University of Saskatchewan Language Centre International Student Fall 2014 ARRIVAL GUIDE Language Centre campus map For more views see M cK erc her D r. . Circle Drive u r. S o D yld t h Idyw S Circle Drive HWY 219 Dr. Burton Craig Building HWY 11 P W D O N E Y P R D 422 P D O W N E Y City Of Saskatoon W N E D R 121 S P P P P The Galleria 15 R D P P Dr. Jack McFaull Building Road Closed R C H E A S P The Atrium 111 Boffins Club P 421 P Waste Management Facility The Concourse 116 P P SRC Analytical Laboratories 411 407 R D 112 S T P D R R E S E A R C H 106 410 P HWY 16 A C C E S S 110 P P Bio Processing Centre 107 L.F. Kristjanson Biotechnology Complex 3 N O R T H 108 P 8th Street Taylor St. B oy c h uk D ri ve Clarence A ve. Avenue H 11th Street C D A N A 1 P SED Systems Inc. 18 AE National Hydrology Research Centre R O W Central Avenue Saskatchewan College Drive Avenue P Circle Drive 22nd Street HWY 7 R Warman n Ave C ve St University of Preston A venue HWY 14 p S 25th HWY 5 C A P tr d At i ge D r S e 2nd A Idylwyld Dr. N. 33rd St I C I F N I A Circle Drive iv Dr e le 1 1 5 T H Y A W I L A R ve D ri iv C irc 33rd Street L enore a a s din a C r es c k a en t c h t e w a o rt D r ive A i rp 51st St i v e r Millar A ve Road John G. Diefenbaker Airport R Campus Map Wanuskewin 71st Street R E S O U R C E S HWY 11 HWY 16 11 P I N N O V A T I O N Canadian Space Agency 305 B L V D Innovation Place Agriculture Greenhouse C P St. Thomas More College EN A T A A V E OF H H E A LT P R E S T O N C R T O ID V R D Y WA O TW Y M WA E C N A E A A V E P R E S T O N I N IN D R E FA R M L A Dairy Barn N E Birch Hall Pine Hall P College Quarter Student Residences H W Y D R Patterson Garden Louis’ Beach Volleyball C R E S Field #1 West Stands Griffiths Stadium Saskatoon Field House Parking Concession Saskatoon Field House East Stands 15 Saskatoon Field House Parking Visitors Clubhouse #7 5 Fields #8 M S T Aspen Hall Spruce Hall P Assiniboine Hall Metered Parking Disabled Persons' Parking* Motorcyle Parking* Royal University Hospital Information Desk -Hospital Mall - 655-1005 A I R D COLONY ST U Crop Science Fields U M P L Campus Safety available 24 hrs 966-5555 Wollaston P Hall Seager Wheeler Hall *Parking Permits Required. Contact Parking Services at 966-4502 Souris Hall 15TH ST McEown Park Student Residences A V E AIRD ST M c E O W N P Y U Q 15 Crop Science Fields P R E S T O N S Place Riel Student Centre - 966-6988 O C O L L E G E Field #2 Graduate House Student Parking Lots* Campus Entrance Maps May 2013 Barn D R Graham PotashCorp Huskie Clubhouse Park S T A D I U M Williams Livestock Research D R A V E TEMPERANCE ST R O Stone Animal Science AE C F G H HA K L O Q R T V Royal University Hospital Parking Services - 966-4502 2 Faculty & Staff Parking Lots* M P L P R 2 C U M B E R L A N D > Stadium Parkade S I U M M N A Stadium Parkade 4 > Metered Parking Lots 3 6 8 9 > Agriculture Building Parkade 5 Information Centres P C A M P U S C O L L E G E OSLER ST 1 > Pay Parking Lots Underground Pedestrian Tunnel P Y Kinesiology Physical Activity Complex (PAC) P B OT TO M L E Y AV E Public Parking Lots Buildings (Under Construction) service vehicles only) G Administration Saskatchewan Hall Memorial Athabasca Union Hall University Club P P 9 NRC - Plant Biotechnology P Institute M Peter MacKinnon Voyageur Place Map Legend Transit Hub (Saskatoon Transit and university N B N T I O A V O Nobel Plaza Animal Science Fields University Farm R D Emmanuel & St. Chad/ Chapel Rugby Chapel BOT TOMLEY R D. P M L 7 H O U S E V OYAG 8 Fields #4 #3 Walking Path Curling Rink L Poultry Science P Rutherford Rink Archaeology M ELLIOT ST Buildings Poultry Centre F I E L D D Hall Addition McLean Hall W I G G I N S AV E M U N R O E AV E R N T A D E L W I G G I N S ES LC R R IA MO ME H O S P I T A UN IV ER SI TY DR C L A R E N C E AV E . D R 1 T C O L L E G E Observatory CR St. Andrew's College W M R D R PL Memorial Gates Marquis Palliser Hall Garden Qu'Appelle Qu'Appelle Hall Place Riel T C R S T Engineering P John Mitchell B O D 1 0 8 t h Farm Residences C A M P U S W 'S E-Wing Expansion E U S M P R D Rayner Dairy Research & Teaching Facility P C E Physics T H EUR RE R Little Stone School Murray (Library) A T L D P L A C E C L I N I C P L A C 6 S Y N RP S .A ND Y Kirk Hall C E Biology (W.P. Thompson) U GE ST Dental Clinic P RI NAR P D-Wing TE P P L T ID R L VE M R BR D PL S C I E N M 5 Agriculture A C Y T 'S P C L SIT R HA P A ER D Research Annex Toxicology Centre Geology Health Sciences E S A D M I N O I C EN IV I V M E A ES D UN ID U Parkade Entrance Arts C R T E P P P P P P S M T S.E.R.F. K M U Edwards School of Business P ES M A CR M Royal University Hospital Ellis Hall PR G P Thorvaldson A R T Hantelman President's Residence C C P L S TASH Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Crop Science Field Laboratory R T H L PO C H General Purpose P Bovine Teaching Q Unit Reproduction Centre Ryan-Dubé Equine Ve C o te riPerformanceCentre ur na t ry Western College of V Veterinary Medicine P R.J.F. Smith Centre For Aquatic Ecology E P L University Services Building Heating Plant H ON P U P R Law RUH Parkade Irene and Leslie Dubé Centre for Mental Health M W AY R D S O S E A C Saskatoon Cancer Centre N K Diefenbaker F T E N A T C R S C I E N C E A F E NB LV E D U C A T I O N A K S P D IE E T E R I N A R Y D E H C T Education Grounds Greenhouse P V Peterson 4 P R D W C R A P T I N N Field #9 P L VIDO Laboratory M Food Centre M R D P.O.S. Bio-Sciences P O S R D FA urts I N A R Y Environment Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Canadian Light Source Synchrotron P S is Co Tenn 3 CANADIAN WILDLIFE CRT C R E S Y S E M I N A R Field #10 A P M R I V E R P P Canadian Food Inspection Agency R T E V E Ogle Hall E Field #11 Lutheran Theological Seminary A NIMALS PL P E R I M E T E R International Vaccine Centre (InterVac) U Horticulture Science Field Facility 14TH ST 1 4 t h S T Contents Resources Directory On Campus Resources Off Campus Resources Emergency Contacts Academic Policies 1 1 2 Orientation Workshops Orientation Calendar 3–4 Activities Program 5–6 Special Trips 7–8 Activities Choice Forms 9 U of S Tour 10–11 Saskatoon Tour 12–15 Taking the Bus 16–17 Travel in Canada 18–19 Culture Shock 20–21 Accommodation22 Housing Options Worksheet 23 Saskatoon Neighbourhoods 24 Rental Search Worksheet 25 Banking26–28 Banking Worksheet 29 Health Insurance 30 Fall and Winter Weather 31 Shopping32–34 Computers, Phones, iPads, or Tablets 35 Staying Safe in Saskatoon 36 International Phone Cards 37 Academic Administrators 38 Placement38 Attendance and Punctuality 38 Homework and Assignments 39 Private Tutoring 39 Textbooks39 Cheating and Plagiarism 39 Student Evaluation and Certificates 39 Withdrawal from a Program 40 Skipping or Missing a Term 40 How Many Terms Can a Student Study at the Same Level? 