Life After Death By Rev. Richard Barker My dear parishioners, in his soul, man images God alone among all creatures. God said, "Let us make man in our image, a er our likeness." [Gen 1:26] The ra onal immortal human soul comes into existence at concep on. The soul is the true form of the human person. In our own me, the bishops of the Va can Council II (1962 ‐ 1965) wrote: "When (man) acknowledges in himself a spiritual and immortal soul, he is not the plaything of a decep ve fantasy resul ng only from his physical and social condi ons; rather he is ge ng at the very depth of reality.” Hebrew scriptures tell us that human flesh "returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it". [Ecc 12:7] However, the gospel tes fies to the immortality of the soul for as Christ teaches, "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." [Mt 10:28] The great councils of the Church affirm what scripture teaches. The human soul is pure spirit and by its very nature immortal. It is the sign of life and con nuity in the herea er. When the soul separates from the body in death, it lives forever. Its simplicity as pure spirit prevents it from being subject to decompo‐ si on. The mortal body, however, dissolves into its natural elements. According to the laws of nature, the flesh is subject to corrup on like all material things. At the end of me, in the parousia, Christ will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. The bodies of all the dead at the general judgment will rise and unite with their individual souls. Christ will judge the holiness of all human persons, the moral character (virtues) of their lives and their charity toward others. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught that death is not only the end of earthly life, it simultaneously marks the end of one’s opportunity to accept or reject the divine grace: "...manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and … (con nued on page 5) brought life and immortality to light through the gospel". [2Tim 1:10] Thoughts on the Real Presence [Excerpt from St. John Vianney’s wri ngs) … Ah! if we had the eyes of angels with which to see Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is here present on this altar, and who is looking at us, how we should love Him! We should never more wish to part from Him. We should wish to remain always at His feet; it would be a foretaste of Heaven: all else would become insipid to us. But see, it is faith we want. We are poor blind people; we have a mist before our eyes. Faith alone can dispel this mist. Presently, my children, when I shall hold Our Lord in my hands, when the good God blesses you, ask Him then to open the eyes of your heart; say to Him like the blind man of Jericho, "O Lord, make me to see!" If you say to Him sincerely, "Make me to see!" you will certainly obtain what you desire, because He wishes nothing but your happiness. He has His hands full of graces, seeking to whom to distribute them; Alas! and no one will have them. . . . Oh, indiffer‐ ence! Oh, ingra tude! My children, we are most unhappy that we do not understand these things! We shall understand them well one day; but it will then be too late! ... St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church, Huffman, Texas November 9, 2014 “Ac vely striving to be a holy and loving Family of Faith, serving God and neighbor.” Celebra ng Parish Life We welcome you to our parish. If you would like to become a member please fill out a registra on form located on the counter in the foyer or visit our website. We welcome our newest parishioners: Jarred and Danielle Walter Donald and Charlo e Walter Mass Inten ons and Scripture Readings We pray for God’s blessings in your lives! Monday, November 10 (St. Leo the Great) 8:30 am ‐ +Repose of the soul of Cheryl Yuna‐Seaman+ Readings: Titus 1:1‐9; Ps 24:1b‐4ab, 5‐6; Lk 17:1‐6 Tuesday, November 11 (St. Mar n of Tours) 8:30 am ‐ For the Deceased Women’s Guild Members Readings: Ti 2:1‐8, 11‐14; Ps 37:3‐4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7‐10 Wednesday, November 12 (St. Josaphat) 8:30 am ‐ +Repose of the soul of Celso Ramon Guglielme + Readings: Titus 3:1‐7; Ps 23:1b‐6; Lk 17:11‐19 Thursday, November 13 (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini) 8:30 am ‐ Special inten ons of Sylvester Leonards Readings: Philemon 7‐20; Ps 146:7‐10; Lk 17:20‐25 Friday, November 14 8:30 am ‐ Special inten ons of Father Barker Readings: 2 John 4‐9; Ps 119:1‐2, 10‐11, 17‐18; Lk 17:26‐37 Saturday, November 15 (St. Albert the Great) 8:30 am ‐ +Repose of the soul of Daniel Bielamowicz, Sr.