. I have deeply appreciated Mary’s professionalism, musical expertise, and her wise counsel in liturgy planning. Her broad career in the church at large has spanned some 35 years, and we have all benefitted greatly from her wealth of experience, and her generosity and enthusiasm. NORTHERN NM MISSIONAL GATHERING IF YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY, before Mary completes her work here on the 22nd of November, please thank her for her service among us. While it may look easy, serving as a regular musician for a worship service takes a lot of work, time, and patience, particularly for those who are charged with leading. Saturday, November 8, at 2 PM At St. Timothy Lutheran Church Focus: Lutheran Spirituality with special breakout sessions on networking with other congregational councils and networking with local community FOR EACH OF OUR PARISH MUSICIANS, I All rostered leaders, council members, am grateful for their work in bringing excel- outreach and evangelism committees, lent music to the glory of God each week. and congregation members are invited. This is such a vital component in our Youth and young adult participation are weekly worship, and we are all blessed to have so many who are willing to be a part of encouraged. Bishop Gonia and representatives of the Synod Council and Ofour music program. fice of the Bishop look forward to meetWE WISH YOU GODSPEED, Mary! ing with you for a time to be church toThanks so much for everything you’ve done gether. for us! 7 Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Our Mission & Purpose: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. Lamplighters Annual Jar Mix Fundraiser Tuesday, November 4 7 PM, in the Lounge November 22 and 23 A variety of jar mixes such as soups, drinks, cookies, breads, and muffins will be for sale. The proceeds are used to fund new member and baptism books, service projects in the church and community, and meetings and conventions open for all women. Anyone who wants to participate in preparing jar mixes can contact Shirley at 830-9106 for instructions and recipes. We finish the book Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. For more information, call Shirley at 830-9106. Sew and Sow Tuesday, November 18 9:30 AM, in the Zuni room Work continues on the quilting projects. For more information, call Shirley at 8309106. WELCA Board Save the Date!!! Advent Program Saturday, November 8 9 AM, in the Lounge Women's Bible Study The Advent program for the women of the church will be held on Saturday, December 6. Tuesday, November 25 10 AM - 12 Noon At the home of Sandy Williams 7224 Gallinas Ave NE Study: Transforming Life and Faith: Session 3: Transformation. Leader: Chris Escudero. Hostess: Sandy Williams For childcare, copy of the study, or for more information, call Betty Ann at 2941935. 8 ST. LUKE YOUTH PROJECT: CARE PACKAGES For young adults in college or in the military away from home Please signup on the goldenrod sheet (inserted in the weekly bulletin) if you would like our youth to send a care package to your young adult family member. All youth from 4 years old through high school are invited to participate in Godly Play on Sunday, November 16th, from 10:45-11:30 a.m. Special activity will be assembling the care packages. Affirmation of Baptism HIGH SCHOOL JESUS CHRIST– DISCIPLE CREW THE RITE OF CONFIRMATION Bible Study, Youth-Led Devotions, & Activity Congratulations to 2014 Confirmation Class: Third Sunday of the Month 7-8:30 PM, at Luther House at UNM (1805 Las Lomas Rd) All current 8th – 12th grade students are invited to join us! Contact Erica Morgan for more information 505-873-3572. Cierra Erven Kristina Forté Sonia Garley Gabrielle Jaderborg Kevin Ebaugh 9 Email: [email protected] Lori Erven, Director (505) 292-8812 As we move from October into November, we are thankful for the opportunities we have had to be in community with one another. Most recently, over 250 children, parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends went to McCall’s Pumpkin Patch in Moriarty. The weather was perfect for celebrating God’s gifts of the fall season together. Our annual Fall Festival provided an evening of fun and games for all, including some of our former students and their families! November will bring us changes in the foliage on the