CHRISTUS VICTOR LUTHERAN CHURCH NOVEMBER 2014 Parish email – [email protected] Parish web site – Church Council Members Pastor Susan Montgomery President – Kerry Neumann Vice President – Roger Cox Gail Galle - Council Secretary Deloris Jones - Council Treasurer John Biggs Nancy Edwards Michael Moriarity John Brenden Muriel Swint PASTOR’S COLUMN For about the last year we’ve been on our WALK WITH JESUS …remembering and rejoicing in all of the ways we are thankful to God in our lives. We’ve put hearts and our heart-felt thanks on the wall; we’ve prayed for a grateful heart and we’ve thought about and talked about all that God has done for us and continues to do for us each and every day – whether we think the day’s been great…or not. We’ve rejoiced over our mission and ministry and put word to deed by the amount of food that we have sent to Samaritan Ministries and to The Lord is My Help, by the strangers we have helped as they knock on the door, by the groups who have used our building to help themselves and to help others. And while we have done all of these things, we also have continued to be faithful members of Christus Victor through our donations of time, talents and money. November is upon us and it is the month when we think about how we are going to direct our mission and ministry for the new year. Are we going to continue to encourage everyone, every Sunday to bring in food to feed the hungry? Are we going to shift our focus this year to disposable diapers or shoes or something else again entirely? Are we going to begin a prayer journey that directs our focus to one particular appeal a month – or are we going to continue to simply ask people to pray for CVLC? We’ve got lots of questions to ask ourselves and now is a good time to think about where you see God leading our religious community. November is the month when you are asked to make, to renew, to increase your financial commitment toward the work of your church. During the course of this month you will be receiving a series of letters, you will be hearing different people talk about their love for their church and the reasons why they continue to support it; during the month of November, you are going to be asked to pray over, fill out and return your commitment/pledge card for our 2015 fiscal year. Thanks be to God, we have had the joy and the blessing of operating in the black for most of the year. But it is only because of your individual support that this is the case. Without your monetary support, we would be unable to keep the lights on, the air conditioning going and the mortgage paid. Without your monetary support there would be no bulletins, no sermons, no outreach or in-reach. Without your monetary support there would be no CVLC and fifty years would fly away like a dream. So, please prayerfully consider what you can do to help your church reach out to those in spiritual and in practical need for the years to come. Our church needs all of you – families, individuals, couples – to do as Christ has commanded us. And supporting the work of your church is an easy and practical way of showing how important God is in your life. *** ALL SAINTS SUNDAY – November 2nd. During worship on Sunday, November 2 we will pause to remember all of those saints who have joined the church triumphant during the course of the past year. Join us as we sing and light candles in their memory and remember, too, that God – who is faithful and just – has welcomed them home to be with him. *** YOUTH GROUP – Saturday, November 15th Get your safari hats ready! On Saturday, November 15th CVLC’s youth group will be boarding a boat and taking a closer look at the environment around us…specifically the swamp. Perhaps we will see alligators…or crocodiles…or cranes…or fish…or some other kind of mysterious swamp creature. [Big foot maybe?] Anyway, prepare for fun. Further details as they develop. See pastor for any questions. *** ADVENT BEGINS! Wow…is it possible? The First Sunday in Advent falls on Sunday, November 30 th…with our first midweek Soup and Salad and Wednesday night worship scheduled for December 3rd. My how the time flies – but there’s always sufficient time to worship God. So make plans to be at worship every Sunday and every Wednesday! It’s the Advent of our God. 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Get your party hats at the ready…it is no secret that on Sunday, November 9th we will be thanking God and celebrating CVLC’s 50 years of commitment and service to God and to our neighbor. If you have forgotten the schedule here it is: 10:00 Thanksgiving Worship for all God has done for us during the past fifty years. NOON – We meet at GULF HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. There will be a cash bar there and an hour for us to mix and mingle and catch up with friends we may not have seen for a while. 1:00 – Time for lunch! And a chance to continue the conversation. This is a real thanksgiving celebration – thanks to God for all he has done and continues to do for CVLC…and thanks that we are able to be faithful. