Bulletin The Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Community Newsletter November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) 404 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 201.659.2276 www.spphoboken.com bit.ly/spphoboken spphoboken @spphoboken Vision Parish Office Hours PASTOR Stephanie Panzariello, BS [email protected] PARISH SECRETARY PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FOR ADMINISTRATION Karen Imbach, BA [email protected] Valerie Sorge, BA [email protected] FRONT DESK / RECEPTIONIST Karen Barisonek, MBA [email protected] BOOKKEEPER Sr Joann Marie Aumand, SCC, MA RCIA / FAITH FORMATION [email protected] PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Susan Francesconi, BA [email protected] DIRECTOR OF EVANGELIZATION DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP Louis Scarpa, MA [email protected] Matthew S Still, BA DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES [email protected] DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Max Colas, MSc [email protected] PUBLIC RELATIONS ASSOCIATE Matthew Fantau [email protected] Drew Stuart, MA BENEDICT XVI HOUSE INTERN [email protected] Ed Yruma CHAIR OF THE FINANCE COUNCIL Greg McDonald Katie Riley Geoffrey Scheer CANTORS Rose Perry Don Meyer TRUSTEES The Waterfront Project, inc 10 AM – 7 PM 10 AM – 5 PM Closed Wisdom 3:1–9 The author proclaims hope in the face of death and persecution. Though we may suffer in this world, the Lord’s mercy and salvation are ever near and present to the just. 7:30 AM – 7 PM 9 AM – 7 PM John 6:37–40 Jesus declares that he came to do only the Father’s will, which is to save all and raise those who believe to eternal life. Sunday Masses Vigil (Saturday) Sunday 5.30 PM (No music) 8 AM (Family Mass) 9 AM 10.30 AM 12 Noon 7 PM Monday Communion Service 12:10 PM Mass intentions originally scheduled for Monday will be rescheduled for the following Friday Tuesday Friday Mass 12:10 PM Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration 11 AM to 12 Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays Romans 5:5–11 Paul reminds us that Jesus died even for sinners. His reconciling and justifying acts prove his love, which remains in us through the Holy Spirit. Weekday readings Daily Liturgies First Thursday of the Month E FROM THE PA STO SSAG E R AM Sunday Readings To grow the Catholic Community of Ss Peter and Paul in faith, Monday Thursday hope, and love. Friday Mission Saturday – Sunday Ss Peter and Paul strives to be an inviting Catholic community, inspired by Jesus Christ, where we grow a rich sacramental life Church Hours through prayerful worship and service to our neighbors with one Sunday Friday another. Saturday Pastoral Team Msgr Robert S Meyer, Esq [email protected] EVERYDAY SAINTS 5:00 PM sharp Ministry for the Sick If you are aware of any parishioners who no longer can come to Church and would like to receive Communion and a visit from someone at our Parish please call the Parish Office. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing legal assistance to disadvantaged individuals. Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father Elizabeth F Caraballo, Esq FOUNDING DIRECTOR for November www.thewaterfrontproject.org Tel: 201.308.3986 General intention: Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the Hoboken Catholic Academy closeness of God and the support of others. Proud co-sponsor of Hoboken Catholic Academy Missionary intention: Mentors of semith 555 7 Street, Hoboken, NJ 201.963.9535 narians and religious. That young seminarMatthew McGrath, MA, MEd PRINCIPAL ians and religious may have wise and wellwww.hobokencatholic.org formed mentors. Monday St Martin de Porres Philippians 2:1–4 / PS 131:1BCDE, 2, 3 / Luke 14:12–14 Tuesday St Charles Borromeo Philippians 2:5–11 / PS 22:26B-27, 28-30AB, 30E, 31-32 / Luke 14:15–24 Wednesday Philippians 2:12–18 / PS 27:1, 4, 13-14 / Luke 14:25–33 Thursday Philippians 3:3–8 / PS 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 / Luke 15:1–10 Friday Philippians 3:17—4:1 / PS 122:1-2, 3-4AB, 4CD-5 / Luke 16:1–8 Saturday Philippians 4:10–19 / PS 112:1B-2, 5-6, 8A AND 9 / Luke 16:9–15 This Week's Mass Intentions Saturday, November 1 5:30 pm † Anna Roberts Sunday, November 2 All Souls Day All Masses † For all the Souls of the Faithful Departed Tuesday, November 4 12:10 pm Frances Rossi Wednesday, November 5 12:10 pm † Richard P. Metelski Thursday, November 6 12:10 pm † Diana & Patsy Toscano Friday, November 7 12:10 pm † John Salletto Saturday, November 8 5:30 pm † Joseph Mongan Sunday, November 9 8:00 am Louis P Gargiulo, Jr 9:00 am Rosa Montalvo and Rafael Roman 10:30 am † Deceased Members of the Rosary Society 12:00 pm † Dorothy and Patrick Mazzeo 7:00 