Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church November 9, 2014 Priests of the Parish Deacons John O’Donovan James H. Stanley Rev. Daniel J. Sullivan Rev. Faron Calumba Rectory Director of Music Raymond Murphy 2819 Whitney Ave. Hamden, CT 06518 203-248-0141 Web Site www.olomc.org Email [email protected] Director of Religious Education Sister Ann O’Neill R.S.M. Office: 203 287-9017 Parish Office Hours Monday ~ Friday 9:00AM ~ 1:00PM 203 248-0141 Parish Secretary Mary Sacco Email [email protected] tĞĞŬͲĞŶĚDĂƐƐĞƐ͗^ƵŶĚĂLJsŝŐŝů;^Ăƚ͘Ϳϰ͗ϬϬWD^d͕ϱ͗ϬϬWD^d ^ƵŶĚĂLJϴ͗ϬϬDͲϭϬ͗ϬϬDͲϭϭ͗ϯϬD ! 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Mulvey ~ Req. by Family Monday, November 10 , Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church (Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time) +7:30 AM Maryellen Jackson ~ Req. by Husband, Harold & Family +9:00 AM Kenneth Delaney ~ Req. by Family Tuesday, November 11, Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop +7:30 AM Michael Cifferelli, Sr. ~ Req. by Family +9:00 AM Arthur Astorino ~ Req. by Family Wednesday, November 12, Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr +7:30 AM Jack Countey-Birthday Remembrance ~ Req. by Family +9:00 AM James Kelleher ~ Req. by Family Thursday, November 13, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin +7:30 AM Father Biagio Cretella-15th Anniversary ~ Req. by Ann Sansone, Sister +9:00 AM Joseph Robert Weed, II ~ Req. by Family Friday, November 14, Weekday +7:30 AM Maria Mendes-Birthday Remembrance ~ Req. by Edward Mendes & Family +9:00 AM Souls in Purgatory Saturday, November 15, Saint Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church +8:00 AM Ministers of Holy Communion ~ Req. by Deacon John +4:00 PM Frank Pacelli, Sr. ~ Req. by Wife & Family Sunday, November 16, Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time +8:00 AM June Smith ~ Req. by Husband, Paul +10:00 AM Anna and John Sullivan ~ Req. by Family +11:30 AM Eugene Taddei ~ Req. by Brother Kenneth Delaney Offertory Report of 11-2-14 Weekly Collection All Saints Day Collection $6,108.35 $608.00 Thank You for Your Generosity !! THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA PROCESSIONAL HYMN #417 Church of God, Elect and Glorious GLORIA IN EXCELSIS #901 (10 & 11:30) The Responsorial #379 City of God vs. 1 & 4 The Gospel Acclamation “Salisbury Alleluia” SANCTUS Mystery of Faith Great Amen AGNUS DEI Communion Hymn #652 Flow River, Flow THANKSGIVING HYMN #413 Sing a New Church (verses 1, 2 & 4) The Rosary… is prayed each morning, Monday through Friday beginning at 7:10 AM and Saturday Morning at 7:40 AM. ROSARY FOR LIFE… THIS Sunday, November 9th from 12:15-1:00 PM in the Cry Room of the Church. All interested in furthering the respect for life, born or unborn, are invited and encouraged to attend Intercessory Prayer Line… If you have a special need or intention for which you would like the prayers of your parish community, please call Gwen at 203) 248-9176. Pro-Life Novena and Holy Hour… will be prayed Wednesday, November 19th from 6-7 PM. Holy Hour includes Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament, Respect Life Rosary and Benediction. All are invited. Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/ Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Parish Council Elections THIS weekend the Parish Council elections will take place. Please notice the poster boards in the Church, with the nominee names, information and pictures. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 17, 2014 at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center ****MASS of REMEMBRANCE**** November 16, 2014 at 2:00 PM Each Sunday, during the 10:00 AM Liturgy, children are invited to come downstairs for the Liturgy of The Word on their level. They return back upstairs at the time of the offertory. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE "Jesus describes the vocation of parents: “The greatest among you will be your servant.” Children take our blood, genes, strength, name, patience and resources. A parent’s servitude begins at the moment of conception. The Lord is present in each of our acts of selfless service. Any boy or girl in the 4th grade or above, who wishes to be an Altar Server is invited to a meeting (along with a parent) NEXT Sunday, November 16th at 9:00 AM in the Church. If you have any questions please call Deacon John 203-281-3563. The priests and staff of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church are aware of the deep sadness and difficulties experienced at the loss of a loved one. In an effort to help you cope with your loss, we your parish family, invite you, your family and friends to share