playground, chilly weather, and children bundled up for outside play! We will also 10 hold our annual bake sale on Monday, November 24th and Tuesday, November 25th. If you happen to be at St. Luke on one of those days, and in need of some delectable treats for Thanksgiving, we invite you by to shop & munch! Did you know that you can honor, celebrate, or remember a special person in your life with the purchase of a commemorative brick and benefit the preschool at the same time? Our display of decorative bricks is located at the front entrance to the Preschool where it can be admired by all. As you begin your Christmas shopping, please consider purchasing a commemorative brick for someone special on your list. For more information, please call the Preschool office or see the Preschool kiosk in the narthex. FAMILY PROMISE AT ST. LUKE St. Luke will be hosting the homeless families January 11th-18th, 2015. Look for the sign-up table in the Narthex beginning the weekend of December 7th. CHANGE MAKING A CHANGE THE “CHANGE MAKING A CHANGE” OFFERING FOR NOVEMBER WILL GO TO SUPPORT THE ELCA’S RURAL MINISTRY PROGRAMS. Jesus spent his time among rural and small town people proclaiming the Good News and healing the sick. Today, over half of the ELCA congregations are in small towns and among rural people. During the past few decades, ministry in these settings has been difficult. Issues these congregations face include geographic isolation, lack of adequate health care and employment opportunities, depopulation, more funerals than baptisms, and displacement of farm families. The Small Town and Rural Ministry Alliance (STaR) makes sharing information and resources about rural ministry easier through affinity groups. Through this process, hope is lifted and gifts are shared, congregations are evangelizing to new immigrants and the unchurched, and new resources are identified. ST. LUKE LUTHERAN FINANCIAL STATUS As of September 30, 2014 September 30, 2014 Budget year to date 9/30/2014 $ 491,097 Offerings and other income year to date 9/30/2014 $ 459,611 Faith challenge - (deficit year to date 9/30/2014) ($ 31,486) Thank you for your faithful giving. 11 From the Wellness Ministry HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE CARE By Gayle Carleton, MA, BSN, RN ALL PATIENTS ARE ACCEPTED into hos- HOSPICE CARE involves multi- pice care regardless of ability to pay. It is covered under Medicare and Medicaid and many private insurance plans. The patient’s primary physician consults with a hospice physician to determine if the patient’s life expectancy is 6 months or less. It is possible for an individual to be discharged from hospice care and still be eligible for hospice again. disciplinary care of individuals and their families whose illness or condition is not likely to be cured. It is a way of caring, not a specific place. It may take place in the home, hospice center, hospital or skilled nursing facility. “HOSPICE” BORROWS its name from travelers’ havens during the Middle Ages. Hospice regards dying as part of the natural flow of life, really an affirmation of life, helping the individual to live comfortably as long as possible and for families to be with them and to go on living after the person has died. The focus is on the patient and family. PALLIATIVE CARE is providing “comfort” care both at home and more commonly, in a facility such as a hospital or nursing home. Palliative care is actually a new medical specialty, focusing on improving life and providing comfort to people of all ages with serious, chronic, and life-threatening illnesses. The multi-disciplinary team is made up of doctors, nurses, and other medical caregivers. There is no time restriction. Palliative care can be received at any time, at any stage of illness, whether it be terminal or not. There is no expectation that life-prolonging therapies will be avoided. Payment is likely covered under regular medical insurance. THE OFTEN COMPLICATED CARE that is required for individuals nearing the end-of-life can take a physical and emotional toll on friends and family who care for people at home. People are not trained for what really can be hospital-like medical care. Services of the multi-disciplinary team are available to patient and family 24 hours a day. It can provide medications for control of