S T . S TEPEHN ’ S U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH T HE M ESSENGER N OVEMBER 2014 V OLUME 37; I SSUE 11 M OELLING ’ S M USINGS : A W ORD F ROM P ASTOR K IRT “[T]he hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, my brother.” Philemon 1:7 We have all likely labored, at one time or another, under the (mis)conception that a “saint” refers to some kind of SUPER CHRISTIAN, capable of parting waters, healing the sick, or bringing peace to intractable conflict. If not that, a “saint” is someone who never makes a misstep in their walk of Christian faith and sets the example for the rest of us regular peons who struggle with our faith daily. In the Catholic tradition, some of these saints are “beatified” and “sainted” by the Pope, elevating them above the regular mass of Christians. Some “saints” actually gave their lives for the faith, in fidelity to God. Of course, the only one who lived completely faithful to God’s will was Jesus. And yet we know many have suffered much for Christ – and some still do. You and I really can’t say that. Relying on these common understandings in the “super Christian” realm, I’ve often heard folk say, “I ain’t no saint.” But that is not the case. All Christian people of every time and place are “saints;” at least, that’s what the apostle Paul thought. “To all the saints who are in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi,” begins his letter to the Philippians. “To all God’s beloved in Rome, who are called to be saints,” says the salutation in his letter to the Romans. And Paul addresses his first letter to the Corinthians with this very broad idea of sainthood: “To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, together with all those who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” THAT is a “saint,” which means you and I (yes, you and I!) are saints, too. Sometimes I wonder if claiming not to be a saint is an avoidance mechanism. If I’m not a saint, I don’t have to act and live any differently than anyone else. If I’m not a saint, I don’t have to try my best to follow Jesus in all that I do and say. If I’m not a saint, I can just go along with the crowd, never pondering what Jesus might do. I suspect most just don’t think I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : C HILDREN ’ S M INISTRIES 3 Y OUTH M INISTRIES 4 A DULT S TUDIES 5 C ALENDAR 8 A LL IN THE F AMILY 10 V OLUME 37; I SSUE 11 P AGE 2 BUT I AIN’T NO SAINT! - continued from page 1 they’re “good enough” for that “saint” label, as we normally misuse it. And the truth is, we aren’t. NONE of us are good (righteous) enough; but the Good News is Christ IS our righteousness. By grace we are his; and by grace we ARE “saints.” Being a saint means we are sinners saved by Christ for a new life, a whole new way of living. And thus, we try to live like a saint (i.e., a follow Jesus in daily life) not to try and earn salvation (we can’t), but because God has gifted us with salvation in Christ. We’re saints not because of what we’ve done – but because of what Christ has done – and what Christ wants to do in us by his Spirit. Saints are people who have been justified (made right with God) by Christ – and who now simply seek to live and grow in that grace every day, that we might hear what Paul told his friend, Philemon: “[T]he hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.” On Sunday, November 2, we will celebrate All Saints Sunday. This year we will light sixteen candles in remembrance of those saints we’ve lost over the past twelve months. These are saints, not under the Pope’s definition, but under Paul’s: ordinary people saved by grace, who tried to live as Christ’s light in the world and who now are embraced by God in the world to come – whatever that reality is. And when our days here are done, we trust we will join the saints in glory who have gone before us. Hmm, maybe we are saints after all; for, after all, we do want to be in that number. “O when the Saints go marching in When the Saints go marching in O Lord, I want to be in that number When the Saints go marching in.” Join us November 2 in worship as we celebrate All Saints Sunday. It’s what saints do – saints like you. Seeking to refresh the hearts of the Saints, with you, PASTOR KIRT Not a Silent Night by Adam Hamilton This study imagines “Jesus from Mary’s point of view—proud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person, and so much more.” There is a short DVD presentation followed by exploration of Scripture and discussion. Sundays, beginning on November 30 from 5:00-6:00 pm in Henderson Hall, facilitated