TH E CURR ENT CHRISTUS VICTOR LUTHERAN CHURCH The People of Christus Victor, ministers Rev. Fred Suhr, Pastor “Whoever believes in Me, streams of living water will flow from his heart.” July 2015 John 7:38 Volume 31, No. 7 Worship Schedule “Nothing is Impossible With God!” I have always looked forward to Vacation Bible School! Sunday, July 5 This year has been no exception. I think I like VBS so Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Worship Service, 8:00 am Breakfast, 8:45-9:15 am No Sunday School Worship Service, 10:30 am much because I always come away with renewed Sunday, July 12 cannot think of a better way to begin Vacation Bible Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Worship Service, 8:00 am No Sunday School Worship Service, 10:30 am Sunday, July 19 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Worship Service, 8:00 am Breakfast, 8:45-9:15 am No Sunday School Worship Service, 10:30 am insight and faith. Consider the following lesson from VBS. “For nothing is impossible with God!” (Luke 1:37). When we kicked off this year’s Vacation Bible School, “Hometown Nazareth,” these words from Luke’s Gospel served as our key verse for the first night. I School (or any other activity, calling, or mission for that matter) than with those words! All too often, so many of the things we hear and experience in this world seem to point to the impossible. But God tells and shows us otherwise! The Biblical witness expresses that over and over. Childless Abraham looks at the heavens and sees stars… God sees descendants through Abraham. Simon Peter looks at his net and sees it empty… Jesus sees a breaking net and full catch. Mary struggles to understand how she can bear a son… God sees the mother of the Savior. “Nothing is impossible with God!” It is critical to note that this isn’t a verse simply calling us to positive thinking or perseverance. In fact, the verse is Sunday, July 26 Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Worship Service, 8:00 am No Sunday School Worship Service, 10:30 am not about us…it’s about God! God is faithful! No matter how impossible something may seem, if God says that it will be done – it will! We may be graced or blessed to be a part of God’s action, but it is still God who accomplishes the task, activity, calling or mission. ”Nothing is Impossible With God!” Calling on All Those Serving and Willing to Serve…. CVLC members are very active in our community serving in many ways.. individually and as a church. I have heard many of you speak about Rotary, Sharing God’s Love, Lutheran Family Services; Senior Resources, Campus Ministry; Seminary/Senate events and ministries; as well as individual activities like making blankets and hats for infants in the hospital; making baskets for new mothers; volunteering at hospitals; visiting or becoming involved with services for the elderly at retirement homes; delivering food to shut ins; working with Habitat and Helping Hands, and many many more. It seems very fitting that we gather together in a cooperative effort to do “ministry” together and it would be wonderful to know what folks are doing and what more we can be doing. Most importantly how and where we can serve in making Christ known in the community. I would like to invite all who are currently serving in our community and/or interested in being a part of the Witness Team to attend a team meeting Sunday June 28 following our 10:30 service. Please help me and the few others from this team that have worked to maintain an active ministry at CVLC. DeeDee Kehl – Witness Team Leader A Busy Summer for Our Christus Victor Youth! While summer is often seen as a time of moving at a slower and less active pace, our Youth must have missed that memo! They have been – and are busy throughout these summer months. From June 14 th-18th, our Youth were involved as either students or helpers in our Vacation Bible School. Their contributions helped make our 2015 “Journey to Nazareth” a success! From June 19th-21st, three of our youth, Emily Edis, Olivia Keaton, and Kayla Wendland represented our CVLC Youth at the South Carolina Synod Lutheran Church Youth Convention – “Together We Rise” at Newberry College! July is proving to be equally as busy! A number of our youth are joining their families to participate in our congregational beach retreat to the Coastal Retreat Center at the Isle of Palms from July 2 nd-5th. Afterwards, seven of our youth and (and three adults) will be traveling to Detroit, Michigan, to join approximately 30,000 other youth and adults from July 15th-19th for the ELCA National Youth Gathering – “Rise Up Together!” Of course, in addition to these church events, a number of our youth will be going to Lutheridge, Lutherock, or other camps and activities during the remainder of this fast-moving summer! Please keep them and their families in your prayers for safe travels and faith-filled experiences! Also, thank you for your offerings and special gifts which make many of these experiences possible! Christus Victor Lutheran Men