Document 405305

5th November, 2014
Monday Week 4 Friday Week 6
Saturday 1 Saturday 8th
Thursday 9
Thursday 13
Monday 17
Tuesday 18
Friday 28 November
Thursday 4
Monday 8 December
R-5 Swimming Lessons
Year 9 Canberra Trip
Maths Applications Exam 9am
Physical Education Exam 9am
R-5 Assembly in Amphitheatre
2.30pm start
Music in Context Exam 1.30pm
R-5 Swimming Carnival
Jack Lane
R-5 End of Year Concert
Tuesday 9 December
R-5 Assembly in Amphitheatre
2.30pm start
Whole School Presentation Night
11 December
Last Day of Term 4
2.15pm dismissal
Reece Nicholls
Shelly Fricker
Reminder CAS is a ‘NUT AWARE’ site. We ask that
no Nut Products be brought on site. We have
students who are highly allergic to nuts and can
suffer an anaphylactic reaction.
2014 Ceduna Area School Senior Art
and Photography Exhibition
Ceduna Memorial Hall Foyer
November 3rd-16th Opening Wednesday
5th 6-8pm
Principal’s Report
Canberra Trip\Year 12 Exams\SAPSASA
Currently we have Mr Green, Ms
Rowson, Ms Kyra Baldwin and Ms
Theresa Xanthopolous supervising 38
Year 9 students who are currently in
Canberra enjoying the many learning opportunities
available including Parliament House, the War Museum,
the Royal Mint etc. Some of our students have never
travelled on a plane before! Mr Shane Halls will assist by
driving them in the bus to Adelaide and driving them back
on their return. Many thanks Frankie for your flexibility
and willingness to help out!
Our Year 12s have begun with the first of their exams and
we wish them all the very best for the next few weeks as
they navigate through final assessments and programmes.
Marley Fairclough
Currently we have several students representing our
school in SAPSASA cricket and tennis in Adelaide this
week. The R-5 Swimming lessons have begun this week
and will culminate with the R-5 Swimming Carnival on
Friday 28 November Week 7.
We also look forward to Mr Koch’s Year 7 camp to Port
Lincoln from next week where they will have many
experiences such as swimming with the seals and tuna.
A random selection of students will also be selected to
complete the Student version which will be completed
here at school. Staff also have an opportunity to complete
one as well. Results of these surveys are reported every
year in the school’s Annual Report to the community and
to the Minister of Education.
West Coast Country Cabinet
Our Parliamentary Cabinet Ministers will accompany the
Premier the Hon. Jay Weatherald when he travels to the
West Coast on Sunday 23 and Monday 24 November
Ceduna community members are invited to a free
Community BBQ and Public Forum on Sunday 23
November 2014 from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm at the
Ceduna Memorial Hall, Poynton Street (enter Hall via
O’Loughlin Terrace), Ceduna.
They will also be meeting at 1:00 pm until 2:30 pm at the
Streaky Bay & District Community Complex and Bowling
Greens, Wells Street, Streaky Bay on Monday 24
November 2014.
This will be an opportunity for the Cabinet Ministers to
listen to your ideas and solutions, so that together we
can build a stronger partnership and a more prosperous
Kids Matter
We are now a Kids Matter School. Several of our Junior
School staff have been involved in ongoing training this
year in the Kids Matter programme to be used as a
guidance for our Pastoral Care lessons.
KidsMatter is a flexible, whole-school approach to
improving children’s mental health and wellbeing.
We are taking on a process where we plan and take
action to be a positive community. The programme is
founded on respectful relationships and a sense of
belonging and inclusion.
It promotes:
social and emotional learning
working authentically with parents, carers and
support for students who may be experiencing
mental health difficulties.
The KidsMatter programme builds on the work that we
are already doing in these areas.
Quality Assurance Parent Survey – please return by
Wed 12 November
Those parents who have been randomly selected to fill
these surveys out should have received an email with the
survey and instructions to either fill out this short
questionnaire either online or as a hardcopy which can
be accessed from the school.
These questions relate to a variety of facets within the
school and the feedback will assist the school in
providing a better educational service to our community.
Jim Michalanney
Senior School’s Report
Our Year 12 cohort celebrated their last
‘official’ school day last Friday. Their
schedules will now become more flexible
as they cross off final assignments,
revision and finally their exams.