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 50th Anniversary Celebration There are moments that are so special in time that they only come around once in a lifetime. Christus Victor has one such event coming up soon - our 50th Anniversary Celebration on November 9th. As a committee we have taken steps to contact everyone and anyone; the event has been in the newspapers, in our newsletters, in our weekly parish communications. We've contacted past pastors and employees, but we worry someone may fall through the cracks, so we are asking now for your help too. Put the date and ticket price information on your own social media websites, call your friends, make certain they too have a chance to attend this once in a lifetime event. We will all gather to celebrate this most remarkable time - Let us all join together as we worship at our 10am service. There will be special words and special music as we lift our voices in prayer and thanksgiving. For those who will be attending the luncheon at Gulf Hills after the service, there will be a cocktail hour (cash bar) from 12-1 pm prior to the luncheon. Karen Whitley *************************************************************************** NOVEMBER WE WALK WITH JESUS AND WE ARE THANKFUL FOR THE EXCESS WE ENJOY Are you starting to think about that Thanksgiving turkey (or is it a Thanksgiving ham around here?) Are you starting to make your list and checking it twice to try and figure out what your family and friends need – rather than want – to see under the Christmas tree? Are you starting to make plans for a holiday ski trip or cruise? Well, if you are doing any or all of these, you are just like a great many other people here in Ocean Springs and all around our great country. Many of us can afford to buy and go and plan and enjoy – and there is absolutely, positively nothing wrong with that! Don’t start to feel guilty because your hard work has ended in monetary success. That’s not what being thankful to God for the excess we enjoy is all about. Rather as we WALK WITH JESUS, we come to understand that in our excess we are meant to share. We are meant to remember that our money, our position, our successes are not our gods, but rather our God is our God and our God is the source of any success and excess that we enjoy. There is nothing wrong with enjoying fabulous Christmas gifts; there is nothing wrong with going on a cruise – but as members of the Jesus-tribe, this would be wrong if we neglected to share our excess with those who have very little. As we make our Thanksgiving-Christmas spending plans…lets be sure to include a special gift to your church, or a special gift to a charity close to your heart, or a special gift to someone you know that will receive no gift. We are thankful that we are able to participate in this kind of generosity and we do this because God has gifted us with great bounty, and because we wish to thank God in ways large or small for all of the gifts he has showered on us during the course of this past year. What, you say God has showered you with nothing? That’s impossible! Surely you have friends; surely you have a church family that prays for you; surely you have a place to live and food to eat…surely God has gifted you with all of these things. As someone who WALKS WITH JESUS, you will want to return an offering – return whatever you can – in thanksgiving. Our WALK WITH JESUS – our desire to give thanks to God for his good gifts - is part of our discipleship journey…is part of what we do as members of the Jesus tribe. It takes your efforts – individual and corporate, it takes your money to support the mission and ministry of your church – of Christus Victor Church – a reality. Thank you for responding with your money offerings to make our ministry even stronger. ***************************************************************************** CHRISTUS VICTOR QUILTERS The quilters and quilts of Christus Victor will be featured at the Ocean Springs LIbrary beginning November 3rd. The Quilting Circle meets on the first, third, and fifth Monday of every month from 9-3. Come help us make quilts that will provide warmth, clothing, and shelter for many people throughout the world. Come early and stay late or come when you can and leave when you have to. We usually bring a lunch but sometimes a special lunch is planned. No special talents are needed!! If you can tie a knot, you qualify as a tacker in the overall making of a quilt. We also need sewers and pinners. There are material and simple directions available if you would like to sew quilt tops at home. There is always a place for you in the quilting circle. *************************************************************************** PUMPKIN PATCH The pumpkin patch will not be held at Christus Victor this year. Christus Victor was notified that the Pumpkin Patch had no driver to deliver the pumpkins as scheduled. The truck had not been loaded nor had it left for our location. They did not know when they would have someone to deliver the pumpkins and at this time, they are behind on the deliveries. Because of the scheduling problems, there was no alternative but to decide not to hold it this year. ************************************************************************** THE SPOTLIGHT IS ON YOU By Agnes Nelson (From The Southeastern Weaver) Hop on and join us on this trip, as we are off to Ocean Springs, Mississippi, to visit Christus Victor Lutheran Church. The Women of the ELCA here stay involved in community activities. They help provide needed supplies for Sue’s House, a women’s homeless shelter. The entire congregation assists with a weekly food drive for the Community Food Bank. Christus Victor WELCA members organize an annual garage sale. Each year it seems to get a bit larger. Some of the proceeds from this fundraiser help cover costs of the ladies attending cluster events and synodical conventions. Twice a month you will find 12-15 members busily engaged in making quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Lest you think these ladies work all of the time, they make sure that their group, known as the “Lunch Bunch,” gets out once a month for lunch and social time together. Way to go! Keep that balance of work and fun. Thanks for letting