by David Sutton. Child care is available with a reservation by November 23; contact the church office. Advent begins on November 30 this year and lasts until Christmas Day. It is the season when we prepare ourselves to receive God’s gift of Jesus. It is a time of “getting ready” for the celebration of Christmas, not in the frantic, frenzied way our culture promotes, but in quiet reflection and prayer, much as Lent is the season of preparation for Easter. Several opportunities are offered here to help you focus: During Sunday School, you are welcome to attend any of the following classes as they prepare for the birth of Christ: Seek and Serve Class (Henderson Hall room 121) will be using the Not a Silent Night study listed above. Logos Class (Education Building room 241) will be looking at the season through A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Inquirers Class (Education Building room 243) will be Walking the Road to Bethlehem, also by Adam Hamilton. T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 3 C HILDREN ’ S M INISTRIES - B ECKY P RICE ALL Church Advent Workshop Sunday, Nov. 16 3:30-5:30 pm in the Family Life Center November 9 is Children’s Sabbath at St. Stephen’s The purpose of a Children’s Sabbath is to celebrate children and to raise awareness of the needs of so many children. The theme for this year is “Precious in God’s Sight: Answering the Call to Cherish and Protect Every Child.” —Our project this year is a Circle of Care program, Child Share. This agency supports families who care for foster children and we will learn more about what they do during both services on November 9. —We have started collecting diapers of all sizes in a crib in the breezeway to give to Child Share and they can use all we can bring! November 9 is the deadline! —Look for the bulletin board display in Henderson Hall with artwork from the children illustrating “How Every Child is Precious in God’s Sight.” —We have a new banner for the sanctuary! Many children’s hands have been traced to add to it as they remind us that ALL children are precious in God’s sight. Sunday Evening Schedule for Children November 2 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 Children’s Fellowship Time Children’s Choirs Family Snack Supper November 9 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 Children’s Fellowship Time Children’s Choirs Family Snack Supper November 16 3:30-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 Advent Workshop for all ages! Children’s Choirs Family Snack Supper November 23 3:30-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:45 Children’s Fellowship Time Children’s Choirs Thanksgiving Dinner in the FLC 6:45 pm — Church Conference in the Sanctuary This is the church’s annual business meeting with the District Superintendent. Child care is provided. November 30 5:30-6:00 1st Sunday in Advent Children’s Choirs only Everyone ages 3 to 93 is invited to come and enjoy activities to help prepare for the Advent season, which begins November 30. We will have various crafts and a fun snack to make. Children will need an adult to help them, and those younger than three will be able to play in the nursery. Children’s choirs will rehearse as usual from 5:30-6:00 pm. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. From 25 Ways to Ask Your Kids “So How Was School Today?” What was the best thing that happened at school today? or What was the worst thing… Tell me something that made you laugh today. Where is the coolest place in the school? What word did your teacher say most today? What do you think you should do/learn more of at school? Less of? If you got to be the teacher tomorrow, what would you do? See the complete list at: http://www.simplesimonandco.com/2014/08/25-ways-askkids-school-today-without-asking-school-today.html Makynzie A. and Olivia G. November Sunday School In Sunday School this month, the children will be focusing on the unit “Hope for God’s People.” Lessons are Joseph and His Brothers, Joseph in Egypt, Joseph Saves the Day, and Reunited. For Nov. 30, the lesson is A Savior is Coming! “I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the LORD.” —Jeremiah 29:11 For more information, contact Becky Price: Phone: 918-455-4202 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.children-ssumcba.org V OLUME 37; I SSUE 11 P AGE 4 Y OUTH M INISTRIES - R ANDY M C C URDY YOUth Should Know Worship Services are Sundays at 8:30 am and 11:00 am. Sunday school 9:45 am Youth Room, FLC 262 A continental breakfast is served in the youth room. Announcements about upcoming events