pm † Fr Francis Hennessey The Bulletin – Contact: [email protected] – Please consider advertising on the back of the bulletin to help us maintain this free publication. For more information please contact J.S. Paluch Cp, Inc. at 1-800.524.0263 and reference bulletin 790250. Please also patronize our sponsors and let them know you saw their ad in The Bulletin. Thank you! Got photos of SPP events? Share them with us on Facebook or Instagram! You can also email them to [email protected] from your Camera Roll and choose "Full Size". As we delve deeper into the Fall, we have come to the annual requirement from the Archdiocese of Newark to "count" parishioners who attend each weekend and weekday mass. Every parish in the Archdiocese is asked each year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring to note how many people attend (and contribute) to each parish mass. As we prepare to do so, I remind you that these counts are important for us in order to substantiate the many services that we provide. In a small city like Hoboken, five Churches may in fact be too many for the Catholic population that actually "practices" their faith. Packed pews at the 9 AM Mass last week, as the Choir from Hoboken Catholic Academy leads the liturgical music. Vessels of Grace By Kathleen M BASI Shortly after the birth of my second child, who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome in the delivery room, my husband and I received a letter. It was from a man in our parish whom we didn’t know very well. In it, he shared his experience as the parent of a grown daughter with Down Syndrome. My husband and I wept as we read his heartfelt words and the contents of the spiritual bouquet he promised to offer on our behalf. It was healing for us, a touch of grace. From then until he died, he met us at the door of the church every Sunday with words of encouragement and snuggles for our daughter. In this way, his memory remains alive. That’s the beauty of the communion of saints. The dead can pray for us, and we can pray for them, but it’s more than that. We remember those who went before us by imitating their example of holy living. The giants, canonized or uncanonized, are not the only ones whose lives illuminate the path of holiness. The everyday saints who cross our paths often provide the most real examples to follow in daily living because their lives are just like ours. They, too, have mortgages and overflowing calendars, irritating coworkers, and children who push their buttons and break their hearts. Yet somehow they seem to possess a peace nothing can take away. Remember that woman who never let a harsh or judgmental word cross her lips…the grandparents who recited the rosary every day without fail and Please be sure to talk with your family and friends to encourage them to register, attend and support their parish, whichever it is and wherever it may be. In these days of tightening belts and using our resources in the best possible way, we need to be sure not to waste the time, talent and treasures entrusted to us. Here at Ss Peter and Paul, I have noted in the last few weeks, our own Sunday 7 pm mass has seen both a drop in attendance and in the basket collection. In order for us to sustain this mass into the future, we will need to substantially increase both. If this is a mass that you attend, please be sure to do your part and encourage others to join you. As always, thanks for your love and support of our parish. Fr Bob Second Collection today: Archdiocesan Assessment In 2014 this parish must pay $141,444 to the Archdiocese. That’s $11,787 per month. We need your help. Thank you for your generosity today and always. used it to pass the time on road trips…the uncle who was never too busy to help repair a faucet or mow the lawn? The world is full of these “little s” saints. In quiet, unobtrusive ways, they inspire us by taking the circumstances that feel overwhelming to us and use them as stairways to heaven. To honor them, we can imitate their example. Consider this: Your actions have a direct impact on the lives other people across the world. How you choose to spend and/or invest your money, the career you pursue, your participation or lack of participation in the democratic process all have positive or negative impact on the lives of others. Ensure that your influence makes a positive impact. If you use your influence to address the problems of today and you can help build the world of tomorrow. 