symptoms or pain, medical equipment, physical or occupational therapy, or dietary needs. For more information: National Palliative Care Organization, SPIRITUAL NEEDS of the person and family are met and supported. The family’s own minister or the hospice team clergy can be involved in the plan of care. Support is provided before, during, and after death with bereavement follow-up visits. hospicescare.html 12 Let's Chat—SIX WEEKS OF SERVICE By Chris Escudero Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together! (Matthew 25:23) W ELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL people of CAN I BE COUNTED ON BY OTHERS? Are there St. Luke! Our six weeks of service commemorating our 60th anniversary are over. It was so wonderful to see the response of the congregation to the call for service. Keeping that in mind, remember our anniversary theme of Faithfulness Through Service and Healing. Our six weeks of service can now propel us into our Season of Service. promises I need to keep, vows I need to fulfill or commitments I need to honor? HAVE I KEPT MY COMMITMENTS in ministry? Have I been obedient to God’s call in my life to bless others through my service? God has shaped us for unique service. “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (1Peter 4:10) Am I using His gifts to be a blessing? As a faithful servant we are in good company: Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, Daniel, Timothy and Paul were all called faithful servants of God. REAL SERVANTS ARE FAITHFUL to their ministry. Servants finish their tasks, fulfill their responsibilities, keep their promises, and complete their commitments. They don’t leave a job half done, and they don’t quit when they get discouraged. They are trustworthy and dependable. Faithfulness has always been a rare quality. (Psalm 12:1, Proverbs 20:6, Philippians 2:19-22). EVEN BETTER, GOD HAS PROMISED to reward our faithfulness in eternity. Imagine what it will feel like one day to have God say to us, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!” (Matthew 25:23). By the way, faithful servants never retire. They serve faithfully as long as they are alive! MANY PEOPLE TODAY don’t know the meaning of commitment. They make commitments casually, then break them for the slightest reason without any hesitation. Every week churches and other organizations must improvise because volunteers didn’t prepare, didn’t show up, or didn't’ call to say they weren’t coming. 13 NOVEMBER 2014 10:15 AM WORSHIP ASSISTANT SCHEDULE This schedule is frequently updated. The most current schedule is posted on the kiosk in the narthex. Volunteers for the current and upcoming Sundays are listed on the weekly green sheet. NOV. 2 NOV. 9 NOV. 16 NOV. 23 NOV. 30 Assist. Minister Betty Ann Arner Tom Berardinelli Mary Beth Tidwell Karen Carlson Phyllis Peterson Communion Assts. Lorna Hansen Barbara Shirrod Mike & Elaine Kovach Karen Carlson Les Anderson Marina Mauney Greg Haschke Terry & Barbara Shirrod Ginny Fisher Molly Weber Gil Quintana Don Fisher Mary Voelz Council Member Don Cretsinger Chris Escudero Shawn Dirk Barbara Haschke Mark Eickhoff Acolyte Sonia Garley Lauren Hollowwa Emily Christopher Dorela Cole Crucifer Ernesto Garley Taylor Hollowwa Zachary Christopher Cierra Erven Karl Eickhoff Greeters Tommy & Ruth Glauner Chris & Jean Hollowwa David & Diane Follstaedt Terry & Barbara Shirrod Robert Downey Liz Wills Children’s Sermon Judy Moore Barbara Shirrod Chris Drotning Judy Moore Lorna Hansen Ushers Diana Koski Margery Musser Diana Koski Margery Musser Diana Koski Margery Musser Diana Koski Margery Musser Diana Koski Margery Musser Altar Flowers max.: 2/Sunday ; $35 per arrangement Mike & Brenda Sanchez, in honor of son Christopher’s birthday. Carol (Sunny) Traeger, in memory of our daughter Laura Beth. Given in loving memory of Dale Sly (one arrangement available) (two arrangements available) Barb Shirrod, in honor of Terry’s birthday. Bill & Mary Ann Arnold, in honor of 48th anniversary. (two arrangements available) Flower Delivery Lorna Hill Nancy Krenz Chris & Bill Drotning Lector Sacristy Candle Lorna Hansen Leona Reck, in memory of Jim Sacristy Marvin & Nadyne Plugge Florence Speiser Joyce Mills Marvin & Nadyne Plugge Joyce Mills Phyllis Peterson Florence Speiser Joyce Mills Nursery Jamie Kerestes Megan