St. Alphonsus Parish Follow us on TWITTER @StAlphonsusWexford 201 Church Road Wexford, PA 15090 Parish Founded in 1840 School Established 1889 ALL SOULS DAY November 2, 2014 PARISH PRIESTS Father Peter P. Murphy, Pastor Father Edward M. Czemerda, Parochial Vicar DEACON Mr. Albert E. Heiles Jr. ST. ALPHONSUS SCHOOL Pre School to Eighth Grade Mr. Robert D. Reese, Principal DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CCD Kindergarten to Eighth Grade Youth Ministry - Adult Religious Education Sacramental Preparation Louis Bosco, Director of Religious Education YOUTH MINISTRY Mike Shipe, Director COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATOR Cindy Cusic Micco MUSIC MINISTRY Mary Heagy, Director of Liturgical Music & Choir John and Lynn DeNisi, Directors of Folk Choir Nancy Barnes, Organist PHONE NUMBERS (area code 724) Parish Office (Rectory) ..................... 724-935-1151 Fax ................................................... 724-934-3788 Dept. of Religious Education-CCD ... 724-935-1160 St. Alphonsus School ....................... 724-935-1152 School Fax……………………………724-935-1110 DIOCESAN VICTIMS HOTLINE………….888-808-1235 Qr to Parish Web Page WEB-SITES: Parish… School .................................... Diocese ............................... PARISH [email protected] TWITTER - @StAlphonsusWex SCHOOL [email protected] BULLETIN DEADLINE: Tuesday 4:00 p.m. Our Parish Mission Statement The faith family of St. Alphonsus enjoys a rich heritage and historic tradition supported by Catholic education. Nourished by the Eucharist and strengthened by the Scriptures, our purpose is to learn and share our faith with each other through each generation. We are committed to prayer, service, and building the Kingdom of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We seek to create a vibrant spirit of generosity and evangelization throughout our church and community by inviting and empowering all to use their treasures and talents. WE COMMEND IN PRAYER THE SOULS OF THE FAI THFUL DEPARTED TO THE MERCY OF GOD TIMES OF SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m.,10:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday thru Friday 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. Saturday Morning: 9:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday afternoon 12:00 Noon to 12:30 p.m. Saturday evening 6:00 p.m. after Mass INFANT BAPTISM Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. by personal appointment. Parents, please make arrangements for Baptism preparation class before the baby is born. CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) CHILDREN (RCIC) All Adults and children who are interested in being received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Notification of intention to marry must be given six months in advance. The Commemoration Day of All Souls November 2, 2014 The Souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. —Wisdom 3:1 ALL SAINTS’ DRESS UP This Sunday, since All Saints Day is blended into All Souls Day, the children of our parish have been invited to dress up as their favorite saint and join in the opening procession of the 10:00a.m. Sunday Mass, today. THIS SUNDAY NIGHT A SERVICE OF REMEBRANCE & GRATITUDE A special Remembrance Service will be held this Sunday, November 2 at 7:00p.m. at our church, remembering in prayer our deceased relatives and friends, especially those who have died during the past year. When the name of your dearly departed one is read, a member of your family may come forward to light a vigil candle in their memory. NOVEMBER: MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE The Catholic tradition of visiting the cemetery and praying for our loved ones should be cherished and renewed even though the deceased persons may not be buried in the particular cemetery you are visiting. St. Alphonsus Cemetery and its sacred ground is always available for your visitation and prayers. We especially commend to the Lord our priests and Sisters who have served our parish, especially Father William Schroeder, our pastor from 1971 to 1998. The pastors of our parish who are buried in our cemetery are Father Ferdinand Angel, pastor of St. Alphonsus 1930 - 1964 and Father Charles Duwell, pastor 1904 - 1910. There is a memorial marked here for Father Joseph Sedlmair, pastor 1910 - 1930, whose body is buried in Germany. CEMETERY TOMBSTONES We thank Mr. Joseph Bullick and Mr. Paul Eichner for the recent work as part of their continuous vigilance in straightening the tombstones of our cemetery. A donut social will be held in the cafeteria after Mass. EVENING WITH THE SAINTS This Friday and Saturday evenings, November 7 and 8, beginning at 6:30p.m., our parish Youth Ministry is planning a Candlelight Tour of the Saints on the grounds of our parish and school. Purchase tickets with a