7 Lessons from the Vatican’s Wild and Crazy Synod on the Family By David Gibson Religious News Service Pope Francis and senior Catholic leaders wrapped up their two-week Vatican summit on the challenges of modern family life on October 19 without reaching a consensus on a number of hot-button topics. So where does that leave Francis’ papacy? And the church? Here are seven takeaways: A midpoint status report on the debate among some 190 cardinals and bishops was described as a “pastoral earthquake” because of its unprecedented (for Catholic churchmen) language of welcome of and appreciation for gay people, as well as divorced-and-remarried Catholics and cohabiting couples. 2. Reformers may win the war That could be a Pyrrhic victory, one that cost more than it was worth. If the controversial passages did not reach the two-thirds benchmark they nonetheless won strong majorities. In addition, a growing number of reformminded bishops say they voted against the contentious proposals because they did not go far enough in emphasizing the church’s welcome, respect, and value for gays and lesbians. Many other synod participants, including Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, KY, head of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, also made A Soul’s Legacy By Susan FRANCESCONI Director of Evangelization [email protected] to piece together vignettes of life through historical records: addresses and occupations, the age and number of children, whether they rented or owned, if they lived in a flat, over a store, with other relatives or took in boarders, and whether they had received their sacraments. All of these things plus what was happening locally and globally helped me “know” them. For most, life was difficult. Many were poor. I located news clippings and obituaries for children hit by a streetcar, or runaway horse, or who succumbed to an illness that is no longer a threat. I learned about their neighbors and what part of town they lived in, and if they were active members of their church or community. In addition to facts, my research generated questions that had no answers, like how they spent their day, if they did acts of charity, who were the silent saints among them, and who might have been affected by a simple kindness, or a friendship between neighbors that changed a life for the better. Early in my marriage, when my husband was in law school, I decided to trace my family history. Stories about stout-hearted immigrant ancestors who scraped together the fare for passage, and willingly left their families and everything they knew for what they hoped was a better life used to break my heart. But those stories also inspired me. These were sturdy and brave souls; braced for whatever awaited them on the distant shore. I felt compelled to know them better because I shared some of those traits. 1. Hard-liners won the battle The media tsunami over that apparent breakthrough panicked conservatives, who waged an intense public and private campaign to make sure none of that language — apparently favored by Francis himself — made it into the synod’s final report. They succeeded, and even the few watered-down paragraphs on gays and remarried Catholics did not reach the two-thirds threshold needed for formal passage. Hard-liners claimed victory, and headlines spoke of Vatican “backtrack” and a “resounding defeat” for Francis that left his papacy “weakened.” COME, AND YOU WILL SEE... ...WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AN EVANGELIZING PEOPLE a point of using the language of welcome that had been rejected. Controversial efforts to alter church practice to allow remarried Catholics to receive Communion are also still in play, prominent church leaders said. Francis himself also made it clear at the end of the meeting that he wants the church to be open to “new things,” and he ordered that the “defeated” proposals still be included in the text. It is likely that over the next year or two he will also appoint more likeminded cardinals and bishops who will push for changes. 3. Change is hard Change is especially hard for the Roman Catholic Church, which likes to present itself — and its teachings — as immutable. But history shows that doctrine has changed (or “developed,” as theologians say) and many synod participants reiterated that teachings could, and should, be adapted for today’s new family realities. Still, finding the theological language to justify such shifts, and the pastoral mechanisms to carry them out, is difficult. The bishops meeting in Rome (those who weren’t opposed to any changes) were all over the map when it came to specifics, and it may take time to settle on acceptable solutions, if there are any. 4. Catholicism is ‘flirting with an Anglican moment’ That’s a phrase New York Times columnist Ross Douthat used on Twitter in discussing the resistance of African bishops to what they saw as the synod’s focus on Western concerns like divorce and homosexuality, and efforts to adapt church teaching on those issues in ways