The students this year have had a big presence within the
whole school, with Hayden Bennett, Josephine Breede,
Tayla Collins and Ethan Thompson stepping up to a shared
role on the Student Representative Committee. This
initiative came from the students, who wanted to have a
say but also to share the responsibilities and the workload
amongst themselves. Not only have these students lead
many assemblies, organised luncheons, assisted in
organising a new summer uniform, assisted with
maintenance and grounds decisions, they have also been
leaders in all Sporting carnivals, encouraging their peers to
participate, with the school having the largest numbers in
the Senior age groups for a long time.
Elise Shakes and Adam Bennett have guided this group of
students throughout the year, encouraging good time
management skills, positive team work and open
communication. The success of these students meeting
the requirements of their SACE has been largely of their
own doing but hugely supported by the Senior school staff
as well as their parents of course! The extra efforts from
these staff are to be commended.
Some of the forms of support have been;
• many after school sessions
• specific subject facebook support groups
• assisting students in the study room
• meeting with students in their NIT time
• holiday sessions
• Uni applications
So a big Thankyou to Elise Shakes, Adam Bennett, Mark
Prince, Shane Reynolds, Simon Smith, Michael Scheffler,
David King, Jess Rowson, Kris Knudsen, Mark Green,
Michael Pearce, Deb Richter, Azfral Rana, Meralyn Stevens,
Linda Martin, Rhiannon Maguire, Karen Cotton, Jodie
Wilkins and Mandy Carr.
One of the keys for successful learning is attendance. The
senior school attendance rate summary is included below.
It is fantastic to see that the Year 12 attendance has been
the highest throughout the year. Face to face direct
teaching is giving yourself the best opportunity to learn,
the option to seek support and direction and strive to get
the best results you can.
We wish our 2014 school leavers all the best, they have
been a great group of young adults to work with and
deserve every success with their chosen pathway.
School Attendance Rate Summary
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Area School
themselves. Reinforcement &
prime ingredients for learning.
confidence are
High-functioning families provide plenty of
chances for siblings to help, teach or pass on
some learnings to each other. As a child I
remember older siblings teaching me everything from
how to get my breakfast, how to set my clothes out in
the morning, and how to run a hot shower (and not get
burned). I also remember helping an elder sibling with
his spelling so the teaching was reciprocal.
There are so many things that
siblings can teach each other
teaching mindset. It’s all part of
moving toward redundancy as a
As a parent it’s our job to make
sure kids are skilled up, but we
don’t have to do it all ourselves.
Siblings can help each other.
As a parent you may have to create opportunities for
kids to do some teaching……….particularly for
youngest borns.
Here are some ideas:
Sourced from Eduportal website October 30th 2014)
Frew Halbert
10-12 Student Counsellor
Counsellor’s Corner
Michael Grose is Australia’s No.1 Parenting
Educator- check out his website and
subscribe to his newsletter which is free. Full
of great parenting tips!
Kids learn through teaching
There is nothing better than teaching someone
something you know. It reinforces the learning, and
1. INVITE a child to teach or show you something they
learned at school. This ranges from a special art
project that may take some time through to picking up
on what kids tell you happened at school. “Can you
show me how you add up those numbers?”
2. ASK, don’t tell! Develop the habit of asking
children to show you how they do simple tasks such
as how they tidy their room, how they plan their
homework through to how they can help you sort out a
technology dilemma. Make “Show me how….” part of
your regular vocabulary.
3. TEACH, then pass it on. Teach your kids a
practical skill (such as how to set up a tent, how to
cook a simple meal, how to make a bed) and then ask
them to teach their sibling. This ‘pass it on’ technique
is a large family strategy that ideally happens with no
adult influence. HOWEVER, there are times when
native parenting cunning needs to come to the fore to
set a new course for kids.
4. ACT dumb. This strategy works with younger kids.
Sometimes you’ve just got to act dumb and pretend
that you don’t know how to do something. “Jason, can
you get the image on my IPad to show on the
TV?” OK, so I wasn’t acting dumb when I asked this
question to my friend’s son recently. I really couldn’t
do it, but you get my drift!
Here’s my parenting challenge for you. Look
for opportunities for your children to teach something
to someone (you, other family member, another
child…) every day.