and activities are discussed, celebrations and concerns are shared. The group divides by school groups for Sunday school in the Jr. High (6-8th grade) and Sr. High (9-12th grade) rooms for lessons. The themes for Jr. High is Faith—Nature of Faith, God, in Whom We have Faith, Saved by Faith, Living Faithfully and Faith Eternal. The themes for Sr. High is Call-Nature of Call, Gifted and Called, Called to Follow and Call to Bring Change. Sunday Night Youth Group 6:00 - 8:00 pm Youth Room, FLC 262 November 2, Taize Service A special worship service in the youth worship area! November 9, Movie Night Popcorn and a movie in the youth room! November 16, Advent Workshop 3:30-5 p.m. The youth will join the church family for the annual advent fair. November 23, Church Conference and Dinner 5:30-8:00 pm November 30, Study: Depression & Suicide We will have a guest speaker on this important topic ! A snack supper is available Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm ($3). Wednesday Night Youth Group 6:00 -7:30 pm A snack supper ($3), recreation and life skills training is the focus of the Wednesday night youth group sessions. There will be no Wednesday Night Youth on November 26th during Thanksgiving Break. The last tailgate party is at Victory Christian School on Friday, November 7. We will be having hot dogs with the VCS Band and then attend the game! Bring $$ for admission. Let Randy know if you plan on attending by Wednesday, November 5th! Pumpkin Patch Thank you to every youth and their families for supporting and volunteering for the Pumpkin patch. It was a huge success! https://www.facebook.com/groups/39482476263/ Join to see pictures from our events and hear about upcoming events! There are forms and the latest Youth Should Know Newsletter in the files section. It is a closed group for St. Stephen’s Youth and their families. Youth Council Monday, November 17 6:30 pm, Room 262 Hoop’n It Up Youth Basketball 7:30-9:00 pm Family Life Center The 2014-15 basketball season begins on January 3rd and continues for 8 weeks. All games are played on Saturdays at First United Methodist Church in downtown Tulsa. Practice will begin in November in the Family Life Center at St. Stephens United Methodist Church. Stayed tuned for more information! Randy McCurdy: Office: (918) 455-4202 • Cell: (918) 607-9281 • Email: [email protected] T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 5 Adult Studies & Activities Bookworms Ida Circle November 20 1:30 pm • Parlor 9:30 am • Henderson Hall Wednesday November 12 Light in the Ruins by Chris Bojhalian It is a novel set in WWII and is an interesting tale. In December we traditionally meet for a meal at a local restaurant. Be thinking about book titles to suggest for those cold, dark winter months of reading time coming up! Newcomers to our group are always welcome. If you have questions, contact Beverly Schwarzkopf or Barbara Purtell. Coffee & Conversation Meeting All women are invited. If you ordered an apple pie they will be ready for pick up November 9th and/or 16th. $12 each Lydia Circle Sunday • November 23 • 3:00 pm •Parlor Karen Bissell will present a program with beautiful photos of a trip she made to New York and New England. Hostess: Beverly Schwarzkopf Women of St. Stephen’s are welcome!. Parenting with Men’s Fellowship Nov. 13 & Dec. 11 • 6:00 pm 6:00 pm • Family Life Center Contact Gordon Beck (918) 409-9033 for more information Facilitated by Carmie Parish Sundays 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm November 2, 9 Holy Land Olive Wood Gift Store November 9-23 Henderson Hall The Youth Council is selling authentic olive wood products hand-crafted in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus. The items are very affordable -$2-$49 and make great Christmas gifts—olive wood from the place Christmas happened! This helps the economically strapped artisans in Bethlehem who have great difficulty making a living due to increased restrictions and the dividing wall that continues to separate them from Jerusalem. The Youth Missions Account will receive a portion of the proceeds for our mission trips this summer!. V OLUME 37; I SSUE 11 P AGE 6 Hospitality Update What an exciting year! The Set Free to Serve team along with many others, have led us in making some much-needed updates to our Sanctuary. It is beautiful and now that the chairs are here and the pews are upholstered, it’s more comfortable too! We want to gently remind you about a couple of things so we can keep it looking wonderful! You may have noticed that three chairs have been moved closer to the