that the African churches would not accept. The Anglican Communion is the global network of 38 autonomous member churches with some 80 million members — including the 2 million-member Episcopal Church, its US branch. Anglicans have been divided almost to the point of breaking as African churches have rejected moves by Western members to open the sacraments to gays and lesbians. That dynamic is also a risk for Rome, as African Catholicism is also growing in size and influence. Two key differences, however: About 16 percent of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics live in Africa, whereas well over half of all Anglicans are from Africa, and they have a far greater say in the future direction of Anglicanism. In addition, Catholic proposals to be more welcoming to gays are a far cry from the changes pursued by some Anglican churches. 5. Speech is free Amid all the lobbying and armchair analysis, it’s important to step back and realize that in the three decades before Francis was elected pope, bishops, priests and theologians could have been investigated, censured, silenced or fired for many of the ideas that were being openly discussed at the synod.That is perhaps the real earthquake, and it’s one that Francis himself wanted. 6. Talk is cheap On the other hand, be careful what you pray for. Francis has long urged Catholics to say what they think without fear of reprisals. Opening the synod, he again reminded the participants that he had just one condition for their talks: “Speak clearly. Let no one say: ‘This you cannot say.’“ 7. Francis is the “Pope of Process” That’s what Grant Gallicho of Commonweal magazine called the pontiff. Francis and his fellow Jesuits might prefer to characterize his method as “discernment.” Either way, it means that this synod was not the end, but the beginning. Nothing has been decided.Pull up a chair. Discernment can be entertaining as well as enlightening. At that time there were no online immigration records. Research involved letter writing, contacting distant relatives for copies of pictures, marriage licenses, birth certificates, and the hand written details inside the old family bible. It included working with translators who could communicate with village churches in the old country, and countless Saturdays spent in the New York Public Library combing through rolls of microfilm for census records, city directories, and vital records. It involved studying maps and taking road trips. It was a treasure hunt that led me to an amazing discovery. I discovered a profound level of human connection that revealed our divine union with God. I realized what I was doing was in fact honoring the lives of those who had passed—ultimately honoring God, of whose great plan they were a part. Were it not for this divine union we would not exist. I honor them with my prayers in a special way on All Souls Day. Remember, the legacy we create begins with living in right relationship; it dwells deeply in the life of every single person with whom we share a moment, a kindness, or a generous act, as well as in the things we do to ensure a future for those souls who are with us and those yet to be born. Happy All Souls Day. My research began with my four grandparents, which turned into sixteen extended families. On and on it went. Through the process of collecting and weaving bits of data into family stories I actually developed a relationship with my ancestors. I felt I knew them somehow, and I did. Incredibly, I was able I do! I do! Theology Thursday All are invited to attend a New Program that is beginning in November. “I take you... to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” With these brief words a marriage becomes a living symbol of God’s unfailing love and fidelity. The couple gives and receives their consent not only to one another before God, but to the whole church. With that in mind we ask all parishioners to keep the following couples in your prayers as they prepare to be wed this weekend, and that their life together will be a true sign of God’s love to the world. John Maydick & Lindsay Gallagher November 8, 2014 We first met in 2002, however it wasn’t until seven years later that we went on our first date. Since then we’ve pretty much been inseparable. Some of the things we love to do include being with our friends & families; summers at “the shore”; and enjoying our downtime in Hoboken. Our new spirituality program is called “Theology Thursday”. Beginning November 6, immediately following the 9:30 Liturgy at St Lawrence you are invited to attend our “Theology Thursday” program. Susan Francesconi and Sr Joann Marie will take turns leading the sessions. “Theology Thursday” will consists of two themes: Susan will facilitate a study about