קהילת תפארת ישראל Welcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel Shabbos Afternoon Shiur Parshas Vayera Join us every Shabbos afternoon, one hour before Mincha, for the Rabbi’s shiur. This week’s shiur will be given by Rabbi Shlomo Porter, בס״ד Rabbi Menachem Goldberger speaking on “Memories of a world that was. Building the world that is. Reflections on a trip to Vilna and Lithuania.” הרב מנחם ראובן הלוי גולדברגר דאתרא שליטא מרא • Raizy Cohen, Raiselle bas Sarah אחד • Shaya Cohen, Yeshaya Lev ben Shelly Gabriella • Hillel Zeitlin, Hillel Mordechai ben Miriam • Risha Saperstein / Pushka total: $10,011 (see p. 3) Congregation Tiferes Yisroel! 5746-5775 - בלב bWelcome to Parshas Tazria/Metzora 15 Cheshvan 5775/November 8, 2014. Celebrating our 28th year DAVENING SCHEDULE Friday Candle Lighting: Mincha: Refuah Shalaimah to 4:41 pm 4:45 pm Shabbos Day Shacharis: Mincha: Maariv: Shabbos is over after: 8:30 am 4:20 pm 6:00 pm 6:11 pm Sunday Shacharis: Mincha/Maariv: 8:00 am 4:35 pm Monday-Friday Shacharis: 6:30 am Mincha/Maariv followed by Malchus Shlomo with Rabbi Goldberger: 4:35 pm Next Shabbos – Parshas Chaye Sarah Candle Lighting: 4:34 pm Friday Mincha: 4:35 pm This Shabbos • 7:30-8:30 pm. Father/Son Learning. Men’s Bais Medrash Our new Bais Medrash Program for men is on Monday and Wednesday nights from 8 to 9, followed by maariv. And there will be freshly brewed coffee and refreshments. This new program features several different learning opportunities of varying lengths to make it possible for everyone to participate. • Monday • 8-8:35, Reb Shlomo Goldberger, Mishna Brura • 8-9, Jay Taffel, Rambam Hilchos Tzitzis • 8:45-9, Shuki Nissan, Chovos Hatalmidim • Wednesday • 8-8:35, Reb Shlomo Goldberger, the Weekly Parsha • 8:45-9, Shuki Nissan, Chovos Hatalmidim Father/Son Learning We’re excited to begin Father/Son Learning this Motzei Shabbos, from 7:30 to 8:30. It’s a wonderful way to hold onto the Kedusha from Shabbos as you and your son(s)/grandsons share this special time together. Pizza and refreshments will be available at the end of learning, from 8 to 8:30, along with stories of our holy Tzaddikim. We will meet upstairs in our beautiful Bais Medrash. We’re also looking for sponsors for this year’s learning cycle. A special thank you to our first sponsor of the year — Rabbi Elie and Esther Levi, in honor of their children Daniel, Akiva, and Malki. Pushka Campaign We did it. We made it to $10,000. Yay!! Thank you to everyone who contributed. And thank you to Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger. Women’s Shiur with Rabbi Goldberger Beginning Sunday night, December 14, there will be a new women’s shiur with Rabbi Goldberger. We will be learning Navi, “Shmuel,” about Dovid HaMelech both prior to his becoming king and during his kingdom. Please bring a Sefer Shmuel with Rashi. The shiur will be held in the Nancy Taffel Annex, time to be announced. Tiferes Yisroel Shabbos Chanuka Family Seuda Please join us on December 20, Shabbos Chanuka, for a family seuda, catered by our own Tiferes Yisroel Gourmet Chefs. The cost is $20 per person with a family cap of $100. 1986-2014 No charge for children under three. To reserve your seat(s), please email Reb Shlomo Goldberger at [email protected] or call 410-358-4456. Paid reservations are due December 8. Ages 12 and older are invited to a special presentation at 2:30 in the Bais Medrash, “Convert or Die,” featuring Rabbi Shlomo Horwitz. All are welcome for dessert, divrei Torah and singing at 1:45 pm. Sponsorships are welcome. Looking for Gourmet Chefs Have you seen our stunning new kitchen? Don’t you want to cook in it? Here’s your chance. You can be one of the gourmet chefs preparing the meal for Tiferes Yisroel’s Shabbos Chanukah family seudah. Please email Rebbetzin Bracha at ggreporting@ verizon.net to work out the details. Mazel Tov to • Rabbi Shlomo and Rivka Slatkin on the birth of a boy. May they be zoche l’gadlo l’Torah l’chupah ul’maasim tovim. • Rabbi Reuvain and Meira Shnidman on the engagement of their grandson, Meir Simcha Berger, son of Rabbi Yosef and Rebbetzin Beila Berger, to Nechama Miller, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Miller of Chicago. May they be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael. • Victor