“Over a Century of Catholic Tradition Serving Our Community” Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of Saint Anastasia, are a strong faith based community, grounded in more than a century of Catholic tradition rooted in worship and service. Compelled by the Good News of Jesus Christ, we are committed to growing in a deeper relationship with God and with one another. We strive to become a more vibrant parish by inspiring an atmosphere of belonging, of welcoming, and by promoting opportunities to share and spread our Catholic Faith, so that we may be more united as one parish community. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA IN ROME STAFF NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! When you move into the parish, please register at the Rectory at your earliest convenience. Rev. Michael A. Colagreco, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Philip J. Cribben, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Christopher P. Landis, Associate Pastor Rev. Karl A. Zeuner, STL, In Residence Rev. William M. Cleary, O. S. A., Weekend Assistant Deacon James E. Dalton, Permanent Deacon Deacon Ted C. Raczkowski, Permanent Deacon Mrs. Judith Dunn, School Principal Mrs. Theresa J. Haggerty, Dir. of Religious Education Sr. Mary Barrar, S.S.J., Director of Parish Services Mr. Norbert A. Elberson, Choirmaster and Organist Mr. Robert M. Howe, Business Manager BAPTISMS The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated every Sunday at 1:15 PM. For the Baptism of the first child at Saint Anastasia, parents must attend Pre-Jordan Instructions on the third Thursday of the month in the Rectory at 7:00 PM. Parents who have already attended instructions are asked to call the Rectory to obtain forms to schedule a Baptism. MARRIAGES Parish Web Page School Web Site CYO Web Site Rectory Fax: School Fax: Religious Education Convent Related Links: The policy of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia stipulates that marriage arrangements be made at least six months prior to the wedding. Please call the Rectory. www.saintanastasia.net www.saintannies.org www.stanniescyo.org 610-356-1613 610-356-8332 610-356-6225 610-356-5748 610-356-5069 484-422-8861 Archphila.org CatholicPhilly.com PhaithMagazine.com HOSPITAL VISITS – SICK CALLS Please call the Rectory at any time for a Priest to visit someone who is ill. If surgery or admission to the hospital is scheduled, please call the Rectory to arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick to be administered before admission or surgery. Upon admission to the hospital, please be sure you are identified on hospital records as a Catholic to be assured of visits by the Catholic Chaplains. Without being notified as to the status (or hospital room number) of a sick relative or parishioner, the Priests and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will not know to visit. Please keep us informed! MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY: Vigil Mass at 5:15 PM SUNDAY: 6:30 AM, 7:45 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM & 12:00 PM WEEKDAYS: 6:30 AM & 8:45 AM SATURDAYS & LEGAL HOLIDAYS: 8:45 AM HOLYDAYS: 6:30 AM, 8:45 AM, 12:00 PM and 7:00 PM SUNDAY COLLECTION CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Anytime by appointment. Collection for November 2 $ 27,437 Goal for November $ 27,437 November Cumulative Total $ 27,437 Monthly Percentage Achieved 20% 2 129 NOVEMBER 9, 2014 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA IN ROME MASS INTENTIONS REMEMBER OUR SICK Sunday, November 9 6:30 A.M. 7:45 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 12:00 NOON Sophia Agatone, Eleanor Alberti, Paul Arnao, Ken Bamberger, Jean Bierne, Kathleen Costello Bockol, Susan Bruegel, Linda Burke, Michael Bush, John Burrows, Joan Callaghan, Kevin Callahan, Helen Caruso, Christian Charron, Maria Clark, Nancy Coffey, Dave Cook, Julia Coyle, Lisa D’Angelo, Katie Daugherty, Cathy Dewees, Eleanor DiFabio, Sylvia Doherty, Beth Dolan, Joseph Donato, Cathie Doney, Brige Donnelly, Drew Dougherty, Joe Dougherty, Joseph Dougherty, Susanne Dougherty, Carl DuPoldt, Frank Eggles, Sister Ruth Eisenhauer, Nick Esposito, Raymond Facciolo, Mary Fall, Jim Falls, Kerk Farrell, Chris Felder, Patricia Fleck, Robert Florio, Joseph Francis, Bonnie Gerger, George Handren, Chris Heinerichs, Alice Herron, Carolyn Hislop, Frances Hudome, Aimee Hurlock, Patrick Kerrigan, Harry Kidd, Bill Kitzinger, Bob Koster, Kendall Lambert, Catherine Lazzarotti, Patrick Love, Dennis Malloy, Charles Manning, Hannah Masterson, Angela “Kitty” Marconi, Elizabeth Rafferty Martin, John Marshall, Peggy Matthews, Alex Mazzone, Edmond McAlee, Garrett McAleer, Kate McCartney, Riley Ann McComb, Theresa McGinnis, Eileen McGranaghan, Kathleen McKenna, Liam McGuire, Delwin McKelvey, James Merola, Sam Mongiello, Bernadette Morrow, Sarah Murnaghan, Marie Murrin, Margarita Olivares, Theresa O’Malley, Florence Paparo, Mary Peoples, Anna Petitto, Frank Planeta, Christopher Pugliese, Virginia Rafferty, Brige Regan, Sean Regan, Rita Robison, John Roche, Nancy Schmidt, Louis Sciotto, Michael Shelly, Owen Sinclair, Bernice Smith, Carl Smith, David