40 Student Support 41 Calendar Pages October Calendar November Calendar December Calendar 42 43 44 Resources Directory On–Campus Resources Off–campus Resources Language Centre Citizenship and Immigration Canada Website: Email: [email protected] Address: 232 R.J.D. Williams Building 221 Cumberland Ave. North Saskatoon, SK S7N 1M3 Telephone: (306) 966-4351 Website: Address: Room 660, 410 22nd St. East Telephone:1-888-242-2100 •Information on study permits, work permits, temporary resident visas, and permanent residence Campus Bookstore Click & Go: Address: City Hall, 222 3rd Ave. North Telephone: (306) 975-3100 •Saskatoon bus information Saskatoon Transit Website: Address: Marquis Hall, 97 Campus Dr. Telephone: (306) 966-4468 •Purchase your textbooks and other school supplies Information Centre Website: Address: Upper Place Riel Telephone: (306) 966-6988 •Purchase transit passes, copy cards, calling cards International Student Office Website: Telephone: (306) 966-4925 •Help with settlement, immigration, emergency loans Health Centre Website: Address: 4th floor Place Riel Telephone: (306) 966-5768 •Free health information Saskatchewan Health Website: Address: T.C. Douglas Building 3476 Albert St. Regina, Sask S4S 6X6 Telephone: (306) 787-0146 •Information about healthcare coverage in Saskatchewan Taxi services United & Blueline Telephone: (306) 652-2222 (306) 652-3333 Comfort Cabs Telephone: (306) 664-6464 Saskatoon Radio Cabs Telephone: (306) 242-1221 Residence Website: Address: 128 Saskatchewan Hall, 91 Campus Dr. Telephone: (306) 966-6775 •Find housing on and off campus Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe Address: Main level Place Riel 1 International Student ARrival Guide resources directory Emergency Contacts Contact SASKATOON POLICE SERVICE Call in the case of: Website: Telephone: (306) 975-8300 Call (306) 975-8300 for non‑emergency situations, where an immediate response or dispatch of the police is not required. Dial 911 for Police or Medical Emergency Serious accidents, medical emergencies and crimes Office Hours 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Hospital Emergency Ward Royal University Hospital Telephone: (306) 655-1000 City Hospital Telephone: (306) 655-8000 Serious accidents and health emergencies, for example broken bones, vomiting, fainting, alcoholic intoxication, heart attack, stroke 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Provides family medicine and walk-in urgent care 8:00 am–10:00 pm Monday–Friday 9:00 am–5:00 pm weekends and holidays 4rd floor Place Riel Telephone: (306) 966-5768 Provides high quality healthcare to all registered students Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 am–4:30 pm Thursday 9:30 am–4:30 pm Student Counselling Centre The psychologists and social workers offer individual, couple and group counselling to students. Monday–Friday, 8:30 am–4:30 pm (closed over noon hour May to August) Confidential health information and advice from a registered nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week This is a 24-hour counselling service for individuals experiencing a crisis situation. The counsellors can also visit individuals in their homes if convenient. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Receive assistance related to online services, government loans, and referrals across campus. Monday–Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm You can arrange for a volunteer to accompany you walking to your car, office or on-campus residence. Sunday–Thursday 8:30 pm–11:30 pm For questions, assistance, information regarding campus safety or security issues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Call this number, for information about road and highway conditions. Especially useful in the winter when there may be road closures and in the summer when there is lots of construction 24 hours a day, 7 days a week St. Paul’s Hospital Telephone: (306) 655-5000 To call an ambulance, dial 911. Ambulance costs are not covered by Saskatchewan Health (cost per trip, about $250.00) MediClinic Address: 101–3333 8th St. East (Circle Centre Mall) Telephone: (306) 955-1530 Website: www. Student Health Centre 3rd floor Place Riel Telephone: (306) 966-4920 Healthline Telephone: 1-877-800-0002 Mobile Crisis Line Telephone: (306) 933-6200 Student Central Telephone: (306) 966-1212 Safewalk Telephone: (306) 966-SAFE (7233) Campus Safety Telephone: (306) 966-5555 Highway Hot Line Website: Telephone: (306) 933-8333 International Student ARrival Guide 2 Orientation Calendar • Fall 2014 Fall 2014 Orientation Schedule - Green Group Thursday September 25 friday September 26 Saturday September 27 Monday September 29 Testing 9:30 am– 12:30 pm Orientation U of S and Saskatoon Tour 9:30 am– 12:30 pm Mandatory Orientation MUST BRING PASSPORT 10:00 am– 1:00 pm Mandatory Orientation Sessions CAP Orientations Room 224/225 Morning wednesday September 24 Lunch Student Lounge My time is: Student Lounge Pizza Lunch Testing Afternoon Student Lounge Free Time 1:30–3:30 pm Mandatory Orientation Sessions Student Lounge Register for Activities on Thursday, October 2 (Room 245/247) For schedules visit our website: 3 Tuesday September 30 International Student ARrival Guide 1:00 pm Pick up Student Package 2:00 pm Student Cards Orientation Calendar • Fall 2014 Fall 2014 Orientation Schedule - Yellow Group wednesday September 24 Thursday September 25 Testing Testing friday September 26 Saturday September 27 Monday September 29 Tuesday September 30 CAP Orientations Room 224/225 1:00 pm Pick up Student Package My time is: 2:00 pm Student Cards Morning 10:00 am– 1:00 pm Mandatory Orientation Sessions Lunch Student Lounge Pizza Lunch Afternoon Testing 1:30–4:30 pm Orientation U of S and Saskatoon Tour Student Lounge 1:30–4:30 pm Mandatory Orientation MUST BRING PASSPORT Student Lounge 1:30–3:30 pm Mandatory Orientation Sessions Student Lounge Register for Activities on Thursday, October 2 (Room 245/247) For schedules visit our website: International Student ARrival Guide 4 orientation workshops Orientation Workshops • Fall 2014 Activities Program Earn credits and build language skills to help you succeed in your academic program. Website: Session A – Week 1 to 5 Speaking and Listening (Weekly activities) example: Coffee and Conversation, Ulife Social, TED Talks 1 credit needed Culture (Weekend activities) example: Corn Maze, Huskies Football, Halloween 2 credits needed Session B – Week 6 to 10 Speaking and Listening (Weekly activities) example: Coffee and Conversation, Ulife Social, TED Talks 1 credit needed Culture (Weekend activities) example: Corn Maze, Huskies Football, Halloween 1 credit needed TOTAL OF 2 SPEAKING AND LISTENING CREDITS and 3 culture credits ARE NEEDED TO PASS YOUR COURSE! • Be early • Be involved • Ride with us • Think English! 