+ Readings: 3 John 5‐8; Ps 112:1‐6; Lk 18:1‐8 Eucharistic Ministers Training Have you wanted to serve the Church by being a Eucharist Minister at our Sunday Masses? If so, we will be having a training session for new Eucharis c Ministers on Thursday, November 13th at 7:00 pm. All poten al Eucharis c Minis‐ ters must be in full communion with the Catholic Church and able to receive all the sacraments. To register and for more informa on please call Kathy O’Donnell at (832) 276‐3830. Books of the Names of the Dead Our book of the Names of the Dead can be found in the ves bule. The Church has a long tradi on of remembering those who have died, to the love and mercy of God. We do this in a special way on the Feast of All Souls Day, and throughout November. If not done so before, please write down the names of your loved ones that you would like to remember. Sunday Masses Saturday, November 15 5:00 pm ‐ +Repose of the soul of Billy James+ Sunday, November 16 8:30 am ‐ For the People of Our Parish 11:00 am ‐ +Repose of the soul of Nary J. Huval, Sr.+ Readings: Proverbs 31:10‐13, 19‐20, 30‐31; Ps 128:1‐5; 1 Thessalonians 5:1‐6; Mt 25:14‐30 [14‐15, 19‐21] St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive Thanksgiving will be here soon and the friends of St. Vin‐ cent de Paul will be in need of groceries to make their holi‐ day complete. Our annual Food Drive boxes con nues and concludes this weekend. Holiday type food items would be very much appreciated. Some sugges ons would be canned goods, dry boxed in‐ stant potatoes and milk, corn bread mix, stuffing, rice, beans, packaged gravy, marshmallows, jello, fros ng, candy sprinkles, candy corn or mints. We have placed a flyer on the counter with these items listed for your use. Thank you for your generosity! SVdP Thoughts Altar Flowers Are given by Jill and Cliff Ainsworth In Memory of Jerry Ainsworth and Trista Watkins Collec ons $7,493.00 Sunday Collec on (10/26/14) 23.00 Children’s Collec on 475.00 Debt Re rement (Building Fund) Thank you! Thank you! Dress Standard for All Masses/Adora on Men/Young Men/Boys (who have made 1st Communion): Shirts and pants. Women/Young Women/Girls (who have made their 1st Communion): Modest Dresses, Coordinated Ensembles, or Shirt/Blouses with Pants. Clothing not proper: flip‐flops, shorts, cutoffs, t‐shirts, body shirts, sloppy jeans, tank tops, & revealing clothing. Please do not bring bo led water, soda, food, candy or gum into the Sanctuary and Day Chapel of the Church. Please honor the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and wear modest clothing. ‐2‐ In today’s Gospel Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by taking me to seriously look at ourselves, the priori es of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then put your gi in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s collec on so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. Dedica on of the Lateran Basilica — Cycle A; The Year of Grace When entering and depar ng the Church, please guard the silent prayer of others. Prayer Service for Peace Blessing of the Confirmandi Our next prayer service for peace will be on Wednesday, November 19th. We begin with Holy Mass at 8:30 am fol‐ lowed by coffee and donuts in the hall, then our prayer ser‐ vice at 9:30 am. We look forward to your a ending and bringing your friends as we pray together as one. To show respect and reverence to the presence of our Lord in the Tabernacle, unscheduled remarks may not be made. The Blessing of the Confirmandi will be on Sunday, Novem‐ ber 16th, 11:00 am. All Confirma on students are asked to be at this Mass. Parents and sponsors are encouraged to a end, in support of the work God is doing in our students. All parishioners, please pray for our Confirmandi and God’s con nued blessing in their lives. November High School Youth Group Night Women’s Guild Our next High School Youth Group mee ng with be on Sun‐ day, November 16, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. We will have games, pizza, fellowship and prepara ons for our annual Giving Tree Project for Pine Shadows Retreat Nursing Home. Come out and join the fun! Monthly Mee ng The next Women’s Guild mee ng will be on Tuesday, November 11th at 9:30 am. It will be their yearly in‐service mee ng. Each commi ee head will give a brief talk explain‐ ing the purpose of their commi ees and the services they provide. They will a erwards pack and wrap Christmas gi boxes for the Houston Seafarers’ Center and enjoy a pot luck lunch. Linen Commi ee Mee ng There will be an important mee ng for all members who help wash and iron our altar linens