front on the pulpit side of the Sanctuary. This row is intended to accommodate people with wheelchairs and walkers and their family & friends. Please give priority seating on this row to those who need it. If you ever have a concern or need assistance, please ask an usher. We ask that you refrain from taking food or drinks into the Sanctuary. If you need a drink (to help keep a cough under control, etc.) please make sure it has a lid and we would prefer it be water. Thank you for your help and diligence! Worship Committee Joys & Concerns 8:30 am Service The Worship Committee has discussed sharing joys and concerns at the 8:30 am service using the written format, as we do at the 11:00 am service. The committee agreed to do this on a trial basis for the month of January, 2015. At that time, any joys or concerns to be shared with the congregation should be written in the book kept at the back of the sanctuary, and Pastor Kirt will read them aloud at that point in the service. If you have questions or suggestions about this change in the 8:30 am Worship Service, please do not hesitate to let me (or any Join Us For A Baby Shower! November 2 Henderson Hall • 2:30 pm Honoring Traci Gardner Contact Becky Price member of the Worship Committee) know. We will respectfully take all comments into consideration before deciding whether to implement this change on a permanent basis. In Christ’s Service, Vicky Olson Worship Chair Coffee Corner Acknowledgements Did you know that everything you enjoy from the Coffee Corner except coffee and regular condiments is donated? The flavored creamers, cocoa, soap, hand cleaner, paper goods, water flavors and even the tea and honey are all donated by you. It’s amazing! I enter the Coffee Corner and there something special will be! Usually I don’t even know who brought it. So, thank you for all the gifts we’ve received: We’ve enjoyed them! T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 7 Thank you thank you thank you for all your support of 2014 PUMPKIN PATCH!! Your setting up, purchasing, unloading, selling, painting, reading and representing your church made this year a success. Mission benefits are obvious but the fellowship and evangelism is just as important! Outreach & Missions Also a huge THANK YOU for our loyal 13 blood donors at our OBI blood drive. Next one will be the morning of our Annual Pancake Breakfast!! If you missed this one, you can still donate in the name of St. Stephen's account. The end of November brings our annual Angel Tree project. Once again we will be purchasing Christmas gifts for 100 ChildShare foster children. Please take an angel from the tree and PLEASE find the child's identification numbers/letters in our binder and enter your name and phone #. Then when you return the unwrapped gift, please write date in binder so we know. What a fun and rewarding mission project (Don't tell any other UMCs but St. Stephen's is the program's #1 supporter in the district). Join us on our monthly mission trip to Cookson Wednesday, November 19th and remember Monday, Dec. 8th is when we go to wrap gifts in their Christmas store. Please let Susan Spencer or me know if you are interested in these activities. Kathy Metheny, Outreach & Missions Chair Monthly Missions Mission Time: Tuesdays 8:30 am - 10:00 am, Parlor Cookson Hills Mission: 3rd Wednesday each month, meet at the church at 8:00 am Manna Meals: 4th Friday each month, leave the church at 10:15 am to go to St. Paul’s United Methodist Church to feed the hungry Monthly Outreach Items Re me mb e r o u r mon t h ly donation bins in the breezeway for Broken Arrow Neighbors, Emergency Infant Services, Day Center for the Homeless and United Methodist Committee on Relief. Coming Soon! Start purchasing unwrapped gifts for 100 needy children from Circle of Care Outreach & Missions St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church For More Information Contact Kathy Metheny (918) 806-1825 Broken Arrow Neighbors Day Center for the Homeless Emergency Infant Services Canned Green Beans & Corn Toothbrushes, Toothpaste Sweaters, Caps, Mittens UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Food Pantry Items For Cookson Hills *Childcare Available Fridays: Offices Closed 9:00 am Food For Kids Packing 30 Thursdays: 9:00 am Food For Kids Set Up 7:30 pm Basketball/Open Gym 24 23 3p Lydia Circle 6p Thanksgiving Dinner 7p Church Conference 6:30p Youth Council 3:30p Advent Workshop 25 18 17 16 No Youth 26 Offices Closed 27 Newsletter Articles Due 1:30p Bookworms 7p Administrative Council 20 6p Men’s Fellowship 6:30p Finance 13 6:30p