Reznick on the marriage of his greatgranddaughter, Sheindel Cohen, granddaughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Leibel Reznick. May they be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael. • Rabbi Shimon and Miriam Apisdorf on the wedding of their son, Yitzie, to Sheera Shomrony. May they be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael. This week’s Lev Echad is sponsored by: Rabbi Reuvain and Meira Shnidman, with deep gratitude to Hashem for the simcha of their grandson, Meir Simcha Berger’s engagement to Nechama Miller of Chicago. With best wishes to the Rav and Rebbetzin and to the whole kehilla. Visit us at tiferesyisroel.org / The Weekly Parsha The Weekly Internet Parasha Page by Mordecai Kornfeld The Prayers of Our Forefathers The daily prayers were instituted by our forefathers. Avraham instituted the morning prayer, as the verse says, “Avraham arose early to stand at the place in which he had earlier stood [in prayer] before Hashem” (Bereishit 19:27). Yitzchak instituted the afternoon prayer and Yakov instituted the evening prayer (Berachos 26b). Our Sages tell us that the three prayers of the day were established by our three forefathers. Although the exact wording of our prayers is clearly a later institution, it is reasonable to assume that it was composed with this point in mind. We may expect the life history and accomplishments of each forefather to be reflected in “his” prayer. Although the keynote of our services, the Shemoneh Esreh, is nearly identical in all three of the daily prayers, nevertheless the introductory prayers which precede the Shemoneh Esreh vary greatly from one prayer to the other. It is in these that we would expect to find an allusion to the patron of that particular prayer. Let us search the daily prayers for such allusions. The first prayer of the day is Shacharit, or the morning prayers. The poem “Adon Olam” plays a prominent part among the opening words of Shacharit. It has been suggested that this is associated with the teaching of the Gemara in Berachot (7b), “From the day Hashem created the world, no one ever called Him ‘Master’ (Adon), until Avraham came and called Him ‘Master’ ” (Bereishit 15:8). Avraham was the one who taught the people of the world that they are not free to do as they please; there is a Master up above to Whom we must hearken. Since Avraham instituted the morning prayer, we mention his most important teaching at the very beginning of this prayer. (Tikun Tefilah in Otzar ha’Tefilos citing the Vilna Gaon; introduction to Koheles Yitzchak on the Torah, citing a student of the Vilna Gaon; see also Sidur Sha’ar ha’Rachamim, written by Rav Pinchas of Polotzk, student of the Vilna Gaon, for a similar approach.) We end the introductory Psalms of the morning services with the prayer “Yishtabach.” In at least some versions (Sephardi; Kabbalistic/Nusach Sefard), Yishtabach ends with five consecutive phrases, the acrostic of which spells out “Avraham!” This was undoubtedly instituted for the same reason. Parshas Vayera Twice a day, in the morning and the evening, we precede the Shemoneh Esreh prayer with the recital of the verses of the Shema. This is a particularly appropriate introduction for the prayers of Avraham and Yakov. The Shema has two motifs: (1) accepting upon ourselves Hashem’s sovereignty (Mishnah, Berachot 13a), and (2) accepting upon ourselves to learn Hashem’s Torah (Gemara, Berachot 14b). These two themes correspond exactly to the primary teachings of Avraham and Yakov. Avraham taught the world that Hashem is the Master of all Creation and that it is He Whom we must serve (Rashi Bereishit 12:5; 21:33). The morning Shema ushers in Avraham’s prayer by emphasizing this theme. Yakov’s life was dominated by the study of Torah (Rashi Bereishit 25:27; 28:9, 11). We therefore introduce his prayer with Shema as well, this time because of the other theme of Shema. It is also interesting to note that in Shema we call on “Yisrael” to hear our proclamation that Hashem is One — “Hear O Israel [Yisrael]!” The name “Yisrael,” besides referring to the collective Jewish population, is used to refer to both Yakov (Bereishit 35:10) and Avraham (the first Israelite; compare Tehilim 105:7 with