us peek in on your congregation. IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS OR IF YOU HAVE A NEW EMAIL, PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW SO WE CAN KEEP YOU INFORMED OF THE MANY ACTIVITIES TO ENJOY AT THE CHURCH. WHAT DOES WOMEN OF THE ELCA MEAN TO ME? By Tommie Morgan (From The Southeastern Weaver) WoW! What a topic I’ve been assigned! Friendships, Bible studies, quilting, diversity, inclusion, and sisterhood as just a few ideas that came to mind. I went to my first circle meeting for all of the wrong reasons – we were new to New Jersey and I had a new baby – I wanted a night out! God understood and look where I have been! God took me under His “wings” and let me lear to fly. Zeb got transferred often so we moved across this wonderful country. We went from New Jersey to Connecticut, then to Texas, California, Michigan and Louisiana before landing in southern Alabama. Everywhere we went we found a Lutheran Church, and I found a circle or women’s organization. I now have Lutheran sisters all across the United States. It all began when someone asked me to a circle meeting. Who have you invited to your women’s organization. Peace. *************************************************************************** MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS: NOVEMBER 3 – Quilters Install Quilt display at Ocean Springs Library NOVEMBER 2 November 9 – All Saints’ Sunday – 50th Anniversary Celebration: Worship at CVLC and Luncheon (did you purchase your ticket?) at Gulf Hills Country Club. November 23 – Commitment Sunday *********************************************************************************** SENIORS ON THE GO November 13 Christmas at Beauvoir-Evelyn Jensen and Billie Sanford December-18 Christmas Party at Elsa’s - Elsa Wallace ******************************************************************* FOR NOVEMBER Sara Howell Ronald Yanik Linda Swann Auguste Patterson-Epperson Joe Pierce Shannon Moriarty Nancy Beauchamp Robert Schabacker 1 1 1 2 2 9 9 10 Kayla Trojanovich Larry Bearson Cecelia Demboski Lynda Richmond Kathryn Morris 18 23 27 29 30 *************************************************************************** PRESCHOOL PART TIME STUDENT REGISTRATION Christus Victor Lutheran Church Preschool will now be accepting part time students for both 2 mornings and 3 mornings each week. There are still openings for full time (5 mornings). For more information, please contact the Preschool at 2755 Bienville Blvd., Ocean Springs, (228) 818-5141. ***************************************************************************** PRESCHOOL PICTURES WITH SANTA Preschool is looking for someone who will volunteer his time for “pictures with Santa” this holiday season. Or, if you have a Santa suit which you would loan to the Preschool, someone else could play Santa. Thank you. ********************************************************************** PRESCHOOL PICTURES A VISIT FROM THE POLICE LITTLE FIREMEN AT THE FIRE STATION SENIORS ENJOY LUNCH AT McELROYS AND VISIT THE SEAFOOD MUSEUM MRS. EVELYN EDWARD’S 95TH BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVELYN AND WISHES FOR MANY, MANY MORE YEARS OF HAPPINESS ****************************************************************************************************** PSALM 24 Entrance into the Temple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for he has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers. Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do not swear deceitfully. They will receive blessing from the Lord, and vindication from the God of their salvation. Such is the company of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Selah Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors! That the King of glory may come in. Who is the King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, The LORD, mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah Worship Assistant Schedule for November 2014 Duty/Date November 2 Food Ministry Delivery November 9 November 16 November 23 Samaritan Ministry Samaritan Ministry Billie Sanford Scott Jones Billie Sanford Richard Zalonka November 30 Bread Baker Muriel Swint Becky Woodruff Diane Strother Kerry Neumann Sallie Shanahan Rick Florez Corrine Florez Rodney Nichols Monika Stratakos Corine Cahan Jackie Madison Deloris Jones Henry Harris Jim Whitley Lynda Mustain Carol Kreppner Dawna Biggs Gail Galle Peggy Zelonka Charlotte Lee Haskel Lee Gail Galle Michele Thompson Peggy Zalonka Roger Cox Rodney Nichols Frank Wismer Joan Wismer Bob Slater Haskel Lee Barry Beckendorff Ski Pizinski Larry Pratt Christa Williams June Cates June Cates June Cates June Cates June Cates Muriel Swint Billie Sanford Evelyn Jensen Kerry Neumann Andrea Mena Rick Florez Corrine Florez Coffee Host Tellers Ushers Greeter Altar Guild Acolytes Anna Jones Kay Shanahan Garrett Jacobs Sissy Beckendorff, Tyler Jacobs, Kyle and Paul Watson, Calvin Yanik, Kendall Johnson Tyler Jacobs Garrett Jacobs Elessa Harvey Caitlin Beckendorff Stephanie Beckendorff Noah Watson Kyle Watson Paul Watson Billie Sanford Caitlyn Beckendorff Garrett Jacobs Anna Jones Jocelyn Cupps Andrea Mena Alicia Yanek Mark Neumann Alicia Beckendorff Henry Harris The Rev. Dr. Susan Montgomery The Rev. Dr. Susan Montgomery The Rev. Dr. Susan Montgmery Reader Assisting Minister Sara Jones Sara Beth Jones Noah Watson Preacher The Rev. H. Julian Gordy, Bishop Presiding Minister The Rev. Dr. Susan Montgomery The Rev. Dr. Susan Montgomery If you are unable to volunteer on your assigned day, please call someone who will be able to take that responsibility for you.
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