The Gospel of Mark, as this is the Gospel that will be read on Sundays during this coming Liturgical year. Sr Joann Marie will consider A Look at the Saints. During these sessions various Saints in the Church will be discussed and talked about. “Theology Thursday” will take place at the St Lawrence Community Center on Thursdays after the 9:30 Liturgy — until 11 AM and is open t parishioners from St Lawrence and Ss Peter and Paul. UNDERSTANDING OUR FAITH Real Presence Following is a brief explanation of the term and of the beliefs Catholics hold concerning the “Blessed Sacrament”. the tabernacle is indicated by the burning candle in the sanctuary light located near the tabernacle. Because of our belief in the Real Presence, Catholics show signs of reverence such as genuflecting or bowing toward the tabernacle on entering and leaving the church as well as a reverent, low toned, demeanor while in the church when the Blessed Sacrament is present. The words: “Be still and know that I am God...”(Ps 46) comes to mind. Since the Last Supper, when Jesus broke the bread and distributed the wine, saying, “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood”, Catholics have believed that the bread and wine are no longer merely bread and wine, but are the actual presence of Jesus in His resurrected, glorified state. We also believe that Jesus, through the action of the priest in the act of consecration during Mass (the Liturgy of the Eucharist), changes the substance of bread (usually in the form of a wafer or “host”) and wine into His living presence. The Blessed Sacrament, also called Holy Eucharist, is received by the faithful in Holy Communion. Many Catholics find that being in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament is a source of comfort and consolation and consider frequent meditation and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament exposed (displayed in the ornate vessel called the monstrance) to be a path to spiritual growth. This devotional practice is known as Eucharistic Adoration. We believe that the Real Presence of Jesus in the form of the Blessed Sacrament does not end when Communion is complete. The Blessed Sacrament, in the form of consecrated hosts, is reserved in the tabernacle. The presence of the Eucharistic Jesus in “To err is human, to forgive, divine.” This quote from Alexander Pope touches on one of the basic facts of human existence. There are times in our lives when we stray from the right path. We turn away from God as we pursue of our own plans and desires and, inevitably, we make mistakes. However, whenever we stray and fall into sin, even for an extended period of time, we can turn back to the God. God the Son became a human being in the person Jesus Christ. While he wants us to work toward perfection, He understands that human nature is flawed. This is why Jesus gave the Church the sacrament for Reconciliation: to ensure that, while we live, we can always turn away from sin and back to Him. At his first Angelus as pope in March of 2013, Pope Francis said, “God never tires of forgiving us. It is we who tire of asking for forgiveness.” While Francis’ words remind us that God is always willing to forgive us, they also point out that guilt, despair, pride, and other factors prevent us from seeking and accepting His forgiveness. A short story will illustrate this point. One of my acquaintances, Jay, is the kind of person whose presence who brightens up a room. Despite being 87, he is full of energy; his jokes, jovial personality, and inspirational advice manage bring joy and hope to those around him. This being the case, I was surprised one day when Jay told me that it was only within the last seven years that his life should October 1: Saint Therese of the Child Jesus had childlike love and trust in God. She is known for showering roses upon the earth. Can you find her holding a rose? October 2: The Holy Guardian Angels. Each one of us has a guardian angel protecting us and watching over us. How many angels can you find? October 4: St Francis of Assisi founded the order of Franciscans and lived simply with the animals, the poor, be focused on God and others before himself. He claimed he had made some serious mistakes before coming to this realization and now feared it was too late to turn back to God and truly be forgiven. Despite his seemingly positive personality, Jay really believed he was beyond God’s mercy. I assured him that it was never too late to seek God’s mercy, but it occurred to me that the real problem was he had not forgiven himself. Shortly after this conversation, I came to realize that many people face a similar dilemma. They refuse to forgive themselves and therefore assume that God will not forgive them