St. Raphael Catholic Parish

St. Raphael Catholic Parish
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
November 8th & 9th, 2014
1125 Old Steese Hwy. N.
P.O. Box 10508 Fairbanks, Alaska 99710
[email protected]
Finance Council
Anna Atchison
[email protected]
Jeff Gibson
Council Chair
[email protected]
Nancy Kelly
[email protected]
Mike Mathers
[email protected]
Lorna Shaw
[email protected]
David Szumigala
[email protected]
Parish Office Schedule
Office Phone: 457-6603
Office Fax: 457-4461
Tuesdays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Wednesdays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Thursdays: Varies
Fridays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Saturdays: 4:00 pm—7:00 pm *
Sundays: 8:30 am - NOON *
* depends on scheduled events
Liturgy Schedule
Sundays -Tuesdays : 9:30am
Wednesdays - Saturdays: 5:30 pm
Wednesdays - Rosary: 6:00 pm
Parish Priest and Hospital Chaplain
Father Kasparaj Mallavarapu 457-6603
347-5438 (c)
[email protected]
Priests’ Team
Father Bala Gangarapu
Father Nelson Marilag
Parish Council
Thor Bergstrom Council Vice Chair
[email protected]
Ernie & Ramona Berry
[email protected]
Karen Chancler
[email protected]
Mike Kramer Council Chair
[email protected]
Tammy Langley
[email protected]
Marc Lee
[email protected]
Jason & Mimi Lesniak
[email protected]
Madeline Nance
[email protected]
PARISH COUNCIL meets every 3rd Tuesday of
each month. See parish calendar for details.
Pastoral Administrator
Marie Martin
457-6603 (church)
[email protected]
George Bowder
488-9063 (h) 374-9541(w)
[email protected]
Accountant, Parish Secretary
Nancy Kelly 457-6603 457-3542 (h)
[email protected]
Saturdays 4:30-5:00 PM or by appointment
Call Marie Martin to schedule the
One month preparation.
Maintenance Manager
Tim Smith
[email protected]
Contact the office at least six months
prior to the wedding.
Parish Prayer Chain
Please e-mail Gloria Slagle at [email protected]
Visitation of the Sick
If you know of a parishioner who is in the hospital
or homebound, please notify the parish office, so
we can visit with them.
Marriage/Family Counseling
and Spiritual Direction
Madeline C. Nance MA PS, CFLE 479-3883
First Reading
Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12
Saving water flowed from the temple, and all who were
touched with it were saved.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9
The waters of the river gladden the city of God,
the holy dwelling of the Most High!
John 2:13-22
“Zeal for your house will consume me.”
The temple to be raised up, in three days,
is the temple of Christ’s body.
to our Parish!
We invite you to join us for refreshments
after Mass.
Memorial of Martin of Tours, bishop
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14
Lk 17:7-10
Thursday Memorial of Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin
Phlm 7-20
Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9
Lk 17:26-37
3 Jn 5-8
Lk 18:1-8
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31
1 Thes 5:1-6
Mt 25:14-30
November 8th & 9th, 2014
John Bunten
Rebecca Kegley
Mark Martin
Fred Wirth
Bill Mitchell
Thor Bergstrom
Bread Jeff Gibson
Collection Counters
Mike Mathers & Marie Martin
Hospitality Bev Kersey & Dorothy Ostanik (Sat)
Richard Stout & Celine Harrington
November 15th & 16th, 2014
Tammy Langely
Katie Spellman
David Szumigala
David Szumigala
Anna Atchison
Madeline Nance
Bread Katie Martin
Hospitality Bev Kersey & Dorothy Ostanik (Sat)
The Hendricks
Catholic Radio KQHE 92.7 fm
Monday Memorial of Leo the Great, pope and doctor
Ti 1:1-9
Lk 17:1-6
Wednesday Memorial of Josaphat, bishop, martyr
Ti 3:1-7
Lk 17:11-19
Second Reading
1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17
We are God’s temple and the Spirit of God dwells in us.
Collection Counters
Sue Heinrichs & Nancy Kelly
If you are interested in joining
St. Raphael’s community,
please see parish staff.