next Sunday, November 16th, between morning Masses. We will meet in the parish hall directly following 8:30 Mass, beginning at approximate‐ ly 9:45 am. We would like to invite anyone who is interest‐ ed in learning more about this ministry to join us. You can also contact Charlo e Avery at 832‐233‐1477 for more info. Gi Shop Sale ‐ November 15th and 16th Our Women’s Guild will be displaying many of their gi items on November 15th and 16th. They have beau ful rosaries, medals, bracelets and so much more. They will be discoun ng many of their books and gi items. This is a perfect me to pick up Christmas gi s for your loved ones. As a special bonus they are giving away free copies of Sco and Kimberly Hahn’s bestselling book “Rome, Sweet Home” which has brought many into the Catholic Church. Pick up a copy for yourself or a loved one. Hurry because supplies are limited! Praying the Our Father during Mass NEW IN THE GIFT STORE!! Hand made rosaries of the finest quality. Made using semi‐ precious stones, Swarovski crystal with gold ‘findings’ these rosaries were purchased for the community of St. Philip the Apostle in mind. Men, you will love the heavy rounded beads, spaced apart ; not crowded. The inspiring crucifix’s used are heavy bronze or silver metal. Also, lovely new rosary bracelets for the women and the young ladies of the parish. Come in to our ‘store’ and ask to see these lovely hand made rosaries. We would love to show them to you. ‐3‐ One should not walk out of the Mass during the "Our Fa‐ ther" prayer. We call it the Lord's Prayer for good reason. It is the prayer that Jesus Christ himself gave to the Church to pray in his name. The "Our Father" prayer is the most per‐ fect and sublime expression of the very mind of God. The "Our Father" is the "pearl without price". It is the summit of the Church's prayer in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. To pray the “Our Father” prayer in the assembly of God's peo‐ ple is the spiritually mature thing to do. In conscience, it's what the man and woman of faith must do. Holy Cross Chapel Confirmation Class Updates Daily Mass in Downtown Houston? It is available at Holy Cross Chapel, 906 Main Street, Houston. They are open from 9:00 am ‐ 4:00 pm, and offer Mass at 11:35 am and 12:15 pm. Confession and spiritual direc on are also availa‐ ble during the day. In addi on they have a bookstore providing excellent spiritual reading, gree ng cards, and religious ar cles. For more info, call the Chapel at 713‐650‐ 1323 or visit their website at Dear St. Philip’s family, Recently our class was blessed to have Jacob and Chris ne Kasper guest lecture a lesson on the Catholic Profession of Faith. The Kasper’s are not new to the Confirma on teaching team. They were members of the team during the previous Confirma on class faith journey. The Kasper’s stepped out of teaching while awai ng their youngest son’s birth. We were excited to have them join us for this lesson. The Nicene Creed states what we believe as Catholics about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is based on Scripture and helps us to reaffirm our faith and solidarity as Catholics. Most of us cradle Catholics learned this prayer by rote. This means that we learned to recite the prayer by saying it over and over. The Nicene Creed is prayed during Mass as a con‐ grega on statement. We say it as one united body of Catho‐ lics. The Kasper’s were clever in introducing the Profession of Faith as a Catholic Anthem or Alma Mater. We speak the unifying words WE BELIEVE in one God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Do you stop to think about what you are praying when joining your fellow parishioners in sta ng this truth? How much do you know about the Nicene Creed? One of our goals as Confirma on teachers is to help the Confirm‐ andi understand that they are not just saying words when praying. We are asking for special blessings and accep ng the graces and responsibili es of being Catholic. Our faith father’s were concerned that frac ons could occur in our faith founda on. The Nicene Creed states clearly what we hold true and firm in our hearts. The next me you state these truths think about what you are saying and consider the graces given by this prayer. Sincerely in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Lyne e Zaunbrecher, Confirma on Coordinator St. Mar n of Tours, Pray for Us! Feast Day: November 11th Patron Saint of Soldiers Prayer for Veterans Day Heavenly Father, We ask for blessings on all those who have served their country in the armed forces. We ask for healing for the veterans who have