either. It’s as if they believe God’s mercy has a deadline and that after this “deadline” passes, they can no longer turn back to Him for help. In reality, it is at times such as these that we need to reach out to God the most, lest we sink into despair. Remember, He cares for humanity so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to show us His infinite love. Jesus did this by humbly suffering and dying on the cross, thereby defeating sin. This eternal sacrifice restored our relationship with God, ensuring we can always ask for His forgiveness; we experience its power every time we receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. However, while there is never a point in life in which it is too late to seek God’s mercy, we must remember to forgive ourselves if we truly want to accept His forgiveness. ing a ruler? October 6: St Bruno taught theology and founded the Carthusian order. He was the assistant to Pope Urban II. Can you find him reading a book? October 7: Our Lady of the Rosary. Pope St Pius V attributed this naval victory to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary after a campaign to pray the Rosary throughout Europe. Can you find a rosary? October 6: Blessed Marie Rose Durocher was the 10th of 11 children. She helped found the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, who serve as teachers. Can you find a sister hold- October 9: St Denis was a missionary to Paris, France, and became the first bishop of Paris. He was martyred by beheading. Can you find a boy pretending to be headless? October 9: St John Leonardi is the patron saint of pharmacists. Can you find a volunteer taking some medicine? October 14: St Callistus I. Pope Zephyrinus put Callistus in charge of the Roman burial grounds, and today this is called the Cemetery of St Callistus. Can you find the tombstone decorations? October 15: St Teresa of Jesus was a mystical writer and is a doctor of the Church. Can you find her holding a pen? October 16: St Margaret Mary Alacoque spread devotion to the Sacred Heart. Can you find an image of the Sacred Heart? October 17: St Ignatius of Antioch was captured and brought to Rome to be killed by wild animals. Can you find a lion? CONFERENCES & EVENTS American Bible Society and America cordially invite you to a talk with N T Wright, Leading New Testament Scholar, Professor and Author on “Paul and the Powerful Word: Gospel, Community, Mission”. October 18: St Luke was a Gospel writer. He is often shown with an ox because it is a symbol of sacrifice. Can you find a bull? The conference will take place on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 AT 6:30PM at American Bible Society, 1865 Broadway, New York. Reception to follow. The event is free and open to the Public. Please respond by November 15th to Margaret Sarci, American Bible Society at [email protected] October 20: St Paul of the Cross founded the Passionists. Can you find a priest holding a cross? October 22: St John Paul II had a special devotion to the Divine Mercy. Can you find the Divine Mercy image? October 23: St John of Capistrano lead an army of 70,000 Christian soldiers in the Crusades. Can you find a soldier? An Annulment Information Evening is scheduled for Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 7:30 PM-Saint John the Apostle Church, 1805 Penbrook Terrace, Linden. A staff member of the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Newark will provide basic information about annulments; the requirements for annulments and how to begin the process of petitioning for an annulment. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session. Pre-registration is not necessary, but for directions, please call the parish at 908.486.6363. Hudson Catholic Mothers’ Guild Annual Fall Auction WILL TAKE PLACE ON Sunday November 9, 2014 AT 12 Noon in the Casino in the Park, Jersey City. The Alumni Moms will present Hudson Catholic Mothers’ Guild Annual Fall Auction Celebrating 50 Years. For more information please contact Judy Waddleton at 201.659.4641 and the lepers. Can you find St Francis holding a bird, the “wolf” of Gubbio, and his friend the Turkish Sultan? October 16: St Hedwig. After her husband’s death, she gave away her fortune and entered the monastery. Can you find a girl giving away chocolate coins? Join us on the first Thursday of every month at 11 AM for a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration. Does God’s Mercy Have a Deadline? By Drew STUART Find it! It’s Halloween and the students in the picture are dressing up in costumes as their favorite saints. See if you can identify the saints and symbols of October. October 24: St Anthony Mary Claret spread devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Can you find