Smith, Michael Standen, Pat Starkey, Eileen Staub, Marie Steinmetz, Father Robert Steinman, Richard Teti, John Tremonte, Steve Visco, Karen Wallace, Karen Williams, Mary Jane Woods, Thomas Zarelli, Frank Zarrilli. Joseph F. & Dorothy C. Conneen Emira Zarrilli & DiSanto Family Tommaso Colaneri (1st Anniversary) Fred Sabatino Robert DeLong Monday, November 10 6:30 A.M. 8:45 A.M. Amy Swanson (1st Anniversary) Mary Ann Johnson Tuesday, November 11 6:30 A.M. 8:45 A. M. William J. McNulty Wednesday, November 12 6:30 A.M. 8:45 A.M. George Marshall Thursday, November 13 6:30 A.M. 8:45 A.M. Mary & Mike Dona Friday, November 14 6:30 A.M. 8:45 A.M. Nancy DelBonifro Saturday, November 15 8:45 A.M. 5:15 P.M. Joseph & Mary Hudak Brian Boldzau Sunday, November 16 6:30 A.M. 7:45 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 12:00 NOON Clara Liero Robert Couples Nicola DeMarco Dennis Haggerty Paul Leitner REMEMBER OUR DECEASED Please pray for all the deceased members of the St. Anastasia Faith Community that they may be welcomed into the happiness of eternal life especially, Agnes Gorski, Peggy Sheeler, Helen Hawk, Eleanor Gorman. Dear Parishioners of Saint Anastasia Parish, The first basilica of Rome was a renovated palace of the Lateran family. Consecrated on this date in 324 as the Church of the Most Holy Savior, it was eventually called the church of St. John. Saint John Lateran is the pope’s basilica. Over the years it has been destroyed numerous times by fire and earthquakes but it has been painstakingly rebuilt. When we commemorate the dedication of this church, or any church for that matter, we pray that these edifices may truly be sacred places where God can be found. But, more important than bricks and mortar is what and who fills our churches. May we take to heart the Lord’s command to be living stones with the Lord dwelling in our hearts and our very lives. Have a great week, Fr. Colagreco 3 129 LITURGICAL MINISTERS RETREAT/MEETING The Parish is having retreat/meeting for all Liturgical Ministers (anyone who serves in a ministry at Mass, in the Nursing Centers or to the homebound) on Saturday, November 15, in the Parish Hall from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Father Mike Speziale will be speaking on the Spirituality of Ministry. Coffee and donuts will be served. If you are not able to make the meeting please call the Rectory. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO SEMINARY APPEAL November is Seminary Appeal month. The Seminary community is grateful to you for your faithful support of the Appeal. Your tax-deductible gift helps to enhance the many resources needed for priestly training and enables the Church to form holy, educated and dedicated priests. Please send your donation to: Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary Office for Development 100 East Wynnewood Road Wynnewood, PA 19093 Return envelopes have been mailed directly to your homes for the Appeal. However, for those who may not have received the direct mailing, or may have misplaced their response card and envelope, you may place your donation in the collection basket, in an envelope marked “Seminary Appeal” on any weekend. Please become a part of the Seminary family by making your gift today. Be sure to check with your employer to see if they have a matching gifts program which could substantially increase the amount of your gift. ADVENT BY CANDLELIGHT FOR WOMEN Mark Your Calendars: Our annual Advent by Candlelight is scheduled for Thursday, December 11 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Details and brochures will be available in a few weeks. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES Mark your calendar for the 8th World Meeting of Families! Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones and the world. Visit the official World Meeting of Families website at: WorldMeeting2015.org to learn more and to sign up for regular updates on how you can participate. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY MEETING Monday, November 10th, 7:00 PM in the Rectory (lower level). New Members Welcome. ST. ANASTASIA CYO LOOKING FOR COACHES JV and Varsity boy's lacrosse coaches for the upcoming 2015 spring season. Candidates will have played lacrosse at any level and must possess a high level of professionalism. Strong communication, organizational skills and a positive attitude are a must. Coaches are expected to attend all practices and games. Contact for application and information: Chris McConaghy, CYO Spring AD. Email: [email protected] PARISH COMMUNITY As one parish community, here is an opportunity to share and spread our Catholic faith. Once again, our parish is looking for volunteers to cook and slice a turkey or turkey breast for the homeless this Thanksgiving at The Life Center in Upper Darby and the Wesley House in Chester. The Life Center daily feeds over 300 men and women and there are over 500 children and their moms who are homeless at the Wesley House in Chester. Last year, our parish provided over 200 cooked turkeys for these 2 shelters. Catholic Health East, on the grounds of SAP, also contributed greatly to this project. This is truly a community