been wounded, in body and soul, in conflicts around the globe. We pray especially for the young men and women, in the thousands, who are coming home with injured bodies and trauma zed spirits. Bring sol‐ ace to them, O Lord; may we pray for them when they can‐ not pray. We ask for, echoing Pope Saint John Paul II of Blessed Memory, an end to wars and the dawning of a new era of peace, as a way to honor all the veterans of past wars. Bless all the soldiers who served in non‐comba ve posts; may their calling to service con nue in their lives in many posi ve ways. We pray for those who serve us now, especially for those in harm’s way: shield them from danger and bring them home. Have mercy on all our veterans. Bring peace to their hearts and peace to the regions they fought in. Give us all the crea ve vision to see a world which, grown weary with figh ng, moves to affirming the life of every hu‐ man being and so moves beyond war. Lord hear our prayer. Amen ‐4‐ Sacred Heart School Box Top Dona ons Clip and Support your Local Catholic School! Sacred Heart School collects Campbell’s Label for Educa on points, Box Tops, and Tyson food labels to support school programs. A collec on can is provided on the counter, underneath the glass display case, in the ves bule. For each box top they received .10 cents. Last year they were able to raise $1000.00! Let’s help them go over this goal and support local Catholic educa on. Sacred Heart Catholic School offers PreK 3—8th grade quality educa on just 9 miles away from St. Philip’s. Visit them at their website at: You can access a list of par cipa ng products by clicking on “support our school at the bo om of the website. A gentle reminder for female parishioners from the Women’s Guild and our Pastor Life A er Death (con nued from front page) At the very moment of a person’s death, his or her soul goes before God for immediate par cular judgment to answer for the moral character of life. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body." [2Cor 5:10] While all souls go before God in judgment of faith and good works, not all have the same des ny. Many souls will enter the blessedness of heaven, either immediately or a er a period of purga on (purifica on). Sadly, many souls will go to immediate and everlas ng damna on. God, who is all love, did not create hell as he created heaven. Hell is the final and absolute gathering of all sinners who die in corrup on having denied the goodness of God. It is not God but rather the unrepentant sinner who chooses the horror of being u erly self‐absorbed and totally trapped within the com‐ munion of everlas ng hatred. The souls of all those who are judged worthy of heaven will behold the Father's glory with unveiled faces in perfect free‐ dom. Sharing in the fullness of Christ’s own resurrec on from the dead, nothing will ever again separate these souls from the magnificence of God's glory. Souls in heaven forever will enjoy the direct, intui ve knowledge of God that characterizes the life of the angels. There is life a er death! But where will it be for us? Will it be heaven or hell? We must choose and choose decisively. No one may excuse himself from the responsibility of his human free will, nor may he opt out of the far‐reaching consequences of his decisions. Therefore, let us be: "...faithful over God's house as a son; and we are his house if we hold fast our confidence and pride in our hope". [Heb 3:6] "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heav‐ en." [Gen 28:17] Knowing not the day or hour of the return of Our Lord in glory, seize the hope that Christ holds out before you! Choose defini‐ vely for Christ now! Choose, as your habit of life, the light of Divine Truth and service in faithful discipleship. For God has promised that your acceptance will merit his blessing and he will make you frui ul. "We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul" [Heb 6:19], a hope which has its origins in the unspeakable transcendent love of God. Sincerely in the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Your pastor, Reverend Richard Barker. If you are late to Mass, please wait reverently for a few moments with the ushers in front of the glass doors lead‐ ing into the worship area un l the congrega on starts singing the “Gloria”. Please refrain from leaving Mass un l the closing hymn is finished. When it is finished Mass has come to a close. Thank you, Father Barker When wearing lips ck, keep in mind the prac cal and hygienic needs of parishioners and our Extraordinary Eu‐ charis c Ministers of Holy Communion. Heavy lips ck strongly adheres to the gold