in a special Birthright of Greater New Haven is a pro-life pregnancy center in Mass of Remembrance Hamden serving the area since 1972. We help any pregnant woman NEXT Sunday, November 16th at 2:00 PM. As we wish to make this Mass a special occasion for you, we need your response. Please call the Parish Office at 203-248-0141 and inform the secretary if you plan to attend and approximately how many people will be in your group. THANKSGIVINGFOOD DRIVE In these difficult times, we strive to help all families have a bountiful Thanksgiving. We will be collecting the following items for food baskets: Canned and dry foods, such as cranberries, yams, vegetables, gravy, potato mix, stuffing, pie crusts and fillings, desserts, cookies, juice, coffee, tea, rice, beans, tuna, soup, cake mix, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, flour, sugar, pasta and pasta sauce. Also, FROZEN, NOT FRESH TURKEYS that can be brought to the Church the weekend of November 22/23. Please leave your non-perishable donations inside any of the Church doors. If you, or someone you know is in need of a Thanksgiving basket, please call Sister Ann at 203-287-9017. Please direct any other inquires to Bob at 203-281-1175. Thank You and have a Blessed Thanksgiving!! “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” ~W.T. Purkiser who calls or comes to us. We offer free pregnancy tests, maternity and baby clothing, diapers, etc. but most important; confidentiality, friendship, support and guidance focused on the sanctity of every life. We need volunteers. If you would like to help Birthright please call Rita at 203-248-6550. We provide training. Thank You. Sincerely, The Volunteers of Birthright “Only a tender, compassionate love that seeks to serve those most in need, whatever the personal cost, is strong enough to overcome a culture of death and to build a civilization of love. Let us open our hearts and reflect how God might be calling each of us to witness the sacredness of human life.” Cardinal Seán O’Malley The Sisters of the Good Shepherd will have a beautiful variety of religious articles & items FOR SALE NEXT Weekend (11/15 & 11/16) after All Masses The contemplative communities of The Sisters of the Good Shepherd are consecrated exclusively and primarily to God. Prayer was, is, and always will be the relevant and valuable way of expressing their deep concern for other people and for the profound sufferings of our world. Unlike apostolic sisters, however, they are not employed outside the monastery but are self supporting through the distribution of altar breads and by the fine handcrafted items that they make through the year such as Advent wreaths, candles (baptismal, anniversaries, etc.) soaps, rosaries and chaplets, angels, frames, holiday décor, quilts, etc. Earnings are shared with all others in need, particularly women and children who have been set aside by society. The Sisters also bring assorted home-baked goods: pies, delicacies, muffins, etc. The Sisters thank us most sincerely for the welcome Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish accords them and please be assured that we are in their daily prayers especially when they prepare our monthly Altar Breads. For the Sisters, coming to our Parish means that they have faces to present to God when they pray for us. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL CHURCH VOCATIONS REFLECTION… Keep your eyes open! In time, you will see what you are called to do. If your call is to become a priest, deacon, brother or sister, call Fr. Anthony Smith, Director of Vocations, Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary, Tel. 860-242-5573, e-mail [email protected] or visit the web at www.vocationshartford.org. ****************************************** PRIESTHOOD DISCERNMENT EVENINGS The Vocation Office will be holding monthly Priesthood Discernment Evenings at St. Thomas Seminary (467 Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield, CT) for men between the ages of 18 and 55 who would like to get information about the Catholic priesthood and meet with other men who feel God might be calling them to serve as a priest. We will meet Thursday, (11/20;12/8) 6:00-7:30 PM. Pizza will be served. Please call the Vocation Office at 860-242-5573 for more information. DEFENDING OUR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY From: Archbishop Leonard P. Blair Pope Francis has emphasized that “religious freedom is not simply freedom of thought or private worship. It is the freedom to live according to ethical principles, both privately and publicly.” ! If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition to the mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202456-1111 