Weekly Readings
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Mass Intention
Saturday, November 8th
Marian Prayer Group for the rosary
on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
In the Hospital? Remember to tell the staff of Fairbanks Memorial that you
are Catholic and wish to be on the Catholic List. Fr. Kaspar and our Stephen
Ministers visit and bring Holy Communion to Catholic patients daily. They can
arrange to offer the Sacraments of Reconciliation and/or Anointing of the Sick.
The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful
James 5:16
Please remember these dear friends in your prayers:
Repose of the soul of William Bell; Patrice Buck,
Carl Kegley, Tonya Mattison, McGuire Hamme,
Ernie Berry. Bjorn Talvi , Kaci, Teresa S., Mette Russell,
John Barnes, Thalia Stout, Mark, Kathy Schalk,
Betty Johnson, Russell Talvi, Robin Eagan,
Tom Slagle, Michael & Leslie Harrington
Dedication of St. John Lateran
November 9th
Most Catholics think of St. Peter’s as the pope’s main church, but
they are incorrect.
St. John Lateran is the pope’s church, the cathedral of the Diocese
of Rome where the Bishop of Rome presides.
The first basilica on the site was built in the fourth century when
Constantine donated land he had received from the wealthy
Lateran family. That structure and its successors suffered fire,
earthquake and the ravages of war, but the Lateran remained the
church where popes were consecrated until the popes returned
from Avignon in the 14th century to find the church and the
adjoining palace in ruins.
Pope Innocent X commissioned the present structure in 1646.
One of Rome’s most imposing churches, the Lateran’s towering
facade is crowned with 15 colossal statues of Christ, John the
Baptist, John the Evangelist and 12 doctors of the Church. Beneath
its high altar rest the remains of the small wooden table on which
tradition holds St. Peter himself celebrated Mass.
Unlike the commemorations of other Roman churches (St. Mary
Major, August 5; Sts. Peter and Paul, November 18), this
anniversary is a feast. The dedication of a church is a feast for all
its parishioners. In a sense, St. John Lateran is the parish church of
all Catholics, because it is the pope's cathedral. This church is the
spiritual home of the people who are the Church.
The Youth Catechism, written in
language suitable for young people, deals with the entire Catholic Faith as it
was presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC of 1997). It is
structured in Question-and-Answer format. We present the same here….
Is Sacred Scripture true? “The books of Scripture firmly,
faithfully, and without error teach (the) truth...Written under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their
author” (Second Vatican Council, DV 11). (103-107).
The → Bible did not fall from heaven in its final form, nor did God
dictate it to human scribes who copy it down mechanically. Rather,
“God chose certain men who ...made full use of their own faculties
and powers so that though he acted in them and by them, it was as
true authors that they consigned to writing whatever he wanted
written, and no more” (Second Vatican Council, DV 11). One factor
in recognizing particular texts as Sacred Scripture was their general
acceptance in the Church. In the Christian communities there had to
be a consensus: “Yes, through this text God himself speaks to us–
this is inspired by the Holy Spirit!” Which of the many original Christian writings are really inspred by the Holy Spirit has been defined
since the fourth century in the so-called → CANON of Sacred
Knight’s Corner
Pancake Breakfast is back - See you this
Sunday for Super Sundays !
Veteran’s Memorial mass SHC, November
11th, 7:00 pm
**Watch for details on future Family Nights
November 9th, Sunday Acts Bible study 11:15– 1:15 pm
November 11th, Tuesday Veterans Day. Mass 7:00pm
Sacred Heart Cathedral sponsored by KOC .
Pie & coffee
after Mass in the Basement Hall. Come to Pray for & honor our
Veteran's, their families & our great country.
November 12th, Wednesday Adoption Information Session,
FCA, 6:30-8:30 pm Noel Wien Library
ADORATION 3:00 - 8:00 pm
November 13th, Thursday
Prayer to Receive a New Bishop
As the process continues for the Pope to select the next bishop for
this diocese, we ask everyone to please pray the following
Praise to you, Lord our God, our eternal Shepherd
and guide. In your faithfulness, grant to the Diocese of
Fairbanks a shepherd whose watchful care and kindly zeal
will continue the good work of his predecessors. In your
love for us, give us a shepherd who will lead us in being
Christ’s heart of mercy, voice of hope, and hands of
justice. Help him to fill our minds and hearts with the truth
of the Gospel, the power of the sacraments, and the desire
to build up your holy Church. We ask this through Jesus
Christ, your Son and our Lord, in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen
1st Communion class 5:30 pm
November 15th, Saturday Parish BINGO NIGHT—POTLUCK
(after 5:30 pm mass) Details tba
November 16th, Sunday Confirmation Class 11:00-2:00 pm
Benedictine Group 1:30-3:00 pm Chancery Building ( info Betty Johnson)
November 18th, Tuesday PARISH COUNCIL MEETING ?? 6:30 pm
November 21st, Friday FAITH-FILM-FOOD @ ICC featuring
“God’s Not Dead” movie, potluck 6:30 pm: Movie starts 7:00 pm
November 22nd, Saturday 2nd Collection: CCHD
Spaghetti Dinner (after 5:30 pm mass) for Zim Kids… info to follow..