in Mission It has been a real joy to see our Lutheran Men becoming active again at Christus Victor! During the June breakfast meeting, Shari Selke, Executive Director of Sharing God’s Love, provided insight into this important community ministry which we support financially, and with volunteers. On Saturday, July 18 th, Blake Brown, Program Director of the Columbia Northwest Family YMCA, will be our guest! Our monthly meetings usually run from 8am – 10 am, and include an amazing breakfast! Meeting dates for the remainder of the year are August 15, September 19, October 17, November 14, and December 19. Come join this group for fellowship and service! For additional information about Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) please speak to Tom Counts or Tim Livingston. Open Your Heart and Home to a Lutheran Exchange Student from Germany Volunteer host families (with or without children) as well as single people are needed to provide food, a bed and a loving home for the coming school year, one or two semesters, starting in August. EMF students have medical insurance, spending money for their personal expenses and expect to share their host family’s daily life including household responsibilities. They speak English, are well-screened and eager to experience life in America. Their stay here is sponsored and supervised by EMF (Educational Merit Foundation), a non-profit, educational exchange program. It is not too late to apply. For more information on EMF students, please call Marie-Claude Dijoud now at 1800-467-8363 or visit our web site at Upcoming Events + Family Beach Retreat, 7/2-5 + National Youth Gathering, 7/15-19 + Rally Day, 8/30 + Wonderful Wednesdays Resume, 9/9 + Bazaar, 10/24 Women’s Book Club The CVLC Women’s Book Club welcomes new members, so if you are interested in joining our group, please contact Jean at 781-5236 or Patti at 732-3828. Sharing God’s Love 7/20 Sycamore Row: A Novel, John Grisham 8/17 The Lost Cyclist: The Epic Tale of an American Adventurer and His Mysterious Disappearance, David Herlihy 9/21 Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh Current pantry needs at Sharing God’s Love are Raman noodles, peanut butter and jelly, canned soup, baked beans, assorted beans, tuna, ham, chicken, salmon, peas, carrots, potatoes and fruit. Household and personal care needs are toilet paper, deodorant, feminine care items, shampoo, laundry soap, dish soap, incontinent products, and diapers. We are always accepting gently used clothing and shoes, accessories, small appliances, table wares, bedding, towels, and books. Summer is here and the children are home, please help your community with a generous donation to Sharing God's Love. Donations may be brought to Sharing God's Love at 147 Friarsgate Blvd. Monday thru Friday - 9 am to 12 pm or leave it in the bin in the church narthex. Summer Sunday School Sunday School is taking a break over the summer. There will be no Sunday school classes on Sunday mornings. Join us again on Rally Day, August 30. To sign up to be on our list to receive weekly emails details about the upcoming Sunday, 11/16 My Reading Life, Pat Conroy Notes of Thanks Dear Fellow Members in Christ, Thank you all so much for your prayers, cards, well wishes and the wonderful meal you provided. It has made my recovery period much easier to get through. Thanks again, Judy Livingston Pastor Fred & Congregation, Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love over the last week, whether it was a card, phone call, bringing food, serving food, attending visitation or Dad’s celebration of life. He loved his church family and we can see why. You all are the BEST!! Love, Tina, Teri and family of Jim Dry Sign up for CVLC Online Weekly Emails with 10/19 Farewell: The Greatest Spy Story of the Twentieth Century, Sergei Kostin & Eric Raynaud and occasional announcements and prayer requests, please email [email protected]. Check Out Our Website Check out our website at The church Church Calendar Please check the church calendar before you schedule activities at the church. Current calendars are available online at our website, and are also posted in the narthex and in the workroom. All are updated weekly. Additionally, the calendar is included in the newsletter that is sent to your house monthly. Thank you for making sure we have no scheduling conflicts. news, serving schedules, calendar, and prayers are updated weekly. In addition, church calendars can be Open Flower Dates found on the bulletin board in the narthex and in the We have some open dates on our flower chart: September 27, 6. Sign up in the narthex. Flowers are $31 per vase. workroom. Members who are homebound Peggy Johnston, Woody Lanning Those who are ill Mary Ann Blessing, Larry & Becky Brown, Don Fairbanks, Barbara Kleinrock, Judy Livingston, Bob Meyer, George Mills, Lana Rosenbeck Travis Brown, Hilarie Bank s’ friend John Carver, Beverly Meye r’s friend Summers Duffie Jack Enright, friend o f the co m m unity Anna Lee Gordon, Ginger Sto ud enm ire ’s mother Jim