endeavor! This year, Temple Sholom will be hosting the inter faith prayer service on Tuesday, November 25th at 7:30 PM. The Temple is located at 55 N. Church Lane in Broomall. Hats, gloves, and scarves for the homeless of Delaware County will be collected. If you are able to cook a turkey or turkey breast, please carve it and then wrap it in foil. The turkeys may be brought up to the school parking lot in front of school at 9:30 AM, Tuesday, November 25th On the side of St. Anastasia’s Church between 3:15 PM and 4:15 PM, also before the inter-faith prayer service at Temple Sholom, between 6:45 PM and 7:30 PM. If you have any questions, contact Sister Susan at [email protected] or 484-422-8861. DONATIONS FOR ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE Will be collected on Tuesday, November 11th from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM. We thank those who have supported our commitment to St. John’s, but ask more parishioners to join our program. The commitment is not time-consuming. Students/ scouts, this is an opportunity to earn community service hours. Over 300 men are fed each weekday at St. John’s. A few of these men live there. Besides casseroles, St. John’s always needs these items: toiletries, especially travel size (soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shavers, shaving cream, lip ice/balm, lotions); plastic bags; new underwear (tees and briefs—L & XL) and socks; any gently-used men’s clothing, including shoes; monetary contributions. Don’t forget: we will gladly accept extra pans of food you may have from your family celebrations. We supply pans, lids, and recipes for your prepared food donations. For more information, call Deanna Stagliano 353-7972 or Joe Richenderfer 356-4766. Visit St. John’s at 1221 Race Street or www.saintjohnshospice.org. Next month’s collection date is December 9th. 5 129 SAINT ANASTASIA PARISH HAPPENINGS BAPTISM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Baptism is celebrated each Sunday of the month (with some exceptions) at 1:15 PM. If this is your first child to be baptized at Saint Anastasia, the Mother and Father must attend a Pre-Jordan Class. Godparents are also encouraged to attend the class. The next class will be Thursday, November 20th at 7:00 PM in the Rectory (lower level). It is not necessary to pre-register for the class. However, Parents must be registered in St. Anastasia Parish in order for the Baptism to take place. It is not necessary to wait until your child is born before attending the class. You may come at any time. All necessary forms that are to be completed before the Baptism, will be given out at that time. Other parents, who have previously had a child baptized at Saint Anastasia, may call the Rectory Office at 356-1613 between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM to obtain the necessary forms. All forms must be completed and returned to the Rectory, to my attention, two weeks before you wish the Baptism to take place. You will be notified as to whether or not all forms are completed correctly. Call Deacon James Dalton at 3537210 with any questions. Monday thru Friday — 9:30 AM to 9:00 PM Anyone interested in scheduling a half hour time slot can do so on the chart in the back of the Chapel or by calling Perpetua Salvucci at 359-9817 or by email [email protected]. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the lower Rectory. Call Dolores at 353-0793 or Sister Sue at 484-422-8861 with questions. BIBLE STUDY: Wednesdays, 9:30 AM or 7:00 PM. Call Theresa Haggerty, 356-5069. BOY SCOUTS MEETING: Thursdays, 7:30 PM in the Parish Hall (beneath the church). Call Don Johnson 353-5659 or Greg Hislop at 359-9267. CATHOLIC MEN’S FELLOWSHIP MONTHLY MEETING: Second Tuesday of the month, 7:00 PM in the Rectory (lower level). Call Dick Sharp at 356-3532 for more information. CENACLE OF THE DIVINE MERCY: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 2:00 PM in the Rectory (lower level). Call Sarah at 325-4447. ADULT CHOIR: Thursdays 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM in church. Call Norbert Elberson at 604-4898. New Members Welcome! nd CUB SCOUT PACK 315: 2 Friday of the month in the School Cafeteria. Call Bob Blaisse at 325-2477. CYO GENERAL MEETINGS: 2nd Monday of every month, 7:30 PM in St. Annie’s Cafeteria. All parishioners welcome! LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN: 9:00 AM Mass. No pre-registration required. Call Theresa Haggerty at 356-5069. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Saturdays after the 8:45 AM Mass. R.C.I.A.: Mondays, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the Rectory. Call Sister Mary Barrar at 356-1613. EVENING RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: Tuesdays at 9:15 PM in our chapel as we pray for our parish families and their intentions. DAILY ROSARY & DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET After the 8:45 A.M. Mass. PRAY THE ROSARY: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM in the Chapel, to pray for the sick of our parish. ST. ANNIE’S ROSARY MOMS: 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, 9:00 AM in the Parish Hall. Bring your children, toys available to entertain them. Call Christy, 610-620-3244. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY MEETING: Second Monday of the month 7:00 PM in the Rectory (lower level). New members welcome. DO YOU KNOW YOUR TRIBUNAL? The Tribunal is a group of specially qualified priests, sisters, and lay persons whose responsibility is to come to the help of people who have experienced divorce. When a divorce occurs, the Catholic Church always seeks to balance two realities. One is the unbreakableness of the bond of marriage. This is God’s law. It cannot be broken by human intervention. On the other hand, the Church is concerned about the spiritual welfare of the people involved. Was this a true marriage? Even though a Catholic marriage was celebrated, was there perhaps some weakness in the consent of the parties involved? The annulment procedure addresses this problem without affixing blame on either party. If you are divorced or married outside the Catholic Church, call the Tribunal Office at 215-587-3750. All interviews are private. HOSPITAL VISITS—SICK CALLS Emergency sick calls may be made to the Rectory at any time. If surgery or admission to the hospital is scheduled, call the Rectory ahead of time to make arrangements to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. If you are in the hospital and wish to see a Priest while you are there, you must register as a Catholic when admitted or make sure a family member does so for you. This is the only way to assure a visit by a Priest or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY In today’s Gospel Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then donate to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. 6 129 SENIOR CITIZENS—SOCIAL AND TRAVEL The next meeting will be Monday, November 10th 1:15 PM at the Episcopal Church Hall, 3625 Chapel Rd, Newtown Square. Mass for Deceased Members. Father Colagreco will be the celebrant. Wednesday, December 31st: Mount Airy Casino, New Years Eve - Neil Diamond Tribute, $15.00 Slot Play, Holiday Lunch Buffet, Show Ticket, Neil Diamond Tribute. COST: $69.00 per person. For more information and reservations contact Kathleen Skahill 610-353-2575. “Lord, please hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen” CAMPBELL SOUP LABELS Save the UPC from Campbell Soup and Pepperidge Farm products. Our school earns free merchandise so please help. Place the UPC’s in the boxes located in Church. Thank you. SCRIP You can call the SCRIP Hotline to place your order any day of the week. Call 353-3615 to order SCRIP. Leave your name and phone number, specify the store, amount and denomination you would like. Messages must be left by 9:00 P.M. on Friday evenings in order to be ready for pick up at the weekend Masses. State when you will pick up your scrip: 7:45, 9:00, l0:30 or 5:15 Mass (week-end) or the School Office between 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. If you have any questions leave a message on the hotline and we will return your call. MARKET DAY PRODUCTS FOR SALE Excellent quality products are available to all parishioners every month during the school year. Flyers are in the front and back of Church. Order Due Dates and Order Pick Up Dates are listed on the flyer. Proceeds benefit the Home and School Association. For more info call Karen at 353-2263. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Clip the box tops from participating products: Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Yoplait, Scott, Ziploc, Hefty, General Mills. Each box top is worth a minimum of 10 cents. Place the tops in the boxes at the front and back of Church. This is a very beneficial program. Please help support our school! LIFE LINES Crisis Pregnancy Hotline 610-622-4006 A Baby's Breath www.ababysbreath.org 121 N. Wayne Ave Suite 102 Wayne, PA 19087 484-580-6436 24 Hour Hotline 484-571-5540 OFFERTORY GIFTS Are you or a family member celebrating a Birthday or Anniversary? Why not make the day even more special by taking up the Offertory Gifts at the Mass you are attending. If you would like to participate please let one of the ushers know before Mass begins. Delaware County Pregnancy Center www.dcpcchester.org 2508 Edgemont Ave. Chester, PA 19013 610-872-2229 Don’t let sexual violence silence you. Mother's Home www.mothershome.org 51 N. Mac Dade Blvd. Darby, PA 19023 610-583-HOME Healing can start with a call. Dial 1-888-800-8780 or visit www.pacrimevictims.com/healing Post-Abortion Counseling Rachel's Vineyard Ministries www.rachelsvineyard.org 808 N. Henderson Rd. 2nd Floor King of Prussia, PA 19406 877-HOPE4ME HONESTY, HEALING & HOPE IN CHRIST ConfrontingSexualViolenceinOurArchdiocese 7 129 ELECTRONIC GIVING AVAILABLE Parishioners who would like to make their donations electronically can now do so. Just go to the Saint Anastasia Parish web site, www.saintanastasia.net, and follow the Parish Giving Tree icon to get started. Donations can now be made directly from your bank account or by credit card. It’s fast and convenient and an easy way to continue contributing while you’re away from home. “SOUP’S ON CONFERENCE” November 19th, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the IHM Conference Center, Bryn Mawr. Stipend: $15 includes Bowl & A Roll, conference, quite time, Call 610-581-0120 to register. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKENDS November 21st, 22nd, 23rd. Ever wish you could give yourselves some time away from it all? Time away from the pressures of work and everyday responsibilities; a chance to talk and listen to that special someone who loves you. If that sounds good to you, consider signing up for a Marriage Encounter Weekend. visit www.wwme.philly.or call Al & Mary Liz Heumann at 449-1859 for more information. “BRIAN’S PRIDE” HELP FIND A CURE FOR DIABETES To make a donation, sponsor our team or register to walk visit www.BriansPride.com. Brian’s Pride is a local team dedicated to raising money to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. For more information contact Brian Joslin at 610-804-4691 or [email protected] 12 STEP SPIRITUALITY FAITH SHARING GROUP Today, Sunday, November 9th, 7:30 PM at Norbert Parish. Explore the spirituality of 12 steps from our Catholic Christian perspective sponsored by our new Gethsemane Ministry for Addictions This group is open to all people in 12 step programs (AA, Al-Anon, Gamblers Anonymous, etc.). Meets the second Sunday of the month. Call Deborah M. at 610-644-1823. CHEERFUL GIRLS AFTERNOON Sunday, November 23rd, 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. All girls 4-12 are invited to an afternoon of hair, nails, cheerleading, pizza at Archbishop Carroll High School. Admission $30. Register by November 14th to reserve t-shirt. For more information contact [email protected]. LITTLE FLOWER MANOR CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Today, Sunday, November 9th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Holiday Decorations, Jewelry, Attic Treasures, Baked Goods. 2014 JINGLE BELL RUN/WALK Sunday December 14th, at Great Valley High School. Registration Opens at 8:00 AM, Run/Walk Begins at 10:00 AM Join TEAM JOSEPH VERREKIA to fight Arthritis. Visit: http://www.jbrphilly.kintera.org/teamjosephverrekia for event information and to JOIN THE TEAM. Joseph is a parishioner who suffers with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. If you are unable to make it to the event, and would like to make a donation to TEAM JOSEPH VERREKIA go to http://www.jbrphilly.kintera.org/teamjosephverrekia and select “Donate Now”. We appreciate ALL forms of support! VILLA MARIA ACADEMY EXAM Saturday, November 15th from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM. For more information call 610-644-2551 or visit www.vmahs.org ARCHMERE ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 16th, 1:00 PM. Learn how you can "Make Your Mark" at Archmere! Preregistration is suggested. www.archmereacademy.com/openhouse 302-798-6632 . ST. JOSEPH PREP EXAM Sunday, November 16th, 8:30 AM. Registration available at the Open House. For more information call 215-978-1954. KAIROS RETREAT FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FAMILIES December 26th to 29th & February 12th to 15th for public school and homeschooled high school juniors and seniors. Kairos is a 4 day, 3 night retreat helping high school aged kids to grow deeper in their faith. The price for this retreat is usually $300 but with the Philadelphia Education Fund grant, we are able to offer it for $60. For more info or to signup, visit, http://paregionalkairos.weebly.com or email us at [email protected]. MAIN LINE CATHOLIC SINGLES DINNER CLUB Catholic men and women (ages 52-64) are invited to join and share common interests & dine together 2 times a month. Our next scheduled event is. Sunday, November 16th, 6:15 P.M. at "Mnt Fuji Restaurant" Ardmore. For more info. call Barb 610-896-6542. Catholic men are encouraged to participate. 8 129 SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION PLUMBING • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING MARY ELIZABETH DEVINE 610-325-9395 Drexel Hill • 610-789-0800 www.mccuenphc.com PA013984 “St. Anastasia Alumni 1980” ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Estate • Wills • Estates Family Law • Injury Claims Experience Peace of Mind: www.LetDevineLawIntervene.com Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. Homecare Companion Services • Companions • Meal Preparation Homecare in the Dunwoody Tradition • Private Duty Care • Organization of Mail • Assistance with Doctor's Appts. • Laundry/Light Housekeeping RN Supervision of all Staff Please contact Colleen Boyce Moran, RN-CEO at 610-359-4503 NEWTOWN SQUARE, PA loftus-electric.com 610-325-7100 CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Or go to burialplanning.com for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. WaterproofingOne.com ANNE DELUCA MATLAWSKI LAW OFFICES OF SAND GIBBS WILLS & TRUSTS • REAL ESTATE • PERSONAL INJURY • CUSTODY • DIVORCE • MEDIATION (610) 359-1999 • [email protected] • Parishioner 484-410-4110 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING MOLD REMOVAL • FOUNDATION REPAIR 10% Senior Citizen Discount LOU PACE AUTO BODY Paint & Body Specialist MY GODFATHER BUYS HOUSES 267-630-3366 Call Now for a Cash Offer 24 S. Sproul Rd., (Rt. 320) 610-325-5566 Emergency Service Repairs MFR Lifetime Warranty Discounts for Seniors, Military & Local Business Fully Insured Cell: 484-886-0462 www.TopNotchPA.com Broomall Free Estimates Fax: 484-453-8263 By David Shaw 610-356-8622 [email protected] Eddie D’s Painting Bryn Mawr & Wayne Quality Work & Affordable Price Must be presented at ini al consult. 