Diercks Cierra Erven Andrea Walters Shirley Smith Sound Engr. Ken Vincent John English John English Ken Vincent Ken Vincent Bread Ministry Julie Bowers Mary Vincent Sonia Lersten Betty Begeal Daleen Olson Kerestes Family Wellness Neumann Family Coffee Hour Escudero Family Counters Don & Ginny Fisher Terry Shirrod Mary Sorenson Don & Ginny Fisher Elizabeth Dirk Daleen Olson Phoebe English Mike Abramovich Bulletin Helpers Mary Voelz, 10/28 Les & D’Ann Anderson 10/31 Ginny Fisher, 11/4 Marina Mauney 11/7 Mary Voelz, 11/11 Lois Sherwood 11/14 Ginny Fisher 11/18 Don & Beth Cretsinger 11/21 Mary Voelz 11/25 Les & D’Ann Anderson 11/26 14 ST. LUKE CHURCH OFFICE We’re here to serve you Mon.-Fri.: 8:30 AM - 4 PM. Contact: 505.299.2621 or [email protected] Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! - Psalm 100:1-2 THANK YOU POINSETTIAS Thank you to October kitchen steward Betty Begeal and yard stewards Karen Carlson and Scott Thomas. Thank you for helping keep our facilities clean, sparkling, and inviting. Dedications of poinsettia plants for the altar on Christmas Eve are now being accepted. You may submit them to Angie by mail or by email at [email protected]. Donation: $7.50 a plant. Thank you. CHRISTMAS This is one of the most joyous times of the year, remembering the birth of Jesus, our heavenly Father’s most precious gift to us. Worship Assistants, please let us know if you will be available to help with the worship services on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th. Contact Rosa at the church office at [email protected] or at 299-2621. Youth and first-time volunteers are encouraged to be worship assistants. Training or refresher will be provided. Thank you to those who have already volunteered for a Christmas service. For 5 PM Worship, we need: For 7:30 PM Worship, we need: For 10 PM Worship, we need: Assisting Minister Communion Assistant (2) Council Member of the Day Acolyte Sacristy Care Nursery Care Assisting Minister Communion Assistant (2) Lector Council Member of the Day Acolyte (2) Crucifer Ushers Sacristy Care Nursery Care Assisting Minister Communion Assistant (2) Lector Council Member of the Day Acolyte (2) Crucifer Ushers Sacristy Care Nursery Care 15 Time in Commemoration … Time in Celebration … and now, Time in Seizing the Future Thus, the theme, FAITHFULNESS THROUGH SERVICE AND HEALING, was firmly set— with suggestions for events and activities that might be planned over the 6 week period commencing with the ELCA God’s work. Our hands. Day of Service (which was expanded to be a fall, 2014 St. Luke Season of Service) through the weekend of October 18-19 in special observation of the Feast of St. Luke. In July the planning began as 14 members of “The Focus Group” took on the leadership role of imagining, planning and creating the Anniversary schedule of events. The diverse makeup of the Focus Group allied all St. Luke’s ministries, WELCA, Church Council and St. Luke Preschool. This rich mix of members connected with so many St. Luke members who became involved in all the details of preparation and presentation, as well as participation in the events themselves. IT ALL BEGAN AT THE MAY 11, 2014 meeting of the Worship Music and Arts Committee as a recurring agenda item that had not been addressed in previous months. There was—a title, perhaps a challenge: “60th Anniversary.” Pastor Travis urged the group to think about what we might do, and how we might approach this project with our ministries and corresponding committees already in place, rather than through a top-down, pastorlead initiative. Herein, would lay yet a different challenge. So began the process and progress of our formation of the 60th Anniversary Celebration of St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church. The initial discussion was augmented by facilitated discussions which resulted in deletions/changes/additions of ideas generated by all the ministries/committees and Church Council. Central to all these discussions was the church’s proclaimed mission: FAITHFULNESS. The intention of the Anniversary was clearly communicated: Promote the presence of St. Luke congregation and life and ministries of its people into the community in which St. Luke lives. Telling the story of St. Luke—the healing tradition of the Saint and the life-story of the