Divrei Hayamim I 16:13). The blessings that surround the Shema in both the morning and evening prayers may also be interpreted as specific to Avraham and Yakov. In the morning, we precede the Shema with two blessings: one an ode to the Divine force driving what we call “nature,” and another blessing Hashem for lovingly choosing Israel from among the other nations. The first is easily associated with Avraham, for it was through Avraham’s contemplation of nature that he came to recognize the Hand of Hashem in this world (Midrash Raba, beginning of Lech Lecha). The second certainly applies to Avraham, for it was he that Hashem lovingly chose from all the nations of the world (as worded in Nechemya 9:7, “Asher Bacharta”). After Shema we bless Hashem for redeeming Israel — which, specific to Avraham, may be alluding to Avraham’s miraculous salvation from imminent death first at the hands of Nimrod and later at the hands of the warring kings (Rashi Bereishit 18:27). In the evening, we introduce the Shema with two blessings, the first over the day/night cycle and the second over the study of the Torah and Hashem’s love for His people. The first is appropriate for Yakov, since Hashem altered the daily cycle for him, letting the sun set early at one point, and having it set late for him at another point (Rashi Bereishit 28:11; 32:32). In this manner Hashem demonstrated specifically to Yakov His dominion over the cycle of day and night, and it is thus appropriate during the prayer of Yakov to offer recognition to Hashem for his control over this cycle. The second blessing certainly is specific for Yakov, for he exemplified the study of Torah (as mentioned above) and Hashem singled Yakov out to express to him His love (Malachi 1:2). After Shema, we first bless Hashem for redeeming Yisrael. Since we find that Hashem “redeemed” Yakov (Yeshayah 44:23), and that Yakov’s second name was Yisrael, the blessing clearly may be referring to the experiences of our forefather Yakov. Next, we bless Hashem for protecting us and spreading His protective tent over Yisrael. This may be alluding to the incident in which Hashem prevented the hostile Canaanite nations from chasing or harming Yakov (Bereishit 35:5). Finally, the afternoon prayer was instituted by Yitzchak. Before beginning the afternoon Shemoneh Esreh, we recite a chapter from Psalms (Tehilim 145). According to the Talmud (Berachot 4b), what makes this particular chapter unique is the fact that it thanks Hashem for providing sustenance to all creatures. Yitzchak, even more than the other forefathers, saw that material wealth does not stem from one’s physical efforts, but rather the Hand of Hashem directly provides us with all of our needs. Hashem granted Yitzchak wealth well beyond the physical efforts he put into earning it (Bereishit 26:12, 13 and Rashi). When Yitzchak went to pray his afternoon prayer (Bereishit 24:63), Avraham had sent his slave Eliezer to find Yitzchak an appropriate mate. As some commentaries explain, Yitzchak was apparently going to pray for the success of the slave’s mission. No sooner did he begin to pray, than he lifted his eyes and saw that they were answered! Eliezer was returning successfully with Yitzchak’s wife-to-be, Rivkah (ibid.). In a similar manner, we are told that one should take care to concentrate during the afternoon prayers (even though they are prayed when one is weary, immediately after a day of work), since they are sure to be answered (Berachot 6b). On Shabbat, we refer to the afternoon prayers as “prayers in a time of Hashem’s goodwill.” Perhaps the power of Yitzchak’s original afternoon prayer imbued these prayers with their unique potency. May Hashem answer all of our prayers, in the merit of our saintly forefathers! This article is provided as part of Shema Yisrael Torah Network. Permission is granted to redistribute electronically or on paper, provided that this notice is included intact. Graphic courtesy of Chinuch.org. Rebbetzin’s Soup Gmach To enjoy, when unfortunately necessary, please contact Rebbetzin Goldberger for pickup at 410-542-9656. Women’s Tehillim Group The Women’s Tehillim Group meets every Sunday at 10 am in the Nancy Taffel Annex. Please join us when you can. Daven with us at 6201 Park Heights Avenue