Hospitality Committee 6 Thu Place order for Thanksgiving Turkeys and turn in by November 20 29 22 15 1 ALL CHURCH WORKDAY 9A-2P Lunch provided Sat 8 Get Christmas cards ready to mail at St. Stephen’s Post Office on Dec. 1 10a Manna Meals 28 21 14 7 Fri Thanksgiving Break • No Weekday School 8a Cookson Mission 19 9:30a Ida Circle 7p Fellowship Committee Children’s Sabbath 4:30p Parenting Class* 10 9 5 Wed 12 7p Technology Committee 2:30 p Gardner Baby Shower 4:30p Parenting Class* 4 Tue 11 3 Mon 2 Sun Wednesdays: 5:30 pm Youth Choir 6:00 pm Youth Group 7:00 pm Adult Choir* Tuesdays: 8:30 am Mission Time 10:00 am Bible Study 6:30 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Herald Ringers 7:00 pm Friendship Quilters Mondays: 9:30 am Weekday School (M-Th) 1:30 pm Staff Meeting Ongoing Weekly Activities Sundays: 8:30 am Worship* 9:45 am Sunday School* 11:00 am Worship* 4:00 Youth Worship Team 4:30 pm Children’s Fellowship 5:00 pm Youth Handbells 5:30 pm Children's Choirs 6:00 pm Snack Supper 6:30 pm Youth Group 6:30 pm Adult Handbells* 400 West New Orleans St. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 St. Stephen’s UMC T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 9 Basic Schedule 4:30 Children’s Fellowship Time Age 3-K and 1st-5th grade 5:00 Youth Handbells 5:30 Children’s Choirs Age 3 - 5th grade 6:00 Family Snack Supper in the FLC ($3 adults $2 children) 6:30 Youth Group Adult Handbells* *Childcare is available as needed Locations for specific activities will be posted. Date Menu Class/Organization November 2nd Spaghetti Adult Council November 9th Sub Sandwiches Outreach/Missions November 16th Pizza and Salad Beverly / Ruth November 23rd Thanksgiving Dinner Fellowship November 30th No Snack Supper Thanksgiving Break December 7 No Snack Supper Bell Concert November 18 5:30 - 8:00 BA High School • Cost $10 (come & go) Benefits BA Neighbors & Food For Kids Boy Scout Troop 990 is a fun place for boys who have completed the 5th grade (or have earned the Arrow of Light Cub Scout Award) to learn outdoor and leadership skills. The boys are taught strong morals and ethics as they are challenged with events like hiking, canoeing, rifle shooting or climbing/rappelling. We are looking for a few good young men who are looking for a little adventure. Contact Paul Duncan [email protected]. Visit www.troop990.com Membership Audit In 2013 we began the process of updating our membership rolls. In following with the Book of Discipline, this is a three year process that we began in 2013. This year is the second year of the process. Throughout the year we have attempted to contact the following people via letters, emails, and phone calls to find out if they would prefer to retain their membership at St. Stephen’s, have joined another faith community and would like to transfer their membership, or would like to withdraw their membership for other reasons. At the time this was written, we haven’t been able to reach the people listed below. If you know any of these people or how we could contact them, please call the church office. Thank you! Melanie & Robert Adair; Wayne, Kathleen, & Jonathan Anderson; Susan & Glen Birdsong; Cassie & Jeff Breshears; Gail & Lynn Burgess; Tabitha Burklin; Tom Caldwell; Sean & Casja Camargo; Monica Clarke; E'lisa & Will Clay; Ken Cohenour; Amy Copeland; Tanner Crittenden; Taylor Dormont; Steven Groff; Erick Growcock; Chase & Amy Guey; Brian Hail; Payton Hatchett; Karen Henderson; Tabitha Hickey; Debra Hubbart; Darrell & Mary Hudson; Carren Hullinger; Chase Jackson; Kennedi Jarvi; Grayson Jarvi; Martin & Gerrie Johnson; Brian Johnson; Alan Kamrowski & Lisa Sanmiguel; Shannon Kelley; Aaron & Shelby Kirkpatrick; Melissa Kunze; Becky Lyman; Rebecka Lyman; Paula & Keith Marouk; Sarah Mathew; Katie Mayes-Sherman; Sandy & Chuck McGechie; Melissa Meyer; Seth Miller; Andrea Miller; Brandon Milligan; Neta Mussa; Loren & Sondra Naftzger; April & Mark Parnell; Geneva Patterson; Kayla Pentas; James & Veva Phares; Cory & Kathy Rubin; Sue Salter; Jodee & Dennis Schmidt; Jeri Sue Sensinstaffar; Paul Simmons; Judy Thornburg; Bill Valois; Sarah Valois; Matthew Valois; Roger Ward; Kiel Ward; Heather West; Jim White; Mindy & Rollin Wortmann; Jon & Angie Yates . V OLUME 37; I SSUE 11 A LL IN THE September/October Birthdays ● Dave Berns ● Harriett Schmees ● Sheryl Cory ● Elizabeth Usrey ● Alex Lawless ● Lauren, Bob & Suzi Page’s granddaughter ● Conner, Karen Bissell’s grandson Joys ● Friends and family visiting ● Nikki Jenkins got her drivers license ● Coweta Band got 1st in 2A, 3rd overall; Union got 1st in 4A ● Gracen