or U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. Let them know that the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right to religious freedom. Are you a registered parishioner in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish? NAMEs):____________________________ _____________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________ _____________________________________ TELPHONE#________________________ EMAIL Address:______________________ CHILDREN LIVING AT HOME: NAME (s) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ENVELOPE USER? circle one YES NO IF YES...ENVELOPE NUMBER__________ IF NO...WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE ENVELOPES? circle one YES NO ARE YOU INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING AT CHURCH? YES NO Any notes to Secretary please write below: Prayer for Veterans Heavenly Father, on this day, help us remember those who gave of themselves to keep us safe and secure. Enkindle in our consciences a desire to serve those who served their country selflessly. Give us the grace to aid those who have given aid and protection to us and others both here and overseas. Let us never forget the causes for which they fought or the bravery they showed on the battlefield. May we be always be mindful of those who paid the price for our freedom, just as Your Son gave his life to free us from the bondage of sin. ~Amen. WJMJ CATHOLIC RADIO STATION FUNDRAISING EFFORT UNDERWAY NOVEMBER 13-16 WJMJ, the non-commercial Catholic radio station operated by the Archdiocese of Hartford since 1976, begins its Radiothon on November 13th to raise funds to continue the operation of the station. The fundraising is interspersed within the station’s diverse music, religious news, and Gospel messages. Listen to uplifting music and inspirational commentary around the clock, supported by grateful listeners and businesses in the community. WJMJ, Where Faith Meets Life, can be heard on 88.9 FM in the Hartford area, and 107.1 FM in the New Haven region, and on the Internet at www.WJMJ.org Thank you for your support !! HOWARD PAVING CO., INC. MARK A. CANDIDO CONTRACTORS PRESIDENT & CEO Q UINNIPIAC B ANK 2704 DIXWELL AVENUE • HAMDEN, CT 06518 T: 203.407.0756 EXT 10 C: 203.815.7110 E: [email protected] • www.quinnipiacbank.com Figaro’s Shave & Barber Shop for Men • Hair-Cuts $15 • Hot Towel Shaves $20 Gift Certificates • Walk-Ins Welcome Tues-Fri, 9-5 • Sat, 9-4 203-415-1579 3820 Whitney Ave, (Mount Carmel) Hamden WHITNEY DONUT & SANDWICH SHOP It’s not just for breakfast anymore! 2574 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT Tel: 203-248-9095 konnection FOR THE FINEST IN DRY CLEANING Drive Thru 1957 Whitney Ave. North Haven 203 281-1414 63 Grove St. New Haven 203 777-8214 210 Amity Rd. Woodbridge 203 397-5332 s Kelly’ kone SINCE 1957 PAUL ANDERSON, PRESIDENT 1 Raccio Park Rd., Hamden, CT T: 203-281-1494 • F: 203-230-9025 This Space Available For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Representative Fax: 203-248-0921 COACH AUTO BODY, INC. GLENWOOD DRIVE-IN, INC. 2538 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT Phone: 203-281-0604 Hamden’s Neighborhood Eatery OPEN DAILY AT 4PM 1670 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 203-848-1682 www.cafeamicict.com Well Water Testing Bacteria • Physical • Chemical Radon in Air • Radon in Water RON ZACHEY, Owner Experts in Paint Color Matching Brian O’Connor 1-800-888-4574 x 3447 or email: [email protected] 325 State Street, North Haven CT 06473 (203) 288-8767 The Dept. of Public Health advises testing your Well Water annually to ensure it is Safe from Bacteria & Harmful Impurities NORTH HAVEN FUNERAL HOME, INC. Brian W. Havens, director 3551 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT 06518 P: 203-535-1626 • F: 203-745-3271 !"#$%"&'()$!*+&'$*,-./0$12(&/ FREE Delivery to Hamden, Cheshire & North Haven “Now Offering Pre-planned and Pre-paid Funeral Services and the Irrevocable Burial Trust” 36 Washington Avenue 30 Devine Street North Haven, CT 203-248-8959 www.aqualogic.com 239-1179 !"#!$%&'($)#*+,-'.#/$0-&1 Laboratory Lic. PH0454 ALBERTUS MAGNUS COLLEGE In honor of Dominic WELCOMES OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL PARISHIONERS INCLUDED with every Purchase at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE: • Lifetime Oil Changes • Roadside Assistance • Extension of Warranties • Rentals & More EDISON ELECTRIC CO. INC 203-239-3267 Commercial - Residential - Electrical Services 203-389-1521 Serving the Hamden-North Haven area for over 50 yrs Senior discounts Only One Exit Away Tunnel Exit 59 Wilbur Cross Pkwy. 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