5 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Activities Program The Activities program will help you to make connections with international and Canadian students, get involved in university and community events, improve your English communication skills, and experience Canadian culture. The Activities program is an encouraging language-learning environment and hub for social and cultural experience! Join the Activities! Join the fun! Improve your speaking and listening with activities like Coffee and Conversation, Canadian Geography, University life, Career Planning and Computer Skills seminars. Participate in summer festivals such as the Jazz Festival, Pets in the Park, and Taste of Saskatchewan. Learn to communicate effectively in practical social and cultural activities. Integrate your classroom learning and participate in campus wide events, programs and volunteer opportunities. You will Experience Canadian culture, learn inter-cultural skills, meet other international and Canadian students and get involved in the community. Choose from a variety of interactive and communicative workshops, events, seminars and tours focused on University Life, Culture, and Community. Volunteer for community organizations and get involved with events like Folkfest, Fringe Festival, Open Door Society and Campus Clubs. Join our Facebook Group at International Student ARrival Guide 6 orientation workshops Special Trip–Edmonton Urban Adventure Fall 2014 Join us for a trip to Edmonton capital city of Alberta and the home of the West Edmonton Mall. The West Edmonton Mall is one of the world’s largest shopping complexes and has many attractions and activities for you to enjoy. • • • • • • Galaxy Land Wave Pool Glow Mini Golf Ice Skating Fantasy Land Hotel Sea Lions Show and Sea Life Cavern Aquariums Dates: Friday, October 24 to Sunday, October 26 Cost: $250.00 Cost Includes: • • • • • 7 All transportation 2 nights accommodations at West Edmonton Mall Inn Guided tour of Edmonton Visit GalaxyLand or the Wave Pool Tour of Fantasyland Hotel’s “fantasy” rooms International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Special Trip–Roughriders Football Game Fall 2014 Saskatchewan Roughriders fans are famous for their loyalty, their antics and their “green and white” pride. You will travel to Regina on a luxury coach to join thousands of Saskatchewan Roughrider fans in the stands at Mosaic Stadium. Our activities staff members prepare you for the game with CFL football stats, an explanation of the game, and an introduction to “Rider Nation” culture. Date: Sunday, October 19, 2014 Cost: $95.00 Cost Includes: • • • • Bus transportation Tickets to Roughrider Game Pizza supper in Regina Fun, contests and prizes! Football Info Session: Friday October 17, Room 224/225 International Student ARrival Guide 8 orientation workshops Activities Choice Forms Levels 10–40 Activities Choice Form Fall 2014 Session A Registration for Session A Activities is on Thursday, October 2, 2014 YOU MUST COMPLETE AND BRING THIS FORM TO REGISTER Go to for more information about each activity. Family Name: _____________________ Given Name(s): ______________________ Level: ______ Speaking & Listening Culture 1. 1. 2. U-Prep Activities Choice Form Fall 2014 Session A Registration for Session A Activities is on Thursday, October 2, 2014 YOU MUST COMPLETE AND BRING THIS FORM TO REGISTER Go to for more information about each activity. Family Name: _____________________ Given Name(s): ______________________ Level: ______ Speaking & Listening Culture (Please have 4 choices filled in) 1. 1. 3. 2. 4. Choose your activities before you register at: 9 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops U of S Tour 1) What is the address of the Williams Building? __________________________________________________________________________________________ Campus Map Wanuskewin 71st Street erc her D r. M cK I C 1 3 N O R T H P 108 P P Bio 107 Processing Centre P 106 . 410 R D R C H E A N 112 R Concourse 116 P 121 D R S P The Atrium 111 Boffins Club P D R E S 110 R E S E A R C H P A C C E S S P P P P P __________________________________________________________________________________________ P W D O HWY 16 HWY 219 Dr. Burton Craig Building HWY 11 N E Y R D 422 P SRC Analytical Laboratories 411 407 5) Are the computers in the Arts Tunnel available for anyone to use? City Of Saskatoon D O W N E Y The Galleria 15 R D 421 P Road Closed P P Dr. Jack McFaull Building Waste Management Facility National Hydrology Research Centre R O W Clarence A ve. r. S Circle Drive L.F. Kristjanson Biotechnology Complex B oy c h uk D ri ve u 4) Where can you buy a dictionary or textbooks for your class? Circle Drive t h D yld o Taylor St. w Idy S 8th Street Preston A venue Avenue H Avenue P 1th Street i v e r R a a s din a C r es c k a en t c h t e w a S Saskatchewan College Drive N I A D A N A C 11 P I N N O V A T I O N B L V D __________________________________________________________________________________________ P SED Systems Inc. 18 AE 6) What is the PAC? Canadian Space Agency 305 Innovation Place Agriculture Greenhouse __________________________________________________________________________________________ Peterson 4 P A V E OF H H E A LT P R E S T O N C R T O ID V R D Y WA TW O B N EN A N T IN D M A R E C Y WA E 6 M R 7 A L 9 G P Y S I U M M N A M R O Stone Animal Science Livestock Research Barn Field #2 M L A Dairy Barn N E C O L L E G E H W Y D R 5 Patterson Garden Louis’ Beach Volleyball C R E S Graham PotashCorp Huskie International Fields Student ARrival Guide Concession Clubhouse Park #3 R R D S T A D I U M FA D R D R 2 O Saskatoon Field House Parking Saskatoon Field House H O U S E R C A M P U S P L A V E E Animal Science Fie University Farm N I N N M Stadium Parkade #4 Rayner Dairy Research & Teaching Facility Farm Residences NRC - Plant Biotechnology P Institute C O L L E G E ELLIOT ST S T P R E S T O N T I O A V O A D Curling Rink L Poultry Science P Rutherford Rink Archaeology Administration Saskatchewan Kinesiology Hall P Physical Activity Athabasca Complex (PAC) Hall University P Club P P A D M I N P St. Thomas More College BOT TOMLEY R D. C P Memorial Union E D R N T A D E L D R W I G G I N S AV E M U N R O E AV E UN IV ER SI TY DR C O L L E G E Emmanuel & St. Chad/ Chapel Rugby Chapel YAG Nobel Plaza B OT TO M L E Y AV E St. Andrew's College W I G G I N S ES CR AL RI MO ME H O S P I T A PL P M T 'S VO McLean Hall 1 0 8 t h Poultry Centre 8 Peter MacKinnon Voyageur Place U S M P M L R D D R EW Memorial Gates 1 Hall Addition A C A M P U S DR E-Wing Expansion Observatory EUR .A N R T C R W T Y ON RP D ST Little Stone School B O Marquis Palliser Hall Garden Qu'Appelle Qu'Appelle Hall Place Riel S Engineering P Physics E E A M O S S L P L A C E T H T S.E.R.F. K P C E John Mitchell U C L I N I C C P E Y P L T I V P L A M R R P RI NAR Kirk Hall C E A C D PL Murray (Library) Crop Science Field Laboratory R U C L Health Sciences Dental Clinic TE P Biology (W.P. Thompson) A T 'S P S C I E N VE 5 Agriculture Parkade Entrance Geology D-Wing General Purpose P ES I C EN P CR D egend ID U R Arts C R T E P P P P P S P ES M M P L M Royal University Hospital Ellis Hall PR G P Edwards School of Business Thorvaldson A R T Hantelman President's Residence C A FA T H L TASH C T E N P S PO W AY R U Heating Plant Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Law RUH Parkade Irene and Leslie Dubé Centre for Mental Health M P O S E A C Saskatoon Cancer Centre N K D R H I N A T C R S C I E N C E A F E NB Diefenbaker LV E D U C A T I O N A K S P D IE F H Bovine Teaching R.J.F. Smith Q Unit University Centre For Aquatic Services Reproduction Ecology E P L C Building Centre Ryan-Dubé Equine Ve entre C o t e rPerformanceC u r in a t ry Western Research College of P V Annex Veterinary M Medicine P HA Toxicology S M Centre D D E H C T Education Grounds Greenhouse P R D W C R A P T V M Ten Field #9 P L VIDO Laboratory M Food Centre A N ourts nis C P.O.S. Bio-Sciences P O S R D E T E R I N A R Y S I N A R Y Environment Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Canadian Light Source Synchrotron P Field #10 3 CANADIAN WILDLIFE CRT C R E S Y S E M I N A R International Vaccine Centre (InterVac) R D M R I V E R P P P Canadian Food Inspection Agency R T E V E Ogle Hall E Field #11 Lutheran Theological Seminary A NIMALS PL P E R I M E T E R CR Circle Drive University of p HWY 5 Central Avenue Millar A ve