chalices and linen purificators. This makes it very hard for us to purify the chalices for the next persons in the communion line during Mass. And it’s especially difficult to clean the linen purificators a er Mass. Safe Environment Training “Protec ng God’s Children” New Volunteers ‐ Virtus For all new volunteers: the Archdiocese of Galveston‐ Houston maintains a mandatory educa onal program of protec on for our children consis ng of going to an infor‐ ma onal class and comple ng required forms. All volun‐ teers, ages 18 and over, who have any consistent and on‐ going contact with our children and youth must take the Virtus training program. Upcoming class in our local area: St. Andrews, Channelview Saturday, November 15th, 9:00 am— noon St. Mar n de Porras, Barre Sta on Saturday, December 13th, 9:00 am—Noon Current Volunteers Refresher Class All parishioners who have taken the Virtus Class between the years of 2003‐2009 are required to take a refresher class, “Keeping the Promise Alive”. For new volunteers, please visit and click on “Safe Environment”. From there pick the “Virtus” and you will be able to access upcoming workshop dates. Pick the loca on of where you would like to take the class. For current volunteers, please go to and sign‐in to your account to register. Please call the parish office if you need help at 281‐324‐ ‐5‐ 1478 Receiving Holy Communion DJM Corner When you receive Communion during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ that you are receiving. Holy Communion, in the Catholic Church, is reserved for those who have received the sacrament of First Holy Communion, have been catechized (taught) in our Catholic faith and have made a profession of faith. One should abstain from Holy Communion if they are in mortal sin and have not received the sacrament of reconcilia on. If you are not Roman Catholic or are in need of the Sacrament of Reconcilia on, we ask that you refrain from receiving Holy Communion in the Mass. However, you may go up to one of the ministers for a blessing when Holy Communion is being offered. By crossing your hands over your heart, the Priest or Eucharis c minister will know to give you the blessing. Fr. Santan Pinto SOLT Disciples of Jesus and Mary Founder He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” – Mt 18:2-3 Steps in Li leness “There are 50 simple steps in li leness. Try them one step at a me. Look at your struggles and tempta ons. You will find one step that will suit you the most at that stage in your life. Do not hurry – remember you’re li le!” Step 9 (con nued) Also, if you choose to receive only the Blessed Sacrament and not from the Chalice, it is fi ng nevertheless to pause for a moment to honor Christ’s presence in the Precious Blood—with an appropriate sign of devo on. We would not think to pass a friend on the street without some acknowledgement. Our Lord Jesus Christ deserves no less, and most assuredly, a great deal more. LET THE LORD FIGHT YOUR BATTLES, DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEMS AND DIRECT YOUR DECISIONS Know that the Lord is present in every struggle, trial, and tempta on “Come to me all you who labor and are weary, and I will give you rest.” You will understand the problem and find solu ons easily. Accept problems as challenges and know that “His grace is sufficient for you.” Consider whether you allow others to influence your decisions. Involve the Lord in your daily decisions: the big and small alike. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all will be given to you. “May the li le child Jesus bless you and accompany you on your journey” -Fr. Santan Pinto SOLT (2011+) Please pray for our fellow parishioners and loved ones as they face illness and recupera on: Sylvester Leonards, Millie Lochridge, Rachel Honza, Charlene Stephenson, Pat Gizinski, Jackie Clark, Daniel Yarbrough, Robert Murray, David Walts, Rita Long, Mary Comeaux, Thelma Carrier, Mary Zycha, Noma Sughrue, Pam Thang, Jeane e Malburg, Roberta Heath, Wayne Glenn, Margaret Fann, Maria Crowley, Charles Jenny, Barbara Glenn, Jake Guerrero, Sue Pantalion, Lera Cordova, Joe Lumbreraz, Fritz Kemper, Dcn Bob Keller, Juanita Acosta, Darren Hilton, Juan Alvarez, Steve McMichael, Dominic Kasper, Shirley Sims, Preston Fann, Rosie Colle e For more informa on about DJM Spiritual Forma on contact Jan Williams: [email protected]/ or visit our website: www.discipleso A PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Please pray for the repose of the souls of: +John Pilgreen, Helen Meyer, Dubelsa Vasquez, Donald Hammes, Lilly Paris, Delia McMahon, W. E. Nelson, Brenda Carr, James Kirby, Pete Pantalion, Maureen Mellon, Felix Zaunbrecher, Bobby Pantalion, Melba Pantalion, Margaret Dennis, Daniel Bielamowicz, Sr., Anita Huval, Jackie Drewe , Frances Jaramillo, Amalia Singler, Colleen Oakes, Bill Sims, Leo Schweers, Gilbert Shippers, F. Fisher Reynolds, Jr.