Johnston Hailey Krabbe, friend o f the Canno ns Eileen Manigold, Marie Marszalek ’s daughter Connie Hendrix Morgan, friend o f Sue & Dave So lt Elizabeth Morton, friend o f CVLC Scott Nix, Canno ns’ nephew James Springman, Marie Marszalek ’s son Alan Thompson, Janet Ro binso n’s brother In praise and thanksgiving A special measure of your grace For all those who have been impacted by the violence at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston For the friends and family of Carroll Eargle, Frank Eargle ’s uncle For Lex Coulter, Hilarie Bank s’ friend For Yvonne Phipps & daughter Heather Patrick For Robin Steinhilper For all veterans and those presently serving in the military For our Bishop and SC Synod staff For expectant parents Ashlyn & Elliott Cox; Justin & Lisa Robinson For those who have lost and are searching for jobs For students at seminaries as they discern God’s call and grow in discipleship, especially our CVLC students: Diana Edis, Rusty Kehl, and Drew Yoos For our enemies and for reconciliation Prayer for Peace God of all creation, bring your peace to all places and hearts that hunger for it. Bring understanding and peace to the descendants of Abraham, especially Jewish people, Muslims and Christians, that we may live together in harmony and work on behalf of the poor. Amen Constant and Unchanging Summer’s arrival feels positive to many people but may not be smooth for all. Families who rely on regular school meals for their children must stretch grocery dollars further. Heat poses risks for elderly people who lack air conditioning. Work can be difficult to find in the summer months, and uncertainty looms for recent graduates. Meanwhile, concerns such as wars, natural disasters and health problems don’t take a summer break. St. Teresa of Avila (1515–1582) prayed, “May you be blessed forever, Lord, for being constant and unchanging, amidst all the changes of the world.” Her prayer is as appropriate today as nearly 500 years ago. When all around us is unstable and unreliable, God’s love and faithfulness are constant and trustworthy. July Birthdays 01 Brody Smith 09 Tyler Chambers 18 Bobby White 26 Barbara Chambers 03 Larry Brown 10 Becky Cannon 20 Emma Gambrell 26 Amanda Davis Greene 03 Maggie Oliver 10 Jenna Grover 20 Christy Wendland 27 Kathy Stephens 06 Judy Livingston 11 Jenny Spearen 22 Elizabeth Meade 27 Laura Vinson 07 Ralph Ford 14 Kayla Nichols 22 Wil Meade 29 Donna Cook 07 Lori Stock 14 David Suhr 24 Sue Barr 29 Grace Weed 08 Katelyn Chambers 14 Robyn Westphal 24 Laurie Bunn 29 Sue Williams 08 Gloria McSorley 18 Elliott Kester 24 Caroline Weber 31 Zack Kochert Christus Victor Lutheran Church, founded in 1986, is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Set in the dynamic Harbison/Irmo area of central South Carolina, it has grown into an active lively Christian fellowship. At the heart of our ministry is the desire to bring the light of Christ to those who live and work in the community. There are many opportunities for spiritual growth and nurture at Christus Victor. Our ministry programs provide opportunities for worship, learning, service and fellowship so that all might be strengthened in faith and might grow in Christian discipleship. If you are looking for a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ in a lively congregational setting, we invite you to make Christus Victor your church home. Lutherans are Christians who comprise the largest Protestant denomination in the world. As Lutheran Christians, we believe and teach: Jesus Christ is Lord of all life. We are all sinners in need of God's love and grace. We are saved by the grace of God through faith in Christ alone, apart from our works. The Bible is the inspired Word of God and the authoritative source and norm of the church's proclamation, faith and life. The church is the fellowship of those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and is the primary expression of God's love on earth. It is a people created by God, empowered by the Holy Spirit, called and sent to bear witness to God's creative and redeeming work in the world. We celebrate two sacraments, Baptism and Holy Communion, as the God-given means for penetrating our lives with love and grace. Worship - Two worship services weekly, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. with Holy Communion received at both services each Sunday; Mid-week services during Lent; Children's sermons weekly; Children's church weekly; Adult, and children's choirs Learning - Sunday School for all ages; Vacation Bible School; Confirmation instruction Fellowship - Congregational fellowship events; Groups for men, women and youth; Neighborhood shepherding groups for care and nurture; Small groups for personal growth in faith and fellowship Christus Victor Lutheran Church 400 Harbison Boulevard Columbia, South Carolina 29212-1711 (803) 732-2668; website: Secretary email: [email protected] Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Irmo, SC Permit #15
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