Parshas Vayera Focus on Chesed Used Book Sale Keep a Daily Notebook, Make a Daily Entry As we move into the last phase of this year’s Focus on Chesed, you can focus on chesed by setting aside a notebook and entering one act of chesed you did each day. This can be a chesed for someone inside Mincha/Maariv or outside your family. Yaakov Goldman has designed and produced a pocket chesed notebook (free of charge) for us to make a chesed entry each day. He is also working on the “Ten Greatest Chesed Stories” with Rabbi Pesach Krohn to be available soon. The first two journals to the family are free, after that they are $1 each. They are also free via email. Mincha/maariv is now one hour earlier, back to standard time. Join us this week at 4:35 pm. Mincha/maariv is followed by “Malchus Shlomo” with Rabbi Goldberger. In between mincha and maariv, there are five minutes of Mesillas Yesharim by the Ramchal. Community Join the Chessed Challenge Volunteer Team or bring it to your organization. Contact: [email protected] (410) 903-4653. PUSHKA CAMPAIGN Sign up by emailing [email protected]. The pushka challenge is to put whatever amount of money one is able into a pushka every day or as often as possible. The recommended amount is only 36 cents a day. When your pushka is full, please empty it into a ziplock bag marked with your name, and drop it into our locked mailbox at 3310 W. Strathmore Avenue. If it is difficult for you to drop it off, please contact Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger at 410-358-4456 to arrange a pickup. If you need a shul pushka, you may take one from the shul window sill, and they will be replenished as needed. Latest contributors: Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger Morty and Beth Tenenbaum Shul Pushka Fred and Rena Levi Mayer and Atarah Berman Nosson and Aviva Weisbord Yaakov and Shari Rosen Trofimov Bluestein family Fred Petersen and Alisa Mandel HIllorie Morrison Ken and Yocheved Gelula Running total: Come check out our used book sale located upstairs outside the Bais Medrash. Everything is $5 or less. If you would like to donate any gently used Sefarim or Jewish books, please contact Steve Schwarz at 410-446-8330 or [email protected]. All proceeds go to the shul. $10,011 Participants: Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger Howard and Dvora Sora Reznick Moshe and Shelly Cohen Jerry and Eileen Rosenbaum Jonathan and Talia Raun Ari and Caryn Blum Ken and Chana Birnbaum Bob Rosenfelt Lenny and Glenna Ross Keely and Jillian Goldberger Fred and Rena Levi Elie and Esther Levi Sima Cooperman Betzalel and Esther Huff Lev Avraham and Rachel Rosenstock Nisan and Marietta Jaffee Mo and Shaina Margolese Barbara Landsman Rottman family Yisroel and Yaffa Addess Tehilla Rottman Chaim and Rivka Bluestein Shulamis Heldoorn Moshe and Joyce Dreyfuss Hillorie Morrison Ed and Mesa Leventhal Zvi and Rochelle Kushner Kenneth Hendon and Aliza Swain Avrum Weiss and Joan Kristall Ida Goldberger Gregg Levitan Tim Ryan Steven and Shari Rosen Trofimov Steven and Kayla Halon Binny Margolese Morty and Beth Tenenbaum Ann Stiller Yisrael and Rina Bethea Saul and Raizy Cohen Efraim Katz and Judy Schnidman Rafi Kristall-Weiss Dov and Tayna Goldstein Dov and Karen Pear Mordechai Beleck Ze’ev Beleck Elie and Esther Weiner Rabbi Chaim Tzvi and Libbi Kakon Mordecai Zev and Aviva Margolese Yaakov and Batsheva Goldman Zussman family Esther Barak Yosef and Tova Schuerholz Dvora Childress Suzanne Kayne Jared and Stephanie Ezra Binyomin and Elisheva Perlstein Elie and Esther Levi Nisan and Meira Blaxberg Saul and Toby Passe Jon and Ila Bierer Yaakov and Ester Gur Aaron and Shoshana Shamberg Sarah Friedman Rabbi Howard and Felicia Graber Aryeh Leib and Simy Mittleman Samira Bethea Ben Kristall-Weiss Mayer and Atarah Berman Nosson and Aviva Weisbord Fred Petersen and Alisa Mandel Ken and Yocheved Gelula • November 8: Women’s shiur in memory of Chaya Malka Barkai and Esther Nechama Margolese. Sefer HaChinnuch, led by Dr. Dovid Clay. Home of Joyce Dreyfuss, 3820 Menlo Drive, each Shabbos at 3:30 pm. All women and high school girls are invited. • November 8: Jewish history lecture series with Rabbi Dovid Katz. The Ben Gurion Era at High Noon. 8 pm, Shomrei. • November 9: Uncle Moishy concert. Call 410-952-2694 or email asd21209@yahoo. com for more information. 