Warman n Ave C St 22nd Street 1 1 5 T H Y A W I L __________________________________________________________________________________________ The P A ve 25th S e Idylwyld Dr. N. 33rd St e iv Dr tr d At i ge D r iv c le C ir A R I F C A P Circle Drive 2nd o rt D r ive A i rp 51st St Street 3) What is the team name for sports teams at the University of Saskatchewan? ve D ri L enore Road G. Diefenbaker Airport R E S O U R C E S HWY 11 HWY 16 10 15 orientation workshops U of S Tour Place Riel Student Centre This Centre is a hub for student services. For detailed lists of services and hours of operation visit the website: Place Riel–Lower Level • Food Outlets • Treats, Umi Sushi, Flaming Wok, Vanelli’s • Campus Computer Store • Computers, Accessories, Tablets and Apple Products • Mac’s Convenience Store • lottery, transit, phone cards, snacks • The Wireless Age–Sasktel Mobility • Etre Belle Hair Boutique • ISSAC Office Place Riel–Main level • • • • • • Information Centre Bus routes and schedule information Pharmacy Travel Cuts Book store Marquis Hall Food Services Place Riel 2nd Floor • USSU Office Place Riel–3rd Floor • Student Counseling Place Riel–4th Floor • Student Health Centre 11 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Saskatoon Tour 1) Find your neighbourhood 2) Find the University 3) Find Downtown AIRPORT SILVERWOOD HEIGHTS HUDSON BAY INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT AREA n e w LAWSON HEIGHTS S.C. NORTH INDUSTRIAL RIVER HEIGHTS s A HAMPTON VILLAGE DUNDONALD CONFEDERATION PARK MASSEY PLACE CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL CONFED S.C. MOUNT ROYAL BLAIRMORE S.C. PARKRIDGE FAIRHAVEN O INDUSTRIAL AGPRO MONTGOMERY PLACE CASWELL HILL WESTMOUNT PLEASANT HILL MEADOW GREEN RIVERSDALE HOLIDAY PARK CITY PARK UNIVERSITY OF BLAIRMORE SASKATCHEWAN MANAGEMENT AREA GORDIE HOWE MANAGEMENTRE AREA NUTANA EXHIBITION S MA SASK. POWER EA MANAGEMENT DIEFENBAKER AREA MANAGEMENT AREA WILLOWGROVE ARBOR CREEK U OF S LANDS SOUTH VARSITY VIEW BUENA VISTA ERINDALE SSUTHERLAND INDUSTRIAL GROSVENOR GREYSTONE PARK HEIGHTS HAULTAIN HOLLISTON C.N. RAIL YARDS FOREST GROVE UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHSUTHERLAND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT KING WEST NINDUSTRIAL GEORGE SOUTHWEST INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS S.C. NORTH PARK HUDSON BAY PARK BLAIRMORE PACIFIC HEIGHTS KELSEY WOODLAWN MAYFAIR SILVERSPRING U OF S LANDS NORTH RICHMOND HEIGHTS WESTVIEW LAWSON HEIGHTS BREVOORT PARK QUEEN ELIZABETH COLLEGE PARK EAST WILDWOOD BRIARWOOD NUTANA S.C. ADELAIDE/ CHURCHILL AVALON COLLEGE PARK NUTANA PARK EASTVIEW LAKEWOOD S.C. LAKEVIEW LAKERIDGE ROSEWOOD C.N. INDUSTRIAL STONEBRIDGE THE WILLOWS International Student ARrival Guide 12 orientation workshops Saskatoon Tour 1. How many bridges are there in Saskatoon? ______________________________________________________ 2. Which bridge is Saskatoon’s newest bridge? _____________________________________________________ 3. Where are the main bus terminals? a. b. c. 4. How many public libraries are there in Saskatoon? 5. Where is the main public library? 6. What branch library is closest to your home? 13 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Saskatoon Tour 7. What two shopping malls can you name in Saskatoon? Where are they located? a. Location: b. Location: 7. In Saskatoon we call it “the Castle on the River”. What is the name of this hotel? 8. This street is famous for culture, coffee, and the arts. What is the name of this street? 9. What businesses do you see on this street? International Student ARrival Guide 14 orientation workshops Saskatoon Tour continued… 7. What three movie theatres can you name in Saskatoon? Where are they located? a. Location: b. Location: c. Location: 7. What three grocery stores/supermarkets can you name in Saskatoon? Where are they located? a. Location: b. Location: c. Location: 15 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Taking the Bus Student Fares and Bus Passes Available at Mac’s Convenience Store, Safeway, Shoppers Drug Mart • Monthly bus pass $81.00 • 10 Ride GoPass Card $24.00 • Per ride $3.10—exact change needed (coins only, no paper cash accepted) Bus Workshop Activities 1) Match the neighbourhoods on the Saskatoon map to bus routes. 2) Bus vocabulary: • • • • Eastbound/Westbound Transit terminal In seat transfer Transfer 3) Find where you live on the map of Saskatoon. 4) What bus do you take to the Language Centre? 5) What bus do you take to get downtown from the Language Centre (221 Cumberland Ave. North)? 6) Circle two bus terminals • • • • • Bessborough Terminal Downtown Terminal Midtown Terminal University Terminal Transcanada Terminal saskatoon transit BUS TIMES Phone & Go: (306) 975-7500 T o quickly find the next bus at a bus stop, call the Phone & Go number then enter the 4 digit stop number printed on the bus stop sign. Finding a bus stop Touch & Go: Mobile App To find a bus stop near you and check the bus times for that stop. International Student ARrival Guide 16 orientation workshops saskatoon transit Trip Planning Click & Go: 1. 2. Choose Click & Go Choose Transit Click & Go 3. 4. Click on (details) for any trip to see more information and a map Enter trip information Get trip plan You can find bus schedules online at Saskatoon Transit 1. Go to Choose Transit Click & Go 2. Choose Click & Go 3. Trip Planning • Enter your trip information here, then click on (get trip plan) 4. Your Trip Options • Click on (details) for any trip to see more information and a map 17 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Travel in Canada Plan your own trip to another city using these websites: • • • • • What city will you travel to? ____________________________________________________________________ What are your travel dates? _____________________________________________________________________ What is the cost of the flight? Are there any seat sales?________________________________________________ What is the average cost for a hotel? Are there any sales? _____________________________________________ What is the average cost for a hostel?_____________________________________________________________ International Student ARrival Guide 18 orientation workshops My Trip Checklist What cities do I want to visit? ___________________________________________________________________ When is the best time to visit? __________________________________________________________________ What activities do I want to do? _________________________________________________________________ In Canada I must: See________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Do________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Experience__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Trip Planning Outline: ❑❑ Check Westjet weekly for seat sales ❑❑ Decide what is the best time to travel ❑❑ Check expedia for hotel sales ❑❑ Book flights—confirmation code: _________ ❑❑ Book hotels—confirmation code: _________ ❑❑ Visit websites on your destination to plan an itinerary 19 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Culture Shock What is it? The sadness or anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment. Stages of Culture Shock 1) 2) 3) 4) Fun: excitement and adventure of new people and things Flight: disorientation brings an urge to avoid everything and everyone different Fight: judging people and things that are different as bad Fit: understanding and embracing the new culture For Help with Culture Shock Student Advisors: Lynn Bytyqi Telephone: (306) 966-2624 U of S Student Counseling Services Telephone: (306) 966-4920 Culture Shock Workshop Activities Someone comes toward you and says “What’s up?” Sometimes the question sounds more like “S’up?” What does it mean? a. They are asking you if there is anything in the sky above your head. b. They are asking you if you are planning to take a trip. c. They are asking you how you are, or how life is going. d. They want to know what is on the floor above the one you are on. Do you know what this gesture means? a. b. c. d. A bad word. Give me money. We are winning. Everything is okay. Do you know the meaning of this gesture in Western culture? a. War! b. Peace! c. Victory! d. Run! International Student ARrival Guide 20 orientation workshops Culture Shock Tool Kit What is culture shock? Who can help? What can I do? What should I avoid? 