Year 12’s Farewell Assembly
Wednesday 29th October
Back: Ethan Thompson, Lachie Woods, Haydon Whitfield,
Todd Hoffrichter, Keenan Esfahani, Tayla Collins,
Josephine Breede, Marley Fairclough, Hayden Bennett,
Kelsey Bitmead, Emily Kavanagh.
Ethan Thompson, Cody Wilkins, Lachie Woods,
Hayden Bennett & Jack Lane
Middle: Reece Nicholls, Darryl Dudley, Cody Smith,
Dakota Nicholls, Kelli-Anne Page, Leticia CampbellSaunders, Jara Prince, Kira Sleep, Jasmin Riddle, Tori
Front Row: Jack Lane.
Kelsey Bitmead, Jasmin Riddle & Emily
Kelsey Bitmead, Josephine Breede & Tayla
3 Generations: Tayla Collins, Kirsty Collins & Phil
Tori Watson, Jara Prince, Kira Sleep, Jasmin
Riddle, Kelli-Anne Page, Kelsey Bitmead & Emily
Tayla Collins & Hayden Bennett
Darryl Dudley & Leticia Campell-Saunders
Hayden Bennett, Ethan Thompson, Reece
Nicholls, Cody Wilkins, Mathew Zippel, Lachie
Woods, Cody Smith, Keenan Esfahani
Parents could you look and see if your child has
brought home a new book thinking it was one
they could borrow from the library.
We held a Book Fair last week and five books
have disappeared.
The titles are:
“Two wolves”
“Minecraft – Beginners handbook”
“Toolbox jewellery”
“Knowledge Encyclopaedia – Dinosaurs”
“Kids’ kitchen: Fun with recipes with a dash of
Regards Library Staff
Jamelia Haseldine’s
Haseldine’s class run the Assembly
Do you have an old swag lying around that
you no longer use?
Would you consider donating it to the
camping equipment at Ceduna Area School?
We have several camps a year that use swags and often
students are unable to source
one from home. The School
would be very appreciative of
any donations. We already have
2 swags we use for this purpose
but often have to source more.
Thanks from Parents & Friends
Madhi Polkinghorne & Lucas Johncock show the
R-5 students their Puppet Show
R-5 Assembly – Monday 20th October
Blake Gurney & Harvey Brooks display their
Gareth Dudley & Brent Dunn
R-5 Students sing the National Anthem
Akiesha Mullan introduces
introduces the next class
Active After Schools
Splash & Fun-Monday Nights
Community Notices
Smoky Bay Christmas Tree
Friday 12th December
Tea available 5.30pm
Santa arrives 7pm
$25.00 p\child
(Jumping castle & kids craft corner)
Names in before 1st December to Sarah Evans
0427257056 or Kelly Thompson 0428828190.
Kara Wild & Lara Haseldine
Will Power Program visit
Ceduna Area School
The Eye Doctors will be visiting the Ceduna Koonibba
Health Service
Mon 10 Nov & Tue 11 Nov 2014
We would really like to “SEE YOU” if you have diabetes as
it’s very important to have your eyes checked at least
once a year. If you have ANY Problems with your eyes
please come and see us! Please contact CLINIC STAFF for
any assistance
Messy Church
Wade Thompson, Jallina Matthews
Matthewsatthews-Bennett, Chase KellyKellyScott, Paul Vandenbergh & Vanessa Stokes
Friday November 7th
5pm - 6.30pm
Uniting Church Hall
66 Poynton Street, Ceduna
Cost $4.00 (Family max $10)
A Family friendly time of Fun, Crafts, Games & Food
Children must be accompanied by an adult
Balancing Bunda Expo
Launching Centacare’s new App
Sam Mahar & Adam Hoffrichter
Back: Clare Gurney, Kasi Palmer. Grace Bubner, Vanessa
Stokes (Aussie Spirit Player), Hailee Skinner, Ella Halbert,
Nikia Skinner, Lucy Lowe, Kodie Edwards
Front: Danni Green, Jallina MatthewsMatthews-Bennett, Abbie
Thomas, Hannah Nicholls & Mardie Hoffrichter
Wednesday 12th November 2014
Centacare Country SA Meeting Room
Corner McKenzie Street & East Terrace
Free Sausage Sizzle
Free Giveaways
Free Raffle
Come down and have a yarn with the
team-Ask us about;
Voluntary income management, budgeting,
savings plans, understanding bills,
managing debt, contracts
We are here to answer your questions