610-633-9293 610-525-6142 Outfitting Your Entire Bridal Party From Dresses To Alterations 2112 Darby Rd., Havertown, PA 610-446-2322 • www.Lizelles.com • Parishioner DEFMichael INO Law Associates G. DeFino, Esq. 131 S. State Rd. Springfield, PA 19064 610-328-9504 UFCGYM.COM/SPRINGFIELD mainlinehealth.org/nsprimarycare Ort hodont ics Joe D’Urso, Barber 17 Years of Experience in Newtown Square Call for Appointments @ 484-557-0742 NEW LOCATION: Newtown Towers Hair Salon 3400 W. Chester Pk., Bldg. A, Ground Floor • Newtown Sq. PA Michael J. Kelly & Son Inc. Serving the Main Line since 1947 Interior/Exterior Painting • Wallpapering • Power Washing • Deck Staining Carpentry • Rotten Wood Replacement • Drywall/Plaster Repairs 610-356-4343 [email protected] 610-688-3466 www.mjkellyson.com Estates • Elder Law • Personal Injury www.definolaw.com (484) 427-8000 Schedule your appointment online! CHILDREN & ADULTS 610.356.4288 3475 W. Chester Pk. • Newtown Sq. Local Diocese Member 3405 W. Chester Pk., Newtown Square 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 300, Newtown Square, PA 19073 ROBERT CEDERQUIST QUIST Interior / Exterior $500 off Treatment If your health is compromised, don’t compromise. Main Line HealthCare Primary Care YOUNG’S UPHOLSTERY Repair • Custom Draperies Custom Chair & Sofa Upholstering 39 NEWTOWN STREET RD. NEWTOWN SQ. [email protected] 610-353-9125 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com QUALITY PATIOS Walkways • Landings & Steps Pool Decks • Retaining & Privacy Walls RAYMOND DOLCE LANDSCAPES 610-356-7172 Delchester Feed & Pet Supply 32 S. Newtown Street Rd. Newtown Square 610-356-8350 Check out our reviews on: LISA J. LINDER, M.D. Medical & Surgical Ophthalmology Cataracts • Lasers • Glaucoma Specialist Complete Eye Care Diabetes • Contact Lenses 3501 West Chester Pk., Newtown Square 610-356-9155 E. J. HARROLD, INC. Fuel Oil, Burner Service Heating & Air Conditioning, Installations Media Line Rd., Newtown Square 610-356-2491 129 (fourth)- St. Anastasia, Newtown Square, PA - Rte. E Est. 1954 John Patrick Publishing - Trenton, NJ - 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net 2649-51 South 64th Street Philadelphia, PA 19142 215-726-4050 FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. Lauren Sinclair-Kederis www.kingfuneralservice.com SUPERVISOR Diocese Member Airport Transportation Mature Drivers Wanted 610-353-6899 Tom & Denise Sinclair ~ Parishioners SUPERVISOR 610.361.1955 1.888.226.5847 209 N. Newtown Street Road Newtown Square, PA 19073 Serving Families Since 1892 Thomas J. Sinclair Main Line Express Inc. KING Gradyville, PA 19039 [email protected] WJSMEPECNGINEERS , INC. E ONSULTING NGINEERS SINCE 2001 Serving Commercial, Residential, Developer & Retail Industries Provide Forensic Engineering Services to the Plaintiff & Defense Insurance Industries Car and home combo. Steve P DiBlasi Combine your homeowners and car policies and save big-time. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® Agent 2136 MacDade Blvd Holmes, PA 19043 3592 W. Chester Pk. Newtown Square, PA 19073 610-356-1616 HOMESTEAD CHIMNEY REPAIR Stone & Brick Pointing Stucco Work • Dampers Installed Flagstone Work • Basement Walls Heater Flues Lined VERY REASONABLE Bus: 610-532-9700 [email protected] State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company, State Farm Fire and Casualty Company State Farm General Insurance Company • Bloomington, IL ALL WORK DONE BY OWNER Fully Insured/Free Estimates CALL DAY OR NIGHT 610-356-1232 Dr. Paul Carpinello CHILD & ADULT ORTHODONTICS William J. Short, P.E., President 3405 Horton Rd., Newtown Sq., PA 19073 www.wjsengineers.com 610-353-6034 Expert nursing care Call 610-353-5000 Don’s Mobil 3217 W. Chester Pk., Newtown Sq. (610) 356-8850 1041 Pontiac Rd., Drexel Hill (610) 446-6004 6400 Baltimore Avenue, Lansdowne, PA 19050 610-622-0550 • 610-644-7127 • www.hcwood.com 3409 West Chester Pk., Ste. 102 Newtown Sq., PA 19073 4877 W. Chester Pk., Edgemont (610) 353-0807 www.theplacetobrace.com LIADIS TRAVEL LTD. 3129 West Chester Pike Newtown Square, PA 19073 610.353.8330 www.Liadis.com 4700 West Chester Pike • Newtown Square, PA VIRTUOSO 610-353-6900 SPECIALISTS IN THE ART OF TRAVEL Nail Trix Water Mitigation • Mold Remediation Fire Restoration • Emergency Board Up (267) 808-7200 • 24/7 Emer. Svc. 101 S. Newtown St. Rd. http://www.propertyrecovery911.com $5 Off Manicure & Pedicure w/ad Direct Ins. Billing - Call for Parishioner Disc. 610-325-6800 BEST AUTO TAGS & INSURANCE 3703 W. Chester Pk., Newtown Square PA • 610-356-2700 500 E. Providence Rd., Clifton Heights, PA • 610-328-5787 Woodlyn: 610-874-3000 • Wayne: 610-356-2700 • Paoli: 610-647-6600 • Ardmore: 610-896-6300 www.bestautotags.net • [email protected] 610-886-1200 3960 West Chester Pike Newtown Square, PA The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. 