21 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Accommodation Contact: Julissa—(306) 966-7054 or make an appointment at the Main Office—Williams Room 232. Homestay • Experience living with a Canadian family. • Have opportunities to share meals, Canadian culture and a practice your English. • Homes located within 40 minutes by bus from the U of S. University of Saskatchewan Student Residence Living in residence at the U of S is the first choice of about 2,000 students from across Canada and around the world. They come here for the convenience, the camaraderie, and, most of all, the community. We provide an environment that enhances and develops both the academic and social success of the student. The University of Saskatchewan Language Centre offers two residence complexes. Voyageur Place is located in the heart of campus, offering traditional dormitory-style living, with room and board accommodation. College Quarter Residence is located in the College Quarter development and offers four bedroom apartments for single students. To live in Residence contact: Interested in living on your own or with roommates? Give yourself time to find a place. There are many things to consider—types of places, prices, location. Here are some suggestions to begin your search: • Star Phoenix Newspaper Ads • Websites • USSU Housing Registry— Vocabulary • • • • • Condo Basement suite Appliances Damage or security deposit Apartment • • • • • Ensuite 2BD NS NP W/D Asking questions – “I’m looking for a place to rent can you tell me . . . “ How much is the rent? Who pays the utilities? Are pets allowed? International Student ARrival Guide 22 orientation workshops Housing Options Worksheet Living in Homestay Living in Residence Living on your own Benefits Drawbacks Interesting Ideas Are you in Homestay? My homestay family’s name:____________________________________________________________________ My address is: _______________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: ____________________________ Phone # ____________________________________________ 23 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Saskatoon NeighboUrhoods Use the map below as a guide while checking out rental properties. See for more city maps. AIRPORT SILVERWOOD HEIGHTS HUDSON BAY INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT AREA n e w LAWSON HEIGHTS S.C. NORTH INDUSTRIAL RIVER HEIGHTS s A HAMPTON VILLAGE DUNDONALD CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL BLAIRMORE PACIFIC HEIGHTS CONFED S.C. MOUNT ROYAL BLAIRMORE S.C. PARKRIDGE CASWELL HILL WESTMOUNT PLEASANT HILL MEADOW GREEN FAIRHAVEN MAYFAIR RIVERSDALE MONTGOMERY PLACE SOUTHWEST INDUSTRIAL HOLIDAY PARK CITY PARK UNIVERSITY OF BLAIRMORE SASKATCHEWAN MANAGEMENT AREA C.N. RAIL YARDS NUTANA EXHIBITION S MA SASK. POWER EA MANAGEMENT DIEFENBAKER AREA MANAGEMENT AREA WILLOWGROVE ARBOR CREEK U OF S LANDS SOUTH VARSITY VIEW BUENA VISTA ERINDALE SSUTHERLAND INDUSTRIAL GROSVENOR GREYSTONE PARK HEIGHTS HAULTAIN HOLLISTON GORDIE HOWE MANAGEMENTRE AREA FOREST GROVE UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHSUTHERLAND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT KING WEST NINDUSTRIAL GEORGE O INDUSTRIAL AGPRO UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS S.C. NORTH PARK HUDSON BAY PARK MASSEY PLACE CONFEDERATION PARK KELSEY WOODLAWN SILVERSPRING U OF S LANDS NORTH RICHMOND HEIGHTS WESTVIEW LAWSON HEIGHTS BREVOORT PARK QUEEN ELIZABETH COLLEGE PARK EAST WILDWOOD BRIARWOOD NUTANA S.C. ADELAIDE/ CHURCHILL AVALON COLLEGE PARK NUTANA PARK EASTVIEW LAKEWOOD S.C. LAKEVIEW LAKERIDGE ROSEWOOD C.N. INDUSTRIAL STONEBRIDGE THE WILLOWS International Student ARrival Guide 24 orientation workshops Rental Search Worksheet Date of appointment: Contact: Name: Telephone: Email: PROPERTY: Address: Neighbourhood: Closest Intersection: Closest Grocery Store: Distance From University: (kilometres) Approximate time walking: Approximate time on bus: Bus Route #: Approximate time on bicycle: Bus Stop #: Contract: Rent: Deposit: Due date: Type of Lease: Lease specifics: ❏ Yearly ❏ 6-month ❏ Month-to- month ❏ Pets ❏ Smoking ❏ Other Utilities I have to pay for: ❏ Electricity ❏ Water ❏ Natural Gas Approx. cost per month: __________________ Approx. cost per month: ___________________ Approx. cost per month: _____________ Furnishings: Amenities: ❏ Furnished ❏ Unfurnished ❏ Dishwasher ❏ Stove ❏ Fridge ❏ Air Conditioning ❏ Parking ❏ Laundry Overall Rating(1-5) : 25 Notes: International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Banking and Money Canadian Coins The Biggest Banks in Canada: 1) C IBC—Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Main Branch: 201 – 21st St. East •Silver coloured •Beaver on one side, Queen Elizabeth II on reverse 2) R BC—Royal Bank of Canada Main Branch: 154 – 1st Ave. South Dime = 10 cents 3) S cotia Bank Main Branch: 111 – 2nd Ave. South •Silver coloured • Sailing ship on one side, Queen Elizabeth II on reverse 4) B MO—Bank of Montréal Main Branch: 101 2nd Ave. North Quarter = 25 cents 5) T D Canada Trust—Toronto-Dominion Bank Main Branch: 170 – 2nd Ave. South List of ABMs on the U of S Campus • • • • • • • Nickel = 5 cents Bank of Montreal (Upper Place Riel) Bank of Nova Scotia (Upper Place Riel) CIBC (Lower Place Riel) Credit Union (Upper Place Riel) Royal Bank (Upper Place Riel, Agriculture Building) TD Canada Trust (Lower Place Riel) Louis’ (Memorial Union Building). Please note that extra fees apply at this ABM. •Silver coloured •Moose on one side, Queen Elizabeth II on reverse Loonie = 1 dollar •Gold coloured •Loon on one side, Queen Elizabeth II on reverse Toonie = 2 dollars List of Banks near the U of S • R oyal Bank of Canada: College and Bottomley Branch, 1402 College Dr. (306) 933-3535 • CIBC: 8th and Circle Branch, 3124 8th St. E. (306) 668-3230 • BMO: 101 2nd Ave. N. (306) 934-5600 • TD Canada Trust: 3020 8th St. E. (306) 975-7260 •Two tone – gold centre with silver on outer ring • Polar bear on one side, Queen Elizabeth II on reverse *For all other banks, look in the phonebook or yellow pages under ‘Banks’ either in print form or online ( ). Make sure Saskatoon is selected as your location. The yellow pages are a telephone directory, which lists businesses by the type of service they offer. International Student ARrival Guide 26 orientation workshops Good Ideas • Get cheques to pay rent and bills. • Ask for ABM demonstration when you open your account. • Apply for a credit card while you are still a student. Banking and Money Workshop Vocabulary • Bank Account • ATM or Automated Banking Machine • Service Fees • Chequing Account • Savings Account • Fees for transactions • PIN – Personal Identification Number • Credit Card • Debit Card • Deposit • Withdrawal • Money Transfer Writing a Cheque 1. Fill in date of issue 2. Make note of cheque number for your records 3. Fill in name of person or organization being paid 4. Write out amount in words 3 3 4 4 5. Write out amount in numerical figures 6. W rite a memo for your records (for example, utility payment) The Telephone Company 75 Twenty-five Telephone Bill 6 7. Write your signature International Student ARrival Guide 25.75 Bill Jones 7 8 8. Numbers identifying bank and account number 27 2 0 9 0 8 3 0 1 5 orientation workshops Types of Bank Accounts Different Accounts Serve Different Needs • Student Accounts • Savings Accounts • Chequing Accounts What kind of account do you need? ❑❑ Pay rent and bills ❑❑ Receive money from parents ❑❑ Send money to family ❑❑ Use debit card to pay expenses ❑❑ Use credit card to pay expenses ❑❑ Save money for my retirement ❑❑ Invest in an oil company ❑❑ Buy a house ❑❑ Buy a car ❑❑ Plan a trip Debit Cards and Credit Cards Why do you need a debit card? __________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you need a credit card? __________________________________________________________________________________________ When should you apply for a credit card? (If you want to book hotels, flights, or rental cars a credit card is needed). __________________________________________________________________________________________ What you need to know about your credit card: What is the annual fee?________________________________________________________________________ What is the interest rate?_______________________________________________________________________ Points and promotional offers?__________________________________________________________________ International Student ARrival Guide 28 orientation workshops Banking Worksheet Fill out the Bank and Address sections of this questionnaire and then either visit the banks, call them, or go to their websites to fill in the remaining information. Bank Name of contact Address Telephone BEFORE YOU GO To open an account you will need ❏ Passport ❏ Proof of your local address ❏ Student Card Accounts information Does this bank offer student accounts? ❏ Yes ❏ No What are the service fees for student accounts? Can I get cheques for my student accounts? ❏ Yes ❏ No How many transactions per month? •In branch transactions •ATM withdrawals •Debit purchases Chequing What is the cost of cheques? What is the charge for writing cheques? How can I order cheques? CREDIT CARDS Can I get a credit card with my Student Account? What is the credit limit for student accounts? ❏ Yes ❏ No What is the annual fee for a credit card? What is the interest rate? INTERNATIONAL MONEY TRANSFERS—receiving money from home What will it cost to receive a money transfer? What is the monetary limit? What documents do I need to provide? What banks can I deal with? What banking information do I need? 29 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Health Insurance All students must have Health Insurance. Students with a valid study permit are eligible for Saskatchewan Health Insurance. To apply for Saskatchewan Health you will need: • Passport • Study Permit (minimum 6 months long) • Your current Saskatoon address and telephone number Saskatchewan Health Card provides basic health coverage Saskatchewan Health will pay Saskatchewan Health won’t pay Visits to a doctor Medicines and prescriptions Hospital treatment in an emergency Ambulance Service Maternity care Dental Care Health Care in any province or territory in Canada Eye tests Glasses or contact lenses Some vaccinations Services like massage therapy or acupuncture Guard Me Health Insurance If you do no qualify for Saskatchewan Health, or if you would like additional health coverage we suggest that you buy additional insurance from Student Guard. This company provides quality health coverage designed for International students. For $3.50/ day you receive the following coverage: • Choice of any doctor or hospital • Covered excursion travel • Ground or air ambulance service • Accidental death or dismemberment coverage • X-ray, laboratory, and diagnostic testing • Air evacuation or repatriation as required • Prescription medication • Family transportation and subsistence allowance if you are in hospital • Limited emergency Dental Care Please go to the Main Office Room 232 to purchase this insurance. Saskatchewan Health needs your current address at all times! Contact Information for Saskatchewan Health Insurance Telephone: 1-800-667-7551 I applied for Saskatchewan Health Insurance on ______________________. I have received my Health Insurance Card ❏ Yes ❏ No * If you do not receive your Health Card in your first term of study at the Language Centre, please see the Activities Office or call Saskatchewan Health. International Student ARrival Guide 30 orientation workshops Fall and Winter Weather—Be Prepared + + + + + + + 1) The average temperature in winter in Saskatchewan is: a.0 degrees Celcius b.between 0 and 12 degrees C c. -12 degrees C d.between -18 and -26 degrees C c.-26 degrees C d.0 degrees C c.Your hands d.Your feet 2)The coldest temperature in winter in Saskatoon is: a.-18 degrees C b.-40 degrees C or colder 3) Which part of your body loses the most heat? a.Your heart 31 b.Your head International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops Calling Cards 70, 01, 50, 06, 80, 05, 04, 03, 60, 13, 21 Cell Phones Computers Electronics (TVs, radios) Clothing & shoes School Supplies/ Books Specialty Foods Dishes Food Toys Medicine 05, 01 Westside Eastside store Bus routes serving stop Location Furniture Shopping for NEW Items PHARMACIES/CONVENIENCE STORES Brunskill Pharmacy 1302 Temperance St. (306) 653-2922 Campus Centre Pharmacy Upper Place Riel (306) 668-2256 London Drugs 134 Primrose Dr. (306) 975-0740 2323 8th St. E. (306) 664-9500 3929 8th St E. (306) 975-1500 70,80,13, 50, 02,60 Rexall Pharmacy 80,70,12,13 160 2nd Ave. N. (306) 975-1570 01, 02, 04, 05, 11, 12, 22, 50, 60, 70 01, 02, 04, 05, 11, 12, 22 01, 02, 50, 60, 1530 20th St. W. (306) 652-6151 Shoppers’ Drug Mart Midtown Plaza 201 1st Ave. S. (306) 653-4866 Suite 111, 1715 Preston Ave. N. (306) 933-4110 04, 13, 7 Assiniboine Dr. Canarama Shopping Mall (306) 934-6700 01, 02, 11, 12, 50, 60 12, 13, 70, 80, 21–3510 8th St. E. The Centre at Circle & 8th (306) 373-5556 05 415 Herold Crt, Lakewood Common (306) 664-5010 60 1210 7th Ave. N, Meads Shopping Centre (306) 653-0882 06, 13 2105 8th St. E Grosvenor Park Shopping Centre (306) 374-4888 02 12, 14 610 Taylor St. E. (306) 343-1606 Westgate Shopping Plaza 22nd St. W. (306) 382-5005 02, 05, 50, 60, International Student ARrival Guide 32 orientation workshops Cell Phones Calling Cards Computers Electronics (TVs, radios) Dishes School Supplies/Books Toys Furniture Specialty Foods Clothing & shoes Food Medicine Westside Store Eastside Location Bus routes serving stop Shopping for NEW Items SPECIALTY INTERNATIONAL FOODS Ahmad’s Grocery 101–3521 8th