congregation—the centerpiece. We would show how the full spectrum of St. Luke’s ministries expresses the church’s vision of FAITHFULNESS.” This was the focus of Continued next page 16 Time in Commemoration … continued Spirits soared! Transformation transpired! Blessings abound! The events of this 60th Anniversary brought all of us here at St. Luke together in old memories and stories, and in renewed spirit and energy to create new memories and new stories. Breathing In--all that has been; and, now, Breathing Out—all that there will be as we engage in seizing the future of FAITHFULNESS THROUGH SERVICE AND HEALING we will create as the people of St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. everything we would do (and, did!) in the commemoration and celebration of St. Luke’s 60th Anniversary. FAITHFULNESS THROUGH SERVICE AND HEALING. And, so it happened that the schedule of Anniversary included the Call to a Season of Service, and the Commission of those going out in Service, a joyous, heart-filled St. Luke’s Feast with great food and company, video testimonies from all 12 past pastors and 3 local charter members of St. Luke, the Feast of St. Luke weekend complete with an open house featuring Creative Arts of the church and special celebratory worship services incorporating the Rite of Healing, and concluding with a glowing Hymn Festival. (Those who were there in the Sanctuary around 6 p.m. actually witnessed a surreal glowing of the Cross as seen in this photo). And, so it is, just as we say, “Whew! It’s over. “We have to declare, “It has only just begun!” ----Bev Larzelere, 60th Anniversary Focus Group Facilitator NOT JUST A THOUSAND THANKS---BUT MORE LIKE 60,000 THANKS to the 60th Anniversary Focus Group and so many more folks who worked together to create a memorable time during the six weeks of commemorating and celebrating St. Luke’s 60 Years of FAITHFULNESS THROUGH SERVICE AND HEALING. Focus Group FACILITATOR: Bev Larzelere and MEMBERS: Betty Begeal, Bev Berardinelli, Chris Escudero, Dave Begeal, Don Cretsinger, Fred Frahm, Judy Marsh, Karen Carlson, Lori Erven, Mary Beth Tidwell, Nancy Krenz, Sandi Brasher, and Shirley Smith. THE ACCOMPANYING CAST: St. Luke Ministry’s Committees; St. Luke Church Council; St. Luke staff members: Angie, Rosa, Karen and Tim; St. Luke (aka Tom Berardinelli); Ken Vincent, Pastors Ben and Chuck, WELCA, Pastors Travis and Russ; Rite of Healing attendants: Bill Szaroletta, Mary Ehle; Choirs of St. Luke and St. Paul Lutheran Churches; Creative Arts volunteers, Guest Musicians: Ensemble San Lucas, Camino de Vida musicians, Alison Schuler, Seth Hartwell, Cheri Sorensen, Pastor Ron Roschke, St. Luke Preschool children, Dick Lynch, Jane Bentley, Susan Frahm, and you, yes, that is YOU, who participated in any way…in preparation, presentation and participation… 60,000 thanks!!! 17 POSTSCRIPT ~ TH FROM THE 60 ANNIVERSARY FOCUS GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE ACTION The St. Luke 60th Anniversary Focus Group offers the following suggestions for future consideration and action. These were noted in the group’s discussions over the past months: Invite Camino del Vida musicians to participate in a Saturday 5PM Worship Service. Offer The Rite of Healing on a specified “regular” schedule during the church year. Incorporate the video of Founding Pastor Don Simonton into the presentations for confirmation classes and new member orientation. Support revitalization of Lifeline Ministry through the work of the Wellness Committee. Support work of the Social Ministry Committee to maintain relationships with St. Luke Preschool, Lutheran Campus Ministry at UNM, City of Albuquerque Open Spaces; St. Martin’s Hospitality Center and Camino de Vida. Repeat St. Luke Season of Service during Lent, 2015 and again in September, 2015. Maintain an organized St. Luke Archives. Scan all available St. Luke Congregational Directories and file in digital format. Create a simple, short scrapbook containing 60th Anniversary photos, congratulatory letters, bulletins etc. Copy 60th Anniversary video; give copies to Charter members and past pastors; and make available to members for a suggested donation of $10-$15. Continue and strengthen networking and sharing among the various St. Luke Ministries—and their Committees. ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1954 – 2014 and going forward 60 Years of FAITHFULNESS THROUGH SERVICE AND HEALING 18 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR Week of Nov. 2: John 1-7 Week of Nov. 9: John 8-21 Week of Nov. 16: Acts1-19 Week of Nov. 23: Acts 20-28; Romans 1-16 Week of Nov. 30: 1 Corinthians; 2 Corinthians 1-10 60TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE DVD The Focus Group for the 60th anniversary celebration created a memorial type DVD. This DVD presents all of our past Pastors in an informal time of reflection of their time serving St. Luke church. They are presented in chronological order (all 11) plus inputs from our Charter Members. The disc was organized, edited and assembled by Ken Vincent. It required approximately 60 hours of Ken’s time, and he did an excellent job. Some of you have seen and appreciated the efforts of Ken. After seeing the videos, some members have requested copies of the DVD. I have taken the responsibility of distributing the DVD’s. They are available on Sundays at church or during the week in the church office. The Focus Group is suggesting a donation of at least $10 $15 for a copy. These funds will be placed in the general funds of the church to go against our budget deficit. You can write DVD on your offering envelope. If you would like a copy but we miss seeing each other, please give me a call and I will arrange for you to receive one. Copies of the transcript are also available. - Don Cretsinger (839-0946) 19 MINISTRY AREAS Ministry of Discipleship Formation: meets first Tuesday at 5 PM. Committees: Faith Growth & Youth; Stewardship; Women of the ELCA; and Worship, Music, & the Arts Ministry of Relational Community: meets second Monday at 5:30 PM. Committees: Grace in Action; Preschool; Social Ministry; Wellness; Women of the ELCA Ministry of Resource Management: meets third Monday at 6 PM. Committees: Finance; Personnel; Property; Trust Fund; Women of the ELCA Our 60th Anniversary Celebration S eas o n of at the Service: O u Albuq uerqu r hands wo r e Ope n Spa king ce int Luke Our patron sa n’s sermon at the childre ks display Volunteer wor Nancy assembled by team Krenz & her God’s W ork. O Season o ur Hands. f Service Dedication of St. Luke Preschool Staff 20 Six weeks of Service & Healing Help us fill the Time Capsule 21 Our 60th Anniversary Celebration Church Decorations Knitting/Crocheting Prayer Shawls Sew & Sow: Quilting Creative Arts Open House Baptismal Banners Sew & Sow Projects Meal Ministry Bell Choir, Chancel Choir 22 FEST Reception provided by the St. Luke WELCA 23 ovember irthdays My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance. - Psalm 139:15-16b 01 02 03 04 09 11 D’Ann Anderson Julie Eichel Mary Mickey Robert Domres Steven Feagler Stephen Montgomery Karen Carlson Sam Carr Bob Hayes Mary Beth Garrett Sarah Johnson Bonnie Perea Mary Beth Tidwell Becky, Jona, Dee, Bette, Bill & Bette, Sandy, Lawrence, Amanda, Jennifer & friends, Logan, Jason & family, Margaret, Crews, Carrie, Lorraine, Kara, Jason, Jackie, Chuck, Dawn S, Bob & Jerri, Robin, Daryl & Angela, Jewell, Pat & Larry, Betty M, Jody, Rick, Chris, Kayln, Francis & Evelyn, Mary, Linda, Edith, Matthew, Michelle & Beau, Phyllis & Rebecca, Greg & Nancy, Barb, Nancy, Owen & Kendra, Penny Grince, Gina, Carrie, Bob & Betty, Reagan, Ashlee, Brian, Jessica, Sarah, Daniel, Kristian, Regan & Carol, Kurt, Carol, Robin, 14 15 16 18 20 21 Carolyn Dougherty Pat Lange Halen Walters Marion Castiglia Sannon Wamre Twila Randolph Molly Weber Emily Dagon Walt Rowe Michael Gruner Jennifer Wynia Christine Coverdale Barbara Haschke Mary Alice, DeeDee, Stephanie, Robbi, Jack, Scott & Debi, Joey, Brian, Ralph & Donna, Don, Tom, & Jan, Sheila, Cassie, Jeanette, John & Beth, Hudson, Jonathan, Salli Anne, Chris, Jay, Christensen, Carolyn & John, Janet, Doug, Bob, Samantha, John, Kaycee, Peggy, Lindsey, Dorela & John, Stan, Daneen, Joann, Craig, Kelly, Emily, Jan, Carol, DiAnn & Sandra, Reagan, Larry, Cindy, Sally, Beverly, Lori, George & Patricia, Tim,Allen, Middle East, Elizabeth & Paul, George & Laurie, Mela, Bob, Virginia, Art, Jean, Phoebe, Pr. Russ & 24 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 Terry Shirrod Jake Varela Dorela Cole Beth Cretsinger Aida Elliott Annabelle Makarski Marina Mauney Judy Moore Leona