+ Disciples of Jesus and Mary (DJM) God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, reli‐ gious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support voca ons of sacrifi‐ cial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever. Amen. ‐6‐ LITURGICAL/OFFICE SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm; Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am First Friday: Chaplet of Divine Mercy First Saturday: Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary Daily Masses: Monday ‐ Saturday: 8:30 am Office Hours: Monday‐Thursday: 9:30 am ‐ 4:00 pm; Friday: 9:30 am ‐ noon; Lunch 12:00‐1:00 pm SACRAMENTS SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION EUCHARISTIC ADORATION (40 Hours) Saturday: 3:30 ‐ 4:30 p.m. Weekdays: a er 8:30 am Mass (please call in advance) SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament takes place following the Thursday morning 8:30 a.m. Mass in the main Church. Eucharis c Adora on begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Adora on Chapel. Adora on concludes with benedic on on Friday at 4:45 p.m. If you have been par cipa ng ac vely at least six months a er registra on in the parish, you may ask for an appoint‐ ment with the pastor to begin marriage prepara on. Mar‐ riage prepara on requires six months. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM If you have been par cipa ng ac vely at least six months a er registra on in the parish, you may call the parish office to begin bap smal prepara on. Children age 6 or younger; documents are required before bap sm date may be scheduled: parish & bap smal registra ons, birth cer ficate, and bap sm class cer fica ons. FUNERAL SERVICES To ensure that parish ministers can assist you, please call the par‐ ish office before se ng dates and mes for funeral services. Re‐ garding personal spoken remembrances at funeral liturgies, St. Philip parish adheres to the policies of the Archdiocese of Galves‐ ton‐Houston. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Holy Anoin ng is offered on the first Monday a er the 8:30 am daily Mass for the healing and spiritual strengthening of those who are seriously ill, impaired by advancing age or in danger of death. MINISTRIES AT ST. PHILIP Pastor ‐ Rev. Richard E. Barker Deacon ‐ John Sarabia (281) 923‐9659 Ins tuted Acolyte/Sacristan ‐ John Comeaux (281) 324‐2044 Ins tuted Acolyte ‐ Troy Hill (713) 336‐3321 Secretary ‐ Windy McMichael Maintenance ‐ Roy Ayala Parish Mailing Address: PO Box 2363, Huffman, TX 77336 Parish Physical Address: 2308 3rd St, Huffman Parish Phone ‐ (281) 324‐1478 Parish Fax ‐ (281) 324‐2775 Parish E‐Mail ‐ stphilipoffi[email protected] Parish Website ‐ Liturgical Altar Servers Father Barker (281) 324‐1478 Eucharis c Ministers Kathy O’Donnell (832) 276‐3830 Home Bound Kathy O’Donnell (832) 276‐3830 Sacristan Assistant Lilia Lee (832) 527‐8006 Lectors Sylvester Leonards (281) 852‐2975 Adornment of the Sanctuary Jan Williams (281) 852‐4389 Music Ministry Geralyn Moulds (281) 540‐4682 Valerie Sivil (281) 324‐6625 Windy McMichael (281) 324‐1478 Usher Ministry Michael Reding (713) 385‐4985 Social Outreach / Concern St. Vincent de Paul Society For assistance (832) 655‐1214 Marie Hohmann (281) 360‐9032 Prime Timers (50+) Claudia Herron (281) 324‐1101 Rosemont Assisted Living Judy Abdelnoor (281) 360‐9728 Prison Ministry Josie Angell (281) 324‐1747 Transi ons Ministry Lane Coco (281) 324‐2163 Con nuing Chris an Educa on (CCE) CCE Office (281) 324‐1934 Elementary Coordinator Marie Hohmann (281) 360‐9032 First Sacrament Coordinator Lupe Cupples (281) 414‐3705 Middle School Coordinator Becky Pursell (713) 516‐7376 Confirma on/High School Coordinator Lyne e Zaunbrecher (281) 386‐9783 Chairperson and Youth Ac vity Coordinator Becky Pursell (713) 516‐7376 Parish Nursery Becky Pursell (713) 516‐7376 Spiritual Development Disciples of Jesus and Mary ‐ Laity Spiritual Forma on Jan Williams (281) 852‐4389 Order of Carmelite Discalced Seculars (OCDS) Parish Office (281) 324‐1478 Knights of Columbus Bill Steed (832) 316‐8191 Women’s Guild Maureen Rode (281) 852‐4692 Familia for Families Celina Sconochini (281) 797‐3959 Eucharis c Adora on/Holy Face Prayer Group Janet Hays (281) 852‐3444 Prayer Chain Sylvester Leonards (832) 423‐9646
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