St. E. (306) 955-6425 Eastern Market 218 Ave. B S. (306) 244-5502 El Mercado Las Palapas 821 Broadway Ave. (306) 244-5566 Lu’s Market Ltd. 1024 Louise Ave. (306) 477-3588 05 01, 02 50, 01, 60 02, 50, 60 Swadesh Supermarket 2102 22nd St. W. (306) 649-0226 60 1902 8th St. E. (306) 242-6388 05, 06, 50, 60 70, 80, 70, 21, 80 70, 01, 50, 06, 80, 05, 04, 03, 60, 13, 21 14 02, 50, 60 02, 50, 60 3310 8th St. E. Saskatoon 02 Safeway Market Mall 2325 Preston Ave. 01, 02, 06, 12, Madina Foods & Halal Meats 800 Central Ave. Unit 3 (306) 979-6962 BOOKS, ART, SCHOOL SUPPLIES Campus Bookstore Marquis Hall, 97 Campus Dr. (306) 966-4468 Staples 105-810 Circle Dr. E. (306) 955-6044 2327 8th St. E. (306) 955-6536 GROCERIES Co-op 8th St. and Emerson (306) 933-3884 300 Confederation Dr. 02, 05, 50, 60 302 33rd St. W. 04, 11, 22 Sobey’s College Park 3907 8th St. E. (306) 651-1800 05, 02 02, 50, 60 Varsity Common 1550 8th St. E. (306) 477-5800 Superstore 2901 8th St. E. 411 Confederation Dr. 60, 01, 22, 04, 23, 50 ELECTRONICS Campus Computer Store Lower Place Riel, 1 Campus Dr. (306) 966-8375 70, 01, 50, 06, 80, 05, 04, 03, 60, 13, 21 05, 50, 60 04, 13 Best Buy The Centre at Circle and 8th Unit 20a–3310 8th St. E. (306) 667-0350 Future Shop 221-1723 Preston Ave. N. (306) 955-6800 London Drugs 134 Primrose Dr. (306) 975-0740 80,70,12,13 33 2323 8th St. E. (306) 664-9500 70,80,13, 50, 02,60 orientation workshops Calling Cards Dishes Cell Phones Toys Computers Furniture School Supplies/ Books Clothing & shoes Specialty Foods Food Medicine Bus routes serving stop Westside store Eastside Location Electronics (TVs, radios) Shopping for NEW Items GENERAL/DEPARTMENT STORES Canadian Tire (hardware) 1731 Preston Ave. N. (306) 384-1212 04, 13 301 Confederation Dr. (306) 384-1313 Giant Tiger 105 Ave. F S. 02, 50, 60, 05 60, 02, 03, 50, 05, 22 11 Walmart 1706 Preston Ave. Preston Crossing (306) 373-2300 Confederation Mall (306) 382-5454) 3035 Clarence Ave. Stonegate (306) 653-8200 target Centre and Circle and 8th (306) 374-7771 60, 50, 02 04, 13, 02, 60, 01, 04, 03, 50, 05, 23, 22 50, 60, 05, 23, 22, 12 02, 05, 60, 03, 50 MAJOR SHOPPING MALLS Shopping malls are large complexes containing a variety of stores, restaurants and other businesses. The following malls are in Saskatoon. Take a look at their websites to see a list of the stores and then you can plan your trip accordingly. • Confederation Mall 300 Confederation Dr. • Market Mall 2325 Preston Ave. • Midtown Plaza 201-1st Ave. S. • Preston Crossing 1715 Preston Ave. N. • The Centre at Circle and 8th 3510 8th St. E. • Lawson Heights Mall Warman Rd. N. & Primrose Dr. • Stonegate Shopping Centre 3047 Clarence Ave. International Student ARrival Guide 34 orientation workshops Need Help with Computers, Phones, iPads, or Tablets? Free technology support is available to all U of S students by email, live chat, phone or in person • • • • Help Desk phone—(306) 966-4817 Help Desk email—[email protected] Help Desk online (including live chat)— Help Desk in person support *ICT Help Desk—Room 70 Arts Building *Murray Learning Commons Help Desk—First Floor—Main Library Computer Training And Support—IT4U Need help with formatting, PPT, Word or other computer programs? Check out for a list of services, workshops and online resources available for students. Campus Computer Store Located in Lower Place Riel (306) 966-8375 The Campus Computer Store sells computers, printers, accessories, software, TVs, cameras, games and more. You can get your laptop tuned up and repaired at the Service Centre in the Computer Store. Wireless Extensive wireless coverage at the U of S means that you can be online almost anywhere, and anytime as long as you access the correct network. The network for students is as follows: uofs-secure: Access for students and employees. Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 35 International Student ARrival Guide orientation workshops International Phone Cards You can save money on international calls by using phone cards! When you use a phone card you initiate the call to a local or 800 access number and then you only pay a small rate to the card company to cover the international part of the call. TIPS: • • • • • • • You get the lowest rate when using a local access number Watch for hidden fees Ask if there are “roaming” charges added to the cost Ask about quality of calls and network connection Not all companies have the same “quality” of connection Calls are charged by minute Some cards have a connection fee for each call while others do not have a connection fee Phone Cards are available at: • • • • • Convenience Stores such as Mac’s and 7–Eleven Safeway Superstore Shoppers Drug Mart Canada Post Outlets You can also buy phone cards online at: • • • • • Buying a Phone Card: 1. Find calling card rates Calling from: Calling to: 2. Buy phone card online or in shop 3. Start Calling • Call toll free local number on the card • Enter your PIN number • Enter the number you are calling • They will connect the call at their rate International Student ARrival Guide 36 orientation workshops Staying Safe in Saskatoon • • • • • • Be aware of your surroundings. Take a taxi or walk in groups at night. Go out in groups and stay together. If you need help ask a bus driver, police or campus safety officer. Drink responsibly or not at all. Join the Activities Program to get to know the U of S and Saskatoon. Safewalk Safewalk volunteers walk people safely to their destination on or near campus. We are lucky to be one of the safest campuses in Canada; however, like any area, the campus community has some crime. To have a University of Saskatchewan Safewalk Volunteer walk you to your car or home near campus: • • • • • Call (306) 966-SAFE (7233) during Safewalk hours: Sunday–Thursday, 8:30–11:30 pm. Call (306) 966-5555 anytime other than Safewalk hours (listed above). Use the green Safewalk button found on all Sasktel payphones on campus. Approach an on-duty Safewalk volunteer and ask them to walk with you. For recurring walk requests, fill out the form available at and drop it off at the USSU main office in room 110, Place Riel Student Centre. University of Saskatchewan Emergency Text Service Sign up to receive text messages in the event of major emergency or disaster, class cancellations, or a major road closure. • Sign into PAWS. • Click the gear icon located near the upper/middle section of the page. • Select Text Message settings. • Click Change under Text Messages, and enter your cell phone provider and phone number. • Click Save in the top right hand corner to save your changes. • You will soon receive a message from #87275 with instructions on how to reply and verify your request. 