Sanders Doris Sanders Ralph Fischer Chris Langley Cheryll Church Council St. Luke Preschool & Kindergarten Pres. Bishop Elizabeth Bishop James Our church & activities Military, city, & world The poor & helpless For all to know God & to feel his presence Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I … - Psalm 61:1-2 TRANSITION TEAM Pr. Russ Sorensen DeAnn Eaton Azar Tom Berardinelli Forrest Blech Shawn Dirk Karl Eickhoff Dianne Follstaedt Jean Hollowwa Jamie Kerestes Myra Lynch Holly Trujillo Mark Eickhoff - Council President ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH A congregation of the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod CHURCH OFFICE HOURS The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, Presiding Bishop The Rev. James Gonia, Synod Bishop The Rev. Russ Sorensen, Intentional Interim Senior Pastor Frederick Frahm, Director of Music Ministries & Organist Greg Haschke, Sunday School Superintendent Mary Ehle, Saturday Worship Keyboardist Rosa Wersonick, Office Manager & Parish Ministries Coordinator Angie Miller, Admin. Assist. & Horizon Editor Tim Manville, Custodian Karen Archibeque, Bookkeeper Open: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4 PM Staff Meeting: Tuesdays, 10 AM Council Meeting: Third Tuesday, 6 PM (subject to change; please check the calendar) ST. LUKE PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Phone: (505) 292-8812 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Lori Erven, Director Jane Clinger, Office Administrator HORIZON NEWSLETTER is a monthly publication of ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 9100 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112 Phone (505) 299-2621 ; Fax (505) 271-2831 E-mail: [email protected] Website: CHURCH COUNCIL Mark Eickhoff: President; Transition Team Shawn Dirk: Vice-President; Visioning Dave Begeal: Worship, Music, & Arts Karen Carlson: Council Secretary; Wellness Don Cretsinger: Ministry of Discipleship Formation Chris Escudero, Ministry of Relational Community Barbara Haschke: Faith Growth Judy Marsh: Grace in Action Rick Parker: Treasurer; Finance Mandy Scarberry: Social Ministry Yvonne Shirley: WELCA Representative Terry Shirrod: Property Mary Beth Tidwell: Financial Secretary; Stewardship Deadline for submitting articles/items: Articles for the monthly Horizon newsletter: deadline - 15th of the month Items for the weekly Parish Notices (green sheet insert in bulletins): deadline - noon on Wednesdays. Please send your articles/items to the St. Luke church office, attn: Angie. 25 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 72 Albuquerque, NM ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH 9100 Menaul Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 Phone: (505) 299-2621 Fax: (505) 271-2831 Email: [email protected] Website: Return Service Requested Please deliver by October 31, 2014 Place address label here The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any that act wisely, that seek after God. – Psalm 14:2 ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH We are a CONGREGATION CREATED by God in Christ, EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit, CALLED and SENT to bear witness to God’s creative, redeeming, and sanctifying activity in the world. Come & worship with us! The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered at all the Worship Services. 5: 00 PM Saturday … Casual - in the midst of life Service with lively sing-able music accompanied by piano and guitars. 8:00 AM Sunday … quiet and contemplative Begins with prayer and meditation, welcoming the new day as the sanctuary fills with light and life. 10:15 AM Sunday Late … rich in tradition, spirited Complete liturgy, sounds of the pipe organ, and congregational singing HIGHLIGHTS From Pr. Russ p. 1-2 Remembering My Faith p. 3 Nov. Events p. 2, 6-7 The Rev. Ron Roschke’s Sermon p. 4-5 Women of the ELCA p. 8 Preschool p. 10 Outreach p. 11 Finance Report p. 11 Wellness Ministry p. 12 Council: Let’s Chat p. 13 November Calendar p. 14-15 Nov. Worship Assistants p. 16 Church Office p. 17 60th Anniversary Recap p. 18-25 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR p. 21 November Birthdays p. 26 Remember in Prayer p. 26 Soli Deo Gloria! 26
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