particular time for a tour with twenty people every 20 minutes beginning at the school cafeteria until 9p.m. Tickets at $10 also includes your choice of soup, hot dog, cookies or pie and beverage. Tickets are on sale after this Sunday’s Masses as well as during the week at the rectory. Costumed characters portraying the saints and prominent figures in the life of St. Alphonsus Church and school will speak at various places on the parish grounds. These are the historic figures who will be portrayed: St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Kateri Tekakwitha, St. John Neumann, Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Clare of Assisi, Bishop Michael O’Connor, St. Alexis, St. Ferdinand, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. Catherine of Sweden. Father Peter Murphy will portray Bishop Michael O’Connor, who was the first Bishop of Pittsburgh in 1843, but came to St. Alphonsus as Vicar General of the Philadelphia Diocese to settle the establishing of our church in 1840. Monday - 6:00pm - CCD classes Tuesday - ELECTION DAY Wednesday – 7:00pm - Parents of Confirmation students meeting in Cafeteria Thursday and Friday - NO SCHOOL Parent - Teacher meetings The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed - Nov. 1/2 GRAB YOUR GLOVES! WE’RE REDDING UP THE CHURCH BASEMENT ON Saturday, Nov. 15, 9am-noon Grab your gloves! We’re redding up the church basement on Saturday, Nov. 15, from 9a.m. to noon. Our maintenance guy - Carl Pieczynski - will supervise a “bucket brigade” to move things out of the basement and into a dumpster. Lots of hands are needed! Bring your gloves - dust masks will be provided. For safety reasons, we prefer volunteers who are at least 13 years old. If you are interested in obtaining the scrap wood or metal for your own use, contact Carl at [email protected] or call him at the rectory 724-935-1151 before the Redd Up Day. SUCCESSFUL BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN Our Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit the Roselia Program of Catholic Charities raised $3,696.20 to date! In addition, the school total was $555.38. Thank you to all who participated for your donations to help unwed pregnant women in need and their babies in the Pittsburgh area. We will be sending a check to Catholic Charities on behalf of St. Alphonsus parishioners, school and CCD families. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! If you still have your baby bottle, you may return it to the Rectory this week. PIE DRIVE RESULTS Thank you for blessing 590 families with a Market Day pie for their thanksgiving table! This year we can supply both North Hills Community Outreach in Allegheny County and the Lighthouse Foundation, a Christian Ministry food bank serving Butler County. DIOCESAN CHAMPS —VOLLEYBALL AND FOOTBALL Congratulations to our St. Alphonsus School sports teams who won Diocese of Pittsburgh Schools championships this past weekend. Our girls varsity volleyball team won the diocesan championship and our JV girls volleyball team was runner-up to the JV diocesan championship. In football, our JV team of the North Pittsburgh Ironmen, (our St. Alphonsus students combined with other local Catholic schools) won the diocesan championship last Sunday at Duquesne University Rooney Field with an 8-0 victory over St. Bernard School, Mount Lebanon. THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED - ALL SOULS DAY Nov. 1/2 5:00p.m. Saturday - Souls of the Faithful Departed of the Parish & Relatives & Friends of the Parish 6:00a.m. Raymond Loscar by Wife 8:00a.m. Madeline Seibert by Family & Friends 10:00a.m. Francis Pegher by Dolly Pegher 12:15p.m. Olga Krantz by Family Monday, November 3 - St. Martin de Porres 7:00a.m. Herb Von Derau by Family 9:00a.m. Deceased of Kimmich & Winter Families by Barbara & Ron Kimmich, Sr.. Tuesday, November 4 - St. Charles Borromeo 7:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 9:00a.m. Deceased Members of the Legion of Mary by The Legion of Mary Wednesday, November 5 - Weekday 7:00a.m. Violet Zielinski by Stephen & Emilie Baker 9:00a.m. Marcia Clark by Karl Family Thursday, November 6 - Weekday 7:00a.m. Earl Leita by Family 9:00a.m. Nelson Tonet by Family Friday, November 7 - Weekday 7:00a.m. Joseph Drazenovich by Carol & Steve Kozak & Family 9:00a.m. Garry Molloy by Dan Cole Family Saturday, November 8 - Blessed Mother 9:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Nov. 8/9 5:00p.m. Saturday 6:00a.m 8:00a.m 10:00a.m. 12:15p.m. Paul Zacherl by Tom & Norma Heyl Living & Deceased Members of the Parish Special Intention of Joseph DiDonato by Family Special Intention of Parry Family by Parry Family Marion Kramer by Miles & Barbara Wilson Last Sunday’s Offertory Regular Sunday Collection Thank you $ 13,346.49
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