Ripperger got a Tiger Cub award for good behavior ● Thanks to all who made the playground look nice ● Thanks for the beautiful garden in front of the church ● Pumpkin Patch ● Delene Coleman’s daughter, Julie, going to Africa to serve in Peace Corps ● Zariah Marzano pulled a tooth by herself ● Annie Graves lost a tooth ● Rebecca Eccles is safely in Guatemala Recovering ● Jennifer Robinson, wife of Dave Berns’ co-worker ● Nick Jenkins ● Mary Douma ● Dave Berns ● Janice Williams ● Brent Werts ● Mandy Davies’ aunt ● Ruth Holden, Carol Hawkins’ stepmother F AMILY P AGE 10 Concerns ● Mark Schmidt, friend of Dave Berns ● Cook family ● Prentice family ● Beair family ● Julie, Delene Coleman’s daughter ● Debbie Perkins, friend of Laurie Richard ● Andy Payne, Bill Payne’s son ● Suzi Page’s friend ● Vicki Cox ● Debbie Humphrey, friend of Kathy Metheny ● Verona Martin, Kori Martin’s mother ● James Beair ● Ed Green ● John Grubb, Carmie Parish’s father Losses ● Bob Cook ● Laile Warren, Gayle Prentice’s father ● Jim Wood, Jen Price’s stepdad ● Carolyn Beair Thank you all so much for all your thoughts, cards and prayers during the loss of my father. This has been a very tough year for me and I do appreciate your thinking of me and my family. Gayle Prentice & Family We would like for our Church Family to know how much we appreciated all of you during Bob's illness and passing. Your thoughts and prayers were felt by each of us and the love we received was awesome. My family and friends enjoyed the meal and we appreciated all of you that got to come and celebrate his life at the Memorial Service and especially grateful for the donations to our Church in honor and memory of Bob. Betty Cook & Family Thank you for love of Carolyn and your support to us during this time. Carolyn loved her church and the people within it. The Beair Family T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 11 Smoked Turkey Orders Smoked Turkey Pre-Paid Order Name: __________________________ Phone #: ________________________ # of Turkeys _____________________ x $40 Total: $_______________ Turn orders in to Haydon at the church office by November 20th. Profits from this event will go towards apportionments. The Fellowship Committee will be offering smoked turkeys for Thanksgiving. Turkeys will be 12 to 15 pounds and cost $40. Profits from this event will go toward apportionments. We will only lightly season turkeys with salt and pepper and smoke them with pecan wood; this will give your turkey a traditional roast flavor with a gentle smoke. Prepaid orders will be taken in the church office through November 20th. Depending on the number of orders, we will begin smoking on Monday, November 24th and will have all orders filled by the 25th. Turkeys will be wrapped in foil and can be reheated at home for your Thanksgiving dinner. If you have any questions or special requests, please contact the church. November 15 9am-2pm Lunch provided St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church 400 WEST NEW ORLEANS ST. BROKEN ARROW, OK 74011 918-455-4202 Return Service Requested STAFF: KIRT E. MOELLING, SENIOR PASTOR SHERYL CORY, DIRECTOR OF MUSIC & CARE MINISTRIES RANDALL E. MCCURDY, DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRIES BECKY PRICE, DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES HAYDON ISHMAEL, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT VICKI COX, TREASURER JOANNA COOK, ORGANIST LAURIE RICHARD, NURSERY COORDINATOR JAMES LEONARD, CUSTODIAN Join Us for Worship! 8:30 am Worship Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service Newsletter Deadline is Noon, November 20th Thanksgiving Dinner Church Conference November 23 Following Thanksgiving Dinner! What Is a Church Conference? The “Charge Conference” is the basic governing body of each United Methodist local church and is composed of all members of the church council, plus all active and retired clergy. “A “Church Conference” is just like a Charge Conference, except “it extends the vote to all professing members of the local church present at such meetings” (UM Discipline, par. 248) Sunday, November 23 6:00 pm Why should I attend? The Annual Church Conference directs the work of the church and gives general oversight to the church council, reviews and evaluates the mission and ministry of the church, sets salary for the pastor, elects the members of the church council, and recommends candidates for ordained ministry. At our Annual Church Conference we celebrate our ministry together! Come be a part of your church!
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