3 pm, Bnos Yisroel building. • November 9: Sifriyat Pijama event hosted by Ohr Chadash Academy. All children ages 3-7 are invited to Hebrew storytime, including a snack and a special activity. 4 pm, OCA Library, 7310 Park Heights Avenue, second floor. • November 14: National Pickle Day. • November 15: The women of the community are invited to attend the 12th Annual Worldwide Event for the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu and Fundraiser for Aniyei Eretz Yisrael. Introduction by HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Shlita. Shiurim by Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger and Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller. Special message by Rav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman. $10 women/$7students. For more information and to sponsor, call 410-358-2573. 8:30 pm, BJSZ. • November 23: Jewish Genealogy Society of Maryland. “Finding a Family’s Town: A Case Study, “ and “Beyond Ancestry.com: It Isn’t All Online!” Free for paid members and $5 for nonmembers (applied to membership fee when a visitor joins JGSMD). Refreshments will be available. Please check our website at www.jgsmd.org for late updates and for the time, location, and program of future meetings. 1:30-3:30 pm, Pikesville Library meeting room. Download our phone app Yizkor Donations • • • • • • • Morty and Beth Tenenbaum Lenny and Glenna Ross Andy Goldfinger Rabbi Elie and Esther Weiner Dov and Tayna Goldstein Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger Jonathan and Talia Raun Yahrzeits Giving tzedakah in the name of the departed has the power to elevate their soul. When you give charity on behalf of your loved one, consider giving to Tiferes Yisroel. And may the soul of your loved one be bound in the bond of life, together with the souls of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov; Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah; and together with the other righteous men and women in Gan Eden. Parshas Vayera please refrain from bringing peanut products into the shul. Mitzvah Cards. For $18, you get four cards that you can mail out yourself. For $10, we will send the card out for you, and your donation will be announced in the Lev Echad. Contact Glenna Ross at 410-358-1687 or e-mail [email protected]. Ride G’mach. Call the Ride G’mach at 410358-RIDE (7433). We need ride offers when anyone drives interstate, any direction. Not door-todoor, just city-to-city. Often, Chesed of Boro Park calls, needing a ride to/from New York for people with medical appointments in Baltimore hospitals. Allan S. Novograd, Avraham Shalom ben Chaim Yoel a”h, 15 Cheshvan, father of Yaakov Novograd Dorothy Hisler, Devorah bas Avraham a”h, 16 Cheshvan, mother of Ira Hisler Sol Dross, Shlomo Yitzchak ben Moshe a”h, 17 Cheshvan, father of Bracha Goetz Bessie Lipsitz, Pesah Layah bas Cunah Leib HaLevi a”h, 17 Cheshvan, mother of Harold Lipsitz a”h Anne Kayne a”h, 18 Cheshvan, grandmother of Suzanne Kayne Joel Novograd, Chaim Yoel ben Avraham a”h, 18 Cheshvan, father of Allan Novograd a”h Betty Paymar, Charna Rivka bas Y’Chatzuel a”h, 18 Cheshvan, mother of Eugene Paymar Gavriel Klatzko, Gavriel Eliyahu ben Naftali Yosef a”h, 18 Cheshvan, brother of Rivka Malka Perlman Esther Yosafat Casuto, Hadassah bas Eliahu a”h, 19 Cheshvan, aunt of Karen Beleck Gary Balaban, Chaim Yaakov ben Asher a”h, 20 Cheshvan, brother of Dvora Childress Isadore Bailis, Issur ben Eliyahu a”h, 20 Cheshvan, grandfather of Eileen Rosenbaum Rose Rosenfeld, Raizel bas Asher a”h, 21 Cheshvan, grandmother of Meira Blaxberg Candle Gemach. Need yahrzeit or Shabbos candles? The Schwartzes have a candle gemach at their house at 3413 Olympia Avenue. Refuah Shalaimah to Monday: • One hour before mincha: Rambam Mishnah Torah. Given by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis Midrash. • After mincha/maariv: Ahavas Chesed for men with Rabbi Goldberger for a half hour. • • • • Raizy Cohen, Raiselle bas Sarah Shaya Cohen, Yeshaya Lev ben Shelly Gabriella Hillel Zeitlin, Hillel Mordechai ben Miriam Risha Saperstein Joblink. Joblink provides job seekers, recruiters and employers with valuable information