215.587.5650 CatholicFoundationPhila.org Fellow Parishioner DERRY ELECTRICAL Quality Work For a Reasonable Price NEWTOWN SQUARE 610.353.1212 WWW.CASEYSNS.COM 129 (third)- St. Anastasia, Newtown Square, PA - Rte. E Air Conditioning & Heating Oil • Gas Heat Pumps www.dansciulliHVAC.com AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS BRUNCH SUNDAY 10 AM TO 2 PM DAN SCIULLI NO JOB TOO SMALL Licensed & Insured 610-656-5579 610-325-3474 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF 25% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) Licensed ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair & ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Insured Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT DISCOUNT 1.866.264.8444 [email protected] John Patrick Publishing - Trenton, NJ - 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net Sweeney Funeral Home President / Diocese Member Traditional Funerals Memorial Services Since 1992 209 N. Newtown Street Road James J. Sweeney, Funeral Director 610-356-1878 Patrick C. McDevitt Inc. Expert Tree Trimming and Removal at Guaranteed Best Prices!! DESIGN • BUILD • CARPENTER • CONTRACTOR Kitchen • Bath • Additions • Windows • Basements • Garages Porches • Decks • Skylights & Skylight Repairs [email protected] Parishioner 610-613-6797 HANDYMAN No Job Too Small Interior/Exterior Thomas Mansi Cremation Services Pre-Arrangements DINTERIOR/EXTERIOR OWD PAINTING POWER WASHING KEVIN: PARISHIONER 610.325.4606 BOB MCNAMARA Plumbing Heating Cooling A True Local Father and Son Team Call us at 610.496.6260 610-446-3871 • 610-724-2926 Don’t have an attack, Call Bobby Mac!! Diocese Member FAMILY FRIENDLY All that is missing at Bonner & Prendie is you! Open House: October 12th - 11:00 AM -1:00 PM & November 9th - 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Scholarship Exam: October 12th - 8:00 AM and November 9th - 8:00 AM www.bonnerprendie.com Contact the Admissions office for more information 610-259-0280 ext 3225 or [email protected] 4940 West Chester Pike Newtown Square, PA Alex Hanna phone: (610) 325-5400 General Manager 610-328-4341 New & Certified Pre-Owned New Location Coming in November 2014 Audi Devon 24 Hour Emergency Service • Senior & Veteran Discount Fellow Parishioner Visit us at: www.LenandSons.com 610-356-9000 www.ybh.com Serving Delaware County For Over 60 Years THE GREAT HALL AT IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY Wedding Receptions, Anniversaries, Parties, Business Meetings 1145 King Road, Immaculata, PA 19345 Heating • Air Conditioning • Plumbing Family Owned & Operated • 24 Hour Emergency Service 610-358-2487 • www.jsamechanical.com 610.647.4400 Ext. 3112 3534 Rhoads Ave., Newtown Square 610-356-9388 Sunrise of Newtown Square 333 S. Newtown Street Road Newtown Square, PA 19073 VOLKSWAGEN • AUDI Air Conditioning & Heating “Let Our Family Serve Yours” DENTAL Rene M. Polis, D.M.D. FREE Lunch and Personal Tour! BILL CELLICH PLUMBING Master Plumber www.billcellichplumbing.com 610-521-1303 Lic & Ins Broomall Rehabilitation and Nursing Center Roman Catholic Services Conducted Regularly by St. Anastasia’s Clergy and Staff Newly Remodeled Short-Term Sub-Acute Rehabilitation Unit “Caring for Our Community” For a tour contact Rose Ondo 50 North Malin Road Admissions/Marketing Director Broomall, PA 19008 (610) 356-0800 www.broomallrnc.com Fellow Parishioner Rosemont School of the Holy Child Nurturing Excellence in a Joyful Catholic Community CHIROPRACTOR Independent Living Personal Care Memory Support Continuing Care Retirement Community Anna-Marie Oslak D.C. 3415 W. Chester Pike, Newtown Square 610-355-2499 CAMMAROTA ROOFING Your Neighborhood Roofer Since 1969 All Your Roofing & Gutter Needs Small Jobs Welcome Owner on Job Site from Start to Finish Licensed/Insured • Free Estimates Diocese Member/Parish Member Discounts Independent • Coed • Catholic Nursery - 8th Grade 610-565-4696 -We Clean & Fix Gutters The Right Way!!! 490 Manor Avenue • Downingtown, PA 888-479-4314 www.villasaintmartha.org CatholicHealthCareServices.org Robert J.“Pat” Glass, Jr. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax Preparation • Home Service Available • IRS Representation Electronic Filing • Sr. Citizen Discount Parishioner of Sacred Heart 610-446-6365 PA Lic. #006806 NEWTOWN SQUARE PIZZA AND GRILL Order online: www.newtownsquarepizza.com 3113 W. CHESTER PK., NEWTOWN SQ. West Chester Pike at Media Line Rd. 610-353-4234 OPE N 7 DAYS ALL DAY DELIVERY 2 large plain pizzas & [1] 2 L soda $20.25 + tax Since 1994 WE dirtydogsolutions.com • 610-355-9500 BATHE YOUR OWN DOG • WE BATHE YOUR DOG FULL SERVICE GROOMING 3549 A Rhoads Ave., Newtown Square SCOTT’S FIREPLACE PRODUCTS GAS LOGS • FIRE PITS • GAS GRILLS • ACCESSORIES 3137 West Chester Pike • Newtown, PA 484-422-8334 • www.scottsfireplaceproducts.com 129 (inside)- St. Anastasia, Newtown Square, PA - Rte. E FREE INSPECTION TO CLEAN YOUR DIRTY DOG, LEAVE THE MESS HERE! RIGHTWAY Licensed & Insured WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 John Patrick Publishing - Trenton, NJ - 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net Brick & Stone Pointing Patios & Walkways Chimney Repairs Call Bob Verdes 610-462-6724 FREE ESTIMATES Broomall Animal Hospital Thomas J. Brady, V.M.D. 2518 West Chester Pike 610-356-1758 NIEMEYER HOME IMPROVEMENTS, INC. • Home Remodeling/Repairs • Basement Finishing • Windows & Doors • Decks/Powerwashing • Kitchens & Baths Worthington Plumbing & Heating, LLC • Interior/Exterior Painting www.Worthingtonplumbingandheating.com • [email protected] NO JOB TOO SMALL! 