37 International Student ARrival Guide Academic Policies Academic administrators The academic administrators are: Sanae Ko–Assistant Director................................................................. (306) 966-4354 Lynn Bytyqi–Student Advisor.............................................................. (306) 966-2624 They are available to talk with you about any academic or personal concerns. Please go to the main office (Room 232) to make an appointment. Placement Placement decisions are made very carefully. Our placement tests give very accurate information about each student's levels. During your first two days in class, your teacher will be further assessing your abilitites, so you must go to your assigned class with a positive attitude and participate in all activities. After that time, your teacher may decide that you should be placed in a higher or lower level. The decision will be based on the teacher’s judgement of your abilities, not on your opinion or requests. You have been placed where we think you will be most successful. Attendance and punctuality Students are expected to attend all classes, participate, and be on time. All absences, including absences for medical reasons, will be counted. No absences will be excused. Absences and lateness affect students’ performance on tests and assignments and reduce their participation marks. Class Hours Missed Result 10 Warning letter from office 20 Not allowed to write final exam May be asked to leave program Students who arrive after the term has started will be marked absent for the days they miss. Do not miss class unless you are sick or have a very good reason! If you know that you will miss a quiz, talk to your teacher. If you miss class and find out later that there was a quiz, ask your teacher what you should do. We expect that our students are here to study English and participate in our programs. If a student has a high number of absences (e.g., 20 hours or more in one term), or other serious problems, he/she might not be allowed to register for future terms. International Student ARrival Guide 38 academic policies HOMEWORK AND ASSIGNMENTS Homework is a very important part of learning English. You will be expected to do homework on a regular basis. All assignments must be submitted on time. PRIVATE TUTORING Our teachers are not allowed to offer paid private tutoring to their own students. If you would like to arrange private tutoring, please talk to the Assistant Director or Student Advisor. TEXTBOOKS You are responsible for buying all required texts for your course. These may be purchased at the University Bookstore. If you buy a book from another student, it must not have any answers written in it. Before the beginning of term, please erase or white out any answers that have been written in the text. You will be asked to buy a new book if this has not been done. Please note: Photocopying textbooks is illegal in Canada. Please do not bring a photocopied text to your class. CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM Cheating on tests and plagiarizing are not allowed and could result in a mark of “0”. A student may be asked to leave the program if cheating and/or plagiarism occurs after a warning has been given. Examples of cheating include using notes or an electronic dictionary, copying answers or having someone else do your homework. Plagiarism is a serious offense in Canadian universities. NEVER submit someone else’s work as your own. You are plagiarizing if you copy from books or other people’s work, or use their ideas without naming them. STUDENT EVALUATION AND CERTIFICATES During the term, your teacher(s) will make suggestions about how you can improve your English. You will receive a midterm evaluation from your teacher(s) halfway through the term. After completing your class, you will receive a final written evaluation. Final grades are based on work that is done throughout the term and a final exam. Certificates are given to students who complete their classes successfully. One week after classes end, you can pick up evaluations and certificates at the main office. If you want someone else to pick up your documents, you must give written permission to the office staff. If you want your documents mailed to you, you must give the office your address. All outstanding fees must be paid and all library materials must be returned before documents are given out. 39 International Student ARrival Guide academic policies WITHDRAWAL FROM A PROGRAM (Leaving the program early) If you leave our program during the term, please tell the main office staff immediately. Return all library books and your student card. Your computer account will be cancelled. The U of S Language Centre’s refund policy is explained in our brochure. If you have questions about how your withdrawal from the ESL Program will affect your visa status, please contact Canada Citizenship and Immigration directly. SKIPPING OR MISSING A TERM We recommend that students study continuously because they usually make better progress in their language learning. Also, there are some consequences of missing a term: 1. If you have a study permit, you must be a full-time student. The U of S Language Centre is required to provide accurate information about your situation if we are contacted by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. 2. S tudents who miss more than one term are required to take the placement test again. You may be placed in a lower level than you expected. HOW MANY TERMS CAN A STUDENT STUDY AT THE SAME LEVEL? Most students complete one level in one term. Sometimes a student must repeat a level. This student might have worked hard but still needs more practice at the same level. Sometimes a student takes the same level twice and still does not meet the passing standards. Our policy: A student may study at the same level for only three terms. After the third term at the same level, if the student does not pass, he or she will not be allowed to register for any more terms. International Student ARrival Guide 40 academic policies Student Support ESL Advisors The ESL Advisors assist students with a variety of issues. The most common items include adapting to the new culture, emotional pressures, health concerns, and academic questions. The aim is to support each student on his or her road to success. To make an appointment for a private discussion with an Advisor, students can either stop by the main office or contact the Advisor directly. As well, the Language Centre works closely with U of S Student Counselling Services, making referrals for students in need of further assistance. There is also an outreach program, in which a multi-lingual psychologist is at the Centre once a week. English Only Policy Please speak English in the classrooms, student lounge, library, and at all scheduled Electives. You will learn English much more quickly if you challenge yourself to use it at all times when in the ESL program. Staff and students understand that you are learning and that your English may not be perfect. The Language Centre provides a safe and supportive atmosphere for practicing English. Part-time ESL Classes As a full-time ESL student, you may register in part-time evening courses at The Language Centre. This would be a good chance to get some extra practice. If you are interested in extra English classes, ask for the brochure in the main office (Room 232). Classes offered are: • • • • • • Effective Writing and Grammar Advanced Listening and Notetaking Spoken English Advanced Reading Skills TOEFL and CANTEST preparation Pronunciation 41 International Student ARrival Guide Calendar • Fall 2014 October 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 International Student ARrival Guide 42 Calendar • Fall 2014 November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 43 International Student ARrival Guide Calendar • Fall 2014 December 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 International Student ARrival Guide 44
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