an image of the Immaculate Heart? October 28: Ss Simon and Jude. St Jude is the patron of hopeless causes, and St Simon is the patron of woodcutters. Find a club and a saw. Via: RTJ’s Creative Catechist Magazine Also, find these characters from the bible, Moses, Noah, Elisha (he has a crow on his shoulder) Joseph (see his stripped coat) and just for fun find a Brontosaurus, 4 ghosties, Zita the Space Girl, a Pirate, and a Cyberman. ALL SOULS DAY We Remember Our Faithful Departed for the Past Year †Anna Roberts †Maureen Heslin †Ellen MacPorcelli †Vinko Perkoviv †Milos Dostal †Gertrude Kelly †Charles A Lallo Sr †Minarni Lilis †Mitilde Herrera †Veronica Garvin †Edward Bracero †Florence Frustieri †Ricardo Pineda †Bernice McDonough †Clara Cattaneo †AnneMarie Trapp Dreyer †Margaret A Erhardt †Robert J Murillo †Carlos Albert Moreno †Xavier Hernandez †Onofrio Tattoli We also remember the recently departed retired members from the Hoboken Police and Fire Departments: †Police Captain Rafael "Ray" Cruz, Jr †Fire Captain Joseph F Montecalvo †Police Lieutenant Harry J Pinkman †Firefighter John J Huelbig †Police Sergeant James "Jimmy" Mancuso †Firefighter George F Schlereth †Police Officer Harry Huncken †Firefighter George Hendricks †Firefighter Willie L Pittman All will be remembered in a Memorial Mass in November. SOCIAL JUSTICE SUNDAY Bring Your Donated Food Items to Church Next Week As part of our Social Justice Sundays (the second Sunday of the month) SPP takes up a collection for a local charity. Please take some time to go shopping this week and bring your donated items to church next Sunday for our neighbors at St Matthew-Trinity Lunch Time Ministry, Hudson Street, Hoboken. Each day, the ministry serves lunch to many guests. Your donated non-perishable items are very much needed. Drop off your items at mass on November 8 & 9. Please do not bring items to the church office. Thank you again for your generosity. Parish Calendar Saturday, November 1 All Saints Day 3 PM Wedding: Corvino — Richichi 5 PM Confessions Sunday, November 2 All Souls Day — Also: Daylight Saving Time ends Monday, November 3 4:15 PM Jr Girl Scouts 12881 / Daisy 12006 6:30 PM Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting 7:00 PM Finance Council Meeting Tuesday November 4 1:00 PM Piano Tuning 5:30 PM ACOA Meeting 6:00 PM Hoboken Shelter Ministry Wednesday November 5 10:00 AM Stay. Play. Pray. Weds Morning Mom's Group 7:30 PM Choir rehearsal Thursday November 6 9:30 AM Theology Thursday (at St Lawrence Community Center, 22 Hackensack Avenue, Weehawken) 1:00 PM Rosary Society Meeting 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal: Van Steenbergen — Alvarez 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Open House Friday, November 7 3:00 PM Wedding: Van Steenbergen — Alvarez 5:00 PM Wedding rehearsal: Maydick — Gallagher Saturday, November 8 3 PM Wedding: Maydick — Gallagher 5 PM Confession Sunday, November 9 Tickets available at tiny.cc/relay 09 AM Breaking Open the Word 10 AM Faith Formation — Family Assembly Relay For Life Cocktail Party Please join us for a cocktail party and silent auction to support the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Hoboken. The tickets include passed and stationed appetizers provided by the Hoboken Gourmet Company and a selection of wines and beers as well as the opportunity to bid on amazing silent auction items. The event will also include live entertainment throughout the evening and will be a fun way to support the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Hoboken. If you have more questions please call us at 201.457.3418 Ext 2207. For more than 25 years, people from communities have joined together at a Relay For Life event to raise funds that support the American Cancer Society’s efforts. Relay For Life is a team event dedicated to building community spirit and honoring loved ones who are affected by the disease. We Share Hope Stewardship and Financial Responsibility We ask a minimum of one hour’s wage from each working parishioner weekly. Why one hour? The first hour of the work week is given to God, imbuing our work with a sense of sacredness and gratitude. This is a spiritual approach to work and stewardship. By Daniel J FINUCANE, PHD Yesterday was All Saints’ Day, when we celebrate the saints. Today is All Souls’ Day, the day we hope and pray that everyone who has gone before us is or will be with God. Catholics do a thing that others, including other Christians, find very strange: We talk to “the faithful departed.” There is a logic behind our practice. When humans are particularly nervous, we ask for help. Sometimeswe go directly to the person who can help us, and sometimes we ask others to intercede for us. Most people who believe