610-356-8014 610-719-0849 PA LIC. 021611 GARAGE DOORS Narberth Drexel Hill 610-688-3848 610-853-3400 Newtown Square 610-356-6781 www.marcheseopticians.com Fellini Cafe New Doors & Openers Repairs - All Major Brands Lunch • BYOB • Dinner NEWTOWN SQ/EDGEMONT Authentic Italian Cuisine 3541 W. Chester Pike Newtown Square 356-2902 610-353-6131 fellinicafenewtownsquare.com Since 1903 Kish Jobs Big & Small Located in Newtown Square 610-804-3446 *Parishioner Discount* www.precisioncontractingLLC.net Lorianne Kish-Burdsall, F.D./Supv. 610.359.1111 215.729.6200 www.kishfuneralhomes.com PLUMBING HEATING AIR CONDITIONING 610-565-2062 (LICENSED & INSURED) $25 OFF YOUR NEXT SERVICE M Dermott Masonry OPTIMAL NUTRITION ON A DAILY BASIS Cleanse...Revitalize...Replenish Lose Weight Naturally Through Effective Cleansing! JACQUELINE DiMENNA Health & Wellness Coach 610.386.7245 [email protected] www.farmersagent.com/gdowns AUTO HOME LIFE BUSINESS Parishioner PIANO - KEYBOARD LESSONS IN YOUR HOME Beginners to advanced All Ages • senior discounts Call Norbert Elberson (610) 604-4898 INDIVIDUALS CONCERNED FOR NEWTOWN SQ. Need A Plumber? Anthony McDermott Plumbing LLC 610-357-8659 Master Plumber Lic. & Ins. 30 Years Experience PA 051417 Keeping A Watchful Eye on Development & Education ANDREW J. SEMEISTER PRESIDENT & PARISHIONER 610-389-3898 PO Box 405 • Newtown, Sq., PA www.ic4ns.org • [email protected] WWW.AMDPLUMBINGLLC.COM FRANK C. VIDEON FUNERAL HOME David T. Videon, Supervisor Family Owned - Our Only Location Sproul & Lawrence Roads, Broomall 610-356-8080 [email protected] 1-800-Donohue West Chester • Downingtown Newtown Square • Wayne Upper Darby (On-Site Crematory) O: 610-566-1100 C: 610-864-8074 "A Realtor You Can Trust" Louis Giangiulio, M.D. Board Certified Deborah A. Brennan, D.M.D. 4875 W. Chester Pk., Newtown Square GENERAL & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 484-206-5500 www.sugartownpediatrics.com 1254 West Chester Pike, Ste. 102, Havertown, PA 19083 • Concierge Services Include: • Home Safety Evaluations • Individualized Client Plan of Care • Disease-Specific Specialty Care Programs • Assistance with All Personal Care Needs • Weekly In-home Assessments by a Registered Nurse • Regular Client Status Reporting Former St. Annie’s Teacher 609 E. Baltimore Pk., Media, PA 19063 [email protected] RepresenƟng Upper Level Woman’s Wigs • Prosthesis • Fill-ins Full Service • Hair Extensions Lower Level Men’s Toupees & Custom Units Finest Quality Human or Synthetic Hair “Broomall Resident Ownership” 2128 S. Broad St., Phila www.cinema2wigs.com JOHN GILL, REALTOR® 610-853-9513 [email protected] www.meehaninsurance.com 215-462-3488 Individualized Concierge Services Model for each Client We Create Solutions for our Clients and their Families Call now at (855) 325-7463 • www.alpinehomecare.us Farmers Insurance Parishioner www.livewise.isagenix.com Phone: 610.853.2220 Fax: 610.853.4720 Cinema II Hair Replacement George J. Downs, III Concrete • Brick • Patios • Stone Flagstone • Pointing • Additions 610-389-6351 PROVIDING EXCEPTIONAL CARE FOR CLIENTS SEEKING PREMIUM HOME CARE SERVICES www.billhaggertyservices.com c St. Andrew's Parishioner Lic. #PA061057 WIGS • TOUPEES MICHAEL CARR Beautiful Artistry For Home & Business Artist of Many Canvases • Custom Murals Design • Home Staging • Interior Painting Quality Workmanship • 610-202-5725 HOME REMODELING & REPAIR Funeral Home, Ltd. 2811 West Chester Pike Broomall, PA 19008 610-356-4200 FREE ESTIMATES • Fully Insured Complete Bathroom Design & Renovation • Repairs • Installations Gerard Worthington Fully Lic. & Ins. Parishioners Since 1919 Robert L. D’Anjolell Jr. - Supv. 3400 West Chester Pk., Ste. 1000A (Newtown Towers) Newtown Square, PA 19073 deborahbrennandmd.com 610-356-5533 (610) 353-8439 We Provide Kind, Gentle Care to All Our Patients Discover why our residents enjoy life at Dunwoody Village. We are dedicated to providing exceptional services and amenities as well as quality healthcare. Affordable studio apartments are available immediately. Call for information or to schedule a personal tour of our community. 1(800)DUNWOODY 3500 West Chester Pike www.dunwoody.org Newtown Square, PA 19073 Curt D. Miller, M.D. Paul A. Horenstein, M.D. Mark P. Brigham, M.D. Richard J. Levenberg, M.D. Dean W. Trevlyn, M.D. Anne E. Colton, M.D. Marple Commons • 2004 Sproul Road • Broomall, PA 19008 (610) 353-0800 Riddle Memorial Hospital- HealthCare Center Two • 1088 West Baltimore Pike • Suite 2302 • Media, PA 19063 (610) 565-3145 www.premierortho.com 129 (back)- St. Anastasia, Newtown Square, PA - Rte. E John Patrick Publishing - Trenton, NJ - 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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