regarding employment opportunities and career information. If you are looking for a job or know of one at your office, please contact our shul liaison, David Sawilowsky at [email protected], or Elly Lasson, executive director, at Joblink, 410-6028700, [email protected]. Shul Rentals. To reserve the use of the shul’s simcha hall or Nancy Taffel Annex, please contact Eileen Rosenbaum at 410-764-8443 or eileen@ tiferesyisroel.org. There is no fee to reserve the date. For availability, go to www.tiferesyisroel.org, and click on the “Calendar” button on the left. This online calendar is kept up-to-date continuously. No Peanuts! The shul is peanut-free. In consideration of our members with peanut allergies, Sponsorships. To arrange your sponsorship, email [email protected] or go to www.tiferesyisroel.org and click donate. Please send your donation to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel, 6201 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215. To sponsor Shemen Lamaor for a month or the Lev Echad, Camp Shabbos or Father/Son Learning for a week, the donation is $36. For the following, please contact Nisan Blaxberg at 410-358-3943 or [email protected]. Siddur $50 Chumash $75 Yahrzeit Plaque $300 Other seforim may be dedicated as well. TY Shiurim Schedule Sunday: • 9:30-10:15 am: Men’s Gemara Megilla shiur given by the Rabbi. Rashi, selected Tosfos and Maharsha following Shacharis. • 10-10:45 am: Women’s Tehillim gathering for cholim (Nancy Taffel Annex). Tuesday: • One hour before mincha: Gemara Chulin. The 8th perek dealing with the meat and bones and blood of kashrus, given by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis Midrash. Daily (Monday-Friday): • Every morning following davening — a chabura for strengthening Hebrew reading with Nesivos Shalom. With fresh hot coffee! • Monday through Thursday between mincha and maariv: Rabbi Goldberger, 5 minutes of Mesillas Yesharim by the Ramchal. • Sunday through Thursday evening after mincha/ maariv for 15 minutes — Rabbi Goldberger shiur for men. Malchus Shlomo. • 8-9 pm: Men’s bais medrash. Monday and Wednesday. Shabbos: • 8-8:30 am: Mishnayos Chabura. Nezikin. • One hour before mincha: Rabbi’s shiur. OFFICERS President Ari Blum 410-358-5478 [email protected] VP Mo Margolese [email protected] VP Membership Lev Avraham Rosenstock 443255-4343 [email protected], lrosenstockphoto@ yahoo.com Secretary Ari Blum 410-358-5478 [email protected] Treasurer Yaakov Gur 410-358-2005 [email protected] CONTACT INFORMATION Bais Medrash Reb Shuki Nissan 347-706-5620 Calendar Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764-8443 [email protected] Camp Shabbos Adriana Steinberg 202-641-6677 [email protected] Candyman Ari Blum Chesed Committee Chana Birnbaum (shiva) 410358-7736; Ester Gur (births) 410-358-2005; Raizy Cohen (cholim) 410-764-8852 Davening Schedule Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 Father/Son Learning Dov Pear 410-358-9825 Gabbai Rishon Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 Gabbai Sheni Hillel Zeitlin 410-358-7316 Gabbai Tzedakah Nathan Franco 240-472-3815 Hospitality Gail Feinstein 410-456-4306 Kitchen Coordinator Batsheva Goldman Lev Echad Suzanne Kayne levechad@tiferes yisroel.org Mitzvah Cards Glenna Ross 410-358-1687 Seforim Purchase Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 Repair Mark Hart Shalosh Seudos Coordinator Hinda Blum 410764-2279 Simcha Hall Reserve Eileen Rosenbaum 410-7648443 [email protected] Sisterhood Batsheva Goldman 410-358-3768 jenbgold@gmail. com; Elka Rottman 410-3585427 [email protected]; Devorah Taffel 410-358-9029 [email protected] Supplies Ordering Shulamis Heldoorn 410-6641212 [email protected] Tzeischem L’Shalom Coordinator Mordechai Beleck 443-570-3850 [email protected] Webmaster Tzadik Vanderhoof 410-764-2258 [email protected] Yahrzeit Plaques Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 Yahrzeit Records Alisa Mandel 410-963-2977 [email protected] Shul Business [email protected] Lev Echad Deadline: Wednesday, 6:13 pm [email protected] Good Shabbos! Rabbi Goldberger’s Shul Congregation Tiferes Yisroel 6201 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410-764-1971 tiferesyisroel.org
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