in God pray, so we might ask, “Mom, I have a test tomorrow, will you pray for me?” (You can bet she is also praying as you drive out of town for spring break.) Do we know how prayer works? No. Do we know it matters? Yes. Instead of asking our friends to pray for us, could we go directly to God? Of course. No doubt we do that anyway. So why do we look to other people? Because we are all in this together. We care about each other. Of course, Christ has the central place in our prayer life. He is our intercessor. He is also the one who taught us to pray with and for each other. When we pray, we have a lot of company. Other types of Christians pray for each other. Folks from a lot of ancient faiths prayed for each other. So what makes Catholics different? We talk to people who are dead. And here is why. We don’t think they’re dead. They were joined with Christ and with us when they were here. Are they any less concerned for us now? Of course not. So we ask them, saints and nonsaints Knights of Columbus Open House Have you ever wanted to give your faith a more central role in your life? Are you looking for ways to put your Catholic faith into action? Do you want access to some of the best life insurance policies in the US? Would you to join a social organization that will help you do all these things and more? If so, come to the Knights of Columbus Open House here at Ss Peter and Paul for more information. The Open House will take place on Thursday, November 6, 2014, at 7 PM in the Waterfront Room. Come learn about: The benefits of joining the Knights of Columbus. What being a Knight entails. How to join the Knights. Hosted by Neal McGarrity For a convenient guide on how much is one hour's wage for you, please go to: spphoboken. com/donate Average weekly e-giving contribution: $8,071 This represents 62% of our weekly expenses. October 26, 2014 Weekly average expense : $13,050 Basket Collection (121 envs): $6,745 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Cumulative expenses: $221,850 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Cumulative Collection: $217,127 Deficit for the fiscal year so far: $4,723 CORPORATE MATCHING alike, to intercede on our behalf with God. Christ triumphed over death—his and ours. He is our hope. In the body of Christ, we share hope. Make YOUR donation dollars go further for Ss Peter and Paul Many employers offer employees the opportunity to make contributions to charitable organizations such as Ss Peter and Paul Church (SPP) through: IHA Open House Immaculate Heart Academy will be hosting an Open House on Wednesday, November 5 from 6:30–8 PM. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the school, the curriculum, and IHA’s athletic, art and extracurricular programs. Members of our administration, faculty, and coaching staff will be on hand to answer questions. Online preregistration is requested at www.ihanj.com. Call 20l-4456800 for more information. IHA is located at 500 Van Emburgh Ave. Township of Washington, NJ 07676. The Academy of Saint Elizabeth Open House Where can AOSE take you? Find out at our Open House at 2 Convent Station, Convent Station on Thursday, November 6, (7-9 pm) For more information please visit aosenj.org Miraculous Medal Novena The Shrine of the Miraculous Medal will host their prayers, Homily & Benediction in afternoons and Annual Solemn Novena (Nine Days of Prayer), No- evenings. Confessions heard on Mondays and vember 17th to 25th with Fr Michael Whalen, CM. Thursday. Join us at the Miraculous Medal Shrine, The Theme is: The Hail Mary: Prayer of Angels, Saints, 500 E Chelten Ave, Philadelphia. Free and secure and Sinners. Mass, homily and Novena prayers at parking is always available. Visit www.Miraculous- 7 am, 9am, & 12pm daily except Sunday. Novena Medal.org for more details. 1. Payroll withholding deposited into the employer controlled trust account(s) 2. Credit card donations deposited into the employer's controlled trust account(s) 3. Personal checks paid to the employer's controlled trust account(s) 4. Matching gifts 5. Paid work days to serve as a volunteer You may also designate the Waterfront Project, Inc (WFP) as your charity of choice. SPP is a major sponsor of WFP, an independent non-profit providing legal assistance to the underserved. Contact Lou Scarpa, parish development director at [email protected] or 201-659-2276 x306 for more information. Your gift combine with your company's philanthropy is a perfect match for SPP. Thank you! E A R L F. B O S W O R T H F U N E R A L H O M E “Serving the Community Since 1917” ~ Family Owned Pre-need Counseling for Medicaid • Revocable and Irrevocable Funeral Trusts James L. Bosworth, Manager, NJ Lic. 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