November 23rd, Sunday
2nd Collection: CCHD
Acts Bible study 11:15– 1:15 pm TEEN Mass 5:30 pm
Jr./Sr. High after mass
November 29th, Saturday Jr./Sr. High Elf Workshop tba
November 30th, Sunday 1st Sunday in Advent
December 6, Saturday SUPER SATURDAY 9:30 am—Noon
Holy Hour of Adoration at ICC
Pray with, and for our priests;
a new Bishop for our Diocese;
and for villages without priests!
Every Wednesday from 11:00am—Noon
followed by Mass at 12:10pm.
All are welcome!
Parish Finances - October 2014
Monthly Projected need: $16,422.25
Super Saturday December 7th…..
For all pre-K through 5th grade. Please join us from 9:3012:00 for our Religious Education program. We will break open
the Word, pray, sing, and learn about Jesus and His presence in
our everyday lives. All are welcome!
Acts Bible Study Adult bible study. After mass 11:15 am—1:15
pm. Next class November 9th All are welcome !!!!
Next class November 16th
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
pm, with class afterwards.
Meets Thursdays monthly. Potluck 5:30
Next class November 13th.
Jr./Sr. High meets Sunday November 23rd, after Teen mass
RCIA Are you interested in becoming CATHOLIC? Classes start
soon, please see Marie Martin or Nancy Gibson.
Calling all young adults
from 18 to 35, single or married! Miguel's
Feast and Faith
Restaurant on Airport Way, November 17th 7 to 9
PM. Subject Catholics & the Bible.
Dinner provided ! Questions: please call Kelle
Lynch-Baldwin, Diocesan Director of Youth and Young
Adult Ministry at 374-9542.
“Are you interested in learning Natural Family Planning? Classes
sponsored by the Couple to Couple League begin November. Go to to register and order course materials: call Marc and Ann Lee at
479-9004 for more information. “
May God bless
our Veterans!!!
Catholic Schools of Fairbanks, Opening for Assistant
Director, After School Program. Hours M-F, 12:00 PM 6:00 PM on days school is in session, summers for
Camp Comet. Contact & send resume, cover letter to
Catholic Schools of Fairbanks, ATTN: Kim Stokes, 615
Monroe Street, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 or email it
to [email protected]
Actual Receipts: Mass collections $9,317.16
We Share Collections $2,810.00
Shortage for October……$4,135.90
World Mission Sunday Special Collection $1,188.00
RE APPEAL collected this month: $1,355.00
Christmas in the Bush
Parish Finances - November 2014
Budgeted Annual Sunday/Holy Day Collections $197,067.00
Actual Receipts Year to date:
Monthly Projected Need: $16,422.25
Weekly Need: $4,135.90
Last week’s Mass Collections
We Share Collections
RE Appeal collected this month $470.00
Needed: new hats, gloves and scarves for children, youth;
Christmas art, craft materials, small new stuffed animals,
religious articles, Christmas treats. Deliver to the Chancery by
December 1. Donations for postage are also needed. For info:
Sr. Dorothy at [email protected] or 907-374-9572.
Coming soon: DENALI CENTER Christmas box
Please donate new items for their residents’
Christmas giving needs: scarfs, mittens, gloves….
Box will be in banquet hall…..
St. Mark's University Catholic Student Association retreat Saturday, November 15th,
House of Prayer on Chancery grounds. Young Adults in the University system, full or
part time, are invited to participate (between the ages of 18-30). Retreat Director will
be Fr. James Peak covering the topic of prayer. For more information contact Mary
Pat Boger at St. Mark's: [email protected]. Cost $10 per person; lunch provided.